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09-04 投稿


detersive 发音

英:[[d?'t?:s?v]]  美:[[d?'t?:s?v]]

英:  美:

detersive 中文意思翻译



detersive 词性/词形变化,detersive变形

动词过去式: deterred |动词第三人称单数: deters |动词现在分词: deterring |形容词: deterrable |动词过去分词: deterred |名词: determent |

detersive 同义词

discourage | daunt | prohibit | put off | preclude | hinder | thwart | frighten | forbid | prevent | help | dissuade

detersive 短语词组

1、detersive power ─── [化] 去污力

2、detersive meaning ─── 威慑意义

3、detersive efficiency ─── [化] 洗涤效率; 去污效率

4、detersive definition ─── 威慑性定义

5、detersive foods ─── 去污食品

6、detersive surfactant ─── 去污表面活性剂

detersive 反义词


detersive 相似词语短语

1、decursive ─── 下延的

2、determine ─── v.(使)下决心,(使)做出决定;vt.决定,确定;判定,判决;限定;vi.确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

3、detersion ─── 威慑

4、defensive ─── adj.自卫的;防御用的;n.防御;守势

5、detectives ─── n.警探;私人侦探;刑侦;adj.侦探的;侦察的

6、detective ─── n.警探;私人侦探;刑侦;adj.侦探的;侦察的

7、depressive ─── adj.抑郁的;压抑的

8、abstersive ─── adj.使洁净的,有洁净作用的

9、degressive ─── adj.[税收]递减的;下降的

detersive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bad weather didn't deter them from starting their vacation. ─── 恶劣的天气也没打消他们开始度假的念头。

2、A nuclear-armed Pakistan would deter India from a wider conflict. ─── 巴基斯坦拥有核子武器之后,印度就不敢大规模镇压他们的人民了。

3、Can World Cup Soccer Deter Jailbreaks? ─── 安心坐牢看比赛?

4、Never again will allow our political self-inter-est to deter us from doing what is morally right. ─── 不会再允许政治上的私利,阻碍我们去做正义凛然的事。

5、Tough laws have failed to deter teenagers from smoking. ─── 严格的法律无法劝阻青少年不吸烟。

6、Failure did not deter him (from making another attempt). ─── 他并未因失败而畏缩不前.

7、That didn't deter me and the 10 business-suited guys in line in front of me, still thinking we had a shot. ─── 但是,我和前面的10个身着西装的生意人认为我们还有机会。

8、If you have sensitive skin or are simply hesitant to use DEET-based products, consider citronella, an effective, natural ingredient that deters bugs. ─── 如果你的皮肤敏感,或对是否用含DEET为主要成分的产品犹豫不决,请考虑使用香茅,它是一种天然有效防虫物质。

9、The theory of deterrence argues that the threat of swift, powerful, and credible responses can often deter crime and other aggressive acts. ─── 威慑论阐明了:及时有力且可靠的反应,其威慑力,常常可以防止犯罪及其他违法行为的发生。

10、The survey also found that 54 percent of women under 25 used their mobile phone in public to deter people from approaching them. ─── 同时,调查发现,在25岁以下的女性中,有54%在公共场所使用手机是为了防止别人靠近她们。

11、They believed the ruse would deter the cats as tigers rarely attack a person from the front. ─── 他们认为这样的计策能阻止老虎,因为老虎很少从正面攻击一个人。

12、In particular, ter minology and style are subjective and are mostly deter mined by the client reviewer’s preferences. ─── 尤其是术语和风格,大多由客户审校员的偏好来决定。

13、The raison d'etre for a strategic weapon is to deter. ─── 战略武器存在的理由就是要制止。

14、Nevertheless, requiring inspections too frequently will create tremendous burden on building owners and deter compliance. ─── 不过,太频密的检验会为业主带来沉重的负担,以致他们不愿意遵行拟议计划的规定。

15、A non-state actor such as Hizbullah, inside a weak state such as Lebanon, is much less easy to deter. ─── 但是像真主党这样隐匿于弱国黎巴嫩中的武装力量,以色列却难以实现对其进行有效的威慑。

16、Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. ─── 大多数司法,让法律行为,民事和/或刑事责任,以遏止各种诽谤和打击报复毫无根据的批评。

17、One big anomaly in both surveys was the prevalence of guards, which should deter looting. ─── 两项调查都有个共同的不寻常之处,就是警哨站的普及率;

18、State-funded institutions, especially those formerly designated key schools, dominate the market and deter genuine private investment. ─── 国立学校,尤其是那些以前的老牌重点大学,占据了市场并阻止了真正愿意的投资。

19、 双语使用场景

20、They tried to deter the Corinthians, but were drawn into a sea battle, which infuriated the Corinthians. ─── 他们试图阻止科林斯人,却被拖入了一场海战,这使科林斯人勃然大怒。

