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09-04 投稿



dissociating 发音

英:[d??s???ie?t??]  美:[d??so??ie?t??]

英:  美:

dissociating 中文意思翻译




dissociating 反义词


dissociating 短语词组

1、dissociating medium ─── 解离介质

2、dissociating meaning ─── 离解意义

3、dissociating force ─── 离解力

4、dissociating method ─── 分离方法

5、dissociating power ─── 离解能力度

dissociating 常用词组

dissociate from ─── 使分离

dissociating 同义词

liberate | decouple | disjoin | distance | disjoint | disunite | disassociate | detach |divorce | separate | disconnect

dissociating 词性/词形变化,dissociating变形

动词现在分词: dissociating |动词第三人称单数: dissociates |形容词: dissociative |动词过去分词: dissociated |动词过去式: dissociated |

dissociating 相似词语短语

1、associating ─── n.姘居;v.结合;使联合;把……联系在一起;联想;参与;交往,混在一起;表示支持(或同意)(associate的现在分词)

2、dissociations ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

3、dissociative ─── adj.游离的;分离的

4、disassociating ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

5、dissocializing ─── 分离

6、dissocialising ─── 分离

7、disseminating ─── v.传播(disseminate的ing形式);宣传;散播

8、dissociation ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

9、dislocating ─── v.使脱臼;扰乱,使混乱;(dislocate的现在分词)

dissociating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dissociating from misery may be wise. ─── 逃避苦难也许是明智的。

2、Then we perform a forecast of possible gather area about coal-bed methane of dissociating in the Wangying coalfield, pointing direction of coal-bed methane exploration in the future. ─── 应用于王营井田,在此基础上预测了王营矿区游离态的煤层气的可能聚集带,为今后的煤层气勘探指明了方向.

3、Perreault N, Jean-Francois B.Use of the dissociating enzyme thermolysin to generate viable human normal intestinal epithelial cell cultures.Exp Cell Res 1996; ─── 张道杰,蒋建新,陈永华,熊健琼,段朝霞,朱佩芳.用嗜热菌蛋白酶进行人肠上皮细胞分离培养.第三军医大学学报2004;

4、Dissociating the future occurrences failed. ─── 拆分未来的重现失败。

5、Numerical Method of Solving the Boundary Value Problem for the Dissociating Model With Two Degrees of Freedom ─── 二维离解模型边值问题的数值解法

6、a huge nonmagnetic intraocular foreign bodies on ora serrata was extirpated via limbal incision, through dissociating vitreous body by vitrectomy. ─── 1例锯齿缘巨大非磁性异物,行晶体摘除后经角膜缘切口取出。

7、dissociating way ─── 分离方法

8、It does this simply by dissociating [separating] itself from everything. ─── 2它是因为与一切断绝关系,才沦落到这一地步。

9、dissociating solvent ─── 离解性溶剂

10、Isolation and culture of human intestinal epithelial cells using dissociating enzyme thermolysin ─── 用嗜热菌蛋白酶进行人肠上皮细胞分离培养

11、Under modern corporation system, it must cause beneficial conflict between owners and businessmen because of corporation ownership dissociating from control, namely, agency problem. ─── 在现代企业制度下,由于企业所有权与控制权的分离,必然会产生所有者和经营者之间的利益冲突,即代理问题。

12、dissociating power ─── 离解本领

13、dissociating force ─── 离解力

14、dissociating gas ─── 离解气体

15、After dissociating the effective signals, we can locate the vibration source according to the time difference that can be got by using the analysis of correlation-function. ─── 当找到需要的信号后,通过相关函数分析自动获取多道信号的相对时差,进而求取振源的位置。

16、An Elementary Introduction on the Influence of Dissociating Hospital Pharmacy from Medical Treatment on Their Development ─── 浅谈医药分离对医院药学和医学发展的影响

17、Analyzing the method of Sand-stone Vibrating dissociating on theory. This is reviability the Sand-stone is seprated from earthflow.; ─── 本文从理论上分析了采用震动分离的方法,把岩屑从泥浆中分离出来的可行性和可靠性。

18、Firstly, the method of dissociating erythrophores from Xiphophorus helleri was developed. ─── 首先,本试验建立了红剑(Xiphophorus helleri)红色素细胞的分离和培养方法。

19、children may ameliorate their suffering by dissociating themselves: ─── 孩子可能会借助分裂自我来减轻痛楚:

20、dissociating prism ─── 离解棱镜

21、Objective: to evaluate The nursing method for rebuilding thumb and finger by dissociating toe transplant. ─── 前言:目的:探讨游离足趾移植再造拇指和手指围手术期护理方法。

