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09-04 投稿


deciphered 发音

英:[d??sa?f?d]  美:[d??sa?f?rd]

英:  美:

deciphered 中文意思翻译



deciphered 词性/词形变化,deciphered变形

动词第三人称单数: deciphers |动词过去式: deciphered |名词: decipherer |动词现在分词: deciphering |动词过去分词: deciphered |形容词: decipherable |

deciphered 短语词组

1、deciphered define ─── 破译定义

2、deciphered syn ─── 破译syn

3、deciphered code ─── 破译码

4、deciphered mean ─── 破译平均数

5、deciphered roanoke ─── 破译的roanoke

deciphered 相似词语短语

1、deciphers ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

2、deciphering ─── n.[通信]解密;v.破译(decipher的ing形式);解释;辨认

3、decipher ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

4、undeciphered ─── 未破解的

5、ciphered ─── n.密码;暗号;零;vi.使用密码;计算;做算术;vt.计算;做算术;将…译成密码

6、enciphered ─── v.把(电文、文本)译成密码

7、decipherment ─── n.解读;翻译;[通信]解密

8、unciphered ─── 未加密的

9、decipherer ─── n.译码器;译码员

deciphered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When a new gene is identified and its DNA sequence deciphered, it is still unclear what its corresponding protein sequence is. ─── 当一个新基因被识别,其DNA序列被解读,人们仍然无法搞清相应的蛋白序列是什麽。

2、"Our results with simple, well-understood shapes give proof of concept that the geometry of hidden dimensions can be deciphered from the pattern of cosmic energy," he says. ─── “我们利用简单易懂的几何形态得出的结果证明了这样一种概念:通过解读宇宙能的样式,我们可以破译隐藏的额外维度空间的几何形态。

3、He has deciphered Diana's "Let's" as a command. ─── 他把戴安娜的“让我们”理解为命令。

4、Years of study lie ahead before the text can be deciphered, analysed and compared with existing texts. ─── 在破译文献之前,他们进行了多年的研究和分析,并且与现存的文稿作出了比较。

5、David Burke is known as Slangman, and in his earlier books, he translated the language of American teenagers for an older generation, and deciphered American idioms for English-language learners overseas. ─── David Burke作为俚语专家而被大家知道,在他的早期作品中,他为年老的一代翻译美国年轻人的语言,并为海外的英语学习者翻译美国的惯用语。

6、The signal is then deciphered and acknowledge by the receiver robot. ─── 信号然后破译并承认由接收机器人。

7、When a new gene is identified and its DNA sequence deciphered, it is still unclear what its corresponding protein sequence is. ─── 当一个新基因被识别,其DNA序列被解读,人们仍旧无法搞清相应的蛋白序列是什麽。

8、5. Along with Sanskrit (1785) other languages were deciphered: Pahlavi in 1793, cuneiforms in 1803, hieroglyphs in 1822, and Avestan in 1832. ─── 除梵语(1785年)外,其他语言也被翻译过来:巴列维语是在1793年,楔形文字是在1803年,象形文字在1822年,阿维斯陀语在1832年。收藏指正

9、Ripley: Ash, that transmission - Mother's deciphered part of it. ─── 里普利:粉煤灰,即传输-母亲破译的一部分。

10、At present the number of sitesinvolved means that the sections of a scanned book that are smudged, faded orotherwise unclear can be deciphered in an average of nine minutes. ─── 就目前参与其中的网页数量而言,意味着一本扫描图书中那些被弄脏,退色或者其他不清晰的部分能够以平均9分钟的速度被解码。

11、After intense scrutiny the professor finally deciphered his criticism: "Illegible." ─── 经过仔细认真地研究,这位教授才辨认出他自己的评语:难以辨认。

12、Not capable of being read or deciphered. ─── 难以辨认的,无法读出或解释的。

13、A deciphered or decoded message. ─── 解释出来或破译出来的信息

14、Xy: Have you analyzed those gate locations I deciphered? ─── 你有没有分析过我破译出的那些门的地址?

15、Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago. ─── 不过他在大约八年前曾顶住外界异议,以惊人的速度破译了人类基因组。

16、But without the all-important key, it cannot be easily deciphered. ─── 但没有所有重要的键,破解也并不容易。

17、Secondly, the clime difference hided deep-seated thinking connotation and deciphered the development track from tradition to modern. ─── 其二,在章回小说的地域差异背后,隐藏着深层的思想内涵,诠释着中国思想文化从传统迈向近代的发展轨迹。

18、I found a very ancient gallery under the chateau which leads to a wall covered with symbols I have not yet deciphered. ─── 我在城堡下方发现了一条古老的地道,它通向一堵刻有我还没翻译好的奇怪符号的墙。

