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09-04 投稿



hermetically 发音

英:[h??r?met?kli]  美:[h???met?kli]

英:  美:

hermetically 中文意思翻译



hermetically 常用词组

hermetically sealed ─── 密封的;气封的;密闭的

hermetically 短语词组

1、hermetically seal ─── 气密密封

2、hermetically sealed relay ─── [电] 密封继电器

3、hermetically sealed container ─── [医] 熔封容器

4、hermetically-sealed motor ─── [化] 密封型电动机

5、hermetically sealing ─── 气密性密封

6、hermetically-sealed ─── [计] 气密的, 密封的

7、hermetically sealed ─── 密封的;气封的; ─── 密闭的

8、hermetically sealed battery ─── 密封电池

hermetically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Close the containers hermetically and place in the thermostatically controlled chamber set to the temperature and pressure prescribed in the monograph; ─── 密闭容器,放于恒温控制的箱中,温度和压力根据各论来设定;

2、Choice and application of the load cell hermetically sealed mucus ─── 称重传感器密封胶的选择与应用

3、hermetically sealed transformer ─── 密封式变压器

4、A reed switch consists of two ferromagnetic and specially shaped contact blades (reeds) positioned in a hermetically sealed glass tube with a gap between them and in a protective atmosphere. ─── 一个磁簧开关是由两片特定形状且磁性强的(接触)叶片组成。此叶片被封装在一个装有保护气体的密玻璃管。里,而两叶片中间有一道间隔。

5、28. The great Timekeeper Crystal, however, does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals`because it is hermetically sealed. ─── 因为它是密封的,然而大的时间记录者水晶不能同样像火-水晶那样发射能量。

6、Hermetically sealed harmonic gear drive ─── 密闭谐波齿轮传动

7、hermetically sealed casing ─── 密封机罩

8、Isolate the concerned tanks hermetically to ensure that hydrostatic height in tanks are intact during tidal changes. ─── 在潮汐变化期间,有关舱应气密隔离,以确保舱内压力稳定。

9、In this paper, the application of carbon hermetically coated optic fibers in braided... ─── 对该光纤在编织前、后以及成型后的光学性能进行了测试。

10、Innovating Design on the Hermetically Sealed Rotary Refrigerator Compressor ─── 全封闭旋转式冰箱压缩机的结构创新设计

11、A special liquid, hermetically vacuum-sealed, is employed in a unique duplex design. ─── 在独特的双结构内,采用了一种特殊的液体,并实现气密般的真空密封。

12、hermetically sealed integrating gyro ─── 密封式积分陀螺仪

13、hermetically sealed pulse transformator ─── 密封脉冲变压器

14、11. The diode chip is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package. ─── 二极管片上涂上了薄薄一层硬玻璃,所以无需再用密封的管壳。


16、Behind the lion towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed . ─── 在狮城的后面是巨大的土堆或金字塔,在金字塔下方发现一大型、椭圆形房间,房间看起来就是密封的。

17、Dry Reed Relay. A glass-enclosed, hermetically sealed, magnetically actuated contact. No mercury or other wetting material is used. ─── 干簧继电器一种玻璃密封磁激励继电器。不使用水影或其它沾湿物质。

18、Unit hermetically sealed. ─── 单位密封地密封了。

19、hermetically sealed containers ─── 密封容器.

20、Keywords automatic hermetically charge;DCS;pressure recovery;vortex dryer; ─── 自动密闭投料;DCS;压缩回收;旋流干燥;

21、The effect of HAs on the bioavailablility of volatile Hg was investigated by using "plant cultivation with Hogland solution in hermetically box" experiment. ─── 土壤挥发汞对植物是非常有效的,并能通过食物链威胁人体健康,因此,本试验设计了“密闭箱的水培试验”定量研究了腐殖酸及其组份对土壤挥发汞生物活性的影响。

22、hermetically sealed case ─── 密封外套

23、hermetically sealed coffin ─── 经紧密加封的棺木

24、Its electronic control parts in the top right corner sets up alarm system and can stop the equipment in emergency, which is protected hermetically. ─── 置于机台右上方的电控部分,配有紧急停机及报警装置,电控部分采用密封保护。

