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mashed 发音

英:[ m??]  美:[m??t]

英:  美:

mashed 中文意思翻译



mashed 网络释义

adj. 捣碎的;捣烂的;被捣成糊状的v. 捣碎;调情(mash的过去分词)

mashed 短语词组

1、mashed dates ─── 捣碎的枣

2、mashed banana ─── 胡萝卜、苹果或香蕉

3、mashed bananas on cookies ─── 饼干上的香蕉泥

4、mashed banana on cookies ─── 香蕉泥饼干

5、mashed turnips ─── 萝卜泥

6、mashed bananas ─── 香蕉泥

7、be mashed on ─── 看上, ─── 看中,爱上…

8、mashed potato ─── 洋芋泥

9、instant mashed potatoes ─── 速溶土豆泥

10、mashed potato cakes ─── 土豆泥蛋糕

11、mashed vegetables ─── 蔬菜泥

12、mashed potato casserole ─── 土豆泥砂锅

13、mashed cauliflower ─── 花椰菜泥

14、mashed potatoes ─── 马铃薯泥

mashed 词性/词形变化,mashed变形

原型:mash 过去分词:mashed

mashed 相似词语短语

1、fashed ─── n.烦恼;麻烦;vt.使苦恼;使生气;n.(Fash)人名;(英)法什

2、hashed ─── v.将(肉或其他食物)做成酱;切碎(肉或蔬菜)(hash的过去式及过去分词)

3、cashed ─── n.现款,现金;vt.将…兑现;支付现款;n.(Cash)人名;(英)卡什

4、masher ─── n.捣碎器;调戏妇女者

5、dashed ─── n.虚线;v.猛冲(dash的过去分词);猛掷

6、gashed ─── v.割破,划伤(gash的过去式和过去分词);adj.不必要的,额外的

7、lashed ─── vt.鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺;vi.鞭打;猛击;急速甩动;n.鞭打;睫毛;鞭子;责骂;讽刺;n.(Lash)人名;(英)拉希

8、bashed ─── v.猛击,痛击;严厉批评;n.猛击,痛击;盛大的聚会,盛典,社交活动;尝试;n.(Bash)(美)巴什(人名)

9、smashed ─── adj.破碎的;喝醉酒的,吸毒后精神恍惚的;v.打碎,粉碎;猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞;撞开,击穿;猛击;打破记录;撞毁(车辆);彻底击败,搞垮;扣球(smash的过去式和过去分词)

mashed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my all-time favorite foods, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. ─── 在当时年仅8岁的我的眼里,那是全普罗维登斯最好的饭店了。

2、Would you like more mashed potato? ─── 在来点马铃薯泥好吗?

3、So, a cookie will have no more effect on blood glucose than mashed potatoes, provided the total amount of carbohydrate is the same. ─── 所以甜饼对于血糖的影响和土豆泥相比并无区别,只要它们所含的碳水―――――化合物总量相等。

4、What do they use to sour the mash? ─── 他们是用的什么把饲料煮得带有酸味的?

5、Try them in salads and sandwiches or mashed with a bit of lemon juice, onion, and chopped tomato as a topping for baked potatoes. ─── 试着把鳄梨加入色拉、三明治或者压碎再放入一些柠檬汁、洋葱以及切块的番茄然后放在烘焙后的土豆上作配菜。

6、They'd eaten beefburgers and chip and sausage and mash until it came out of their ears. ─── 他们吃汉堡牛排,油炸土豆条,香肠和马铃薯泥,一直吃到肚子鼓鼓的。

7、What kind of potatoes would you like to go with it, mashed, boiled or baked? ─── 您要配什么样的洋芋,是做成泥的、煮的还是烤的?

8、I want to have mashed potatoes without gravy. ─── 不加肉汁的土豆泥?

