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09-04 投稿



mallard 发音

英:[?m?l?rd]  美:[?m?lɑ?d]

英:  美:

mallard 中文意思翻译




mallard 网络释义

n. 野鸭;野鸭肉n. (Mallard)人名;(法)马拉尔;(英)马拉德

mallard 短语词组

1、mallard duck ─── [医]驯化野鸭

2、knowing that mrs mallard was ─── 知道mallard夫人

mallard 词性/词形变化,mallard变形


mallard 相似词语短语

1、Ballard ─── n.加拿大巴拉德公司;巴拉德(男子名)

2、Gillard ─── 吉拉德

3、Lollard ─── n.(英)基督教罗拉德派(14世纪信奉威克利夫派的教徒)

4、Willard ─── n.威拉德(男子名)

5、Villard ─── n.(Villard)人名;(英)维拉德;(法)维拉尔

6、gaillard ─── n.盖拉德(姓氏);Cut盖亚尔渠(巴拿马运河的一部分)

7、paillard ─── (尤指敲薄后烤炙的)一块牛肉,一块小牛肉;n.(Paillard)人名;(法)帕亚尔

8、Millard ─── n.米勒德(姓氏)

9、mallards ─── n.[鸟]绿头鸭(mallard的复数形式)

mallard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When we listened carefully, we heard tiny noises confirming the life within. Slowly but surely one little mallard was struggling to make its way to the world. ─── 我们聚精会神地听听到了微弱的声音,这证实蛋壳里有生命存在。一只小绿头鸭正缓慢但坚定地挣扎着来到这个世界上。

2、mallard curly black tail ─── 黑勾尾毛

3、He pounded me like a mallard duck. ─── 他像野鸭一样疯狂。

4、It is a Baikal Mallard. ─── 它是绿头鸭。

5、Who ever thought ending makes a person distressed however, scorpion, serpent raises less more, pheasant, mallard is sold hard, cost of the racoon dog in nutria, Wu Su is exorbitant bear hard. ─── 谁曾想结局却令人忧伤,蝎子、毒蛇越养越少,山鸡、野鸭难以销售,海狸鼠、乌苏里貉成本过高难以承受。

6、Repeating this 6 to 9 times continuously will imitate a mallard hen hail calling. ─── 连续不断地重复6至9次就会模仿一只母野鸭发出欢快的叫声。

7、an undomesticated duck (especially a mallard). ─── 非家养的鸭,特指绿头鸭。

8、Mallard ducklings wait their turn May 14 as a sibling struggles to make it up a curb in South Bend, Ind. ─── 5月14日,小野鸭们排队过上路沿。妈妈早已跨跃了障碍在那边等著他们。

9、Workers at the International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) in Fairfield, California, took the x-ray May 21 while treating a mallard duck that had been found with a broken wing. ─── 这张照片是由国际鸟类营救研究中心的工作人员在2006.5.21日在处理一只断翅野鸭时拍下的.

10、NOEL in one-generation reproductive study for bobwhite quail >20 ppm, for mallard ducks 0.1 ppm;reproduction hazard at 2 ppm. ─── 白喉鹌鹑一代繁殖试验中的无作用剂量NOEL >20 ppm,野鸭为0.1 ppm,对生殖造成危害的浓度为2 ppm。

11、spot-mouth mallard (Anas poecilorhyncha) ─── 斑嘴野鸭

12、hybrid mallard ─── 杂交野鸭

13、Hok Ting mallard platforms, and the poor island stick; Gui Lan Temple Palace, out Gang Luan's body. ─── 鹤汀凫渚,穷岛屿之萦回;桂殿兰宫,列冈峦之体势。

14、The Mariana Mallard arose from hybrid speciation. ─── 马里亚纳野鸭就是杂交物种形成产生的。

15、Keywords chlorfenapyr;Mallard duck;reproduction test; ─── 溴虫腈;野鸭;繁殖试验;

16、A wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos) of which the male has a green head and neck. Most domestic ducks descend from the mallard. ─── 一种野鸭(绿头鸭),其雄鸟具有绿色的头和颈。大部分驯化了的家鸭都是绿头鸭的后裔。

17、And of course there were the Mallard ducks. ─── 而且当然有野鸭鸭子。

18、13 Cysts of Sarcocystis sp. in the breast muscle of a mallard duck. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Figure 5.

