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09-04 投稿



installation 发音

英:[??nst??le??(?)n]  美:[??nst??le??(?)n]

英:  美:

installation 中文意思翻译



installation 词性/词形变化,installation变形


installation 短语词组

1、installation and overhaul specification ─── [化] 安装及检修规范

2、cooling installation ─── [建] 冷却装置

3、computer installation ─── [计] 计算机安装; 计算站

4、catenary installation car ─── [化] 安装作业车; 安装高空作业车

5、cost of installation ─── [经] 安装(设置)成本

6、emergency installation ─── [化] 备用机件; 备用装置

7、closed circuit installation ─── [建] 闭路安装

8、data transmission installation ─── [电] 资料传输设备

9、gas washing installation ─── [化] 气体洗涤装置

10、field installation time ─── [计] 现场安装时间

11、experimental installation ─── [化] 实验装置

12、evaporating installation ─── [化] 蒸发设备

13、field installation ─── [化] 现场安装

14、commercial installation ─── [化] 工业设备

15、installation and checkout phase ─── [计] 安装验收阶段

16、installation ceremony ─── [法] 就职典礼, 开幕典礼

17、heating installation ─── [化] 取暖设备

18、installation capacity ─── [化] 设备容量

19、area heating installation ─── [化] 局部加热装置

installation 常用词组

equipment installation ─── 设备安装

easy installation ─── 安装方便

installation and debugging ─── 安装与调试;安装调试人员

installation 相似词语短语

1、reinstallation ─── n.[计]重新安装

2、installations ─── n.[军]设施;装置(installation的复数形式);[机]设备

3、instillation ─── n.慢慢灌输;滴注法;滴剂

4、instantiation ─── n.实例化;[计]例示

5、instaurations ─── n.恢复,复兴;建立

6、constellation ─── n.[天]星座;星群;荟萃;兴奋丛

7、instauration ─── n.恢复,复兴;建立

8、art installation ─── 艺术设施

9、reinstallations ─── 重新安装

installation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Create an SIS installation file for easy deployment of your application. ─── 创建 SIS 安装文件,以便于部署您的应用程序。

2、DO NOT stop the installation once started. ─── 一旦启动安装就不要停止。

3、Installation can be side-by-side with the existing version. ─── 可以与现有版本并行安装。有关安装。

4、Contains a general description of the installation progress. ─── 包含安装进度的常规说明。

5、The ambient temperature under installation should not below00 C. ─── · 电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于00C。

6、CSF installation and configuration are easy. ─── CSF安装和配置非常简单。

7、Karl Dungs sen. Founded an electrical installation company in 1945. ─── 1945年老卡尔冬斯成立一电气安装企业。

8、It do provide information of the installation of pop specific software on system other than ad3. ─── 它的确提供除AD3以外系统上POP指定的软件的安装信息。

9、The drive or partition containing the Windows system installation. ─── 包含Windows系统安装的驱动器或分区。

10、Installation conforms to aDa requirements. ─── 安装符合有关残疾人条款的规定要求。

11、Most of the time, the installation will be automatic. ─── 多数情况下安装是自动运行的。

12、We recommend that you schedule an outage before installation. ─── 安装之前,建议您计划一下停用情况。

13、It does not point to a valid Tomcat installation. ─── 出错信息:The Tomcat installation directory is not correct.

14、Installation at the machine housing or headstock. ─── 可安装在机床电器柜内或主轴箱中。

15、Optional installation angle and reading angle. ─── 可任意角度安装使用(读碟)。

16、You can find the file on Windows 95 installation disk 1. ─── 你可以在Windows95安装盘1上找到此文件。

17、Verification of Date of Original Installation. ─── 初始安装日期的查证。

18、A storage installation for military equipment and supplies. ─── 军备仓库存放军事装备及物资的仓库

19、What partition contains your NT installation? ─── 你的NT安装在哪个分区下?

