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09-04 投稿



uneventful 发音

英:[?n?'ventf?l; -f(?)l]  美:[,?n?'v?ntfl]

英:  美:

uneventful 中文意思翻译



uneventful 短语词组

1、nothing and uneventful ─── 什么都没有,平淡无奇

uneventful 反义词


uneventful 同义词

humdrum | monotonous | everyday | unexciting |boring | run of the mill | dull | ordinary | nothing to write home about

uneventful 相似词语短语

1、uneventfully ─── adv.太平无事地

2、uneventfulness ─── 不均匀

3、unrespectful ─── 毫无疑问的

4、eventful ─── adj.多事的;重要的;多变故的;重大的

5、unessential ─── adj.非本质的,不重要的;n.非本质的事物,不重要的事物

6、resentful ─── adj.气愤的,愤慨的;厌恶的;充满忿恨的;令人憎恶的

7、unresentful ─── 冷淡的

8、unrestful ─── adj.不安静的;不能保持宁静的;得不到充分休息的

9、unrevengeful ─── 不报复的

uneventful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We've had a ratIT uneventful age! ─── 咱们度过了平安无事的一年。

2、Though the anticoagulant was still given to prevent thromboembolic events, the postoperative course was uneventful. ─── 术后,仍然给予抗凝血剂预防血栓栓塞并发症,患者复原良好。

3、Of the 11 patients operated on, 8 underwent a 1-stage procedure, and the postoperative course was uneventful for 6 patients (75% success rate). ─── 11位接受治癣性外科治疗的病人中,8个接受单一阶段术式,有6个病人术后恢复良好(成功率为百分之75)。

4、Far from the world and together they entered upon the long retarded romance of their commonplace and uneventful lives ─── 他们远离了尘世,一起开始他们平凡而安稳的一生中那段迟暮的爱情生活。

5、How was Christmas for the rest of you? Merry? Uneventful? ─── 圣诞节余下的时间怎么样?快乐?平安?

6、He had the usual childhood diseases plus one bout of pneumonia from which he made uneventful recoveries. ─── 他曾患过通常的小儿期疾病和肺炎一次,这些病都顺利痊愈。

7、There were certain days in her life, outwardly uneventful, which Alexandra remembered as peculiarly happy ─── 在她的生活中,有些日子从表面上看是平静的,亚历山德拉却把它们看成是最幸福的回忆。

8、an uneventful life; the voyage was pleasant and uneventful; recovery was uneventful. ─── 平静的生活;航行愉快、平静;痊愈的过程很平静。

9、This means that the cars don't concertina and, with plenty of run-off available, the first corner is usually a fast but uneventful affair. ─── 强风只是车手们在北安普敦赛道需要对付的气候因素之一。

10、In exile, in confinement’s gloom,My uneventful days wore on,Bereft of awe and inspirationBereft of tears, of life, of love. ─── 在荒凉的乡间,在囚禁的黑暗中, 我的时光在静静地延伸, 没有崇敬的神明,没有灵感, 没有泪水,没有生命,没有爱情。

11、How was Christmas for the rest of you? Merry?Uneventful? ─── 大家圣诞节过得怎么样?快乐还是平静的?

12、I had lived a placid, uneventful, sedentary existence all my days-the life of a scholar and a recluse on an assured and comfortable income ─── 我一向过惯清静的、闲散安宁的生活--靠一笔稳固的、可以安乐度日的收益,过着学者和隐士的生活。

13、It did not occur to her that Ellen had looked down a vista of placid future years, all like the uneventful years of her own life, when she had taught her to be gentle and gracious, honorable and kind, modest and truthful. ─── 思嘉也没有想过,爱伦当时所瞻望的是一个平静岁月的未来远景,就像她自己经历的太平年代那样,因此她教育思嘉要温柔善良,高尚厚道,谦虚诚实。

14、an uneventful career/life/weekend ─── 平凡的事业/生活/周末

15、In conclusion, we will make every possible effort to solve the Y2K problem so as to achieve a smooth and uneventful cross-over for our country into the next century. ─── 总之,我们将尽最大努力,为解决计算机2000年问题,使我国能平安、顺利地实现世纪的跨越而努力奋斗。

16、And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of the foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed of each other the greatest treasures of their house. ─── 我这里笨拙地叙述了公寓里两个傻孩子平淡奇的故事,夫妻俩最不聪明地为对方牺牲了自己家里最大的财富。

17、The motor march to Hagaru-ri was uneventful except for snarls in traffic. ─── 前往下碣隅里的摩托化行军除了堵车之外没有其它的事情。

18、but the gear was seen deployed.After an uneventful landing, the plane veered off the Rwy into the snow, and the nose gear collapsed.Fortunately no injuries (25th Jan). ─── 但是仍见该起落架打开了.不平衡的着陆后,飞机偏离跑道冲进雪里,起落架塌陷.幸运的是无人受伤.

