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09-04 投稿


cushiony 发音

英:[['k???n?]]  美:[['k???n?]]

英:  美:

cushiony 中文意思翻译



cushiony 词性/词形变化,cushiony变形

形容词: cushiony |动词现在分词: cushioning |动词过去式: cushioned |动词过去分词: cushioned |动词第三人称单数: cushions |

cushiony 短语词组

1、cushiony cotton scale ─── 软垫棉秤

2、cushiony cotton scale control ─── 缓冲棉秤控制

3、cushiony synonym ─── 缓冲同义词

4、cushiony definition ─── 缓冲定义

5、cushiony soft ─── 柔软 ─── 柔软

6、cushiony ground cover crossword ─── 软垫地盖纵横字谜

7、cushiony crossword clue ─── 软垫纵横字谜线索

8、cushiony corner guards ─── 缓震护角

cushiony 相似词语短语

1、cushioning ─── n.缓冲器;软垫;v.缓和(cushion的ing形式)

2、cushionets ─── 靠垫

3、cushily ─── adv.轻松地

4、fashiony ─── adj.时尚的

5、cushion ─── n.垫子;起缓解作用之物;(猪等的)臀肉;银行储蓄;vt.给…安上垫子;把…安置在垫子上;缓和…的冲击

6、cushionet ─── 软垫

7、cushioned ─── v.加衬垫(cushion的过去分词)

8、fushion ─── 抚顺

9、cushions ─── n.靠垫;衬垫(cushion的复数);酥心糖;v.给…安上垫;加垫褥(cushion的第三人称单数)

cushiony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We produce cushion tapestry kits of many designs. ─── 产品-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚/家纺产品

2、Between cushion, armrest, back of a chair and them not due too large crack. ─── 垫子、扶手、靠背以及它们之间都不应有过大的缝隙。

3、The cushiony comfort and non-slip traction it provides keeps me motivated to keep practicing. ─── 它的舒适感和防滑作用保持了我对瑜伽练习的热情。

4、They figured out how to move the vehicle freely, not juse across land, but up and down on a cushion of air. ─── 他们领会到,不只是要飞机飞行一段距离,而且要在空气的垫子上让飞机自由地飞上飞下。

5、She slip and fall, but have a soft landing on some cushion. ─── 她滑倒了,好在是跌在一些垫子上了。

6、And change color for shoomaking,hatting,glove,handbag and car seat cushion. ─── 制鞋、制帽、手套、手提包、汽车坐垫的改色。

7、Research on Cushiony Package and Package of Protecting Vibration ─── 缓冲及防震包装的研究

8、He lay on the sofa with a cushion under his head. ─── 他躺在沙发上, 头底下枕了一个靠垫。

9、Pet insurance can cushion the cost of injury or illness, but what do you need to know before you choose a policy? ─── 宠物保险的费用可以减轻受伤或生病,但你要知道你选择前一个政策?

10、Install seat cushion outboard trim cover. ─── 安装座位衬垫外侧饰板盖。

11、She sat there, reclined against a foam rubber cushion. ─── 她在那儿倚靠着海绵橡胶垫坐着。

12、The kid poked holes in the cushion. ─── 孩子们在垫子上扎了几个洞。

13、She brought a cushion with her to sit on. ─── 她带著一个垫子在她身上来坐。

14、brightly colored, cushiony grip makes these dishwasher-safe spoons easy for little hands to hold. ─── 鲜艳的颜色。柔软易握的弯柄可以在洗碗机里使用。并可以让宝宝的小手很容易握着。

15、He took and cushion and shook it. ─── 他拿起了垫子并摇了摇。

16、If we care about people who suffer income losses, why not cushion the fall incomes, regardless of the cause? ─── 如果我们关心收入受到损失的那些人,为什么不能防止所有的收入下降(不管是什么原因)?