20、A large computer installation is headed by a system analyst. ─── 一个大的计算机站是由系统分析员来领导的。

21、Aborting Materials Studio installation. ─── 如何解决?

22、The MFGMO shall review the qualification of fuel gas appliance installation units once a year and announce the result of the review. ─── 市燃气管理处对燃气器具安装单位的资质每年复审一次,并予以公布。

23、An externally specified unit of work for the computing system from the stand- point of installation accounting and operating system control. A job consists of one or more job steps. ─── 从计算站记帐和操作系统控制的角度看,一个作业通常指一个外部指定的任务单位。一个作业包含一个或多个作业步。

24、The price of these product will just compensate the cost of equipment and installation of the line. ─── 你方生产的产品价格将正好补偿我方提供的设备及安装生产线的费用。

25、A repository is nothing but a directory under your Geronimo installation. ─── 存储库仅仅是一个Geronimo安装下的目录。

26、Manufacturing and installation of different types of glass wall. ─── 各种玻璃幕墙的制造与安装。


28、The installation wizard displays a start window. ─── 安装向导会显示一个开始窗户。

29、Simple installation without special foundation. ─── 安装简易无需特殊的基础工事。

30、Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread. ─── 如果警报器的安装范围更为广泛,成百上千人的生命就可能获救。

31、Wall Mounting Bracket Makes installation quick and easy. ─── 墙上安装支架使得安装迅速容易。

32、Installation instruction and user manual. ─── 安装及使用说明书。

33、Installation procedures must comply with all state and local codes. ─── 安装程序必须符合所有州或当地的规程。

34、Installation of the Lanzhou-Xining-Lhasa optical cable line was completed. ─── 兰(州)西(宁)拉(萨)通信光缆铺设完毕。

35、Obtain a working installation of GSI. ─── 安装GSI,让它能够工作起来。

36、Listed is a summary of installation techniques. ─── 下列是安装技术的摘要信息。

37、Once your project is ready to be installed, you need to make sure that the right installation drive is selected. ─── 一次你的计画准备好被安装,你需要确定正确的安装推进力被选择。

38、Installation inspection of main diesel generator. ─── 主柴油发电机组安装检查。

39、And it has no special requirements for installation and maintenance; simply plug it in and relax. ─── 此外,它对安装和维护都没有特别要求,只需简单地插上插头,您就可以轻松享受了。

40、These installation instructions are vali. ─── 安装指南。

41、Be professional engineer to guide the projects and installation. ─── 为项目和安装工程提供高质量和专业的指导。

42、Xianlihua Refrigeration Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. ─── 先利华制冷设备安装有限公司。

43、An error ocurred. Retry the profile installation. ─── 出现了一个错误。请重新安装配置文件。

44、The installation is part of our free service. ─── 安装是我们免费服务的一部分。

45、Mar.21,2007 Installation of J Hook line started. ─── 2007年3月21日,装配线开始安装。

46、The installation of the shower only take a few minutes. ─── 安装淋浴器只花了几分钟时间。

47、Basic knowledge of electrical installation. ─── 基本的电气知识。

48、General installation connected to girders. ─── 一般安装方式为大梁连接式。

49、Not testing installation procedures. ─── 不测试安装过程。

50、A permanent military installation in India. ─── 兵站印度的永久性军事设施

51、The wizard is ready to begin installation. ─── 向导已就绪,可以开始安装了。

52、There seem to be at least two unofficial versions of the installation system for i386 supporting ReiserFS. ─── 看起来至少有两个非正式版的i386安装系统支持ReiserFS。

53、You see a screen as shown in Figure 4 that prompts you to choose the language to use for the installation process. ─── 现在会看到一个如图4所示的屏幕,它提示您选择安装过程使用的语言。

54、Fast installation,no magnet switch. ─── 安装方便、快捷、不再需要磁开关。

55、Insert the first installation CD into your CD drive. ─── 将第一张安装CD插入CD驱动器。

56、Installation of Side-by-Side assemblies failed. ─── 安装肩并肩的组装失败。

57、Installation of the new system will take several days. ─── 新系统的安装需要几天时间。

58、NO prior installation of rome total war was found. ─── 好象是无法找到原版的罗马,然后安装无法继续.