19、Unfortunately, their lives were way too uneventful. ─── 不幸的是,他们的生活太过于平淡无奇。

20、Perez eventually returned to the Philippines and resumed his life - which was uneventful until his death. ─── 佩雷斯最终回到了菲律宾,重新开始了他的生活。他平安无事地度完了他的一生,直到他死去。

21、Nothing. They are children. They have boring uneventful lives. How was your day? Tell us about that story. ─── 没什么,他们都是孩子,生活无聊又平凡。你今天怎样?和我们说说那个报道?

22、Lampard's 20th goal of the season is the highlight of an uneventful night. ─── 兰帕德的第20粒进球算是这个平淡的晚上的一个亮点。

23、You think your days are uneventful ─── 你以为你的日子是平静无事的

24、The journey had been smooth and uneventful. ─── 一路俱各平安

25、Wound healing was uneventful with no evidence of recurrence after a nine-month period of follow-up. ─── 患者伤口愈合良好,术后至今九个月,无复发迹象。

26、The pregnancies were uneventful, thromboembolic or haemorrhagic complications during delivery did not occur. ─── 怀孕是平安无事,血栓或出血并发症,在分娩过程中并没有出现。

27、Their testimony and cross-examination were uneventful ─── 他们的作证和盘问是平淡无事的。

28、Dawn met him well along the way. It was a pleasant uneventful ride. ─── 唐一路上跟他聊得很投机。这是一次平淡却使人心生愉悦的旅程。

29、Both patients underwent cholecystectomy, choledocholithotomy and left lateral segmentectomy and the post-operative recovery was uneventful in both cases. ─── 两位案例在接受胆囊切除、总胆管截石及左外侧肝脏接除手术后,术后恢复都相当顺利。

30、Partial cystectomy with primary sigmoid resection was performed, convalescence was uneventful. ─── 患者接受部份膀胱切除术及乙状结肠切除术后,身体恢复情况良好。

31、Investors cannot simply ignore Shanghai: yesterday's sudden plunge, after an uneventful morning, triggered falls across Asia. However, agonising over its trajectory has rarely paid dividends. ─── 投资者不能干脆对上证综指不闻不问:昨日,该指数在波澜不惊的早盘交易后突然暴跌,拖低了亚洲各国股市。不过,为其涨跌烦恼很少带来什么回报。

32、Yesterday's contest was uneventful. ─── 昨日赛势平平。

33、Jason: Nothing! They're children. They have boring uneventful lives. How was your day? Tell us about that story. ─── 杰森:小孩子没什么事,他们的生活枯燥平静,还是谈谈你那报道的事吧。

34、He also seemed like the last person to disrupt her quiet, uneventful days with her sensitive daughter, Katy. ─── 他似乎也喜欢她的最后一个人破坏安静,她敏感的女儿,凯蒂平静的日子。

35、The details of Sunday's game also weren't so bad for them in a 92-75 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies, part of an easy, uneventful and perhaps even dull night at Staples Center. ─── 周日的比赛其实并没有很差,以92-75轻松取胜于灰熊,虽然这没有让斯台普斯沸腾,甚至有些平静的无聊。

36、The patient received excision biopsy and had an uneventful postoperative course. ─── 因本病例特别罕见,特提出报告并回顾文献加以讨论。

37、Of the 107 patients with uneventful union, 82 had hardware removal. ─── 107例正常愈合者中,82例取出了内固定物;

38、Using this approach, she sustained a successful and uneventful repair, the operation having been carried out on an outpatient basis, under local anesthetic. ─── 应用这一办法,该女士手术进行得很顺利。手术在日间手术室,局麻下完成。

39、He was a man designed by Nature for an uneventful life. ─── 天生此人,注定他一辈子庸庸碌碌。

40、Overall, small and medium-sized plate was rather uneventful. ─── 总体而言,中小板表现得波澜不惊。

41、The patient's abdominal pain subsided after surgery and the postoperative course was uneventful. ─── 患者术后伤口复原良好,没有再出现腹痛的现象。

42、Friday's Wall Street uneventful close was a positive sign that the Government interventions have created a potential bottom to equity markets. ─── 华尔街今日平静的收市,是一个积极的市场信号,说明政府的干预已经为股市打造了最低支撑的底部。

