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09-04 投稿



possibilities 发音

英:[?p?s??b?l?tiz]  美:[?pɑs??b?l?tiz]

英:  美:

possibilities 中文意思翻译



possibilities 短语词组

1、new beginnings new possibilities ─── 新的开端 ─── 新的可能性

2、endless possibilities ─── 无限的可能性

3、open possibilities ─── 开放的可能性

4、possibilities include ─── 可能性包括

5、any and all possibilities ─── 任何和所有可能性

6、possibilities and stuff ─── 可能性等等

7、career possibilities ─── 职业可能性

8、learning possibilities ─── 学习可能性

9、production possibilities ─── 生产可能性

10、sense of possibilities ─── 可能性意识

11、any possibilities ─── 任何可能性

12、it is full of possibilities ─── 它充满了可能性

13、possibilities are endless ─── 可能性是无限的

14、expanding possibilities ─── 扩展可能性

15、limitless possibilities ─── 无限的可能性

16、new possibilities ─── 新的可能性

17、possibilities of death ─── 死亡的可能性

18、full of possibilities ─── 充满可能性

19、possibilities and more ─── 可能性及更多

possibilities 常用词组

production possibility ─── 生产可能性

by any possibility ─── 万一;可能

possibilities 词性/词形变化,possibilities变形

名词复数: possibilities |

possibilities 反义词


possibilities 同义词

good prospect | expectation | odds | feasibility | prospect | likelihood | plausibility | good | odds-on | probability | hazard | potentiality | favourable | practicability | eventuality | good chance | opening | risk |chance | hypothesis | contingent | theory

possibilities 相似词语短语

1、feasibilities ─── n.可行性;可能性

2、compossibilities ─── 共存能力

3、risibilities ─── n.爱笑;幽默感

4、impossibilities ─── n.不可能;不可能的事

5、possibility ─── n.可能性;可能发生的事物

6、torsibilities ─── n.可扭性

7、cohesibilities ─── 粘结性

8、sensibilities ─── n.情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力

9、possibilists ─── 可能派成员;可能主义者

possibilities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities. ─── 两者择一,抉择对两个互相排斥的可能情况的选择

2、There are also possibilities that nuclear transfer could provide benefits to those who would like children. ─── 也存在着核转移有益于喜欢孩子的那些人的可能性。

3、Your own mind is creating multiple possibilities in your subconscious. ─── 在你的潜意识里,你自己的头脑一直在创造着多重可能性

4、She saw the possibilities of the scheme from the beginning. ─── 她从一开始就预见到这计划可能成功。

5、As Francis Crick and James Watson say, the possibilities are endless. ─── 就像弗朗西斯?克里克和詹姆士?沃森说的:“无限可能性。”

6、The possibilities of a diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. ─── 可能用外交方式来解决的那些方法都一一试过了。

7、Therefore, leave no possibilities undone. ─── 因此,不要留下未完成的可能性。

8、In a world of infinite possibilities, choice can seem overwhelming. ─── 在充满无限可能的世界里,选择似乎是势不可挡的。

9、You will find powers you did not suspect and possibilities undreamed of. ─── 就这样我们失去了一切,其中包括我们自己人生已经所有的以及尚未实现的。

10、The possibilities were almost limitless. ─── 可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。

11、Your ability to visualize will help you convince others of the possibilities. ─── 你能把可能性形象化,这会帮助你说服别人。

12、As is well known to you, the possibilities of importing the foregoing product are very great here. ─── 如你所深知,这里进口上项产品的可能性很大。

13、The possibilities of shaping in any direction are almost endless. ─── 使其按照任何方向定型的可能性几乎是无止境的。

14、She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat, a raincoat and a woolly scarf. ─── 她带了太阳帽、 雨衣和毛围巾,一切有备无患。

15、Does the AI use the new possibilities ? ─── AI(电脑)会使用这些新的生物吗?

