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09-04 投稿


indelibly 发音

英:[[?n'del?bl?]]  美:[[?n'del?bl?]]

英:  美:

indelibly 中文意思翻译



indelibly 短语词组

1、indelibly definition ─── 不可磨灭的定义

2、indelibly means ─── 不可磨灭的意思

3、indelibly syn ─── 不可磨灭的syn

4、indelibly etched ─── 不可磨灭的蚀刻

5、indelibly defined ─── 不可磨灭的定义

indelibly 词性/词形变化,indelibly变形

副词: indelibly |名词: indelibility |

indelibly 相似词语短语

1、indefinably ─── adv.无法下定义地;不明确地

2、incredibly ─── adv.难以置信地;非常地

3、indelibility ─── n.不能消除;难忘

4、indelicacy ─── n.粗俗,无教养

5、ineludibly ─── 听不懂

6、ineligibly ─── 不合格

7、indeclinably ─── 不可逆转的

8、inedibly ─── 无法食用

9、indelible ─── adj.难忘的;擦不掉的

indelibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I can't say whether he's typical of his fellow countrymen, but he left me with an indelibly positive impression of the Japanese. ─── 我不知道他是否属于典型的日本人,但他让我对日本人留下了不可磨灭的良好印象。

2、This is a movie loosely connected set of vignettes.It is filled with indelibly haunting black comic imagery. ─── 这是一部由一系列小品组成的情节松散的电影,充满了黑色幽默。

3、Tip : Hands ''speak'' your age--but not indelibly. ─── 俗话说:双手能透露您年龄的秘密。

4、Their Majesty visited the stricken area and provided food and other necessities for the immediate relief of the flood victims, but the tragedy remained indelibly in the Queens mind. ─── 国王与王后访问了灾区,为水灾受害者提供食物及其他生活必需品。自那时起,王后对洪灾引发的这场灾难一直耿耿于怀。

5、Another vignette indelibly imprinted in my memory bank: While walking along a trail, I came upon a flock of small birds that seemed to be mobbing something;had they noticed an owl or a snake? ─── 我还记得有次漫步在林间小路上时,看到了一群受到攻击而惊吓的小鸟,到底是猫头鹰还是蛇在攻击牠们呢?

6、The words were few, but they became indelibly impressed on my mind: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread. ─── 句子很短,但是它永远印在了我的脑海里。你必汗流满面才能糊口。

7、Some people adopt a style that becomes indelibly associated with them and wear it regardless of whether it is currently fashionable. ─── 也有些人认定一种风格后,就将该风格作为他们牛活小恒定不变的一部分,不管这种风格是流行还是落伍。

8、Neoconservatism, whatever its complex roots, has become indelibly associated with concepts like coercive regime change, unilateralism and American hegemony. ─── 纵使其根源盘根错节,新保守主义已经无法摆脱与强制政权更迭、单边主义、美国霸权等观念联系在一起的命运。

9、The fundamental difference between capital flows under indelibly fixed and flexible exchange rates was well known generations ago, decades before the modern era of globalisation. ─── 恒定汇率和浮动汇率制下,资本流存在根本性的差异,这在当今全球化时代的几十年之前,就已为人们熟知了。

10、8. I grasp their hands and look closely into each of their faces, as if this could fix them indelibly in my memory. ─── 我握着他们,仔细望着他们每个的脸,似乎要将这记忆永远保存着。

11、Nearly all the laws and decrees promulgated against the Jews bear his signature;his name is indelibly connected to the Holocaust. ─── 几乎所有的反犹文件上都有他的签名,他的名字与对犹太人的种族灭绝紧密相连。

12、Although Peanuts had left several days ago,the impression he left behind is indelibly etched on my mind. ─── 落花生虽然去了多日了,但是他所留给我的印象是永不可磨灭的。

13、InDel primer pairs ─── InDel引物

14、“Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. ─── “构想一个你成功的精神画面并把它不可磨灭地印在你的脑海中。

15、That is our history.It is indelibly printed at this club. ─── “我们以正确的方式比赛,这是我们的传统,这已经成为俱乐部永久的记号。”

16、There have been longer, less torrid love affairs, but few are burned into the memory as indelibly as Eric Cantona's five-season fling at Old Trafford. ─── 爱情故事大都细水长流,很少有人能像坎通纳在曼联的5年那样如烈火般不能熄灭。

17、But all that toil has left its mark of furrows and cross-paths,not only on the field,but also indelibly on his brow. ─── 但同时,劳动的艰辛不仅将道道沟痕留在田野,也将道道皱纹留在农民的眉间。

18、Twenty-four SNPs were found successfully in H-FABP gene, in which 9 are transitions, 13 transversions and 2 insertion/deletion (indel) of single base. ─── 结果在H-FABP基因的5'调控区、Exon1、Intron1、Intron3和3'调控区共检测到24处SNP突变位点,其中有9处突变为转换、13处突变为颠换、2处突变为单碱基插入;

19、Countless years of civilization have indelibly changed Coruscant's ecology. ─── 无数年的文明演进不可逆转地改变了科洛桑的生态。

20、1. In the uncertain days after 9/11, one of the few things asserted with absolute certainty was that our culture would be indelibly altered. ─── 译文:在9/11事件之后的那些不安定的日子里,那些为数不多的几件能确定的事情之一就是我们的文化将会因留有这场灾难的痕迹而被改变。

21、[The] purpose of [my] talk today really is is to sort of indelibly scar your minds with these charismatic and majestic creatures. ─── 我今天的演讲实际上是想要用这些魅力十足而威严的生物在你们的脑海中留下一个永久的印记。

22、The work of the west architecture ought to be linked indelibly to its specific condition and locus. ─── 建筑作品必须与它所在的特定场所,以及它存在的特定的现实条件紧密关联。

