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09-04 投稿


cowpox 发音

英:[?ka?pɑ?ks]  美:[?ka?p?ks]

英:  美:

cowpox 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 牛痘


cowpox 短语词组

1、cowpox icd ─── 牛痘

2、cowpox usa ─── 牛痘使用

3、cowpox virus ─── 牛痘病毒

4、anti-cowpox a. ─── 抗牛痘的

5、cowpox pus ─── 牛痘多

6、cowpox code ─── 牛痘代码

7、cowpox cats ─── 牛痘

8、cowpox cure ─── 牛痘疗法

9、cowpox death rate ─── 牛痘死亡率

cowpox 相似词语短语

1、fowlpox ─── 触染性上皮癌;传染性上皮瘤;鸟痘,鸡痘

2、cowboy ─── n.牛仔;牧童;莽撞的人

3、cowplop ─── 牛粪

4、cowpoke ─── n.牛仔;牧牛工

5、cowpat ─── 牛粪堆

6、bowpot ─── 瓶饰

7、cowped ─── 皱缩的

8、cowpie ─── 牛粪

9、cowpea ─── n.豇豆(Vignasinensis);豇豆荚(等于black-eyedpea)

cowpox 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(small pox) vaccine or vaccination; cowpox; vaccinia ─── 牛痘

2、Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola( smallpox), vaccinia( used for smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses. ─── 其他导致人类感染的正痘病毒包括天花、痘(于天花疫苗)牛痘病毒。

3、From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the Western world. ─── 由无害的牛痘预防致命的天花这一发现产生了接种,从而消灭了肆虐西方世界的天花。

4、Yinggiliguo xinchu zhongdou qishu;Yindou lue;Alexander Pearson;Zheng Chongqian;Qiu Xi;cowpox;vaccination;smallpox ─── 关键词:英咭唎国新出种痘奇书;引痘略;牛痘;种痘;痘;皮尔逊;郑崇谦;邱熺

5、1.Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola (smallpox), vaccinia (used for smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses. ─── 它属于一个包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。

6、Many of them caught a disease from the cows called cowpox, which was not serious and from which they recovered quickly. ─── 她们许多人从牛身上传染上了牛痘,这种病并不严重,恢复的也快。

7、Unlike Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself. ─── 接种人痘,是直接使用小量的天花,和金纳后来用牛痘接种不同。

8、The boy then caught cowpox. ─── 于是这个男孩也得了牛痘。

9、Any of a group of DNA - containing viruses, including those that cause smallpox, cowpox, and other poxlike diseases in vertebrates. ─── 痘病毒一组含脱氧核糖核酸的病毒,包括那些在脊椎动物中引起天花、牛痘以及其他类似疾病的病毒

10、doctor improved the vaccination to cowpox vaccination, and accomplished the second leap of vaccination. ─── 医生琴纳的研究下把人痘术改进成牛痘术,实现了种痘术的第二次飞跃。

11、Jenner Edward, an Enligh doctor improved the vaccination to cowpox vaccination, and accomplished the second leap of vaccination. ─── 在医生琴纳的研究下把人痘术改进成牛痘术,实现了种痘术的第二次飞跃。

12、Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola (smallpox), vaccinia (used for smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses. ─── 其他导致人类感染的正痘病毒包括天花、牛痘(用于天花疫苗)和牛痘病毒。

13、Unlike Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself. ─── 使用小量的天花,和金纳后来用牛痘接种不同。

14、cowpox virus ─── 牛痘病毒

15、He found that people who had had cowpox seemed to be safe from catching smallpox. ─── 他发现凡患过牛痘的人似乎对于天花具有免疫力。

16、a vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox ─── 从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天花的疫苗

17、It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus( variola), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine( vaccinia), and the cowpox virus. ─── 它属于一个包括天花病毒、天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。

18、5.Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses, including those that cause smallpox, cowpox, and other poxlike diseases in vertebrates. ─── 其他导致人类感染的正痘病毒包括天花、牛痘(用于天花疫苗)和牛痘病毒。

19、British physician and vaccination pioneer who found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions ─── 英国内科医生和牛痘接种法创始人,他发现天花可以通过接种牛痘来预防

20、any of a group of DNA-containing viruses,including those that cause smallpox,cowpox,and other poxlike diseases in vertebrates ─── 痘病毒,一组含脱氧核糖核酸的病毒,包括那些在脊椎动物中引起天花、牛痘以及其他类似疾病的病毒

21、British physician and vaccination pioneer. He found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions. ─── 詹纳,爱德华1749-1823英国内科医生和牛痘接种法创始人。他发现天花可以通过接种牛痘来预防

22、A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox. ─── 牛痘苗从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天花的疫苗

23、In a 21-year-old woman, suffering from a moderate painful erythematous infiltrated lesion in the neck, cowpox was diagnosed. ─── 在一名21岁女子从一个温和的痛苦红色渗透在颈部病变的痛苦,牛痘被诊断。

24、Jimmy caught cowpox and soon got better, but later when he came near people who had smallpox he did not catch it, though other people die. ─── 吉米感染了牛痘并且很快就痊愈了。后来,他接触天花患者却不被感染,即使有的人都因患天花而死去。

25、Jenner's experiment with cowpox opens up a new horizon in disease prevention. ─── 珍纳医师的神奇牛痘实验展开了疾病预防的新页。

26、This is because the material in cowpox (a disease affecting the udders of cows), was injected into people to protect them against an attack of smallpox. ─── 这是因为牛痘中的物质曾被注射给人体来保护人体免受天花的侵袭。

27、Jenner took some of the cowpox from her hand.He then found a little boy of eight called Jimmy Phipps.He made a small scratch on his arm. ─── 真纳从她的手上取下一些牛痘菌,然后找来一个八岁的小男孩,叫吉米菲普斯,在他的臂上划一道伤痕,再把一些牛痘菌放进去。

28、One day a girl came to see him who had a cowpox sore on her hand. ─── 一天一个女孩儿来看他,女孩儿手上有个牛痘疮。

29、Jimmy caught cowpox and soon got better, but later when he came near people who had smallpox he did not catch it, though other people die. ─── 后来,他接触天花患者却不被感染,即使有的人都因患天花而死去。

30、In nineteen century, Enligh doctor Pearson came to Macao to spread the cowpox vaccination. ─── 到19世纪时,英国医师皮尔逊到澳门推广牛痘术。

31、One day a girl came to see himwho had a cowpox sore on her hand. ─── 一天一个女孩儿来看他,女孩儿手上有个牛痘疮。

32、Edward Jenner developed a vaccine from cowpox. ─── 金纳从牛痘中发展了一种疫苗。

33、One day a girl came to see him who had a cowpox sore on her hand. ─── 一天一个女孩儿来看他,女孩儿手上有个牛痘疮。

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