16、The possibilities are practically endless. ─── 可能办到事情是无止境的。

17、It foretells of new and exciting possibilities for the future. ─── 它预示着未来新的和令人振奋的可能性。

18、A box containing that many Hubble volumes exhausts all the possibilities. ─── 一个包含这麽多个哈伯体积的盒子,就能穷尽所有的可能性。

19、Colorful style personality ablution will provide many options possibilities. ─── 丰富多彩的风格将为个性沐浴者提供许多选择的可能性。

20、There are only two possibilities. ─── 不外两种可能。

21、At first, our lawn was just a mud pile with a few untidy clumps of grass, but Leo saw bright possibilities. ─── 当初我们的草坪只是一堆泥巴和一堆堆的乱草,可是利奥却认为大有希望。

22、To look up a value in a list of possibilities. ─── 在可能值的列表中查找值。

23、The result of CSS polymorphism is a combinatorial explosion of possibilities. ─── CSS多态性的结果是各种可能的组合猛增。

24、As can be seen above, we have made an analysis of all possibilities. ─── 上面我们分析了各种可能性。

25、There are numberless possibilities in one's whole life. ─── 在人生旅程中有无数的可能性。

26、It was there that Gates got hooked on computers. He was particularly fascinated by the practical possibilities. ─── 就是在那里,盖茨迷上了电脑,尤其对实际应用方面很感兴趣。

27、All sorts of possibilities began to open up. ─── 各种可能开始出现。

28、Functionality is the extent of possibilities provided by a system. ─── 功能性是系统提供的可能性范围.

29、Where we challenge you to open up your mind to unbelievable possibilities. ─── 向不可能的可能开放你的心。

30、Well, I just got to thinking of all kinds of awful possibilities. ─── 哎,我可不得不想到种种糟糕透的可能。

31、The possibilities were manifold. ─── 的可能性。

32、A realistic view of the possibilities. ─── 对可能发生的事情的现实的观点。

33、The possibilities are almost limitless. ─── 发展的潜力几乎是无限的。

34、Timothy Bradley and Edwin Valero are possibilities. ─── 布雷德利和瓦雷罗是可能人选。

35、Do you think that initiating possibilities is morally and legally acceptable? ─── 你认为发动战争在道德上和法律上都没有错吗?

36、Your product has possibilities; with our help it could be a great success. ─── 你的产品有前途,加上我们的帮助便可能获得巨大的成功。

37、Antonioni seemed to open up new possibilities with every movie. ─── 安东尼奥尼似乎以他每一部电影揭示了新的可能性。

38、Don't let impossibilites intimidate you, do let possibilities motivate you. ─── 不为困难所止,只为希望所动。

39、Of the two possibilities,this is the more likely than that. ─── 在可能发生的两件事中,这件事比那件事更有可能发生。

40、When great minds get together and brainstorm, the possibilities are endless. ─── 如果伟人们聚在一起进行自由讨论,结果就会出现无止境的可能性。

41、Her refusal to our invitation will be in the chapter of possibilities. ─── 她可能会拒绝我们的邀请。

42、You use your imagination to come up with new possibilities. ─── 你用想象去产生新的可能性。

43、His mind was hyperactive, turning over possibilities, sketching sceneries. ─── 他的思想异常活跃。他反复推测各种可能,描绘各种前景。

44、The possibilities rest with the influence of the postmodern philosophy and postmodern literature. ─── “法律与文学”运动深受后现代哲学和后现代文学的影响。

45、A's and o's are often interchangeable when testing letter possibilities. ─── " 在尝试字母时,a和o往往可以互换。

46、With things that are possibilities and not facts, facts have no concern . ─── 对于只是可能而并非事实的东西,事实与之没有关系。

47、She thought of several possibilities. ─── 她考虑了几种可能的情况。

48、Given a complicated query, a great number of possibilities may exist. ─── 对于复杂的查询,可能会存在大量的可能性。

49、Either of these possibilities. ─── 另一可选择的这些可能性中的一种

50、A mere 100 variables create a humongous swarm of possibilities. ─── 仅仅100个变量,就可以创造出一群数量巨大无比的可能性。

51、One may add all possibilities together and refer to a total cross-section. ─── 人们可以把所有几率加在一起,并认为它就是总截面。

52、As Pug sat mulling over these possibilities an excited knock came at his door. ─── 帕格正在那里琢磨这些可能性时,忽听见急促的敲门声。

53、After so much recent success, certain newer possibilities were alarming. ─── 在取得那么多成功后,某些新出现的可能性使人惶恐。

54、Possibilities are endless with the choice of rims. ─── 可能性是无穷无尽的轮辋的选择。

55、Of the two possibilities, this is more likely than that. ─── 两个可能性中,后者比前者更可能。

56、All of the possibilities we have, just because we are here. ─── 只是因为我们在这里,我们拥有所有可能的事。

57、Well,David,what you told me presents some intriguing possibilities. ─── 嗯,David,你所说的反映了些蛮吸引人的可能性。

