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09-04 投稿


bicycling 发音

英:[?ba?s?kl??]  美:[?ba?s?kl??]

英:  美:

bicycling 中文意思翻译




bicycling 短语词组

1、health benefits of bicycling ─── 骑自行车对健康的好处

2、bicycling benefits ─── 骑自行车的好处

3、bicycling magazine ─── 自行车杂志

4、bicycling calories burned ─── 骑自行车消耗的热量

5、bicycling music ─── 自行车音乐

6、bicycling in scottsdale ─── 在斯科茨代尔骑自行车

7、bicycling movie ─── 自行车电影

8、bicycling is a good exercise ─── 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼

9、bicycling efficiency ─── 自行车效率

10、bicycling accident ─── 自行车事故

bicycling 词性/词形变化,bicycling变形

动词第三人称单数: bicycles |动词过去分词: bicycled |名词: bicycler |动词现在分词: bicycling |动词过去式: bicycled |

bicycling 相似词语短语

1、bicyclical ─── 自行车的

2、bicyclic ─── adj.[化学]二环的;两圈的

3、upcycling ─── n.升级再造

4、bicyclists ─── n.骑脚踏车者

5、tricycling ─── n.[车辆]三轮车

6、recycling ─── n.(资源、垃圾的)回收利用;v.回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词)

7、bickering ─── n.争吵;争论;v.争吵(bicker的ing形式)

8、bicyclist ─── n.骑脚踏车者

9、cycling ─── n.骑脚踏车消遣;骑脚踏车兜风

bicycling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bicycling is good exercise; moreover, it doesn't pollute the air. ─── 骑自行车是一种很好的运动,此外,还不污染空气。

2、bicycling, swimming, playing tennis, weight training, and doing yoga. ─── 骑自行车,游泳,打网球,举重,还有瑜珈。

3、Best wishes for your sports men at 2008 Beijing Olympic games. they did good job.especially at tennis ball and bicycling. ─── 另外对贵国家在北京奥运会上的自行车和网球运动员的出色表现表示祝贺。

4、Guy texting while bicycling crashes into a tree and suffers head injury. ─── 还有一个家伙一边骑自行车一边发短信,撞到了一棵树上,结果脑袋受了伤。

5、Committee for Safe Bicycling ─── 骑车安全委员会

6、Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesn't pollute the air. ─── 骑脚踏车是很好的运动;而且还不污染环境。

7、Bicycling suit is in fashion in those days. ─── 做一套自行车服怎么样。

8、Do you enjoy bicycling? ─── 你喜欢自行车运动吗?

9、.. kayaking, sailing and camping.I do some sports;skiing, running, bicycling, iceskating. ─── 热情、兴趣以及爱好 I like everything related to the nature.

10、One or two others are bicycling from the direction of the boma, the administrative centre. ─── 自行政中心方向有一两个人骑着自行车来。

11、Bicycling is the latest fitness craze to hit America and it has brought a windfall to bicycle accessory makers. ─── 骑自行车最近风靡美国,它也让自行车零配商发了笔横财。

12、In the long run bicycling will still be a necessary and economical supplement to the various modes of public transport provided in China the kingdom of bicycles. ─── 为下文“自行车与汽车争道”的详细阐明埋下伏笔,为后续段落的展开打下基础。

13、My brother usually goes bicycling twice a week. ─── 我弟弟通常一周两次骑脚踏车兜风。

14、Now, bicycling across a country to raise money for a charity or to advertise a cause is also popular. ─── 如今,骑单车横越整个国家以便筹募慈善捐款或宣传某种目标,也都很流行。

15、Bicycling was a great way to get the kids out of the house and into the fresh air without spending any money. ─── 骑自行车是个好方法,不用花一分钱就能让孩子们走出家门,呼吸新鲜空气。

16、Although in recent years new and big dieselbuses are being put in service, bicycling has grown steadily. ─── 虽然近几年来,新的大马力的柴油公共汽车投入了使用,骑自行车的人还是在稳步上升。

17、CS) Whether hitchhiking to work or bicycling across the country, Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly always found strangers willing to help him. ─── 俗话说:自助者天助,其实,获得陌生人的慷慨并没有我们想的那么困难,只要我们能够坦诚而又谦虚,奇迹总是会发生的...