43、uneventful, the car running perfectly. ─── 返程平安无事,汽车运行得很好。

44、Generally speaking, the interiors of plates are geologically uneventful. ─── 一般来说,板块的内部在地质上是平静的。

45、His life had been uneventful. ─── 他的生活总是风平浪静的。

46、The patient made an uneventful recovery after the hernia was repaired.This report provides unusual image clues of internal hernias of the small intestine presenting as ileus. ─── 我们报告一个十三岁大男性,病局以部肠阻塞的症状表现,影像上显示左侧肿块般病灶灶及被此病灶推向右侧的降结肠。

47、Results from the first 135 cases of tibial fractures treated with a functional below-the-knee-brace demonstrate uneventful healing while function of the knee and ankle is maintained. ─── 摘要应用膝下功能支具治疗135例胫骨骨折患者,结果表明保留膝关节和踝关节的功能可促进骨大多数病例骨折得以快速愈合。

48、Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious. ─── 在这一片平安无事的,阳光和煦的土地上,早在乔答摩之前就有许多人发现生活是烦恼而神秘的。

49、The colonel dreaded his dunk lonely nights at his farmhouse and the dull, uneventful days ─── 上校对于在农舍里度过的那些阴湿寂寞的夜晚和单调平凡的白天感到很害怕。

50、Resection of the cecum was performed with an uneventful postoperative course. ─── 手术的步骤为切除终迴肠及盲肠和端对端吻合,患者手术后恢复顺利。

51、METHODS: Twenty-nine eyes of 15 patients who received topical corticosteroids after uneventful myopic LASIK surgery and had a decrease in UCVA within the first 3 weeks were evaluated retrospectively. ─── 方法:在无事故的近视LASIK手术术后共15例患者29只眼睛,接受局部使用激素,在术后3周内进行裸眼视力下降的回顾性评估。

52、Segmental resection of the ureter with end to end anastomosis was done.The post-operative course was uneventful. ─── 手术方式为输尿管部份切除术合并端对端吻合术,术后病人的复原情况良好。

53、The two word pronunciation is so plain, elegant, as if the trials of a long journey after uneventful and detachment. ─── 蒹葭两个字的发音是那样平淡,素雅,仿佛万水千山后的波澜不惊和淡定从容。

54、Wang's start against Philadelphia, a club he will not see during the regular season, was fairly uneventful. ─── 王建民面对费城人的先发主投,这支球队他可能在正规球季赛不会遇到的球队,表现的相当好。

55、One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life;the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. ─── 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡均生活在“养尊处优”的环境之中,而另两组则从出生5周后开始接受慢性应激。

56、Ellie's firstwinter breakwas uneventful,and whenshe returned to her dorm onthe day before classes started she was surprised to find a small note taped to her door. ─── 埃莉的第一个寒假很平淡,开学的前一天她从家返校,那天她意外地发现一张小纸条系在她的宿舍门上。

57、In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one. ─── 之后的迹象表明,她的出生似乎平淡无奇。

58、The first three hours of what was to have been an 11-hour flight appear to have been uneventful, CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said. ─── 官方说,巴西和法国已经启用轮船和飞机来搜寻失踪飞机的相关迹象。

59、an uneventful day ─── 平静的一天

60、After emergency laparotomy, a mixed type herniation was found and the diaphragma tic defect was repaired.The patient had an uneventful recovery. ─── 于是进行剖腹探查,结果发现为箝闭性第三型傍食道裂孔赫尼亚,经手术修复之后,患者复元良好。

61、The fighters felt each other out in an uneventful first round, although Valero pressed the action and Pitalua seemed to be tight, perhaps even somewhat intimidated by his opponent and the moment. ─── 兴许是对瓦雷罗以及场上的气氛感到惧怕,皮特鲁瓦显得稍紧;瓦雷罗进逼击打,但第一回合仍波澜不惊--双方尚处相互了解阶段。

62、One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life; the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. ─── 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡饲养环境良好,不用做任何事,另外两组鸡从五周大开始就表现出长期压抑的情况。

63、The five days I spent in Austria were a bit like the country: pleasant and largely uneventful. ─── 我在奥地利逗留的五天恰如这个国家:令人愉悦,平安无事。

64、Although its life as a tube station was short and uneventful, it played a vital role during World War Two and is one of London’s best-known closed tube stations. ─── 尽管唐街的地铁站生涯可谓短暂平庸,但它却在第二次世界大战期间扮演了重要角色并因此成为伦敦最出名的被关闭的地铁站。

65、Case report: A 38-year-old man presented with central interface infiltrates in both eyes on the third day after an uneventful simultaneous LASIK performed elsewhere. ─── 方法:病例报告结果:38岁男性,经外院LASIK术后三天,并发双眼中央角膜瓣下浸润,虽经处理,仍然因视力持续下降故而转诊至本院。

66、Our lives were absolutely monotonous and uneventful. ─── 我们的生活单调乏味。

67、We've had a rather uneventful year! ─── 我们度过了平安无事的一年!