9、You can help mash up the potatoes for me. ─── 你可以帮我把马铃薯捣烂。

10、The Bushes were served chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, soft tacos and, for lunch, tomato soup and sandwiches. ─── 布什夫妇的食谱通常是炸鸡排、土豆泥和玉米卷,午餐是西红柿汤和三明治。

11、And will mashed potatoes be all right for both of you? ─── 你们两位喜欢土豆泥吗?

12、The name of the dish of is also in Italian. It means picked pork-knuckle on sour cabbage and mashed potatoes. It is delicious and worth trying. ─── 侍者: 菜名也是意大利文,意思是烤猪肘拌酸菜薯茸,味道可口,值得尝尝。

13、S: Would you like a baked potato or mashed potatoes with your entree? ─── 您想要烤马铃薯还是马铃薯泥来搭配您的主菜呢?

14、a skinny girl with mashed hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me. i could feel my sticky morning breath. ─── 镜中的女孩瘦瘦的,乱乱的头发倒向头的一侧,没有任何化妆,她微笑地望着我。我还能感到早晨起来嘴里不大好闻的气味。

15、Okay.And would you prefet mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese with that? ─── 好,您喜欢配土豆泥还是通心粉和奶酪?

16、Rechargeable batteries can mash up with programmable solar cells. ─── 充电电池与可编程的太阳能电池相结合。

17、I prefer fried potatoes to mashed potatoes. ─── 在油炸土豆和土豆泥中,我更喜欢油炸的。

18、Steam the tofu and drain excess moisture, mash it up. Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu. ─── 将蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸热,去掉多馀水分后压碎;芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。

19、Gen 10:23 And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. ─── 创10:23亚兰的儿子是乌斯,户勒,基帖,玛施。

20、Instead of mashed potato you could make a pumpkin or sweet potato mash or a carrot and parsnip mash. ─── 将肉肠酱舀到烤碗中(可以用千层面的烤碗),盖上土豆泥,撒上奶酪。

21、A strong,clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed. ─── “生命之水”一种烈性的透明斯堪的纳维亚酒,由马铃薯或谷物麦芽浆蒸馏制作,有葛缕子的香味

22、Yes, I'll have some salad, two eggs, and mashed potatoes. ─── 已:是的。我要一份沙拉,两个鸡蛋,还有土豆泥。

23、Serving Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Baked Acorn Squash will bring them back to earth. ─── 不过加入大蒜的马铃薯泥和烘烤的南瓜说不定能将他们拉回餐桌哦。

24、You want baked, mashed or French? ─── 女招待: 你要烤土豆、土豆泥还是炸薯条?

25、Help me mix a quarter cup of mashed strawberries with half a cup of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar. ─── 帮我把1/4杯捣碎的草莓、半杯家乡口味的奶酪和一茶匙糖混合一下。

26、MASH NOTES were old affairs in their mildest form. ─── 情书都是用最温柔的形式写的老一套东西。

27、The sons of Aram were Uz and Hul and Gether and Mash. ─── 创10:23亚兰的儿子是乌斯、户勒、基帖、玛施。

28、Your steak comes with a side dish. Would you like rice, mashed potato, steamed vegetable or baked potato. ─── 你的牛排会有附餐,你要米饭或马铃薯泥.清蒸蔬菜.烤马铃薯。

29、He's as mad as a hatter; he's trying to cross a tomato with a potato to make pink mash to go with sausages and beans. ─── 他发疯了,他正试图把西红柿与马铃薯混合制成粉红色马铃薯泥,再同香肠和豆合在一起。

30、Mojito Mash the mint and sugar together. Add the (dark or light) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice. ─── 将薄荷及糖压碎,入深兰姆或白兰姆,及莱姆汁,入冰。加苏打至满,以海波杯服务。

31、The majority of all brandies are distilled from a fermented mash of grapes. ─── 大多数白兰地都从葡萄汁中蒸馏获得。

32、Ross: Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps? ─── 你会做那种一块一块的土豆泥么?