17、The other two were using it as a cushion. ─── 他们两个就把它当作靠垫。

18、The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. ─── 垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是。

19、She stuffed the money under a cushion. ─── 她把钱塞到软垫底下。

20、Wheelchair, Detachable armrest and footrest, Painted frame, Nylon cushion. ─── 合金轮椅,活动扶手、脚踏,格仔布坐背垫。

21、Jo had a book, Meg carried a cushion, Beth a basket and Amy a sketch book. ─── 乔带了本书,梅格带著坐垫,贝丝拿著篮子;艾美抱著本素描簿。

22、She found a cushion hanging in front of her place, sewn in neat wool stitches. ─── 她发现在她的位置前有一个垫子,垫子是由细细的羊毛线针脚缝制的。

23、He broke the news of my brother's death to me, making no effort to cushion the blow(= make the news less shocking). ─── 他把我兄弟死亡的消息直接告诉了我,没有试图减轻此事对我的打击。

24、Disengage the cover zipper and route the zipper end between the inboard seatback and seat cushion frame. ─── 取下盖拉链,并且确定在内侧座椅背和座椅垫架间的拉链末端路线。

25、The proof is in rolls of cushiony white paper. ─── 证据存在于一卷卷柔软的白纸里。

26、His hat helped to cushion the blow. ─── 他的帽子减轻了这下打击。

27、She was well built, soft and cushiony inside. ─── 它很结实,里面像垫子一样柔软。

28、He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. ─── 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。

29、A small trader who runs into a noisy period has no safety cushion. ─── 一个小交易者,如果正好进入噪音时期,他是没有安全保证的。

30、It's not my fart. It's just a woopie cushion. ─── 不是我在放屁,那是。

31、Wheelchair, Fixed armrest and footrest, Painted frame, Nylon cushion. ─── 合金轮椅,固定扶手、脚踏,牛津布坐背垫。

32、So accumulating foreign exchange reserves is a cushion, but it can be costly. ─── 因此积累外汇储备是一种缓冲手段,但它有可能代价高昂。”

33、Covered with an un-flattening and long-lasting Kymdan cushion. ─── 使用Kymdan垫子外套,耐用,不下陷。

34、Controlled land landing also demanded some way to cushion touchdown impact. ─── 定点控制着陆还要求解决着陆时所产生的强大冲力问题。

35、The discs create a slight breeze as they spin, creating a cushion of air for the head. ─── 光碟制造稍微轻拂它们自旋,造成空气垫为组长。

36、A lizard on a cushion will still seek leaves. ─── 坐垫上的蜥蜴还会找树叶。

37、she was well built , soft and cushiony inside ─── 它很结实,里面像垫子一样柔软。

38、Condense body axle center, spinal carry from cushion. ─── 凝聚身体轴心,脊骨抬离垫子。

39、She thumped the cushion flat. ─── 她把垫子捶平了.

40、She sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet. ─── 她优雅地坐到他脚旁的垫子上。

41、She stretched out a bony hand, and with amazing strength stabbed a cushion. ─── 她伸出一只瘦削的手,以惊人的劲头,戳穿了一个椅垫。

42、A seat with a cushion that is used as a throne by Indian princes. ─── 印度王子用作王座的有衬垫的椅子。

43、Wheelchair, Detachable armrest and footrest, Painted frame, PVC cushion. ─── 合金轮椅,活动扶手、脚踏,PVC坐背垫。

44、Her sister gave her a cushion for her bottom drawer. ─── 她姐姐送给她一个靠垫作嫁妆。

45、Remove the seat back from the seat cushion and place it on a suitable work surface. ─── 将座位靠背从座位垫上拆下,并将其放至适当的工作台上。

46、May be completed with INGOLF cushion for armchair for enhanced seating comfort. ─── 可与“英格弗”扶手椅靠垫并用,增加落座舒适度。

47、She embroidered the cushion with flowers. ─── 她把垫子绣上了花。

48、His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems. ─── 他的积蓄好比一个舒适的垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。

49、This was the reason why we added Exchange Fund paper to the Monetary Base to provide a cushion against this volatility. ─── 为此,我们把外汇基金票据及债券加入货币基础内,容许贴现为总结馀,以减少拆息波动。

50、His hat helped to cushion the blow . ─── 他的礼帽起了缓冲那一击的作用。

51、The distributed test system enables to survey and protract the body pressure distribution curve of different seat cushion effectively. ─── 实验台中的分布式体压测试系统能够有效地测绘出不同座垫实验中的人机接触界面的体压分布曲线,并发挥出很好的测试作用。

52、She thumped the cushion flat . ─── 她把那垫子捶平了。

53、Jabes cries after a solemn pause,leaning over his cushion. ─── 一阵严肃的静默之后,杰别斯从他的坐垫上欠身大叫。