19、The characteristic radicals of the mainly effective components in plants were identified, and the primary peaks were deciphered. ─── 结合药典中关于药物主体有效成分的记载,分析了各药用植物谱图中主要成分的特徵基团,对主要吸收峰进行了指认。

20、The message was not marked "Important", and was deciphered only in its turn. ─── 这封电报并未标明“重要”,所以只能按次序翻译。

21、Physicists are also drawing up plans for a machine intended to succeed and complement the LHC more than a decade hence, adding precision to the rough maps that will be deciphered from the LHC's data. ─── 物理学家也正在起草蓝图设计新机器,准备在LHC运作10年之后,接续它的工作、补其不足之处,并且让从LHC的资料描绘出来的物理图像更加精确。

22、He deciphered the few lines written by Marius, and muttered: "Gillenormand, Rue des Filles-duCalvaire, No. 6. ─── 他看清了马吕斯写的几行字,嘴里咕哝着:“吉诺曼,受难修女街六号。”

23、Working with a steroid from the sarsaparilla plant, Marker deciphered and duplicated the hormone's chemical structure. ─── 在研究来自萨尔沙植物的一种类固醇时,Marker弄清并复制出了这种激素的化学结构。

24、They may be deciphered through detailed study of the rocks. ─── 通过对岩石的详细研究,可以阐明这一点。

25、There is considerable evidence of the religious life of the Indus people, but until their writing is deciphered its interpretation is speculative. ─── 这在印度人的宗教生活中找到相当多的证据,但是要直到他们的著作被破译才可证实。

26、Security features like 128-bit WEP and WPA can scramble or "encrypt" network traffic so that its contents can not easily be deciphered by snoopers. ─── 像128位的WEP协议和WPA协议加密网络信息的安全特性就使得窥探者不容易解密。

27、Raw borehole data have to be deciphered to carry out auto-modeling from boreholes. ─── 现有的钻孔自动建模算法要求对原始钻孔数据进行解译。

28、This book is one of them, a compendium of those programmers notes and scribbles, deciphered( try reading programmer handwriting), edited and brought together coherently as a book. ─── 这本书恰恰就是一本,这本书是那些程序员们的笔记和草稿的纲要,是它们的解读(着辨认程序员的笔迹)整理和综合。

29、When Dr.Tsum deciphered the symbols, they told the story of the crash-landing of the Dropa spaceship and the killing of most of the survivors by local people. ─── 当楚博士在破译这些符号的时候,它们是讲述杜立巴人的太空船降落后,大多数的生还者被当法人杀害的故事。

30、10.In a public-key cryptosystem, plaintext encrypted with the public key can only be deciphered with the private key from the same pair. ─── 在公开密钥密码系统中,用明匙加密的普通文本只能由同一对钥匙中的秘密密钥解密。

31、Medical science has deciphered many of the body's workings, down to the level of the gene, and isn't too far from using stem cells to repair its hobbled organs. ─── 医学的进步已经阐明了许多人体工作机制--甚至到了基因水平,而且离利用肝细胞来修复受损组织也不远了。

32、This essay tried to interpreted and deciphered Sister Carrie's choice of lifestyle through analyzing the code of values and spirit ecosystem of the whole society at that time. ─── 嘉莉妹妹也深陷欲望泥沼不能自拔,成为面临精神生态危机的千千万万个美国人之一。

33、As another outcome of this change of groove he visited on Sundays all the churches within a walk, and deciphered the Latin inscriptions on fifteenth-century brasses and tombs. ─── 他原来的癖好改变之后还有一个结果,就是逢到礼拜天必到邻近所有教堂瞻仰,细心解读十五世纪铜版和墓碑上的拉丁铭文。

34、The garbled words can be deciphered. ─── 篡改的字能够被辨认出来。

35、Years of study lie ahead before the text can be deciphered, analysed and compared with existing texts. ─── 在破译文献之前,他们进行了多年的研究和分析,并且与现存的文稿作出了比较。

36、Along with Sanskrit (1785) other languages were deciphered: Pahlavi in 1793, cuneiforms in 1803, hieroglyphs in 1822, and Avestan in 1832. ─── 除梵语(1785年)外,其他语言也被翻译过来:巴列维语是在1793年,楔形文字是在1803年,象形文字在1822年,阿维斯陀语在1832年。

37、In the process of formation, the material must have received an environmental signal that reflects a change in climate and that can be deciphered by modern physical or chemical means. ─── 在形成的过程中,材料必须接收到环境信号,反映气候变化,并能被现代物理或化学手段破译。

38、Encryption helps to protect the privacy of the data; namely, it helps to ensure that while data is in transit it cannot be deciphered by third parties. ─── 加密有助于保护数据的隐私;也就是说,它有助于确保第三方无法解密传输过程中的数据。

