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09-04 投稿



twang 发音

英:[tw??]  美:[tw??]

英:  美:

twang 中文意思翻译




twang 网络释义

n. 鼻音;弦声;砰然一声vi. 发拨弦声;带鼻音讲话;砰然一声响vt. 用鼻音讲;使发拨弦声

twang 短语词组

1、twang meaning ─── 吐温的意思

2、nasal twang ─── 鼻化音

3、twang rand ─── 强制边缘

4、twang reverb twang ─── 混响

5、twang r ─── 吐温

6、twang mason ramsey ─── 强迫梅森·拉姆齐

7、twang song ─── 唐宋

8、twang ring ─── 鼻音环

9、twang thang ─── 唐僧

twang 词性/词形变化,twang变形

形容词: twangy |动词现在分词: twanging |动词第三人称单数: twangs |动词过去分词: twanged |动词过去式: twanged |

twang 相似词语短语

1、twanged ─── n.鼻音;弦声;砰然一声;vi.发拨弦声;带鼻音讲话;砰然一声响;vt.用鼻音讲;使发拨弦声

2、dwang ─── n.大螺帽扳手;[机]转动杆

3、twank ─── 笨蛋

4、twangy ─── 似弦声的

5、thang ─── n.(Thang)人名;(德)唐

6、wang ─── n.王(姓氏);王安电脑公司

7、swang ─── v.摆动,摇摆;(使)弧线运动,甩;(使)突然转向;改变(意见或情绪);(非正式)获得,搞到;以强劲节奏演奏(swing的过去式)

8、twangs ─── n.鼻音;弦声;砰然一声;vi.发拨弦声;带鼻音讲话;砰然一声响;vt.用鼻音讲;使发拨弦声

9、tang ─── n.特性;强烈的味道;柄脚;vt.使声尖锐;装刀柄于;vi.发出铿锵声;发出当的一声;n.(Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当

twang 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Twang a guitar ─── 弹奏吉他

2、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住。

3、But despite those who work to erase their twang, others are embracing it. ─── 这对于那些认为美音至高无上的人来说,是不是一个巨大的讽刺?

4、besides, there was not a sign of life around but the distant barking of a dog and the twang of a bullfrog from a neightboring marsh. ─── 没有月亮,除了远处的狗吠和附近沼泽的蛙鸣之外,在也没有任何生物的气息。

5、her speech has a funny twang; ─── 他讲话有些奇怪的鼻音;

6、And while life moves a little slower in Alabama and the residents speak with a distinctive twang, don't mistake this state for a backwater. ─── 而当你看到那缓慢的生活节奏、浓重的地方语音,你一定会误以为这里是一个落后地区。

7、'No problem,' he assured me with a southern twang, 'We understand and appreciate whatever you can do.' ─── “没问题,”他用带着些南方口音的腔调说,“我们理解,能做多少做多少吧,还是很感谢你。”

8、But the Yankees aren't waiting for Clemens' Hall of Fame arm and Texas twang to right all that's been wrong. ─── 但是洋基却没能等待这位名人堂级的火箭人,好好的事情搞的一团乱。

9、He spoke with a nasal twang. ─── 他讲话时带着鼻音。

10、For many years, this meant English, first with received pronunciation, then with an American twang. ─── 多年来,这意味着英语,首先是标准的英国发音,然后是带鼻音的美式英语。

11、She had a slight Australian twang. ─── 她说话稍微有点澳大利亚口音。

12、You a speaking with a nasal twang, you must have a cold today. ─── 你今天是不是感冒了?你的声音好象有点齆鼻哦!

13、Sue said with a jew's-harp twang in her voice. ─── 苏带着犹太人竖琴般的鼻音说。

14、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不

15、Suddenly he heard a faint twang . ─── 突然,他听到一下轻微的“铛”声。

16、The humbuckers deliver twang and shimmer with plenty of attitude. ─── 该款电吉他从微观真实表现音乐本质。

17、speak with a twang ─── 说话带鼻音

18、Indeed, so wary did we become that the twang of the Tambura, from a distance, scared us away and utterly failed to bag us. ─── 确实,我们变得异常警觉,远远听到冬不拉的琴弦声,就把我们给吓跑了,根本不可能把我们装进猎袋里去。

19、“Now then, young man,” he cried in the nasal twang of the West Riding. “I'm Mr. Dinsdale's brother, I farm over in Listondale. ─── “现在,年轻人,”他的鼻音带有西约克郡味儿:“我是丁斯代尔的兄弟,我的农场在另一头儿的里斯顿代尔。”

20、“This thing is done,” he said in a sorrowful Texas twang. ─── “我们就这样输了,”他带着德克萨斯鼻音悲伤的说。

21、The bow twang and the arrow whistle through the air ─── 那张弓发出‘?G崩'的一声, 箭随之呼啸而去

22、Something gave a loud discordant twang. ─── 某样东西突然发出了响亮刺耳的“砰”的一声。

23、In his 'Ottawa Valley twang,' Rowswell noted that he still regards himself as outsider and 'I've never tried to pretend I'm Chinese.' ─── 大山操着带加拿大安大略省口音的英语说,他仍把自己视为一个外人,他从来没有试图假装自己是中国人。

24、to play (a stringed musical instrument); to pluck; to finger; to twang ─── 弹奏


26、Still taciturn, he could, when he wanted, engage in repartee which though neither fluent nor smart had the right twang to it. ─── 他还是不大爱说话,可是要张口的时候也勉强的要点俏皮,即使说得不圆满利落,好歹是那么股子劲儿。