18、Protective Headgear Used in Bicycling ─── 骑脚踏车防护帽

19、The top choices for outdoor fun are, listed in order of popularity: bicycling, fishing, trail running, hiking, camping and paddling. ─── 户外娱乐中最受欢迎的项目依次是自行车、钓鱼、郊外跑步、徒步旅行、露营和划舟。

20、All of the bicycling magazines raved about the performance of Dura-Ace SIS. ─── 所有关于杜拉性能王牌SIS的咆哮的自行车杂志。

21、Amateur Bicycling League of America ─── 美国业余自行车联合会

22、Which sport do you prefer , skiing or bicycling? ─── 滑雪和骑自行车你更喜欢那个运动?

23、Bicycling Doesnt Need to be a Pain in the Back ─── 骑车产生的疼痛与不适跟车骑行技术

24、In Scandinavia, royal figures endear themselves to their people by bicycling around just like everyone else; in Britain and Monaco, an omnipresent press spotlights the heir to the British throne. ─── 在英国和摩洛哥,无所不在的新闻界,使王位继承人成为众所瞩目的焦点。

25、An adult bicycling on his way out of town could have yelled at them from the road, asking why they were not in school. ─── 一个从镇上骑自行车过来的男人本该从路上叫她们一声,问一下她们为什么不上学。

26、So all over America, young people started skateboarding and bicycling. ─── 在美国,年轻人开始玩儿滑板和自行车运动。

27、Although in recent years new and big diesel buses are being put in service,bicycling has grown steadily. ─── 虽然近几年来,新的大马力的柴油公共汽车投入了使用,骑自行车的人还是在稳步上升。

28、inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips). ─── 有关当局办的价格便宜的学生宿舍(多指为骑自行车旅行的青年所设的招待所)。

29、Is Bicycling Bad for Your Bones? ─── 骑自行车会对骨骼有害么?

30、Specification for Protective Headgear Used in Bicycling ─── 自行车运动中使用的防护帽规范

31、Mountain bikes and indexed shifting were major changes that took over the bicycling market in about two years. ─── 山地自行车和索引转移是,过去骑自行车市场在两年的重大变化。

32、Kimura, 48, says there are the little things that his family of four does to squeeze fuel bills, like reusing warm bath water to wash laundry and bicycling to buy groceries. ─── (日本人习惯于将身体沐浴冲洗干净之后,再放一池干净的热水浸泡身体,放松身心。

33、Walking like swimming, bicycling and running, is an aerobic exercise, which builds the capacity for energy output and physical endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to skin and muscles. ─── 和游泳、骑自行车、跑步一样,散步是一种有氧运动,通过增加向皮肤和肌肉输氧来增强能量输出和身体耐久能力。

34、"I grew up in Korea and studied accounting.I worked at an accounting firm for two years and I enjoy bicycling and jogging. ─── “我成长起来的韩国和研究,会计,我任职于一家会计师事务所为两年和我喜欢骑自行车和慢跑” 。

35、Bicycling from Weifang to Jinan will take 15 hours, but for Hu who is almost 70 years old, the journey is not a big deal. ─── 从潍坊到济南骑自行车大概需要15个小时,但是对于这位70岁的老人而言,不在话下。

36、Activities range from “heart-attack” rope-swing drops into swimming holes to downhill bicycling adventures; ─── 活动包括从可引发“心脏病”的绳索荡秋千落入天然游泳池洞,到下坡单车之旅;

37、Guy talking on cell phone walks into street sign, also lacerating his head.Guy texting while bicycling crashes into a tree and suffers head injury. ─── 一个家伙一边走路一边发短信,撞到了电话亭,结果不省人事。

38、TORONTO (Reuters) - "Forgive me a freakout moment here, " I wrote to a woman's-only Internet bicycling forum I've been posting on for years. ─── 路透多伦多7月6日电---“请原谅,我要发疯了。”我在一家只向女性开放的网上自行车论坛中写到。

39、Ellen: We might be going bicycling. ─── 艾伦:我们可以骑自行车啊。

40、9I. Go bicycling together, even if it's just a short ride. ─── 就算路程很短,也一起走一段。

41、Bicycling doesn't pollute the air. ─── 骑脚踏车不污染环境。

42、Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and I feel energetic about different kinds of outdoor activities such as jogging, bicycling, swimming, hiking and camping. ─── 花儿绽放,鸟儿歌唱,各种各样的户外活动我觉得都充满活力,比如轻推、骑车、游泳、徒步旅行以及露营。