25、hermetically sealed connector ─── 密封连接器

26、The ignition exciter provides the high voltage required to produce the spark at the ignitor plug, the ignition exciter electrical components are enclosed in a hermetically sealed metal container. ─── 点火励磁器为在点火器插头上产生火花提供高压电能,点火励磁器电子组件被封入一个密封地金属容器内。

27、Switches, pushbuttons, and other such devices shall be hermetically sealed if available. ─── 开关,按钮和其它这样的设备可能的话应密封。

28、a hermetically sealed container ─── 密封的容器

29、hermetically sealed switchbox ─── 密封式开关箱

30、The probe unit is hermetically sealed ─── 探头装置是密封的。

31、HMSC-2000-17A automatic hermetically sealed lead-acid accumulator charge is external accumulator charger of line administrative units (LAUs) in 408UL Tele-seismograph. ─── HMSC-2000-17A密封铅酸蓄电池自动充电器是408UL遥测地震仪测线管理单元(LAUs)外接蓄电池充电装置。

32、The facing is not easy to wear and scrape ,hermetically and long service life. ─── 密封面不易磨损,擦伤,密封性较好,寿命长;

33、hermetically sealed chamber ─── 全密封室

34、While the palette is pure and cool, materials are warm and cosy, encasing the body in hermetically sealed garments that shield against toxic pollution. ─── 与以往时装设计思路来自东西方文化不同的是,我们的设计融合了南北半球的服饰文化(非洲处于南半球)。

35、a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air; worn by underwater divers. ─── 一种供给氧气、密封、笨重的衣服;供水下潜水者穿着。

36、Hermetically Sealed Zener Diode ─── 密封齐纳二极管

37、hermetically sealed compressor ─── 全封闭制冷压缩机

38、The capacitor quality can be highly improved by replacing its semi-seal structure with hermetically seal structure.(no refs. ─── 将半密封结构改为全密封结构,产品质量可显著提高。

39、automatic hermetically charge ─── 自动密闭投料

40、hermetically sealed electromagnetic relay ─── 密封电磁继电器

41、a type of hard disk storage device in which the disk is hermetically sealed inside its disk drive. The seal prevents the intrusion of dust and other particles but limits the maximum size of the drive ─── 一种硬盘存储器设备,其中盘片密封在磁盘驱动器内。密封防止了灰尘和其它粒子的进入,但也限制了驱动器的最大尺寸。

42、hermetically sealed cable ─── 密封电缆

43、The diode chip is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package. ─── 二极管片涂上一薄层硬玻璃,所以无需再用密封的管壳。

44、a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air; worn by underwater divers ─── 一种供给氧气、密封、笨重的衣服;供水下潜水者穿着

45、Contrary to certain psychological theories, the human mind is not a hermetically sealed chamber enclosing a personality unalterably shaped by biology and infantile experience. ─── 与某些心理学理论相反,人类的心灵并非是一个密闭式的容器,在其中封存著由生物学规律与婴儿期体验所定型的性格。

46、All the broad and spacious corridors of his mind were closed and hermetically sealed. ─── 他那广阔巨大的心灵走廊全关闭了。他被封锁了起来,像个隐士。

47、The batteries are designed to be leak-proof and hermetically sealed. ─── 这些电池的设计防渗漏,且密封性强。

48、hermetically sealed relay ─── 密封式继电器

49、hermetically sealed motor ─── 密封式电动机

50、The RGD-5 consists of a two-piece sheet-steel body joined by a circumferential crimp with a hermetically sealed fuze well. ─── 该RGD序列-5,分别由一个具有密封环卷曲引信以及加入了一两件板钢体。

51、hermetically sealed ─── 密封的

52、All switch contacts shall normally be double-pole double throw (DPDT), Form C, hermetically sealed (when available), rated for 1 ampere minimum at 24VDC. ─── 所有开关触点应通常是双刀双掷(DPDT),C型,(如果可能的话)进行密封,24VDC电压下的额定电流最小为1安培。

53、Power leads link the electrodes to a small hermetically sealed metal box, called the generator, that contains the battery and electronics. ─── 电极由电源引线联在一个完全密封的金属小盒发电器上,发电器装有电池提供电流。

54、The diode is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package. ─── 二极管的表面有一层薄薄的硬玻璃,故无需使用密封的管壳。(表示结果)

