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09-04 投稿



ecdysis 发音

英:['ekd?s?s; ek'da?s?s]  美:['?kd?s?s]

英:  美:

ecdysis 中文意思翻译



ecdysis 短语词组

1、ecdysis-triggering hormone ─── 分解触发激素

2、ecdysis d2 ─── 蜕皮d2

3、ecdysis flume ─── 蜕皮水槽

4、ecdysis is ─── 蜕皮病

5、ecdysis club ─── 蜕皮俱乐部

6、ecdysis triggering hormone ─── [昆]蜕皮引发激素

7、ecdysis def ─── 蜕皮

8、ecdysis lore ─── 蜕皮学

ecdysis 词性/词形变化,ecdysis变形

名词复数: ecdyses |

ecdysis 反义词

epidemic | endemic

ecdysis 同义词

ecdysis 相似词语短语

1、ecdysons ─── n.蜕皮激素

2、ecdysiast ─── n.脱衣舞女

3、ecdysial ─── adj.蜕皮的

4、ectasis ─── 扩张;膨胀

5、anecdysis ─── n.蜕皮间期

6、ecesis ─── n.[生态]定居

7、endysis ─── n.长新毛,长新皮

8、ecdyson ─── n.蜕皮激素

9、ecdyses ─── n.换羽毛;(蛇等的)蜕皮(ecdysis的变形)

ecdysis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、embryonic ecdysis ─── 胚蜕皮

2、ecdysis moulting ─── 换羽

3、Keywords insect growth regulator;diacylhydrazine;furan;ecdysis; ─── 昆虫生长调节剂;双酰肼化合物;呋喃;蜕皮;

4、Recovery will be achieved after ecdysis. ─── 世界任何中、西医研究治疗,只能把病毒溶解在血液中循环,所以要求患者禁止吃腥、辣等有刺激性食物。

5、Arthropods Chitinases and Its Physiological Function in Periodic Ecdysis ─── 节肢动物几丁质酶及其在蜕皮中的生理作用

6、5.8 Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis. Pheromones are chemicals emitted by one individual that alter the behavior of another member of the same species. ─── 激素调节昆虫的许多功能,包括蜕皮和变态。性信息素是由一种个体释放出来以改变同种其它成员行为的化合物。

7、1.(of snakes, etc.) a ecdysis; shedding of skin; a casting; 2.to shed; to cast; to slough ─── 蜕皮

8、Venom is discharged and ecdysis will appear from the focus 30 minutes after applying the drug. ─── 皮肤病属真菌病毒,是生命力极强的生命体。

9、Abstract: Molting fluid, a liquid between the old epidermis and new epidermis, plays an important role in the process of ecdysis and metamorphosis for insect. ─── 摘要:蜕皮液是存在于新旧表皮之间的一层液体,在昆虫蜕皮和变态发育的过程中发挥了重要的作用。

10、results offered more clues for understanding the mechanism of ecdysis and metamorphosis in insect and could give reference for further study of molting fluid. ─── 研究结果进一步丰富了人们对蜕皮液蛋白质的认识,为深入研究蜕皮液蛋白质的功能提供了一些参考。

11、1.The reason of snake's ecdysis is its skin too tightens and it feels uncomfortably. ─── 1.蛇蜕皮是因为它的皮肤太紧而感到不舒服.

12、cicada ecdysis ─── 蝉蜕

13、average daily ecdysis ─── 蜕皮率

14、ecdysis cycle ─── 蜕皮周期


16、The reason of snake's ecdysis is its skin too tightens and it feels uncomfortably. ─── 蛇蜕皮是因为它的皮肤太紧而感到不舒服。

17、ecdysis rate ─── 变态牢

18、The process of toads ecdysis was reported,and the significance of environmental protection and the commercialization of bufonic was discussed. ─── 报道了中华大蟾蜍自然蜕皮(蟾蜍衣)的过程,并讨论了蟾蜍衣商品化的经济意义和环保意义。

19、The effects of ammonia-N and sulfureted hydrogen on the growth and ecdysis of Penaeus japonicus larvae ─── 氨氮和硫化氢对日本对虾幼体生长和变态发育的影响

20、eclosion hormone(EH) and ecdysis\|triggering hormone(ETH) trigger ecdysis behaviors and other physiological changes which occur at the end of the molt. ─── 羽化激素与蜕皮触发激素诱发昆虫蜕皮行为及蜕皮末期的其它生理变化。

21、In the period of nymph stage and ecdysis peak, the control effects was better but it need highly professional technique and not suitable for guiding farmer to control the midges. ─── 在吸浆虫蛹期、羽化高峰期防治虽能获得较好的防治效果,但需要专业技术人员掌握发育进度,不适合指导群防群治;

22、The Observation of the Ecdysis of the Toad ─── 药用动物中华大蟾蜍蜕皮的观察

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