43、Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it is easy to learn. ─── 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式, 并且还容易学。

44、A crowd of bicycl ist are resting and to chat ting on the distant grassplot. on the grass some distance away. ─── 一帮竞速车选手坐在远处的草地上休息聊天。

45、It's different in the West.In Scandinavia, royal figures endear themselves to their people by bicycling around just like everyone else; ─── 在西方就不同了,北欧王室人物受到人民的爱戴,像其他每个人一样,骑著脚踏车到处转。

46、He offers tips for mass transit, walking, bicycling, and more. ─── 他提供了利用公共交通、徒步、自行车等各种各样的点子。

47、Angel Island Company offers a number of activities, such as bicycling, sailing and surfing. ─── 天使岛公司提供许多活动,例如骑单车、出帆和冲浪。

48、To see Tom trying bicycling is enough to make a cat laugh. ─── 看到汤姆学骑自行车的样子,真叫人笑掉牙。

49、inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips) ─── 有关当局办的价格便宜的学生宿舍(多指为骑自行车旅行的青年所设的招待所)

50、Elite runners of the past rarely used nonimpact forms of cardio training, such as bicycling, to boost their running. ─── 过去很少有跑步精英使用到无压的心脏训练(例如骑自行车)来提升他们的跑步能力。

51、9I. Go bicycling together, even if it's just a short ride. ─── 就算路程很短,也一起走一段。

52、If you like outdoor activities, Norway is great. You can enjoy skiing (downhill and cross-country), snowboarding, rafting, climbing, bicycling and many more. ─── 如果你喜欢户外活动,那挪威最好不过了。你可以享受滑雪(斜坡滑雪和越野滑雪)、滑雪板、漂流、爬山、骑车以及其它更多运动所带来的乐趣。

53、Jimmy: I haven't gone bicycling for a long time . ─── 吉米:我已经好久没骑过自行车了。

54、Swimming, hanging upside down, sprint bursts, bicycling with an elevated seat, and certain back stretches are just the tip of the ice burg, but all of these will stimulate growth. ─── 像游泳,引体向上,赛车,骑高座自行车,以及一些背部拉伸运动都只是冰山一角。,但都可以促进长高。

55、She was, and remained, extremely sociable, enjoying dancing, golf, tennis, skating, and bicycling. ─── 她以前是,现在依然是极其好交际,喜欢跳舞、打高尔夫、打网球、滑冰和骑自行车。

56、The sport middle-aged American people like to do are aerobics, bicycling, swimming, playing tennis, weight training, and doing yoga. ─── 中年美国人喜欢的体育项目有增氧体操,骑自行车,游泳,打网球,举重,还有瑜珈。

57、for both leisure and exercise, adults may go bicycling; ─── 关于休閒和运动这两方面,成人可以骑脚踏车;

58、on a cool evening,bicycling home from a food co-op,where he works,with a backpack full of organic groceries, ─── 一个凉爽的夜晚,没有汽车的科克帕特里克从他工作的合作社骑行回家,

59、An athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events, usually long-distance swimming, bicycling, and running. ─── 三项全能运动:一种体育竞赛,其中参加者必须在三个连续的项目中不停顿地进行比赛,一般包括长距离游泳,骑自行车和赛跑。

60、Aerobic exercise includes aerobics, swimming, bicycling and running. ─── 有氧运动包含有氧舞蹈,游泳,骑单车及跑步。

61、"bicycling parking increase" - Not even close. ─── “增加自行车位”-不着边际。

62、Rural town roads and many county roadways provideexcellent routes for bicycling in the county. ─── 乡镇公路和许多乡村公路为骑自行车提供更为出色的自行车路线。

63、If you like outdoor activities, Norway is great. You can enjoy skiing( downhill and cross-country), snowboarding, rafting, climbing, bicycling and many more. ─── 如果你喜欢户外活动,那挪威最好不过了。你可以享受滑雪(坡滑雪和越野滑雪)滑雪板、流、山、车以及其它更多运动所带来的乐趣。

64、” While the rest of us were playing, bicycling, reading and just loafing, this girl skated ---- every day after school and all weekend. ─── 当我们其余的人在玩耍、骑车、读书或悠闲地消磨时光时,这个女孩却在滑冰----每天放学后以及整个周末都在滑。

65、short-distance bicycling ─── 短距离自行车

66、3 During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities like carrying light loads, bicycling at a regular pace, or doubles tennis? ─── 最近7天里,你花多少时间做适度的身体活动,像是提轻的物品、正常的速度骑脚踏车或网球双打?

