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09-04 投稿


diversion 发音

英:[da??v???n]  美:[da?'v??n]

英:  美:

diversion 中文意思翻译



diversion 网络释义

n. 转移;消遣;分散注意力

diversion 短语词组

1、diversion air attack ─── 改道空袭

2、diversion box ─── 转换箱;分水箱

3、diversion closure ─── 截流

4、diversion certificate ─── [法] 绕航证书

5、diversion construction ─── 导流施工

6、diversion airfield ─── 改道机场

7、diversion channel ─── 分水渠,泄水渠

8、diversion canal ─── 引水渠

9、diversion dam ─── [水利]分水坝;牵制闸

10、diversion clause ─── [经] 变更卸货港条款, 航线变更条款

11、diversion angle ─── 转向角, ─── 转向角

12、diversion cut ─── 导流切割

13、trade diversion effect ─── [经] 转移贸易作用

14、conical liquid diversion baffle ─── [化] 锥形导叶板

15、diversion area ─── 引水区域

16、diversion of the complement ─── [医] 补体转向

17、diversion curve ─── 转换曲线

18、diversion conduit ─── 引水管道

19、diversion chamber ─── 引流室

diversion 同义词

broaden | generalize |branch out | alter | expand | radiate | differentiate | spread | vary | modify

diversion 词性/词形变化,diversion变形

形容词: diversionary |

diversion 反义词

specialise | specialize

diversion 相似词语短语

1、detersion ─── 威慑

2、aversion ─── n.厌恶;讨厌的人

3、division ─── n.[数]除法;部门;分配;分割;师(军队);赛区

4、diversity ─── n.多样性;差异

5、diversify ─── v.增加……的品种;扩大经营范围;从事多种经营;(使)多样化,不同;进行多种投资

6、dispersion ─── n.散布;[统计][数]离差;驱散

7、diversional ─── 注意力的转移;佯攻,牵制;变更卸货港,绕航;改变运货路线;(飞机)改道(改变降落机场)

8、demersion ─── 贬低

9、diversions ─── n.娱乐活动;转向(diversion的复数)

diversion 习惯用语

1、create a diversion ─── 分散注意力; 声东击西; 进行牵制

2、make a diversion ─── 分散注意力; 声东击西; 进行牵制

diversion 特殊用法

1、water diversion ─── 分水; 分洪

2、river diversion ─── 河流改道

3、trade diversion ─── 贸易转向[转移]

4、route diversion ─── 路径变更

5、diversion of stream ─── 改移河道

diversion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His last argument is a diversion to make us forget the main point. ─── 他最後的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。

2、Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. ─── 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。

3、Meanwhile divers continue the delicate task of looking for 8 missing people. ─── 同时打捞人员继续谨慎的寻找8位失踪者。

4、From the fact, the shivering driver derives that the diver may thrive on river. ─── 发抖的司机从这个事实得出结论说跳水员可以靠河流繁荣。

5、With the great help of the divers, he reluctantly posed for pictures. ─── 在潜水员的大力协助下,它才勉强摆出一些姿势让人拍摄。

6、The length of different rock burst intensity of every segment of diversion tunnel is predicted according to the probability model. ─── 根据概率模型计算,预测了引水隧洞各洞段不同烈度岩爆的发生长度。

7、For a bit of diversion, try a game in the Games folder. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Games, and then click a game. ─── 要想放松一下,请玩“游戏”文件夹中的游戏。单击“开始”,指向“程序”,然后单击某个游戏。

8、Some were concerned that this would be a diversion for more pressing issues, but really- on quick executive decision and it's dealt with! ─── 有些人认为这会转移大家对更重要议题的注意力,但说真的–为了他们快速的决断与处理方式而喝采吧!

9、The three divers danced round the tree and opened a bottle of champagne while underwater. ─── 三名潜水员在水下围着树翩翩起舞,还开了一瓶香槟来庆祝。

10、The diversion of a stream changed the land. ─── 一条小溪的转向使这块土地发生了变化。

11、A back dive in which the diver turns in the air so as to face the board before entering the water. ─── 向内跳水跳水者在入水前在空中面对跳板空翻的向后跳水

12、A diver went down to the seabed to examine the sunken ship. ─── 一个潜水员潜到海底,去检查那艘沉没的轮船。

13、The enemy diversion you are ignoring will be the main attack. ─── 你所忽视的方向将是敌军的主攻方向。

14、A hundred years later,divers found the wrecks of the ship. ─── 一百年后潜水员发现了船只的残骸。

15、One of the results of his diversion was an 1887 perpetual calendar algorithm for calculating the day of the week for a given date. ─── 其中一个成果就是1887年万年历算法,可以对给定日期计算星期几。

16、Synchronized diving is unique because it features two divers as a team. ─── 双人跳水的独到之处就在于有两名运动员一组参与比赛。

17、Her submerged car was discovered in the river by police divers. ─── 她被水淹没的汽车给警方的潜水员找到了。

18、The party will make a pleasant diversion. ─── 晚会会是一个很不错的消遣。

19、You're so lucky you're a professional cliff diver in Hawaii. ─── 你真的很酷,职业悬崖跳水,在夏威夷!