59、Compact structure to saves installation space. ─── 安装时方便且不占空间。

60、Installation is possible via frame buffer or the serial console. ─── 可以frame buffer或过串列主控台来进行安装。

61、Suppose you need to test the installation of a product. ─── 假定您需要测试产品的安装。

62、Be there any preparation work we can do before installation? ─── 安装之前有没有什么准备工作需要我们做?

63、Jinghua Electrical Equipment Installation Co. ─── 京华电气设备安装公司。

64、Do you provide phone installation service here? ─── 你们办理电话开户业务吗?

65、The folder containing the Windows system installation. ─── 包含Windows系统安装的文件夹。

66、Twin OBM installation possible from 4.7m upwards. ─── 7米以上的,可能需要安装两个OBM。

67、SuperCede installation problems. ─── 主题: YO, ASYMETRIX!

68、Save the installation file on your desktop. ─── 安装文件保存在您的桌面上。

69、Beihuang Automatic Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. ─── 北黄自动化设备安装有限公司。

70、Huayan Communication Meters Installation Co. ─── 华雁通信仪表安装公司。

71、Close valve completely before installation. ─── 安装前要完全关闭阀门。

72、The installation is difficult for novice users. ─── 安装对新手来说很难。

73、Click "OK" to install. Click "Cancel" to discontinue installation. ─── 单击“确定”开始安装。单击“取消”退出安装。

74、Beijing Gentel Gardening Installation Co., Ltd. ─── 北京振泰园艺设施公司。

75、Actions can only be run at the end of an installation. ─── 只能在安装结束时运行操作。

76、The next window displays your installation selections. ─── 下一个窗口会显示您的安装选择。

77、The installation of main generator to be confirmed. ─── 主发电机安装提交。

78、Adopts car bottom non-touch installation method. ─── 传感器采用非接触轿底安装方式。

79、Rational ClearCase LT Installation Guide. ─── 中的安装指示信息。

80、Invalid MSI file. Installation cannot continue. ─── MSI文件无效,安装程序无法继续。

81、Huayi Medical Gas Equipment Installation Engineering Dept. ─── 华怡医用气体设备安装工程部。

82、Cast steel valve installation at an oil refinery. ─── 安装在炼油厂的铸钢阀门。

83、Free Installation ( For Singapore Orders Only). ─── 免费安装(只限新加坡地区)。

84、Metro Construction Installation Engineering Co. ─── 地铁建筑安装工程公司。

85、Plug and Play registration failed. Abort printer installation. ─── “即插即用”注册失败,请终止安装打印机。

86、Did you see the new installation at MOMA? ─── |你看到现代美术馆的装置没?

87、The dialog box Change Equipment Installation Location appears. ─── 出现对话框修改设备安装地址。

88、Do you have an installation diagram? ─── 你有安装图吗?

89、The next window displays the installation selections. ─── 下一个窗口显示安装选择。

关于The installation cannot continue……的翻译?

答案: 安装程序无法继续。



Cannot continue to fall 无法继续下跌 ; 不能继续下跌 ; 不能再继续翻译公司

install cannot continue aborting 安装无法继续实行堕胎 ; 安装无法继续中止

setup cannot continue 安装程序无法继续


1.The factory cannot continue its current level of production.


2.If at any point inthe code, an error occurs such that processing cannot continue, we retrieve thesystem error message (if any), and display it along with our own message.


3.Because he cannot continue filling out that booking form, and needs to start the booking process for the higher priority customer, he wants to be able to continue with the previous one later.


安装photoshop时,Installation failed.please refer to PDApp.loq for more information.是什么意思?


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