39、all of that deciphered by looking at blood flow in the brain, because blood flow corresponds to electrical activity and thought. ─── 所有那一切都可通过查看大脑内的血流而解码,因为血流与电活动和思想相对应。

40、Unfortunately, these cryptic * messages baffle * most people.We've deciphered * the most common ones you may encounter. ─── 如果失败,试着用搜索引擎查找这个站点,它也许会有一个新的地址。

41、When a new gene is identified and its DNA sequence deciphered, it is still unclear what its corre onding protein sequence is. ─── 当一个新基因被识别,其DNA序列被解读,人们仍旧无法搞清相应的蛋白序列是什麽。

42、Texts deciphered over the past few days will be published next month by the London-based Egypt Exploration Society, which financed the discovery and owns the collection. ─── 过去几天解读出来的文献下个月将由位于伦敦,资助这一发现并拥有这些古卷的埃及探险协会公布。

43、The content was deciphered: some notions of combinative analysis, illustrated with examples of variation with unlimited repetition. ─── 内容最终被破译了:是用无限重复变化的例子来阐释关于组合分析的概念。

44、writing (print or handwriting) that cannot be deciphered ─── 写出来的东西不能理解

45、When the Guidance world deciphered this energy and moved it into different segments, certain simple things existed that we could turn over to the crystal world. ─── 当指导灵界解开这能量,并且移到不同的片段,某些简单的事物存在,我们可以转向水晶世界。

46、But first it has to be deciphered, and that is no easy task.The job requires the analysis of blood, urine, breath and feces within large populations. ─── 但一开始必须先解码,这不是个容易的任务,需要分析一大群人的血液、尿液、呼吸和排泄。

47、Most of the undeciphered scripts featured here have been partially deciphered, and well-known researchers have claimed that they have deciphered some much more fully. ─── 格里菲斯一直坚信,梅罗伊文最终会被破译。

48、writing (print or handwriting) that cannot be deciphered. ─── 写出来的东西不能理解。

49、Patients are given radioactive tracers (via an IV or inhaled as a gas) that send out signals, which are picked up and deciphered by the PET scanner. ─── 病人通过静脉注射或者吸入的方式被给予放射性示踪剂,然后放射性示踪剂发射出的射线可以被PET探测器探测到并解码。

50、Our troops knew about the plans for the attack because they had stolen and deciphered the enemy's secret message. ─── 我军知道敌方的功击计划,因为们窃得并译解出其秘密通信。

51、Seals with a pictographic script, which has not as yet been deciphered, were found at the Indus Valley sites. ─── 在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图章,可是至今还未被破译。

52、He has deciphered Diana's "Let's" as a command. ─── 他把戴安娜的“让我们”理解为命令。

53、It bore some inscriptions which could not be easily deciphered but which are believed to record some historical event. ─── 上面刻着一些难懂的文字,相信是记载了一段历史事件。

54、In SNA network an LU-LU session in which a function management data( FMD) request may be enciphered before it is transmitted and deciphered after it is received. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(NA)络中,一种逻辑单元到逻辑单元之间的话路,其中的操作管理数据(MD)求在被发送出去之前要对它进行加密、及在被接收到之后要对它进行解密。

55、This book is one of them, a compendium of those programmers notes and scribbles, deciphered ( try reading programmer handwriting), edited and brought together coherently as a book. ─── 这本书恰恰就是一本,这本书是那些程序员们的笔记和草稿的纲要,是它们的解读(试着辨认程序员的笔迹),整理和综合。

56、For instance, consider Champollion, who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs with all of these 3 important clues: there were very long Egyptian texts; ─── 例如,一般认为破译了埃及象形文字的商博良有3个重要的线索:有非常长的埃及文献;

57、Seals with a pictographic script, which has not as yet been deciphered, were found at the Indus Valley sites. ─── 在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图案,可是至今还未被破译。

58、In a public-key cryptosystem, plaintext encrypted with the public key can only be deciphered with the private key from the same pair. ─── 在公开密钥密码系统中,用明匙加密的普通文本只能由同一对钥匙中的秘密密钥解密。

59、The concrete female image can be obtained through quantificational analysis, meanwhile, with the help of content analysis the representative female image also can be deciphered. ─── 通过量化分析得到具体的女性形象,在描述现象的同时,运用内容分析的方法,解读其中有代表性的女性形象。

60、Some of these changes caused "darkness" periods which lasted for months, in which the German Enigma messages could not be deciphered. ─── 所以在二战中,尽管面对越来越多的猜疑,德国专家对恩尼格码安全性仍然过于乐观。

61、One codon had been deciphered, and the triplet UUU became the first word in the chemical dictionary of life. ─── 于是头一个密码解开了,UUU这三个核苷酸组成了生化字典里的第一个字。

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