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09-04 投稿



unsheathing 发音

英:[?n??i????]  美:[?n??i???]

英:  美:

unsheathing 中文意思翻译



unsheathing 同义词

draw | pull | rake out | uncover | extract | remove

unsheathing 词性/词形变化,unsheathing变形

动词第三人称单数: unsheathes |动词过去分词: unsheathed |动词过去式: unsheathed |动词现在分词: unsheathing |

unsheathing 反义词


unsheathing 短语词组

1、chemical unsheathing ─── [化] 化学除套; 化学去壳

unsheathing 相似词语短语

1、unwreathing ─── vt.解开,展开

2、sheathing ─── n.防护物;外壳;入鞘;v.使入鞘;覆盖(sheathe的ing形式)

3、unbreathing ─── 无支撑

4、unswathing ─── vt.解开……的包布

5、unseating ─── vt.罢免;剥夺…的席位;使失去资格;使从座位上(或马背上)摔下

6、-sheathing ─── n.防护物;外壳;入鞘;v.使入鞘;覆盖(sheathe的ing形式)

7、ensheathing ─── v.放入鞘中(ensheathe的现在分词)

8、insheathing ─── vt.将……插入鞘

9、dissheathing ─── 剥离

unsheathing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Came singing in the sun , sword unsheathing . ─── 宝剑出鞘,沐浴阳光一路歌声。

2、He was made sole signatory on the FIFA grant account, and he celebrated his new job by flexing his fingers, unsheathing his pen and writing some serious cheques. ─── 对于国际足联专款的帐户,他一手独揽。于是他伸出手指,拔出钢笔,签了一些煞有介事的支票来庆祝获得这个新差事。

3、His fall is a pity, because the Republicans are already unsheathing their knives. ─── 他的退出是遗憾的,因为共和党已经拔出他们的小刀。

4、I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing. ─── 我在青天下歌唱,挥舞宝剑。

5、you have lost rome without unsheathing your sword ─── 你毫不抵抗的就放弃罗马

6、Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess : but the thought of an instant reassured me.I placed my hand upon the solid fabric of the catacombs, and felt satisfied. ─── 我拔出佩剑,在墓穴里摸索起来:霎那间我重又镇定下来,我扶着墓穴中坚硬的石墙,心满意足。

7、chemical unsheathing ─── [化] 化学除套; 化学去壳

8、" With this a contemptuous Cato unfurls his rage at the general."You have lost Rome without unsheathing your sword!" ─── 听到这里,卡托蔑视的对庞培喊到:“你连剑都未出鞘就放弃了罗马。”

9、For a brief moment I hesitated, I trembled. Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess; ─── 刹那间,我拿不定主意,簌簌直抖,不久就拔出长剑,手执长剑在壁龛里摸索起来;

10、Though He was the Prince of Peace, His coming must be as the unsheathing of a sword. ─── 他来所要设立的国,与犹太人所希冀的恰好相反。

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