19、Mallard Gaulin control the full wine making process from the vineyard to the bottling. ─── 马勒格林掌控着从葡萄的种植直至最终葡萄酒装瓶的整个葡萄酒酿制过程。

20、Another mallard has flown, mental family doctor lifts a gun to aim at, but also be done not have,blast off. ─── 另一只野鸭飞过,精神科医生举枪瞄准,可是也没有发射。

21、Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill. ─── 东半球象鹅的鸭子,比野鸭稍大,多数为黑白杂色羽毛,红嘴。

22、Lake groupscalls duck, mallard game water. ─── 湖中成群结队的野鸭飞扑鸣叫,凫游戏水。

23、Functional properties of proteins can be improved by mallard reaction. ─── 化反应可以改善蛋白质的某些功能特性。

24、Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill ─── 东半球象鹅的鸭子,比野鸭稍大,多数为黑白杂色羽毛,红嘴

25、Isolation and Identification of Riemerella Anatipestifer from Mallard Ducks ─── 野鸭鸭疫里默氏杆菌的分离与鉴定

26、Study on Genetic Diversity between Mallard and Chinese Local Duck Breeds ─── 绿头野鸭与我国主要地方鸭品种遗传多样性研究

27、The mallard laid ten eggs in a nest in the corner of the planter that is perched over 10 feet in the air. ─── 几周前,他看到一个妈妈鸭子选择了他窗户外的水泥篷上面作为它秘密地点,在人行道上面建立一个巢穴。

28、Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble,great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. ─── 他们知道马拉德太太患有心脏病,所以告诉她丈夫死亡的消息也就小心翼翼,尽量委婉。

29、The behavior regularity of mallard in the cultivated condition ─── 人工养殖绿头野鸭的行为规律

30、It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of “ killed. ─── 收到铁道事故的消息时他正在报社的办公室里,布雷特利·马拉德的名字列于“死亡”名单之首。

31、The guy in trouble there is always a farm, this is not a mallard wild chicken, but rather a group of men senseless trouble! ─── 在农场中总有捣乱的家伙出现,这次可不是野鸭野鸡了,而是一群无聊的捣乱男性!

32、LC50 for mallard ducks and bobwhite quail >4640 mg/kg. ─── 野鸭和白喉鹌鹑LC50 >4640 mg/kg。

33、Farms in the total disruption of the people there, this was not mallard pheasants, but creating a group of bored men! ─── 在农场中总有捣乱的家伙出现,这次可不是野鸭野鸡了,而是一群无聊的捣乱男性!

34、Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was 1)afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. ─── 大家都知道马兰德夫人的心脏有毛病,所以在把她丈夫的死讯告诉她时都是小心翼翼的,尽可能地温和委婉。

35、stiff brown edged mallard scapular ─── 硬火烧边毛

36、A wild duck(Anas platyrhynchos) of which the male has a green head and neck. Most domestic ducks descend from the mallard. ─── 绿头鸭一种野鸭(绿头鸭),其雄鸟具有绿色的头和颈。大部分驯化了的家鸭都是绿头鸭的后裔

37、On sunny days like now, I like playing badminton or feeding cute mallard babies in the park. ─── 跑以我的狗, 和拍乐趣相片的他。

38、Any of a breed of common domestic ducks descended from and resembling the mallard ─── 鲁昂鸭一种与绿头鸭相似并是其后代的普通家养鸭

39、It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella ─── 进来的是布雷特利·马拉德,有点风尘仆仆的样子,从容地拎着手提包和雨伞。

40、Although James did admit that he still misses Mrs Mallard’s Shepherds pie and Yorkshire puddings! ─── 虽然詹姆斯承认,他还是想念陈野鸭的牧羊人馅饼和约克郡布丁!