27、People made fun of the country twang he had when he spoke and his country mentality. ─── 当他开口时,人们总在嘲笑他的乡下发音和乡村思维。

28、Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring ─── 惊弓之鸟

29、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. so it simply gave up trying to live. ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住,自然要掉下来了。”

30、Twang! Went the bow; and all the wealth of Leocritus availed him noting ─── 嘭!弦声已响;利欧克里物斯的全部财产对他一文不值了。

31、A friend describes a sunset off Waikiki .We hear the twang of a steel guitar. ─── 一个朋友这样描述怀基基海滩的日落:我们仿佛听到弹奏吉他的声音。

32、to twang a violin ─── 拉小提琴

33、The president was both impish and serious, firing off questions with his trademark Texan twang. ─── 总统严肃中带着几分俏皮,用他带着鼻音的标志性德州口音连珠炮般发问。

34、If your voice had sounded like this a few months ago, without a trace of the Yangzhou twang in it, I might have been taken in. ─── 几个月之前,倘若就会说这样的话,不带丝毫扬州腔调,倒也不容易发觉。”

35、13. The enemy always underrates the energy of our army and overrates his own strength, though at the same time he is like a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string. ─── 十三、敌人对于我军的积极性总是估计不足的,对于自己力量总是估计过高,虽然他们同时又是惊弓之鸟。

36、6. sound with a twang, as of a bowstring. ─── 使用弦发出的声音,比如弓弦。

37、The fiddle began to twang. ─── 这把小提琴开始发出响亮的拨弦声。

38、There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean. ─── 现在还有快乐啊,悲哀啊,这种字眼,但这些都只是用鼻音唱出的赞美诗的叠句,实际上我们所信仰的还是平庸而卑下的。

39、His voice had a strange mid-Western twang but it was polite and respectful. ─── 他带有中西部口音,但还是客客气气的。

40、a curious hybrid accent; her speech has a funny twang; they have some funny ideas about war; had an odd name; the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves; something definitely queer about this town; what a rum fellow; singular behavior. ─── 古怪的混合口音;他讲话有些奇怪的鼻音;他们对战争有些奇异的想法;有个古怪的名字;丁香的奇特香味;关于这个城市的一些的确奇怪的东西;多么古怪的家伙;异常的行为。

41、With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird. ─── 更赢很自信地对魏王说:“我可以用弓声就把飞鸟给打下来。”

42、The words came out with an Irish twang to them. ─── 话里带有爱尔兰音。

43、There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean. ─── 有高兴和悲伤的词,但它们只是圣歌的负担,被用鼻音唱着,当我们相信平庸和吝啬。

44、Igawa has been a project for Guidry this season, an odd intersection of Igawa's Japanese culture and Guidry's cajun twang, both mixing in the hopes of retiring Major League hitters consistently. ─── 古伯伯本季对于井川庆寄予厚望,那是一个奇怪的井川庆日本文化与古伯伯的交集,混杂了将大联盟打击者解决的希望。

45、nasal twang ─── 鼻化音

46、a distinctive Texan twang ─── 特有的得克萨斯鼻音.

47、cause to sound with a twang. ─── 使用拨弦的方式使发音。

48、Jeth : Guess you could say that. Twang's a little different though. ─── 杰斯:我想你可以这么说。虽然还是有点差别。

49、She sought refuge with song under burnt-out warehouses and in darkened clubs with the promise of guitar twang and a lonesome cry. ─── 她寻求庇护下与宋被烧毁的仓库,并在黑暗的俱乐部承诺吉他弦声和一个寂寞的哭了起来。

50、Her best joke, told in that twang at the Democratic National Convention in 1988, commiserated with “Poor George” senior, “born with a silver foot in his mouth”. ─── 她最有趣的事迹是在1988年民主党全国会议上,为了嘲弄老布什,她用鼻音说:“哦,可怜的乔治,生下来嘴里就含着银脚丫子”。

51、She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; ─── “啊,毛病在于我不嫉妒,是吧?”

52、7.He speaks quietly, with a slightly nasal New England twang, and with a calm self-assurance. ─── 他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰味道的鼻音,还有一股子沉着自信。

53、"This thing is done, " he said in a sorrowful Texas twang. ─── “我们就这样输了,”他带着德克萨斯鼻音悲伤的说。

54、And when it heard the twang of the string, it thought someone was going to shoot it again.So it tried hard to fly away. ─── 它听到了弓弦声音,以为又有人要射它,所以拼命想飞走。

55、a curious hybrid accent; her speech has a funny twang; they have some funny ideas about war; had an odd name; the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves; something definitely queer about this town; what a rum fellow; singular behavior ─── 古怪的混合口音;他讲话有些奇怪的鼻音;他们对战争有些奇异的想法;有个古怪的名字;丁香的奇特香味;关于这个城市的一些的确奇怪的东西;多么古怪的家伙;异常的行为

56、Another said, Arthur, he sounds like a fag, referring to the senator's High Plains nasal twang. ─── 另一个人说:“阿瑟,他说话听上去像是一个同性恋。”这是指参议员麦戈文说话时带有一种高原人特有的鼻音。

57、The voice issuing from the whiskers had the same nasal twang but was kind and pleasant and his hand was firm and respectful. ─── 从络腮胡中发出的声音带有浓重的鼻音,但也是温和愉快的。 他搀扶着她的手显得既坚定又有礼貌。

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