20、The purpose is the same: to free divers from having to fight a current with their fins. ─── 其目的都是一样的:把潜水人从用脚蹼和水流对抗的状况中解脱出来。

21、Diversion Safes Alarms,Car Security. ─── 供应安全警报器,汽车安全系统.

22、The scuba diver plunged into the ocean. ─── 带着水肺的潜水员跳入了大海。

23、To make a thorough search, six teams of two divers descended daily , each team working a one-hour shift. ─── 为了彻底地搜寻海底,每两名潜水员组成一组,共六组,每天潜入水中,一小时换班一次。

24、The sky diver dropped toward the earth. ─── 延缓张伞跳伞者降落到地上。

25、Various patios and openings give divers light in the rooms. ─── 多变的院落和门窗朝向使每个房间都又很好的采光。

26、There are two fine routes for divers to take from the entry point. ─── 在入口处有两条潜游线路。

27、Six Italian divers will try life under water for a while. ─── 六名意大利潜水者将要尝试在水下生活一段时间。

28、A dive in which the diver bends to touch the ankles before straightening out. ─── 一种跳水其中跳水者在伸开以前进行弯曲来接触脚踝。

29、One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank. ─── 一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。

30、Scallop divers have worked out of Ulva Ferry for generations. ─── 在厄瓦港口,扇贝采集者们世代在此生息繁衍。

31、At H2O Divers we individually design your diving holiday. ─── 在H2O,我们的潜水员可以单独为您设计潜水假期。

32、A well-balanced diet is made up of divers foods. ─── 均衡的饮食是由种种的食物所构成。

33、She is also a motorcyclist and rides a Yamaha Diversion 900. ─── 她也是位机车骑士,爱车为山叶跃马900。

34、But for most divers it is a way of reaching jobs that must be done under water. ─── 但对于大多数潜水员来说,这是在水下工作的一种方式。

35、The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack. ─── 你不重视的那个敌人的师通常是敌人发起主要进攻的师。

36、With a snorkel, however ,a diver can stay under water for quite a long time. ─── 可是,潜水员携带一根通气管就可以在水下呆很长时间。

37、It appears that while procuring some provisions for supper, Madame Magloire had heard things in divers places. ─── 好象是马格洛大娘在买晚餐食料时,在好几处听见了许多话。

38、CTD Divers were installed for observation of groundwater dynamic. ─── 在典型区域的钻孔中安装CTD Diver进行地下水的动态观测。

39、KINO WAS A POOR PEARL DIVER. ─── 基诺是一个贫穷的采珠人。

40、Six Italian divers were trying to live underwater for a while. ─── 六名意大利潜水员将尝试一段水下生活。

41、Forward dive: A dive where the diver starts from a position facing the water and spins forward in the air. ─── 向前跳水:跳水运动员的开始姿势为面向水面,并在空中向前翻腾。

42、The diver lost control of his car and it knock into a tree. ─── 司机失去控制,车撞到树上。

43、A diversion or deviation from a main topic; a digression. ─── 偏离正题从主题上偏离或离开;离题

44、At the championships more promising divers are expected to come to the fore. ─── 在这次比赛中,估计将会涌现更多的优秀的跳水员。

45、Jean Valjean's wound had created a diversion. ─── 冉阿让的创伤成了一种改变情况的力量。

46、Let your mind range and have plenty of diversion. ─── 你该散散心,并好好娱乐一下。

47、Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small. ─── 你囊中不可有一大一小两样的法码。

48、A former Soviet diver died attempting it in an international competition. ─── 一位前苏联跳水运动员因在一次国际比赛中试跳该动作而身亡。

49、I looked and saw your love in the shadow of your heart, as a diver sees the pearl in the shadow of the sea. ─── 在你心灵的阴影中我看见你的爱情,仿佛潜水者在海水的阴影中看见珍珠。

50、Let me leave you with some perspective as a longtime diver. ─── 作为一名长久经验潜水员,让我给你提供一些看法。

51、Sorry I'm late there was a diversion. ─── 对不起, 我迟到了--因为改道的缘故.

