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09-04 投稿



gypse 发音


英:  美:

gypse 中文意思翻译



gypse 相似词语短语

1、gypsy ─── n.吉卜赛人;吉卜赛语;像吉布赛的人;歌舞剧中的歌舞队员;adj.象吉卜赛人的;吉卜赛人的;无照的;vi.流浪;n.(Gypsy)人名;(英)吉普赛

2、gypseous ─── adj.石膏质的;含石膏的

3、gypsies ─── n.吉普赛人;吉布赛语(Gypsy的复数)

4、gypsum ─── n.石膏,石膏肥料

5、gypsters ─── n.骗子

6、gypper ─── 吉珀

7、gypster ─── n.骗子

8、gypped ─── 欺骗(gypped是gyp的过去式和过去分词)

9、gyps ─── n.石膏;欺骗(gyp的复数);v.诈骗(gyp的三单形式)

gypse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to our experience, these munual GYP will have a good market in Japan. ─── 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。

2、In Finland and Norway, gypsum particleboardtakes a leading position in production in the world for high automation inproduction.Now in China there is no gyp... ─── 介绍了芬兰、挪威等国石膏刨花板的生产现状,论述了我国发展石膏刨花板的可能性和必要性,并提出了几点建议.

3、to give someone gyp ─── 严厉地责备(或处罚)某人

4、That meal was a real gyp. ─── 那顿饭简直是敲竹杠。

5、GYP - 600 inertia cone crusher ─── GYP-600型惯性圆锥破碎机

6、A pair of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus), the largest bird living in Serbia, fly in a canyon of the Uvac river, some 220 km south of Belgrade, Tuesday, Nov.11. (AP ─── 十一月十一日星期二,一对狮兀鹫飞过位于塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德南方两百廿公里的乌瓦治河峡谷。狮兀鹫为塞国境内最大的飞禽。(美联社照片)

7、My rheumatism's been giving me gyp. ─── 我的风湿病使我一直很痛苦.

8、The most behaviors of white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and Himalayan griffon (Gyps hinalayensis ) were foraging, resting and locomotion during wintering season. ─── 白尾海雕和高山兀鹫的越冬行为主要是觅食、休息和运动。

9、My swollen knee has given me gyp all day. ─── 我的膝盖肿了,让我整天都很受罪。

10、Baier Building Materials Co., Ltd founded in 2001. We have an annual capacity of 20000 tons of Gyp... ─── 发布者:季军所在地:山东临沂市行业:建筑、建材职位:业务助理工作年限:

11、My back's been giving me gyp lately. ─── 最近我的后背疼得要命。

12、GYP recommends corporate leaders seeking to better realize their talent &operational capabilities need to concentrate both in two distinct ways. ─── GYP建议企业领导者把他们的人才和运营能力以两种截然不同的方式集中起来进行更好的运用。

13、As a leading OD practitioner in China, GYP provides practical solutions for local management to better realize their global potential. ─── 作为中国先进的OD推动者,GYP为本土管理人员提供实用的解决方案,帮助他们更好地发挥他们的国际潜力。

14、give sb gyp ─── 使某人活受罪

15、Development of new cement with a little amount of clinker by using titanium gyp sum, pfa and slag ─── 利用钛石膏和粉煤灰及矿渣研制少熟料新型复合胶凝材料

16、 双语使用场景

17、Welcome to GYP's Leadership Development page for corporate leaders, HR & management to identify and maximize their best talent for GLO-CAL success. ─── GYP领导力提升项目,目标在于帮助企业领导者、HR和管理层识别和充分运用他们最好的人才资源,从而实现国际本土化的成功。

19、Translation decrease the stiffness of elastic beams and also increase the system's damp, While rotation increase the stiffness of elastic beams and also make the system produce gyp effect. ─── 大范围平动使弹性梁的刚度降低,同时使系统阻尼增加;而大范围转动使弹性梁的刚度增加,同时使系统产生了能量转换的陀螺效应。

20、Objective To perform comprehensive evaluation on colon targeting capsule of Guyuan peptide(GYP)for anti-osteoporosis action. ─── 目的综合评价抗骨质疏松产品-骨元肽结肠靶向胶囊。

21、Make new phase to initiate party gyp especially, better play Party school is grooming in the cadre advocate channel action, made the decision of resource of integrated Party school. ─── 特别是为了开创党校工作新局面,更好发挥党校在培训干部中的主渠道作用,作出了整合党校资源的决定。

22、gyp joint ─── n. 索高价的商店

23、By: Brian McCoy | - A keni studjuar Reverse gyp System (RFS) dhe avantazhet apo disavantazhet e saj? ─── Kjo 毛sht毛 nj毛 shqyrtim t毛 paansh毛m t毛 programit dhe themeluesin e tij.

24、Welcome to GYP's Tactical Management page for key professionals responsible for their operation's bottom-line performance. ─── GYP的战术性管理,目标在于协助负责企业重要绩效的关键人员/管理人员的工作。

25、As well as the paid help, Darwin could also rely on the college "gyp", the Cambridge nickname for a valet or servant. ─── 也正因为此,达尔文可以雇佣大学“校工”。“校工”是当时剑桥大学里的男仆或佣人的别称。

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