33、Mash taro and add seasoning. ─── 1将芋头压成茸,加入调味。

34、Are you saying that if all you could eat were mashed potatoes that you would get bored with them? ─── 你的意思是不是如果你只能吃土豆泥,你会感到厌烦,受不了老吃土豆泥。

35、"I'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes," the first man said. ─── “我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。

36、A hefty serving of mashed potatoes; received a hefty bonus. ─── 一道丰富的土豆泥菜; 得到大量奖金

37、The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made my mouth water. ─── 脆皮棕色火鸡、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的馅料以及什锦蔬菜的香味让我口水直流。

38、Mother cooked easily digestible millet mash at noon. ─── 妈妈中午做了容易消化的小米糊糊。

39、To reduce to mush; mash or crush. ─── 使成软糊状;使成一团糟或压碎

40、People like to eat them mashed, boiled, and fried. ─── 人们喜欢将它们捣碎、水煮和油炸来食用。

41、She prefers mashed potatoes and green beans. ─── 她喜欢吃土豆泥和青豆。

42、Moussaka was also often offered in vegetarian form in some restaurants (eggplant and mashed potatoes baked as a pie). ─── 因此,当没有锚定的时候,希腊食物也是很好的选择。

43、She loves sausage and mash. ─── 她喜欢香肠和土豆泥。

44、And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. ─── 亚兰的儿子是乌斯,户勒,基帖,玛施。

45、Most toddlers think mashed potato is yucky food. ─── 多数婴幼儿认为马铃薯泥是令人做恶难吃的食物。

46、If the malt is mashed continuously, flour is continuously mixed with water and it passes through the different tanks. ─── 如果麦芽连续糖化,麦芽粉连续与水混合后经过不同的糖化罐。

47、Mash pickled plums, mix well with remaining seasoning and chopped ginger. ─── 压烂梅子,拌入其馀酸梅汁材料及姜茸。

48、Mashed potato is my favorite side dish. ─── 土豆泥是我最喜欢的配菜。

49、Mashed, boiled or baked potatoes? ─── 土豆要做成泥的,煮的还是烤的?

50、The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. ─── 亚兰的儿子是乌斯、户勒、基帖、玛施。

51、Scorpio puts extra garlic in the mashed potatoes. ─── 天歇座又往土豆泥里加了些大蒜。

52、Another popular product is tempeh, a soybean mash fermented by Rhizopus. ─── 另一种产品是天培,一种用根霉发酵成的豆酱。

53、He mashed up the potatoes with a spoon. ─── 他用一把勺子把马铃薯捣成糊状。

54、They have roasted turkey, mashed potato, charbroiled vegetables and lots more! ─── 他们吃烤火鸡、马铃薯泥、碳烤蔬菜,还有更多更多的食物。

55、For this effect, the only thing you need to do is mash some bak-ed potato and put it into warm milk for drinking. ─── 为了达到这种效果,你只要将烤马铃薯捣碎后掺入温牛奶中食用即可。

56、The children would eat sausage and mash until it came out of their ears. ─── 孩子们吃起红肠土豆来总是吃得肚皮胀鼓鼓的。

57、We can order.I have some salad, raste beef and mashed potatoes. ─── 我们可以点菜了。我要一些色拉,烤牛肉和土豆泥。

58、Mix diced tomato, chopped onion, mashed avocado, onion, lemongrass and chili oil. ─── 将 番 茄 粒 、 洋 碎 、 牛 油 果 茸 、 洋 葱 、 香 茅 及 辣 椒 油 拌 匀 。

59、They usually feed a moist mash to fowls. ─── 他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。

60、Stir and mash until the sugar is melt. ─── 又搅又捣,让糖充分溶解。

61、Remove skinless tomatoes. Mash to puree with wooden spatula. ─── 取出罐装无皮番茄,用木勺压烂。

62、Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon. ─── 可嚼片,或放置在孩子的舌头含化,或在一茶匙用水捣碎。

63、All right, fine. Tonight's potatoes will be both mashed with lumps, and in the form of tots. ─── 好吧,好吧。今晚的土豆泥做成块状的和加酒的两种。

