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09-04 投稿



fecundated 发音


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fecundated 中文意思翻译



fecundated 词性/词形变化,fecundated变形

动词现在分词: fecundating |动词第三人称单数: fecundates |动词过去分词: fecundated |动词过去式: fecundated |名词: fecundation |

fecundated 短语词组

1、fecundated define ─── 富足定义

2、fecundated def ─── 未注明日期的def

3、fecundated meaning ─── 未注明日期的意思

4、fecundated definition ─── 富足定义

fecundated 相似词语短语

1、fecundation ─── n.受胎作用;受精;受胎

2、fecundator ─── 多产者

3、fecundates ─── vt.使受孕;使多产,使丰饶

4、decussated ─── v.(使)交叉成X形;(使)交叉(decussate的过去式及过去分词)

5、fecundatory ─── 肥料

6、cuneated ─── 阴险的

7、fecundate ─── vt.使受孕;使多产,使丰饶

8、fecundating ─── v.使受孕;使多产;使丰饶;使富有成果(fecundate的现在分词)

9、decaudated ─── 去脑汁

fecundated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So we will have created a new race of fecund, productive individuals and that could have dramatic consequences. ─── 因此我们将创造出一个多产的新人种,这将带来戏剧性后果。

2、Tea plant grows nice in this fecund mountain. ─── 茶树在这片肥沃的山地上长得很好。

3、I have elevated, vivified,informed with life, fecundated, stimulated, enriched the whole country-side ─── 我扶植,振兴,鼓舞,丰富,推动,繁荣了整个地方

4、Basin earth has with containing machine the sandiness soil with pledge fecund and more, loose, catchment defends water good had better. ─── 盆土以含有机质较多、肥沃疏松、排水保水好的沙质土壤为好。

5、a fecund animal ─── 多产动物

6、The elite student is well noted for his industry and fecund mind. ─── 勤奋和思想丰富。

7、Dongying link fecund glass products co., Ltd. ─── 东营联丰玻璃制品有限公司。

8、The large, redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy ─── 那幢牧师住的红砖大屋是个多子女的牧师在职时修建的。

9、Happy shade, happy event the loam of small acidity sandiness with good performance of loose, fecund, catchment. ─── 喜阴.喜疏松.肥沃.排水性能良好的微酸性沙质壤土。

10、Beautiful mountains and rivers-land, fecund land, cornucopian resource, all without exception shows the development potential with tremendous post-horse. ─── 漂亮的山川,肥沃的土地,丰饶的资源,无不显示驿马巨大的发展潜力。

11、Have altitude, climate again appropriate, land is fecund, water natural resources, mineral products expands a dominant position resourcefully. ─── 它既有距县城近,交通便利的区位优势.又有海拔、气候适宜,土地肥沃,水资源、矿产资源丰富的发展优势。

12、a fecund imagination ─── 丰富的想像力.

13、This is a fecund land, this is the hot earth that just is full of a hope. ─── 这是一片肥沃的土地,这是一方充满希望的热土。

14、Maerduowa republic the land of 80 % is enclothed by fecund blackland, cultivate aptly. ─── 摩尔多瓦共和国80%的土地都被肥沃的黑土覆盖,适宜耕种。

15、Appropriate is fecund with the soil with good drainage, be able to bear or endure barren soil, but avoid by all means slants alkalescent. ─── 宜肥沃和排水良好的土壤,耐瘠薄土壤,但切忌偏碱性。

16、Be fond of warm and wet climate and deep and fecund arenaceous qualitative loam, do not be able to bear or endure freezing, drought and seeper. ─── 喜暖和湿润的气候和深厚肥沃的砂质壤土,不耐严寒.干旱和积水。

17、Not quite strict to edaphic requirement, but with the loam with loose, fecund, good drainage had better. ─── 对土壤要求不太严格,但以疏松.肥沃.排水良好的壤土为好。

18、Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women. ─── 因此,那些喜欢和金发女性配偶的男性是在无意识地试图和更加年轻(而因此平均来说更加健康,更加具有繁殖力)的女性配偶。