41、mallard meat ─── 凫肉

42、mallard feathers ─── 凫羽

43、Study on the Egg Qualities of Mallard Duck ─── 绿头野鸭蛋的品质研究

44、mallard falcated teal feather ─── 白银边毛

45、The guy in trouble there is always a farm, this is not a mallard wild chicken, but rather a group of men senseless trouble! ─── 在农场中总有捣乱的家伙出现,这次可不是野鸭野鸡了,而是一群无聊的捣乱男性!

46、It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella. ─── 走进来的正是布伦特·马兰德,看上去风尘仆仆,漫不经心的拎着他的旅行袋跟雨伞。

47、Mallard reaction ─── Mallard反应

48、The Effeet of Mallard Duck Crossed with Jingjiang Shelduck ─── 绿头野鸭与荆江麻鸭杂交效果研究

49、Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. ─── 他 们 知 道 马 拉 德 太 太 患 有 心 脏 病 , 所 以 告 诉 她 丈 夫 死 亡 的 消 息 也 就 小 心 翼 翼 , 尽 量 委 婉 。

50、A roasted mallard duck with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert, a demi-tasse and a cigar would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter refuge. ─── 要一只烤野鸭,再加一瓶夏布利葡萄酒,一块坎门贝干酪,一小杯清咖啡和一支雪茄,就可以让他饱餐一顿而高高兴兴地上路到他的冬季避难所去了。

51、"Strongly migratory, dabbling ducks include some of the world's finest game Birds: the Black duck, the gadwall, the garganey, the mallard, the pintail (perhaps the world's most abundant waterfowl), the shoveler, the teals, and the wigeons." ─── 迁徙习性强,鸭族包括一些世界上最好的猎禽︰绿嘴黑鸭、赤膀鸭 、绿头鸭、白眉鸭、针尾鸭(可能是世界上数量最多的水鸟)、琵嘴鸭、水鸭、赤颈鸭等。

52、"You know what I mean, " said Irene Mallard sternly. ─── “你晓得我指的是什么,”爱莲·玛拉正言厉色地说。

53、Linwu mallard ─── 临武鸭

54、Mrs. Mallard ─── 马拉德夫人

55、A single Mallard at Deep Water Bay at dusk today, a rather unexpected find!! ─── 努力不一定会成功...但不努力就一定不会成功!!

56、Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. ─── 明知夫人野鸭是患有心脏病的麻烦,非常小心被打破,她轻轻地作为,尽可能的消息,她丈夫的死因。

57、Mental family doctor asks: "Does mallard know he is mallard? ─── 精神科医生问道:“野鸭知道自己是野鸭吗?”

58、As soon as Mrs. Mallard and the ducklings were safe on the other side and on their way down Mount Vernon Street, Michael rushed back to his police booth. ─── 他们的声音太大了,迈克尔都跑过来了,挥动着胳膊,吹着口哨,他站立在路中间,举起一只手,止住交通,然后示意麦乐夫人过马路。

59、Mrs. Mallard stepped out to cross the road. ─── 马拉太太领着他们穿过马路。

60、It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of " killed." ─── 收 到 铁 道 事 故 的 消 息 时 他 正 在 报 社 的 办 公 室 里 , 布 雷 特 利 · 马 拉 德 的 名 字 列 于 “ 死 亡 ” 名 单 之 首 。

61、mallard flank plumage ─── 白花毛

62、Research on the Carcass Quality of Mallard Duck ─── 绿头野鸭屠体品质研究

63、Chitosan reducing amino acids of mixed juice and filtered juice were tested, it seem that chitosan could de-amino-acidize in sugarcane juice, some preventable and controllable methods for Mallard reaction were also discussed. ─── 摘要通过壳聚糖降低混合汁和滤清汁氨基酸含量的试验研究,认为壳聚糖对除去蔗汁氨基酸有一定效果,并提出了在制糖生产中减少美拉德反应的措施。

64、a wild duck(Anas platyrhynchos) of which the male has a green head and neck. Most domestic ducks descend from the mallard ─── 绿头鸭,一种野鸭(绿头鸭),其雄鸟具有绿色的头和颈。大部分驯化了的家鸭都是绿头鸭的后裔

