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09-04 投稿



glochidium 中文意思翻译



glochidium 词性/词形变化,glochidium变形

名词复数: glochidia |形容词: glochidiate |

glochidium 相似词语短语

1、glochid ─── 钩毛

2、glochids ─── 钩毛

3、gonidium ─── n.无性生殖细胞;藻(细)胞

4、glochidia ─── 钩毛;倒刺毛;瓣钩幼虫;河蚌幼虫(glochidium的复数)

5、stichidium ─── n.孢囊枝

6、coccidium ─── 球虫

7、glochidiate ─── adj.具钩毛的

8、glochidial ─── 舌骨

9、clostridium ─── n.梭菌;梭菌属

glochidium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After a period of growth, newly shells which were similar to adults came out near side of glochidium shells, which were degenerating as shell bottom gradually. ─── 稚贝经过一段时间的生长,从幼虫壳内侧长出一对新壳,形态逐渐趋向于成贝,而幼虫壳则逐渐退化为壳顶。

2、Morphologies of glochidium and juvenile mussel were studied during parasitic metamorphosis development of Anodonta woodiana pacifica. ─── 摘要对圆背角无齿蚌的钩介幼虫寄生变态及稚贝发育过程进行了形态学观察和比较。

4、Mature glochidium was only capable of switching by shells, while the newly metamorphosed juveniles were near identical to glochidium in size and shape except for the ability of movement by foot. ─── 刚脱落的稚贝外部形态与幼虫相似,但已经可以依靠斧足进行爬行,并逐渐开始滤食;

5、 双语使用场景

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