19、fecund couple ─── 有生殖力的夫妇

20、The legend is that when Leda was fecundated she gave birth to twins. ─── 传说勒达怀孕后生了一对双胞胎。

21、Perhaps be told to Oracle, database this land too too fecund, because this Larry Ellison can feel sow any seeds, can blossom and bear fruit, get a good crop finally. ─── 也许对于 Oracle 来讲,数据库这片土地太过于肥沃,因此 Larry Ellison 会觉得播下任何种子,都会开花结果,最终得到一个不错的收成。

22、The study's principal finding is that the most fecund marriages are between distant cousins. ─── 研究的首要发现便是大部分多子女的婚姻都发生在远房表兄妹之间。

23、Earnest study of XXX's fecund and profound thinkings on the subject of science well as philosophy is of great significance to us. ─── 认真研究麦克斯韦的丰富而深刻的科学及哲学思想,对于我们有着重要的意义,而且对于加强素质教育,培植科学精神同样具有重要的现实意义。

24、fecund mind ─── 创造力旺盛的头脑

25、Be sure to choose fecund qualitative pine, it is good to defend water, aerate beautiful, the potted and special land with good drainage. ─── 务必选用肥沃质松,保水好,通气佳,排水优良的盆栽专用土。

26、a sort of human creation, in a word,powerful and fecund as the divine creation of which it seems to have stolen the double character,--variety, eternity. ─── 总而言之,是人类的一种创造,雄浑,富饶,仿佛是神的创造,似乎窃取了神造的双重特征:多样性和永恒性。

27、Gansu not only has powerful and fecund Loess Plateau, but also has beautiful sceneries like the southern China . ─── 既有浩瀚无垠的大漠风光,又有水草丰美的辽阔草原;

28、Smallholder economy times, the river is coastal land is fecund. ─── 对国家来说,海洋意识直接影响社会的发展速度和国家安全。

29、fecund man ─── 有生殖力的男人

30、With fecund and loose with the arenaceous qualitative soil with good drainage had better. ─── 以肥沃疏松和排水良好的砂质土壤为好。

31、Accordingly, land be able to big land development, desolate open country makes fecund fertile land, the rate that its develop and dimensions also exceed far other each area. ─── 因此,土地得以大片地开发,荒凉的原野成为肥沃的良田,其开发的速度和规模也都远远超过其他各区。

32、2. The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional “crop”, may thus backfire. ─── 许多马达加斯加人看起来很有热情在全国传播他们新的多产的朋友,希望能够提供一种新的“庄稼”(译者:此处指上文提到的龙虾),这将会是得其反。收藏指正

33、fecund animal ─── 多产的动物

34、The bottle was fecund, prolific. ─── 这个生态瓶里生机勃勃。

35、It is a geomantic omen precious place, where climate is mild, land is fecund and golden walls surround. ─── 这里气候温和,土地肥沃,金城环抱,是藏风聚气的风水宝地。

36、But now, had had a few big cities, we can do guerrilla only, look for a few relatively fecund meadows at the same time, turn a hamlet into the village gradually, become a city again. ─── 但现在,已经有几个大城市了,我们只能做游击队,一边找几片相对肥沃的草地,逐渐变成小村庄,再变成城市。

37、The adaptability of violet leaf short cherry is very strong, not strict to edaphic requirement, spend good, fecund sandy loam, gently in catchment grow on clay good. ─── 紫叶矮樱的适应性很强,对土壤要求不严格,在排水良好、肥沃的砂壤土、轻度粘土上生长良好。

38、Mouse is a kind of fecund animal. ─── 老鼠是多产的动物。

39、In most other countries the rich were less fecund: the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father, for example. ─── 比如,日本武士阶级之中,平均每个父亲仅有略多于1个子嗣。