22、The technology immobilizes dissociating cells or enzymes inside the restricted chemically areas and can keep them active and reuseful. ─── 固定化生物技术是通过化学或物理的手段,将游离细胞或酶定位于限定的空间区域内,使其保持活性并可反复利用。

23、Generally,the action of wave forces to piles is calculated separately by dissociating piles from the structure of piles,soils and base slabs (PSBS) in harbor,bridge and ocean engineering. ─── 在港口桥梁工程和海洋工程中,一般将桩从桩-土-承台结构中分离出来,单独计算波浪力对桩的作用。

24、variational reigning structure and foreign policy from dissociating world to entering world. ─── 外交政策正经历着从游离于世界之外到融入全球化的过渡时期。

25、Writing on daily life: female writers express their thoughts and emotions freely dissociating from the main ideology discourse, being humanely concerned about the common custom of city people lives; ─── 3.日常生活的书写:女性作者游离于主流意识形态话语,自由自在表达自己的思想与情感,给予都市人世俗生存的一种人文关怀;

26、Land is not the only thing they lost,they also lost benefits as well,dissociating between farmer and citizen in the midst of country and city. ─── 他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他们也流失了诸多的权益,游离于“农民”和“市民”、“城市”和“乡村”之间。

27、dissociating medium ─── 离解介体

28、The technology uses strong oxidizing oOH radical produced by ultraviolet dissociating H2O2 to degrade pollutants. ─── 该技术利用紫外光激发解离H2O2产生强氧化性·OH自由基氧化降解污染物。

29、Objectives Introducing the way of dissociating transplanting the skin flap of chest and navel to repair large area defect of skin on limb applies the microsurgery technique. ─── 目的探讨应用显微外科技术修复四肢大面积皮肤缺损的方法。

30、The present experiment dissociated implicit and explicit learning in the artificial grammar paradigm. In the experiment we used the ordinary dissociating way, remembering or rule finding instructions . ─── 本实验以人工语法范式的常规模式和Reber语法的一个变式对内隐与外显学习进行了分离 ,采用的手段为记忆指导语与规则发现指导语。

31、Objective: To establish a series of convenient methods for dissociating single gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle cell and detecting its cellular membrane ion channel. ─── 摘要目的:建立胃肠道平滑肌细胞的分离及离子通道检测方法,为胃肠道动力性疾病和离子通道相关性疾病的研究提供技术平台。

32、Keywords dissociating tension;measurement;sample size.; ─── 解舒张力;测试;样本容量;

33、variational reigning structure and foreign policy from dissociating world to entering world. ─── 外交政策正经历着从游离于世界之外到融入全球化的过渡时期。

34、dissociating abrasive ─── 游离磨料

35、ribosome dissociating factor ─── 核蛋白体解离因子核糖体解离因子

36、Results 4 cases had partial necrosis and healed after debridement surgery and the dissociating of skin grafts. ─── 结果术后4例患者皮瓣远端皮缘坏死,经重新清创、游离中厚皮片植皮后愈合;

37、The separated mind cannot maintain the separation except by dissociating. ─── 分立的心灵只有靠断绝关系,才能继续分裂下去。

38、Land is not the only thing they lost, they also lost benefits as well, dissociating between farmer and citizen in the midst of country and city. ─── 他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他们也流失了诸多的权益,游离于“农民”和“市民”、“城市”和“乡村”之间。

39、The technology which immobilizes dissociating cells or enzymes inside the restricted areas can remain them active and reuseful. ─── 摘要固定化生物技术是通过化学或物理的手段将游离细胞或酶定位于限定的空间区域内,使其保持活性并可反复利用。

40、A small fraction of the carbonic acid remains in solution without dissociating , as does a little carbon dioxide. ─── 一小部份的碳酸和少量二氧化碳则不会解离,保持原状,留在溶液里。

41、Wastewater with highly concentrated copper in complex state has been treated by dissociating the complex structure-neutralization and flocculation method. ─── 采用络合解离-中和共沉淀法对高浓度络合态铜离子废水进行了处理。

42、dissociating method ─── 离解法

43、Keywords salt in water system;condition of dissociating equilibria;solubilities prediction; ─── 水盐体系;平衡判据;溶解度预测;

44、Diagnostic Value in Ectopic Pregnancy of Peripheric Blood and Dissociating Blood Progesterone in the Abdominal Cavity ─── 外周血及腹腔游离血孕酮在异位妊娠中的诊断价值

45、This equipment has strong pulp ability,short time and convenient maintaining. It is only dissociating function and not cutting off to the thick liquid material. ─── 该设备具有碎解能力强、碎浆时间短、损伤维修方便、对浆料只有离解作用而没有切断作用等优点。