55、Hermetically Sealed Microcircuit ─── 密封微电路

56、The third containment is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick bubble of the strongest steel and concrete. ─── 第三个容器是严格密封的,用很厚的钢铁和混凝土打造的气泡状容器。

57、hermetically sealed construction ─── 密封结构

58、is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick structure made of steel and concrete. ─── 是高度密封,用钢铁和混凝土制成的非常厚的壁障。

59、Discussion on Analytical Method for Inner Steady Temperature Field of Hermetically Sealed Electromagnetic Relay ─── 密封电磁继电器内部稳态温度场分析方法的探讨

60、seal up the gas hermetically within the vessel ─── 把气体密封在容器里

61、8 Discharge opening use the barometric discharge,hermetically sealed production. ─── 8出料口采用气压式操作出料,密闭性良好。

62、seal hermetically ─── 密封住

63、5. a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air; ─── 一种供给氧气、密封、笨重的衣服;

64、The GS1 is a compact ,microprocessor controlled gas sampler with a removable sample tube carrousel that hermetically seals up to 10 TDS tubes. ─── GS1 是一个小型房车 ,微处理器用密封地封闭达 10 TDS 管的一个可移去的样品管旋转木马控制了瓦斯取样器。

65、hermetically sealed container ─── 密闭容器

66、hermetically sealed condensing unit ─── 密封式冷凝机

67、Payne has designed a new tear-tape system for opening hermetically sealed packs, which combines easy opening with airtight pack freshness. ─── 佩恩设计了一个新的催泪开放磁带系统的密封包装,方便开放相结合的密封包装保鲜。


69、hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump ─── 封闭式电磁泵

70、Fault analysis and prevetion measures for hermetically sealed scroll compressor ─── 全封涡旋压缩机故障分析及预防措施

71、The measured media and the pressure gauge are hermetically separated by the diaphragm of the chemical seal. ─── 测量介质和压力表通过化学密封的膜片相隔离。

72、And for now the regime in Pyongyang has kept the country hermetically sealed to any whiff of rebellion. ─── 朝鲜政府暂时将整个国家与外界完全隔绝,从而避免了任何叛乱行为。

73、The facing is not easy to wear and scrape , hermetically and long service life. ─── 密封面不易磨损,擦伤,密封性较好,寿命长;

74、"Totally enclosed, non-ventilated, hermetically sealed submersible type. Features include 416 stainless steel shaft, tandem mechanical seals (one inside an oil chamber and one outside);" ─── 全外壳、非风冷、全封闭潜水类型。配置416不锈钢轴,串联机械式密封(一个在油室内,一个在外部);

75、Hermetically sealed fuel tank and dielectric design, reliable operation. ─── 全密封油箱,全绝缘设计,运行安全可靠。

76、hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h) ─── 气密外壳(ex h)

77、It is packed with a plastic lining, and coated with a metal con-tainer outside.It is suggestedto be carried hermetically. ─── 内层为塑料、外层为金属容器密封包装运送。

78、Hermetically tight seal ─── 气密密封

79、hermetically sealed battery ─── 密封电池(组)

80、Thermal Design of Hermetically Sealed Transmitter ─── 全密封发射机热设计

81、Also provided are a Stirling engine and a method of hermetically sealing a pressure vessel of a Stirling engine. ─── 另外,提供的是斯特林发动机和密封斯特林发动机的压力容器的方法。

82、Canning (1809): Method of preserving food from spoilage by storing it in containers that are hermetically sealed and then sterilized by heat. ─── 罐藏法:将食品贮藏于密封的容器中然后加热消毒的食品防腐方法。

83、But this frame is not hermetically sealed. ─── 但这个框架并非严丝合缝滴水不漏。

84、Connections on hermetically sealed compressors for domestic refrigerators and freezers ─── 家用制冷和冷冻器具用压缩机的连接

85、hermet ization ─── 密封


87、Behind the lion towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed. ─── 在狮城的后面是巨大的土堆或金字塔,在金字塔下方发现一大型、椭圆形房间,房间看起来就是密封的。

88、hermetically sealed box ─── 全密封机箱

89、hermetically sealed tank car ─── 密封式罐车

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