21、As it begins functioning, it is hoped that the Court will help to end impunity and deter potential war criminals. ─── 希望法院开始运作后将有助于结束有罪不罚现象, 防止潜在的战争犯罪。

22、Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctions in the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals. ─── 全港已有30部冲红灯摄影机装设在交通灯路口,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。

23、He worries that the ring of steel will not deter attackers, but merely force them to change targets. ─── 他担心“钢圈”无法真正制止袭击者,仅是迫使他们寻找其他目标。

24、Further more, the approach has the perfect detersive power to the heavy oil foulant. ─── 产品生产工艺简单,成本低,对重油垢有极强的去污力。

25、But at the minute we are winning all our games so it doesn't deter me. ─── 但是现在我们赢下了所有的比赛,所以我不进球也不重要。

26、That attainment of these objectives required abandonment of the traditional posture did not deter Roosevelt. ─── 实现这些目标,须要放弃传统态度,但这并没有难住罗斯福。

27、When a man, revolt for his loved woman. Is there anything in th world could deter him? ─── 当一个男人,为了自己心爱的女人奋起反抗时,世界上还有什么能让他胆却呢。

28、It is a minor one in terms of its ability to safeguard peace and deter war. ─── 如果说中国是一个和平力量、制约战争的力量的话,现在这个力量还校弱。

29、The IOC oversees such functionsas deter mining the site of the Olymopic Games. ─── 奥委会有权决定奥运会的举办地。

30、We have made experiments of shampoo,detergent and detersive of gleditsia saponins. ─── 同时,本文还对皂荚皂甙应用于洗发香波、餐洗剂、去污剂等方面进行了开发研究。

32、He claimed his performance against the Indians won't deter him from using his sinker. ─── 他再次对上印地安人并不怕再次使用他的下沉球。

33、"Those thresholds should be lowered so as to permit effective action that would deter future piracy and counterfeiting. ─── 应降低这种金额标准,以便诉讼能够有效震慑以后的盗版和假冒行为。

34、We think that punishment deters crime, but it just might be the other way around. ─── 我们认为惩罚会阻止犯罪,可是情况恰恰相反。

35、But these difficulties, these differences, should not deter us. ─── 但这些困难和差异不应该使我们徘徊不前。

36、I wouldn't specifically recommend it, but I wouldn't deter anyone from going to give it a try, as it is passable. ─── 我不会特别推荐这家餐厅,但是若有人想试试我也不会阻拦。

37、Nepal has ramped up security to deter demonstrations during two sensitive anniversaries. ─── 尼泊尔政府已经在这两个纪念日期间增加了安保措施。

38、Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctionsin the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals. ─── 已有30部冲红灯摄影机装设在交通灯路口,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。

39、Any sharp leaved plants are good feng shui in this area as they are believed to deter harmful influences. ─── 任何尖锐阔叶植物都是好风水,因为他们认为这方面的阻止有害影响。

40、A lot of foreign friend want to know how to deter mine the date of cultural relic? ─── 很多外国朋友很想知道怎样鉴定文物年代?

41、Cold weather didn't deter them from going camping. ─── 他们没有被寒冷的天气吓倒,照样去野营。

42、Failure did not deter him from trying again. ─── 失败并未使他泄气罢休。

43、But non-state actors are harder to deter. ─── 但是,非国家行为者则难以遏制。

44、He said the fencing was being put up to deter trespassers. ─── 他说将修建一座围墙来防止入侵者。

45、I'll punish you to deter you from stealing again. ─── 我要惩罚你,使你不再偷窃。

46、Any adjustment to the leviable rate shall be deter mined by the State Council. ─── 征收率的调整由国务院决定。

47、STEP2: Replace palmar rub to knead with finger, OKer the bubble of detersive breast is even. ─── STEP2:以手指取代手掌搓揉,更可以使清洁乳的泡沫均匀。

48、Harsher jail conditions do nothing to deter prisoners from reoffending.If anything they encourage recidivism. ─── 如果有任何鼓励累犯的情况存在,那么再恶劣的监狱环境也不能有效地阻止犯人重新犯罪。

49、It's safe because the government enforces laws that deter even the thought of crime. ─── 新加坡之所以安全,是因为政府所实施的法律,使我们对犯法的行为想都不敢想。

50、I could not deter him from going there. ─── 我不能阻止他去那里。

51、To deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals, 39 red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctions. ─── 全港已有39部设在交通灯路口的冲红灯摄影机,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯指示。

52、If you are a person with determination, I believe that nothing can deter you. ─── 只要你是有心人,相信没什么事情能难住你。