23、The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain. ─── 那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。

24、Personalities such as Socrates, Galileo, Madame Curie and Ghandi stand out against the backdrop of time indelibly as a result of their lasting contributions to human knowledge and understanding. ─── 如苏格拉底、伽利略、居里夫人和甘地这样杰出的人们,因其对人类知识和认识的永恒贡献,在时间的背景之上留下了不可磨灭的印记。

25、Hence, in these not very attractive places, indelibly stamped by the passing stroller with the epithet: melancholy, the apparently objectless promenades of the dreamer. ─── 因此,富于冥想的人爱在那些缺少诱惑力、从来就被过路行人视作“凄凉”的地方,带着漫无目的的神情徘徊观望。

26、FASHION: Find A Special Hard Indelibly Object Not easy to be refurnish. ─── 时尚:发现一个很难被忘记且难被重新制造的东西。

27、As the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance, Argente became indelibly tainted by his wealth and private interests. ─── 作为企业同盟的董事长,阿金特被自己的财富和私利永久腐化了。

28、The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind. ─── 那些恐怖场面深深地铭刻在他的心中。

29、specific InDel primer pairs ─── 特异插入/缺失分子标记

30、memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain. ─── 那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。

31、That day is stamped indelibly on my memory. ─── 那一天在我的脑海中留下了不可磨灭的回忆。

32、That indelibly etched on my mind is the necks of ducks from hanzhengstreet and the conditions of people going to work and ferrying changjiang river every morning. ─── 对此一直心向往之,希望有朝一日能见识一下。

33、this tradition has left its mark indelibly upon the social, political, educational and industrial fabric of this country. ─── 这个传统已经给这个国家的社会、政治、教育、工业结构留下了不可磨灭的印记。

34、He will not throw away the only political instruments within his power because they are indelibly marked with traces of the evil he wishes to remove. ─── 他不会抛弃这些唯一的合法的政治手段,因为这些政治手段总是与他决心要消灭的罪恶势力有着千丝万缕的关系。

35、Nearly all the laws and decrees promulgated against the Jews bear his signature; his name is indelibly connected to the Holocaust. ─── 几乎所有的反犹文件上都有他的签名,他的名字与对犹太人的种族灭绝紧密相连。

36、Insertion and deletion marker (InDel marker) ─── 插入缺失标记

37、The shining image of Premier Zhou Enlai is indelibly engraved on the memory of the people ─── 周总理的光辉形象永远铭刻在人民的心中。

38、Simply put, they are an emblematic band indelibly associated with a particular place, time and pop style. ─── 简单地说,他们是一支典型乐队抹不掉同某一特定的时间,地点,流行风格。

39、Mutant forms of the genes are indelibly scripted in the human genome, which means carriers will invariably pass the gene to a new generation. ─── 只要产生突变后就会烙印在基因组了无法擦掉,也就是说带原者会遗传给下一代。

40、Scholes's place in United folklore is already guaranteed, but for others the final in Moscow will bring the opportunity to write their name indelibly in the pages of the club's history. ─── 斯科尔斯在决赛席位已经预定了名单,但其他人都要通过努力才能让自己的名字留在球队的历史上。

41、ingrain:To fix deeply or indelibly, as in the mind: ─── 牢牢记住:在心中根深蒂固地记住:

42、"In the name of God, do something, " one man pleaded to me, indelibly etching the terror of his voice on my memory. ─── 一个男子恳求我,他声音中的恐惧深深刻在我的脑海中,挥之不去。

43、Li s great contribution and success on Taiwan s economy development has brought him the indelibly name in the history. ─── 综观李国鼎的一生,自加入经建团队以来,即以推动台湾的工业化为职志,在台湾的产业经济发展史上,佔有重要的地位。

44、There are moments in life that are indelibly imbedded in your mind. ─── 有矩人生有不可磨灭内嵌在你的头脑。


46、That day is stamped indelibly on my memory. ─── 那一天在我的脑海中留下了不可磨灭的回忆。

47、The mind has its organ of rision as well as the body ,with this additional perfction ,that the objects presented to its view are indelibly impressed. ─── 灵魂也像肉体一样有它的视觉器官,肉眼所看到的东西有时会忘记,但是灵魂所见过的东西却是永远铭记的。

48、simple indel coding ─── 简单indel编码

49、First loves are indelibly etched into our minds. ─── 初恋刻骨铭心。

50、If it wasn’t indelibly marked on your grocery list, control your instincts and move on quickly. ─── 除非它不可磨灭地存在于您的购物清单上,否则就控制您的冲动,赶紧去买下一件物品。

51、Neither of them spoke; they simply stood there, sending, receiving, imprinting the feel of each on the other, indelibly . ─── 两人都不说话,只是站在那里,把相互感觉传递,吸引,铭刻于心,永不磨灭。

52、Although "Peanuts" had left several days ago, the impression he left behind is indelibly etched on my mind. ─── 落花生虽然去了多日了,但是他所留给我的印象,永是不可磨灭的。

53、Realize out afterwards: It truns out that uncertainty grasping in hand it is us to be indelibly engraved on really not ncessarily even if we own really , our institute owns be attentive! ─── 后来悟出:原来把握在手的不一定就是我们真正拥有的,我们所拥有的也不一定就是我们真正铭刻在心的!

54、2 Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. ─── 在你的头脑中永久地阐明并贴上自己成功时的心理图片。持久地抓住这个图片,不要让它褪色。

55、The following items shall be indelibly painted in English on the four adjacent sides of the surface of each package of Technical Documentation ─── 每件技术资料的包装封面上,应以英文标明下述内容

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