40、a fecund soil ─── 肥沃的土地

41、Piscatorial water natural resources flows classics grass and farm, nutrient content is much, water quality is fecund, bait material is rich. ─── 渔业水资源流经牧场和农田,营养含量多,水质肥沃,饵料丰富。

42、Face tall belong to mesa of city fining jade, relief evenness, land is fecund, coasting of; ─── 临高属于琼州台地,地势平坦,土地肥沃,水网纵横;

43、They have a fecund soil. ─── 他们有肥沃的土地。

44、But the addition as population, existent need, the northeast area with fecund, resourceful land is broken through stage by stage ban, socioeconomy still is developing adagio with its peculiar way. ─── 但随着人口的增加,生存的需要,土地肥沃、资源丰富的东北地区逐步冲破封禁,社会经济仍以它特有的方式缓慢地发展着。

45、Help advance somebody's career management: Wooden fragrant flower is lax to edaphic requirement, but it is better that in loose and fecund, catchment good soil grows, happy event is wet, avoid seeper; ─── 栽培治理: 木香花对土壤要求不严,但在疏松肥沃.排水良好的土壤生长较好,喜湿润,避免积水;

46、The requirement contains a lot ofhumus, loose and fecund, the soil with good drainage. ─── 要求富含腐殖质,疏松肥沃,排水良好的土壤。

47、2.The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional “crop”, may thus backfire. ─── 许多马达加斯加人看起来很有热情在全国传播他们新的多产的朋友,希望能够提供一种新的“庄稼”(译者:此处指上文提到的龙虾),这将会是得其反。

48、The village village stockaded village of the earth austral its Zong Guanyun, sow green hope asperse in laterite highland fecund in the earthy layer with deficient backbone. ─── 这是一项跨世纪发展的浩大工程。它纵贯云南大地的村村寨寨,把绿色的希望播洒在红土高原肥沃与贫脊的土层中。

49、The mixture earth with fecund, loose sand and corrupt leaf earth is best. ─── 以肥沃.疏松的沙和腐叶土的混合土最好。

50、The idea that it is having fecund relatives that sustains homosexuality thus looks quite plausible. ─── 因此基因使亲属有更强的生殖能力从而延续了同性特质这一观点看来相当可信。

51、a prolific writer; a fecund imagination. ─── 多产的作家;丰富的想象力。

52、Much fecund ground became desert and just left sand! ─── 许多肥沃的土地已经变成了沙漠,留下的仅是黄沙。

53、To make fecund or fruitful. ─── 使多产或使多结果

54、A sort of human creation,in a word,powerful and fecund as the divine creation of which it seems to have stolen the double character,--variety,eternity. ─── 总而言之,是人类的一种创造,雄浑,富饶,仿佛是神的创造,似乎窃取了神造的双重特征: 多样性和永恒性。

55、No study is more efficacious and more fecund in instruction. ─── 没有任何研究工作会比这更有功效,更富于教育意义。

56、"The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emanci-pations, the revolution. ─── “那邪恶之尊,就是撒殚对神的反叛,在此反叛中,人类的解放遍地开花,这就是革命。

57、This year spring March, warm suddenly cold still, on in distant north length and breadth of land fecund land, laborious farmer has begun to make preparations for ploughing and sowing. ─── 今年阳春三月,乍暖还寒,在辽北广袤而肥沃的土地上,勤劳的农民已经开始备耕。

58、Originally, the thought was that whichever genes make men gay might make women more fecund, and possibly vice versa. ─── 起初的想法是决定男同志的那个基因可能使女人生育能力更强,可能反之亦然。

59、fecund woman ─── 有生殖力的女人

60、The contents of coffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in different producing areas were very different,which in fecund soil was better. ─── 不同采收期以春季花果期最好,不同部位成分含量都不一致。

61、To say: "the plant wills," instead of: "the plant grows": this would be fecund in results, indeed, if we were to add: "the universe wills. ─── 不说“草木长”,而说“草木要”,的确,如果再加上“宇宙要”意义就更丰富了。

62、This is a fecund animal. ─── 这是一只多产的动物。

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