54、His hat helped to cushion the below. ─── 他的帽子帮助缓冲了打击。

55、When choosing cushion for leaning on, want the reflection of many sided. ─── 在选择靠垫时,要多方面的思考。

56、She embroidered flowers on the cushion covers. ─── 她在这些靠垫套上绣了花。

57、She embroidered flowers on the cushion (in gold thread). ─── 她(用金线)在垫子上绣花。

58、P: Seat cushion in 13F smells rotten. ─── 13F座椅垫有腐烂的气味。

59、She took the cushion and plumped it up. ─── 她拿起垫子,把它拍松。

60、Nothing can cushion us against the fear of death. ─── 什么都不能减轻我们对死亡的恐惧。

61、She made a cushion out of odd bit of material. ─── 她用碎布头做了个靠垫。

62、It's not my fart.?It's just a woopie cushion. ─── 不是我在放屁, 那是 woopie cushion.

63、Par value, therefore, may be regarded as minimum cushion of equity capital existing for the protection of creditors. ─── 因此,票面价值可以被看作是现存权益资本保护债权人的最低缓冲器。

64、The cushion meets the genitals equipment to vibrate the electrical machinery, the massage effect is more ideal. ─── 坐垫会阴部配备振动电机,按摩效果更理想。

65、Would you please buy a softer cushion forme when you go to thesupermarket? ─── 你去超市时能不能帮我买一个更柔软一点的垫子?

66、She embroidered flowers on the cushion(in gold thread). ─── 她(用金线)在垫子上绣花.

67、It traps the air underneath it and actually rides downhill on a cushion of air. ─── 它下面携带了空气,实际上,到山脚下的时候是乘着一座气垫。

68、He covered the cushion with new material. ─── 他给靠垫蒙上了新的料子。

69、She plumps up the sofa cushion. ─── 她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的。

70、To strike(a billiard ball) so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table. ─── 反弹把(弹子)打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回

71、To cover or hide(something) with or as if with a cushion. ─── 以垫子覆盖用或似乎用垫子覆盖或隐藏(某物)。

72、Would you please buy a softer cushion for me when you go to the supermarket? ─── 你去超市时能不能帮我买一个更柔软一点的垫子?

73、What you need: Use at supine towel or cushion. ─── 你所需要的:用于仰卧的毛巾或垫子。

74、Lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. ─── 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。

75、One of his colleagues took away his cushion at the company. ─── 他在单位的坐垫不知道被哪个同事拿走了。

76、Repose one's head on a cushion. ─── 将头靠在垫子上。

77、She made a cushion out of odd bit of material . ─── 她用碎布头做了个靠垫

78、Jim tumbled out of the cushion. ─── 吉姆从垫子上滚下来。

79、He did not say anything beside the cushion of common sense. ─── 他并没有说过任何不合人情事理的话。

80、She snuggled up against a cushion, thinking. ─── 她倚着靠垫沉思。

81、Inner cushion with feather filling; provides support and firmness for enhanced comfort. ─── 内层垫内装羽毛填料;具有理想舒适的支撑力和硬度。

82、The cushion of a billiard or pool table. ─── 台边撞球台面的软垫或撞球抬

83、it ' s got a real cushiony , soft feeling , almost like you ' re surfing on a cloud ─── 它有一种垫子一样柔软的感觉,你简直就像在云上冲浪一样

84、Separate the cover from the cushion. ─── 从座椅垫移下座椅盖。

85、He bore the crown on a cushion. ─── 他头上戴的王冠有个衬垫。

86、She embroidered flowers on the cushion . ─── 她在垫子上绣花.




nike zoom winflo 7中文名字是威福7。

nike winflo7配置有2个气垫。耐克Nike Zoom WINFLO 7登月轻质透气休闲运动跑步鞋。采用了后掌气垫(Air-Zoom)的设计,升级中底为Cushlon ST,材质上更显得轻盈透气,耐磨性提高同时也使运动。

winflo7是飞马38代的减配版本。主要差别在于中底配置上面,Pegasus 38代中底配置是前掌zoom air+全掌reacr;而winflo7是全掌Cushion加后跟和前足的ROOM气垫。在性能方面后者要好于前者鞋款,后者减震效果更好,穿着舒适度更好,所以选择后者。

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