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09-04 投稿


conjuncture 发音

英:[k?n?d???kt??r]  美:[k?n?d???kt??]

英:  美:

conjuncture 中文意思翻译



conjuncture 词性/词形变化,conjuncture变形


conjuncture 习惯用语

1、at this conjuncture ─── 在这(危急)时刻

2、in this conjuncture ─── 在这(危急)时刻

conjuncture 相似词语短语

1、conjecturer ─── n.推测;猜想(conjecture的变形)

2、conjunctivae ─── 结膜

3、conjunctures ─── n.事态;紧要关头;同时发生

4、conjunctives ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

5、conjectured ─── v.推测;猜想;假设;揣摩(conjecture的过去式和过去分词)

6、conjectures ─── n.推测;猜想;vi.推测;揣摩;vt.推测

7、conjunctural ─── 连接性的

8、conjunctive ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

9、conjecture ─── n.推测;猜想;vi.推测;揣摩;vt.推测

conjuncture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Equipment heavy rapair Conjuncture Abrasion Service game Reject; ─── 设备大修;危机;磨损;维修策略;报废;

2、Now that same independent central bank is grappling with an ugly conjuncture of rising inflation and falling growth. ─── 现在那同一家银行正在与一个丑陋的混合物——上升的通货膨胀和下降的增长——做斗争。

3、On a consultation held in our printing-office among his friends, what he should do in this conjuncture, it was proposed to elude the order by changing the name of the paper; ─── 他的许多朋友,在印刷所中开会讨论,这件案子该怎样办。有人建议改变名称来规避这个命令;

4、A study of psychological conjuncture intervetention on the family of patients with alzheimer's disease ─── 对老年性痴呆患者子女进行心理干预的效果观察

5、This dialectic is convergent and attains the conjuncture defined as absolute knowledge. ─── 这种辩证法日积月累,有朝一日,终于达到被定义为绝对知识。

6、Conjuncture consciousness ─── 危机意识

7、same time, blindness of cities' process also causes people's attention to cultivated land conjuncture. ─── 同时城市化进程的盲目性也引起了人们对耕地危机的关注。

8、Therefore, the conjuncture of ground and underground become the main character of spatial conversion. ─── 因此地面与地下的连接通道则成了空间环境转换的主角。

9、In modern society, wasteful consumption is the main reason of environment conjuncture,people consider and correct it, advance Sustainable Consumption. ─── 现代社会的浪费型消费是造成生态危机的主要原因之一 ,人类对现代消费进行了反思和修正 ,提出了可持续的消费方式。

10、At this conjuncture in our nation's affairs, we need firm leadership. ─── 当此国家危急之秋,我们需要坚强的领导。

11、New forms of production and consumption. All of those are part of the conjuncture. ─── 新的生产和消费模式出现了,这些全都是形势的一部分。

12、Diesel engine has been face on both stress in the "environment pollution" and "energy conjuncture" until now. ─── 柴油机发展到今天。已面临“环境污染”与“能源危机”的双重压力。

13、Un - conjuncture ─── 非危机状态

14、the power that lies in the conjuncture of faith and fatherland(bConor Cruise O'Brien) ─── 力量来源于对祖国和忠诚的结合上(b康纳 克鲁斯 奥布赖恩)

15、"reports on the deteriorating world conjuncture and the disappointment of earlier hopes" (Financial Times) ─── “关于日益恶化的世界危机和预先愿望落空的报告”(金融时报)

16、We must make a practical and doable lash-up forecast to cope with other conjuncture of energy sources. ─── 为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应急预案。

17、Keywords conjuncture area of Henan-Shaanxi;main metallogenic age;temporal distribution; ─── 豫陕交界地区;主成矿期;时间演化;

18、Good curriculum must be adapt the new conjuncture, be useful, be indigenous and be elastic. ─── 好的普通中学课程必须具有时代性、实用性、本土性及良好的弹性和适应性。

19、However the early Qing Dynasty was such a queasy conjuncture, although these novels were out of time, they reflected the complex mentality of the writers. ─── 而清初又是一个动荡残破的时期,出现这样一批莺歌燕舞卿卿我我的小说,着实给人以不合时宜之感,但正寄寓着作者“难与外人道”的复杂的心态。