53、Arizona National Park officials plan to microchip the state's signature saguaro cactus plants to deter thieves. ─── 亚利桑那国家公园的官员计划将微型芯片植入该州标志性的巨型仙人掌中,防止被盗。

54、Tightening our control in this area will not deter foreign businessmen from investing in China, on the contrary, it will reassure them. ─── 我们在这方面控制得严一点,不会影响外商来华投资,恰恰相反,外商会更放心。

55、The government seems little inclined to deter the volunteers more rigorously. ─── 政府好像没有倾向于进一步严格阻止志愿者。

56、The bleach boosting compounds are ideally suited for inclusion into bleaching compositions including those with detersive surfactants and enzymes. ─── 所述漂白增效剂化合物理想地适于包含在漂白组合物中,包括带有洗涤表面活性剂和酶的那些。

57、Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . ─── 很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。

58、As long as he doesn't bring his hockey stick onto the pitch to deter overeager forwards, he should continue to take the stoppers art to new levels. ─── 只要他还没有拿着他的曲棍去场上遏制那些不要命的突进,他就仍有机会把射门拦截艺术提升到一个新水平。

59、Do not let failure deter you. ─── 不要让失败使你气馁。

60、INTECH DETER S640 is an evaporating detergent without flashpoint, free of toxic substances. ─── INTECH DETER S640是一种无闪点的挥发性清洗剂。

61、The chief aims of the penal system are to deter the potential lawbreaker and to reform the convicted offender. ─── 刑罚制度的主要目的是阻止潜在的违法者,并改造已判刑的违法者。

62、How are we supposed to deter Osama bin Laden when we can't find him? ─── 我们既然找不到本·拉登,又何谈阻止他?

63、But then Bernard Dunstan is one of those least likely to allow such a consideration to deter him. ─── 但是伯纳德.邓斯坦是那些绝少数愿意被此种因素所喝退而停滞不前的艺术家。

64、Nothing could deter her from continuing the struggle. ─── 什么也阻挡不住她继续奋战。

65、Never deter till tomo rrow that which you can do today. ─── 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

66、It won't come instantly,and you may backslide from time to time,but don't let that deter you. ─── 你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。

67、Don't let failure deter you. ─── 别让失败把你吓倒。

68、Nothing shall deter us from doing what we think right. ─── 什么也阻止不了我们去做自己认为该做的事。

69、Public hospital fees should be increased to ease the government's financial burden and deter abuse. ─── 公立医院收费应该增加,以减轻政府的财政负担及减少滥用情况。

70、Ken Mallory, who serves on the new board, fears that the conflict will deter investors. ─── 新的董事会成员肯茂萝表示,很担心这样的冲突会损害投资者利益。

71、"Is it possible," said he, "that where your liberty is at stake you can allow any such scrupleto deter you from obtaining it? ─── 唐太斯微微露出一点惊异之色,“当前面就是你有自由的时候,”他说,“你就为了那样的一个理由而踌躇不前吗?

72、Becoming the membership you must obey the law and rule of country. If the club find, the club has right to deter your action or notice police. ─── 您成为会员期间,必须遵守国家各项法律、法规;若发现俱乐部有权制止其行为或通知有关执法部门。

73、Failure did not deter us from trying it again. ─── 失败并没有能阻挡我们再次进行试验。

74、G. Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting.Finley Deter Dunne.American journalist and humorist. ─── 发明诅咒是把它作为逃跑和打架之间的一种折衷。美国记者、幽默作家邓恩。

75、That alone might deter her from using offensive language. ─── 仅此就可以制止她顶撞的言语了。

76、We now think that although there is still the danger of war, the forces that can deter it are growing, and we find that encouraging. ─── 我们感到,虽然战争的危险还存在,但是制约战争的力量有了可喜的发展。

77、Password complexity policies are designed to deter brute force attacks by increasing the number of possible passwords. ─── 密码复杂性策略通过增加可能密码的数量来阻止强力攻击。

78、Stringent labor laws continue to deter entrepreneurs from hiring workers. ─── 严厉的劳动法仍阻碍企业家雇佣工人。

79、Unlike in Japan and the more advanced Western countries, there is a marked absence of strong peer pressure here to deter these anti-social behaviors. ─── 我们的情况和日本及西方先进国家不同,我们缺乏有效的群体压力,阻吓人们做出反社会行为。

80、This did not deter Penghu's lawmakers and county commissioners from pursuing the idea though. ─── 但这并没有阻止澎湖的立法委员与县议员们朝这个构想努力。

81、They charge a high rate of interest in order to deter such people from taking loans. ─── 他们收取高利率,以遏止这类人在贷款。

82、To deter entry, an incumbent firm must convince any potential competitor that entry will be unprofitable. ─── 为了阻止进入现有公司必须说服任何一个潜在的竞争者,使他们相信进入无利可图,这可能通过投资来完成。

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