65、mallard duck ─── 野鸭

66、Influence of 10% Chlorfenapyr SC on the Reproduction of Mallard Duck ─── 10%溴虫腈悬浮剂对野鸭繁殖性能的影响

67、Mallard was an active exhibitor and teacher in amateur photography circles, but never worked as professional photographer. ─── 莫勒是个在业余摄影圈里非常活跃的参展人和教师,但他却从来没有从事专业摄影。

68、"You know what I mean," said Irene Mallard sternly. ─── “你晓得我指的是什么,”爱莲·玛拉正言厉色地说。

69、Another mallard has flown, the surgeon had grabbed a gun to come from inside hand of mental family doctor one gun, internal medicine and mental family doctor ask: "Are you mallard then for certain? ─── 另一只野鸭飞过,外科医生从精神科医生手中抢过枪来开了一枪,内科和精神科医生问道:“你肯定那是野鸭吗?”

70、It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella. ─── 进 来 的 是 布 雷 特 利 · 马 拉 德 , 有 点 风 尘 仆 仆 的 样 子 , 从 容 地 拎 着 手 提 包 和 雨 伞 。

71、Technical Method of Improving Green Head Mallard the Hatch Ratio ─── 提高绿头野鸭孵化率的技术措施

72、When they reached the pond and swam across to the little island, there was Mr. Mallard waiting for them, just as he had promised. ─── 当他们到达池塘,游到那个小岛上时,看见了正在等他们的麦乐先生,就象他所承诺的那样。

73、Yellow chicken of duck of tungsten snipe, pheasant, mallard, an affectionate couple, ostrich, La Kongqiao, palace, blame with the flesh columbine growth is the rapiddest. ─── 钨鹞、山鸡、野鸭、鸳鸯鸭、鸵鸟、蓝孔雀、宫廷黄鸡,尤以肉鸽增长最快。

74、Strong and ready hands turned him about and conveyed him in silence and haste to the sidewalk and averted the ignoble fate of the menaced mallard. ─── 强壮迅急的手掌推了他个转身,悄无声息地被押了出来,推上了人行道,拯救了那只险遭毒手的野鸭的可怜命运。

75、Mrs. Mallard led the way into the water and they swam behind her to the opposite bank. ─── 麦乐夫人带头跳进水里,他们在她身后游到了对岸。

76、He lay screaming in a heap on the Mallard duck rug in the parlor at the foot of the stairs. ─── 他在楼梯下方在客厅中的在野鸭鸭子毯子上的堆中放置尖叫。

77、frozen mallard and pintail duck ─── 冻水鸭

78、We located 12 species of geese and ducks (5 genera) during November and December,the dominant species were Spot-billed Duck (Anas poecilorhyncha),Common Teal (A.crecca),Baikal Teal (A.formosa) and Mallard (A.platyrhynchos). ─── 与历史记录相比,雁鸭类种类明显减少。 11~12月记录到雁鸭类5属12种,优势种为斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(A.crecca)、花脸鸭(A.formosa)和绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos);

79、The mallard nest that we had stumbled upon that spring day along the wooded shore of my father's backyard pond was abandoned and strewn apart. Only five of twelve eggs were left unbroken. ─── 春季的一天,沿着我父亲后院长满树木的池塘岸边,我们碰巧发现一个被遗弃的散落的绿头鸭窝,12个蛋中只剩下5个还没有破壳。

80、One chosen students, called the Lord Mallard, leads a parade through college while wielding a duck on a stick. ─── 选出一名学生作为野鸭王,带领游行队伍穿过学校,同时拿着一个鸭子穿在棍子上。

81、One, special birds kind: 1 .Original special birds - - Hu of pheasant, Zhe, Wang Ge, mallard. ─── 一、特禽类:1.原有特禽--山鸡、鹧鹕、王鸽、野鸭等。

82、When they reached the pond and swam across to the little island, there was Mr. Mallard waiting for them, just as he had promised. ─── 当他们到达池塘,游到那个小岛上时,看见了正在等他们的麦乐先生,就象他所承诺的那样。

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