58、Of these three possibilities the last seems the most plausible. ─── 在这三个可能性中,看来最后一个是最可取的。

59、One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimp-like creature called krill. ─── 一类浮游生物,似乎有很大的可能性是很小的收成虾一样东西称南极。

60、Truth is stranger than fiction; fictions is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn't. ─── 事实之所以奇于小说,是因为小说不得不坚持其可能性,而事实则不然。

61、The possibilities for professional mentalism masterpieces are endless. ─── 专业精神论杰作的可能性是不尽的。

62、You should leave yourself free to try out new possibilities. ─── 你应该给你自己留些空闲以便尝试尝试新的可能性。

63、Still, Tokyo is comfortable with its evacuation policy even after studying various possibilities of deterioration at the plant, he said. ─── 不过,在研究了核电站危机的各种可能性后,东京采取的疏散政策让东京形势良好。

64、The commercial possibilities of the Internet are just beginning to be realized. ─── 互联网在商业上的可能性只是刚刚被人意识到。

65、There are different ways to ask and answer questions about possibilities. ─── 关于可能性的问题,有不同的提问和回答方式。

66、Extend the possibilities of your communicator! ─── 延长的可能性,您的沟通!

67、Istanbul is a dream, but also a target that is now in Milan's possibilities. ─── 伊斯坦布尔是一个梦想,但也是米兰可能完成的目标之一。

68、possibilities were almost limitless. ─── 可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。

69、Don't underestimate yourself as human has unlimited possibilities. ─── 不要小看自己,因为人有无限的可能。

70、Let me tell you something, out there is nothing but possibilities. ─── 让我告诉你,外面存在某些可能性。

71、A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities. ─── 一个优秀的具有革新精神的思想者总是在探寻许多其它的可能。”

72、The production possibilities for a nation are diverse. ─── 一个国家的生产可能性是复杂多样的。

73、He was barricading himself against possibilities. ─── 他严阵以待可能发生的事。

74、There are two possibilities. ─── 分析起来,不外两个可能。

75、The Shanghai Cooperation Mechanism faces three possibilities. ─── 上海合作机制中,面临着三个机遇。

76、Sounds like a good opportunity for new business possibilities. ─── 听起来像是个探索新业务的好机会啊?

77、The chance meeting with the president opened up new possibilities for him. ─── 与总统邂逅提供给他新的机会。

78、She pondered these possibilities until she tottered into a larger choice: she did not have to write a sonnet. ─── 她思索着这种种可能,最后得出另一个更大的选择:她没必要写十四行诗。

79、I wondered: in a city like New York, with its infinite possibilities, has monogamy become too much to expect? ─── 我不禁想到:在纽约市这样一个充满无限可能的城市里,一夫一妻制是否是一种奢求?

80、On the negative side, the speech is fraught with dangerous possibilities. ─── 在消极方面,这篇演说却充满了危险性。

81、You with the infinate worlds with infinate possibilities theory then? ─── 你生活在一个有着无限理论可能的无限世界里?

82、These are only a few of the possibilities. ─── 这些只是其中的几个可能性。

83、There are limitless possibilities if you keep an open mind. ─── 中绎:若你敞开心胸,就会有无限的可能。

84、These are only two possibilities for volunteer vacations. ─── 以上只是志工假期的两个可行管道,

85、He is a man of possibilities. ─── 他是一个有发展前途的人。

86、Don't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities. ─── 只要还有可能就别放弃。

87、To believe only possibilities is not Faith, but mere Philosophy. ─── 只相信有可能的是不是信心,而是哲学。

88、Plausible impossibilities should be referred to unconvincing possibilities. ─── 可以理喻而还不能做到的事胜于不能令人心悦诚服而能做到的事。

89、Youth means limitless possibilities. ─── 年轻意味着无限希望。

look into my eyes是什么意思?

Look into my eyes [词典] 看着我的双眼; [例句]Look into my eyes-you will see what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么

look into my eyes是什么意思?

意思 看着我的双眼

例句:You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want.


look into 是一个固定词组

look into

[英][luk ?#618;ntu衇[美][l妅 ?#618;ntu]

调查; 观察; 在…里查资料; 深入地检查

例句:1.It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity.


2.However, it is just a matter of choice, and you may want to look into your efficiency requirements.


现在look into 后面跟的是my eyes 不能翻译成”调查; 观察; 在…里查资料; 深入地检查“

只能意译,根据它本来的意思 翻译,”调查; 观察; 在…里查资料; 深入地检查“说明很专注


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