46、A Analysis on Thery of Sand-stone Vibrating Dissociating in Sampler Automation ─── 自动岩屑采集机岩屑振动分离机构理论分析

47、Evaluation on several methods for dissociating neurospheres of neural stem cell cultured in vitro ─── 体外培养的神经干细胞球几种离散方法的探讨

48、Bases on the XML key, the algorithm transforms the XML document into a vector matrix and carries out the optimizations of canceling, dissociating and uniting etc. ─── 该算法以XML键为基础,把XML文档转化为向量矩阵,通过矩阵迭代自组织学习对XML文档实施取消、分裂与合并等优化措施。

49、To perform the investigation, pilling test is used to simulate the process of tuft fibers dissociating from the body of press felt when used in paper machine. ─── 因此,在结合其他产品类似性能的测试方法后,提出了本课题的试验手段一起毛试验,以模拟压毯纤维从压毯结构中游离出来的情况,并初步确定了试验仪器一起毛起球仪。

50、Methods Metacarpal bone defect was repaired through dissociating rib myocutaneous flap of dog. ─── 方法通过游离犬的肋骨肌皮瓣修复掌骨缺损。

51、The technology immobilizes dissociating cells or enzymes inside the restricted chemically areas and can keep them active and re useful. ─── 固定化生物技术是通过化学或物理的手段,将游离细胞或酶定位于限定的空间区域内,使其保持活性并可反复利用。

52、Establishment and Application of Mathematics Models Due to Free Water Dissociating Vessels in the Combining Station ─── 联合站游离水脱水器数学建模与应用

53、The disadvantageous condition compared with shareholders, and the exterior status dissociating from the corporate governance, run counter to the essence of the credit. ─── 债权人与股东相比的不利处境,和游离于公司治理结构之外的外部人地位,是与其债权本质背道而驰的。

54、Technique of acutely dissociating neurons ─── 急性分离

55、everyone; dissociating from misery may be wise. ─── 这不一定适合每个人;逃避苦难也许是明智的。

56、(2) Separating and dissociating of donor embryos; ─── (2) 囊胚的分离与消化;

57、The dissociation of the water vapor in arc and energy absorbed by dissociating reaction are analyzed. ─── 对水蒸气保护下电弧焊熔池中氢的吸入机理进行了探讨。

58、The activity of Rubisco was restored by dissociating various sugar phosphates from Rubisco, which required Rubisco activase and ATP hydrolysis. ─── 在ATP水解过程中,Rubisco活化酶促使各种磷酸糖抑制物从Rubisco上解离下来,恢复Rubisco活性。

59、In dissociating water with sunlight, engineers have available three technologies: One is solar cells, which hold the record for water-splitting efficiency but are comparatively expensive. ─── 要利用日光分解水,目前工程师有三种技术可以运用:第一种是太阳能电池,目前是效率最高的水分解技术,但成本比较昂贵。

60、A small fraction of the carbonic acid remains in solution without dissociating, as does a little carbon dioxide. ─── 一小部份的碳酸和少量二氧化碳则不会解离,保持原状,留在溶液里。

61、Dissociating toe ─── 游离足趾

62、The People First Party's (PFP) strategy of dissociating itself from the New Party's China policy and opposing the latter's talk of "one country, two systems", saved it from being labelled as a "pro-China" party. ─── 至于亲民党则在中国政策上策略性地与新党区隔开,反对新党候选人提出“一国两制”之说,使其免于遭受敌对政党对其“亲中”的定性。

63、No other gases would be present to prevent ultraviolet solar radiation dissociating water vapour at the top of the atmosphere ─── 没有其他的气体去阻止紫外太阳辐射离解大气层顶的水汽。

64、This equipment has strong pulp ability,short time and convenient maintaining.it is only dissociating function and not cutting off to the thick liquid material. ─── 该设备具有碎解能力强、碎浆时间短、操作维修方便、对浆料只有离解作用而没有切断作用等优点。

65、Conclusion The selective dissociating effect of the detergent on HDL is extremly important and helps the modified enzymes to selectively reacts to HDL-C. ─── 结论:表面活性剂对高密度脂蛋白的选择性解离作用非常重要,这有助于修饰酶发挥其对高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的反应选择性。

66、Hegel says that, the method is not the frame dissociating outside the thought content, it is thought content itself. ─── 黑格尔说,方法不是游离于思维内容之外的框架,它即是思维内容本身。

67、No other gases would be present to prevent ultraviolet solar radiation dissociating water vapour at the top of the atmosphere . ─── 没有其他的气体去阻止紫外太阳辐射离解大气层顶的水汽。

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