67、Bicycling is very popular here in the good weather month of the year walking and we have our own transport services in Morris which take you from door to door. ─── 自行车在这也很方便,一年中好的季节里,步行也可以,莫里斯的公共交通几乎可以提供门到门的服务。

68、Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it does not pollute the air. ─── 骑脚踏车是很好的运动; 而且还不污染环境。

69、During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities like aerobics, running, fast bicycling, or fast swimming in your leisure time? ─── 最近7天期间,在休閒时你有多少天从事强而有力的身体活动,像是有氧运动、跑步、快骑单车或快泳等活动?

70、Bicycling is good exercise; besides, it does not pollute the air. ─── 骑自行车时一种很好的运动,而且,还不污染空气。

71、"Although in recent years new and big diesel buses are being put in service, bicycling has grown steadily." ─── "虽然近几年来,新的大马力的柴油公共汽车投入了使用,骑自行车的人还是在稳步上升。"

72、I grew up in Korea and studied accounting. I worked at an accounting firm for two years and I enjoy bicycling and jogging. ─── “我成长起来的韩国和研究,会计,我任职于一家会计师事务所为两年和我喜欢骑自行车和慢跑”。

73、The exercise intervention consisted of stationary bicycling for 10 minutes six times daily for two weeks while in the hospital. ─── 运动的介入是在医院中每日六次,每次十分钟的固定式脚踏车,持续两周。

74、Shelly can hold her own when it comes to bicycling. ─── 一涉及到骑自行车,谢利就不会败给别人。

75、Rural roads had been deteriorating in the late 19th century and urban devotees of the new sport of bicycling were among the first to notice and call for improvements. ─── 19世纪后期,乡村公路状况开始恶化,而热衷于自行车这一新型运动的都市人首先注意到这个问题,并呼吁进行维护。

76、Bicycling around with his rucksack stuffed with photographic equipment, Sander would approach startled strangers if they interested him as suitable “types” for his pet project. ─── 桑德骑着自行车到处游走,帆布背包里则装着摄影器具,如果他发现哪位陌生人能成为他的摄影事业项目的合适“类型”,他就会接近他们,尽管时而会引起些许惊慌。

77、When did you start bicycling? ─── 你什么时候开始骑脚踏车的?

78、Choose continuous activity such as walking, swimming, bicycling (indoors or out), skiing, aerobic dancing or any other activities in which you need to move large muscle groups continuously. ─── 选择连续活动,如散步,游泳,骑自行车(或在室内) ,滑雪,健美操或其他任何活动中,您需要移动大肌肉群不断。

79、One or two others are bicycling from the direction of the boma, the administrative centre. ─── 大约70%的赞比亚人每天的生活费用还不到一美元。

80、bicycling or motorcycling on sand dunes. ─── 在沙滩上骑自行车或摩托车。

81、"Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesn't pollute the air." ─── 骑自行车是很好的运动;而且还不污染环境。

82、Bicycling tactics call for a rider to let someone else lead for most of the race day, then come from behind to grab the win. ─── 自行车战术要求车手让其他人在赛段的大部分时间领跑,而在冲刺阶段抓住机会夺取胜利。

83、Regular exercise such as walking and bicycling can help keep your blood sugar in a good range. ─── 规则的运动,比如散步和骑自行车,能够帮助您控制血糖在正常的范围内。

84、Another study, however, suggests that during the same ten-year period, the number of accidents caused by bicycling has increased 200 percent. ─── 我10点20离开考场,突然颇有点兴奋,觉得这20天总算熬到头了。

85、There is now an integrated system of safe bicycling routes in most cities in all three countries. ─── 现在有一个综合系统的安全骑自行车路线在大多数城市,所有这三个国家。

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