20、1.The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge. ─── 粘单上的第一记载人,应当在汇票和粘单的粘接处签章。

21、He can always calm down in this conjuncture. ─── 他在危急时刻总能够保持冷静。

22、financial conjuncture ─── 金融危机

23、The strategic target and the way of realizing it are deeply influenced by Japanese culture such as seeking for grading system, collectivization culture and conjuncture consciousness. ─── 这一战略目标与目标实现手段的确定深受对等级制度的追求、集团主义文化意识与危机意识等日本文化特点的影响。

24、emergency conjuncture ─── 突发事件危机

25、Therefore, the conjuncture of ground and underground become the main character of spatial conversion. ─── 因此地面与地下的连接通道则成了空间环境转换的主角。

26、The financial conjuncture of Southeast Asia is reviewed firstly, and then the reasons that result in it are analyzed. ─── 摘要首先回顾了1997年夏季东南亚金融风波,然后分析了其产生金融风波的内部与外部原因;

27、Simplification and complication, change and stabilization, the sense of safety and conjuncture are the three puzzled issues which are found in the practice of management on the basis of real cases. ─── 简单与复杂、变革与稳定、安全感与危机感是管理实务中管理者不可回避的三个棘手问题。

28、The canuass of Islamism influence's parvenu in the mediaeval conjuncture ─── 论中古时期伊斯兰势力的崛起

29、The problems in Chinese economy and the conditions that would bring Chinese financial conjuncture are discussed. ─── 并就我国经济中存在的问题及产生金融危机的条件等进行了探讨;推测了国际游资袭击我国金融体系的模式。

30、at this conjuncture ─── 在这时刻

31、But the current conjuncture is just a small test compared with what might happen if globalisation hits a really large bump in the road. ─── 但是,与全球化真正遇到大挫折时可能发生的状况相比,目前的危机只是一次小考验。

32、Economic conjuncture ─── 经济危机

33、Compared with international Sedimentological great powers, it is indicated that both conjuncture and opportunity coexist in the sedimentary development in China. ─── 与国际沉积学研究强国相比,认为我国沉积学研究是危机与机会共存;

34、the power that lies in the conjuncture of faith and fatherland(Conor Cruise O'Brien) ─── 力量来源于对祖国和忠诚的结合上(康纳 克鲁斯 奥布赖恩)

35、[M.Devler.Water-The Exigent Existent Conjuncture [A]. ─── [2] 马克.德维利耶.严维明译.水-逼在眉睫的生存危机[A].上海:译文出版社,2001.

36、Set up an Investment Promoting Institution and Create a New Conjuncture of Attract Foreign Investment ─── 成立投资促进机构开创吸引外资工作新局面

37、Since the public conjuncture by the "SARS" in China in 2003, the management of urban security and the construction of emergency mechanism were placed on the important agenda. ─── 我国自2003年“非典”引起的公共危机以来,城市安全管理和应急机制建设被提到了重要议程。

38、Abstract: The whole world ecological conjuncture is more and more austerity that it requests human think their temper of worthiness. ─── 文章摘要: 日益严峻的全球生态危机要求人类反思自己的价值取向。

39、The notion that the current global conjuncture leaves us bereft of policy options is wrong. ─── 认为当前全球形势已经使我们在政策方面无计可施的观点是错误的。

40、Conjuncture Management ─── 危机管理

41、The whole world ecological conjuncture is more and more austerity that it requests human think their temper of worthiness. ─── 日益严峻的全球生态危机要求人类反思自己的价值取向。

42、Nowadays, energy conjuncture is obviously, energy storage become more and more vital.There are many advantaged factors such as high safety on deeply space as a medium for energy storage. ─── 在当今世界能源危机加剧之下,能源储存变得尤为重要,而深部空间用作能源储存具有安全性高等许多有利因素。

43、Public Conjuncture of Country ─── 农村公共危机

44、"the power that lies in the conjuncture of faith and fatherland" (Conor Cruise O'Brien) ─── “力量来源于对祖国和忠诚的结合上”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)

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