68、The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge, or flying in an airplane.And it can happen even if the person has driven many bridges, or flown many times before. ─── 产生这个的原因可以是一些很平常的无关紧要的事,象驶过一座桥,在飞机上.甚至这种状况可以是因为以前的驾驶和飞行引起的.

69、an uneventful life ─── 平静的生活

70、Her passage across the Pacific was uneventful. ─── 她横穿太平洋的航行是平静的。

71、Megan's arrival on Montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful. ─── 梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到欢迎,最初也平安无事。

72、He made an uneventful return to normal health. ─── 他顺利地恢复到了正常健康状态。

73、I had lived a placid, uneventful, sedentary existence all my days-the life of a scholar and a recluse on an assured and comfortable income. ─── 我一向过惯清静的、闲散安宁的生活--靠一笔稳固的、可以安乐度日的收益,过着学者和隐士的生活。

74、Laparotomy with removal of the cyst and segmental intestinal resection due to adhesion and stenosis led to the uneventful recovery of the patient. ─── 已接受脑室腹腔引流手术之病患,若怀疑有并发腹腔内伪囊肿致腹部相关症状时,腹部超音波或电脑断层检查可以提供一个早期的?别诊断。

75、The first three hours of what was to have been an 11-hour flight appear to have been uneventful, CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said. ─── 总航程预计十一个小时,前三个小时看起来似乎是很平淡的,首席执行官皮埃尔-亨利Gourgeon说。

76、There was nothing uneventful about his life. ─── 他一生中的一切都是不平凡的。

77、A patient with atherosclerosis obliterans of bilateral iliofemoral arteries was successfully treated by ultrasound ablation of intravascular plaque, who had an uneventful postoperative recovery. ─── 成功应用血管内斑块超声消融治疗1例双髂股动脉硬化闭塞症,患者术后恢复良好。英文翻译,英语:

78、The outcome of all patients was uneventful without morbidity or mortality. ─── 全部病童的结果都很顺利,没有罹病率及死亡率。

79、After surgical correction, the course was uneventful. ─── 两列手术修正后病情皆稳定。

80、And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. ─── 在这儿,我已经笨拙地给你们介绍了住公寓套间的两个傻孩子不足为奇的平淡故事,他们极不明智地为了对方而牺牲了他们家最最宝贵的东西。

81、The en route portion of the IFR trip was uneventful. ─── 仪表飞行规则(IFR)飞行阶段平淡无奇。

82、The first day of the general managers' meetings was relatively uneventful, as most GMs arrived at the Orlando-area resort and settled in before attending a group dinner last night. ─── 在经理会议的第一天显得平静无波,经理们在参加昨晚的餐叙前都还忙著安顿下来.

83、The Hurricanes were already in the air, and I slept sound on our swift and uneventful journey home ─── “喷火”式飞机已飞入空中,我在平安而迅速的归途中睡得十分香甜。

84、Her age, mixed with her lack of international experience, made for a rather uneventful Games, as she placed seventh in the 200-meter individual medley (IM) and 17th in the 400-meter IM. ─── 再加上缺少国际大赛的经验,凯蒂的第一次奥运经历平淡无奇,在200米个人混合泳中得了第七,在400米个人混合泳中只排在第17名。

85、If a star is less massive than about 0.4 Solar mass, its life will be quite uneventful. ─── 一颗小于太阳质量0.4倍的恒星,它的一生是非常平静的。

86、There were certain days in her life, outwardly uneventful, which Alexandra remembered as peculiarly happy. ─── 在她的生活中,有些日子从表面上看是平静的,亚历山德拉却把它们看成是最幸福的回忆。

87、According to statements from the flight crew, flight 2811 was uneventful until the landing gear was lowered prior to landing at CMH. ─── 根据飞行机组人员的陈述,2811次航班是无重大事故的,直到起落架在在CMH 登陆之前降低。

88、The patient underwent lateral rhinotomy and medial maxillectomy with the en bloc resection of the tumor with an uneventful postoperative course. ─── 此病患接受外侧鼻腔及内侧上颌窦切除后至今未曾覆发。

89、The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. ─── 导致恐慌的原因可能非常平常,像驾车过桥或乘飞机。

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