52、And there is bad news for another Chinese diver,Tan Liangde. ─── 对中国另一名跳水选手谭良德来说就没有什么好消息了。

53、Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico. ─── 在墨西哥阿卡普尔科海岸附近,潜水员救助了一只座头鲸。

54、Mitcham beat two top Chinese divers who will challenge him for gold. ─── 在竞选期间陆克文曾努力吸引年轻人的选票,但他关于同性婚姻的观点却是非常老旧”。

55、This reversal has been a setback on your journey but think of it as a diversion rather than a halt. ─── 这次的不如意是你旅途中的挫折,但请把它看成一个拐点而不是终点吧。

56、A century ago, it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers. ─── 一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城,贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。

57、A smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place. ─── 劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。

58、The troops created a diversion and caught the enemy off guard. ─── 军队声东击西,把敌军调离岗位。

59、They'll have to send a diver down to examine the hull. ─── 他们必须派潜水员下水去检查船体。

60、But now, lots of women have become divers, too. ─── 但现在,很多女性也成了潜水者。

61、Eating them will increase your life, divers were stabbed after loss of life. ─── 吃下他们你会增加生命,被潜水员刺中之后会损失生命。

62、Although an immersive application tends to be focused on providing diversion, its appearance still needs to integrate with the task. ─── 尽管一个沉浸式应用程序侧重于以提供消遣为焦点,它的外观仍然需要和任务结合起来。

63、Wow,your are the Superior Diver that PAPAYA talked about often! ─── 不好意思,我的中文是不好,写英文可以吗?

64、KJV] Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. ─── [新译]你们不要被各样怪异的教训勾引去了。

65、But diversion amuses us, and leads us unconsciously to death. ─── 但是,消遣使我们开心,并让我们不知不觉走向死亡。

66、Well, maybe a little diversion might help. ─── 好,也许一点点转移注意力会有帮助。

67、Come on, you are the best diver of the world. Please take care of yourself. ─── 加油哦!你是世界上最棒的跳水运动员。好好照顾自己。

68、Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. ─── 你们不要被各样怪异的教训勾引去了。

69、What positions can divers take during the execution of the dive? ─── 在完成动作的过程中运动员可采用什么姿势?

70、Thou'lt find it good diversion. ─── 你会发现这是一种很好的消遣。

71、Today, China's divers have the most victories. ─── 今天,中国的跳水选手拥有大多数的胜利。

72、Two divers work together while a standby diver remains on the surface. ─── 两名潜水员协同工作,同时有一名候补潜水员留在水面上。

73、Night dives in front of dive centre with a buddy are included if you are an Advanced diver. ─── 夜潜可于潜水店码头前岸潜,自行活动.但必须是进阶潜水员以上并需有潜伴同行.(不得单独潜水).

74、The ship wrecks were rediscovered by a diver. ─── 一名潜水员发现了船只的残骸。

75、His only diversion is an occasional game of tennis. ─── 他唯一的消遣是偶尔打一场网球。

76、He chose divers of them, who were asked to accompany him. ─── 他选择他们当中的几个人,要他们和他作伴。

77、In each case the diver experienced flu-like symptoms within hours of the dive. ─── 在每一起个案中,潜水员都是在潜水后的几小时内出现了类似流感的症状。

78、He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts. ─── 他说一声,苍蝇就成群而来,并有虱子进入他们四境。

79、He was branded a cheat and a diver and his popularity was low. ─── 他被贴上了骗子和假摔者的标签,没有多少人喜欢他。

80、The divers enter in on a whole new world when they go exploring. ─── "当潜水者去探险,他们就开始进入了一个全新的领域。"

81、They geared the deep-sea diver with helmet, suit and air nose . ─── 他们给深海潜水员配备了防护帽、潜水服和通气管。

82、This normally poses no problem for the average diver. ─── 对一般潜水员来说,这通常不成问题。

83、A diver at the Hutton Cliffs near the Ross Island just off Antarctica. ─── 一名潜水员在南极罗斯岛附近水域的赫顿裂谷中。

84、He was a diversion for the General. ─── 他是供将军消遣解闷的!

85、Ned used to be a scuba diver and now he's gone to the other extreme and taken up hang gliding. ─── 内德过去是一名深水潜水员,现在他已走到另一个极端,开始从事悬挂式滑行运动。

86、Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small. ─── 14你家里不可有一大一小两样的升斗。

87、As a diver,he worked several hours a day under the water. ─── 作为一名潜水员,他每天在水下工作好几个小时。

88、A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers. ─── 升降索用来提升或放低深海潜水员的绳索

89、The diver was weaving his way through the traffic. ─── 司机在繁忙的交通中迂回行驶。





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