64、Sauce(1) :2 tbsps Chopped shallot, 2 tsps Chopped garlic, 2 tsps Chopped ginger, 3 tbsps Red taro paste(mashed). ─── 南乳汁(一):乾葱茸2汤匙、蒜茸2茶匙、姜2茶匙、南乳(压烂)3汤匙。

65、Perhaps it was the fact that it contained a deep fried Macaroni, shrimp, and mashed potatoes. ─── 为什么会失败呢?也许是因为里面含有油炸通心粉,虾和土豆泥的事实。

66、Mash them in a bowl with a little lemon juice. ─── 加入一点柠檬汁在碗里捣碎。

67、He beat the potato into a mash before eating it. ─── 他把马铃薯捣烂后再吃。

68、If you feed a baby some sweet banana mash, she'll probably eat it up. ─── 如果你喂给婴儿甜甜的橡胶浆,她会很快地吃掉。

69、This includes making the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, preparing the vegetables (wash and cut), and also setting the table and cleaning the house. ─── 这包括做土豆泥、蔓越莓酱,准备好蔬菜(洗干净并切好),摆餐桌还有打扫房子。

70、Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps? ─── 你会把土豆泥做成块状的吗?

71、Mashed spuds are the best of all. ─── 土豆泥是所有的菜肴中最好吃的。

72、It is baked in an oven and traditionally served with potatoes that are mashed and mixed with milk or cream. ─── 在烤箱里烤制,通常和土豆泥和奶或奶油混和使用。

73、Yes, carrots, broccoli and some mashed potato. ─── 好吧,胡萝卜、花椰菜和土豆泥。

74、Of course. Which kind, mashed, boiled or baked? ─── 当然。您要哪种,土豆泥,煮土豆还是烤土豆?

75、Place the veal rack on plate and garnish with mash potato, tomato and spinach. ─── 将小牛排摆置盘中,配上马铃薯泥、番茄和菠菜,即可上桌。

76、And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. ─── 23亚兰的儿子是乌斯,户勒,基帖,玛施。

77、A glob of mashed potatoes;globs of red mud. ─── 一团马铃薯泥;一块红泥巴

78、On this particular day Dad got the third index finger of his left hand mashed between two pieces of steel. ─── 在那个特殊的日子里,父亲的左手第三个手指被缠在两片钢铁中。

79、I may swell, just as a mashed finger does. ─── 我可能有肿胀,就象被挤压的手指那样。

80、Mother mashed the potatoes and made a potato cake. ─── 妈妈把土豆捣成糊状,做了土豆饼。

81、How much mashed potato is there, Sandy? ─── 桑迪,土豆泥有多少

82、A hefty serving of mashed potatoes;received a hefty bonus. ─── 一道丰富的土豆泥菜;得到大量奖金

83、She fixed pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, gravy and of course a turkey. ─── 她做了南瓜饼,马铃薯泥,肉汤,当然还有火鸡。

84、Traylor then sent out for mashed potatoes and played his undistinguished NBA career at 300-plus. ─── 在这之后,泰勒又恢复了他的饮食习惯,他平庸的职业生涯中,他的体重基本在300磅。

85、Banger and Mash, served with sausages, green peas and mashed potatoes with special sauce, simple yet delicious. ─── 仁当羊肉饭,一道除了需要长时间焖煮之外,还需要大量香料的菜式,是店内其中一样热卖物品。

86、Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon. ─── 小药片可以咀嚼,或放在儿童的舍头上慢慢溶化,或者捣碎加入水用茶匙喂。

87、You may help me to mash the potatoes. ─── 你可帮我把马铃薯压碎。

88、Sauerkraut and mashed potatoes,sir. ─── 德国酸菜和马铃薯泥,先生。

89、In the United States, home cooking is often heavy food with lots of carbs, like mac n' cheese or mashed potatoes. ─── 通常,家常菜是含有大量碳水化合物的油腻食物,例如通心粉和奶酪或土豆泥。

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