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09-04 投稿


concatenated 发音

英:[k?n?k?t?ne?t?d]  美:[k?n?k?t??ne?t?d]

英:  美:

concatenated 中文意思翻译



concatenated 词性/词形变化,concatenated变形

名词: concatenation |动词过去分词: concatenated |动词第三人称单数: concatenates |动词过去式: concatenated |动词现在分词: concatenating |

concatenated 短语词组

1、concatenated control ─── 串联控件

2、concatenated ssl ─── 串联ssl

3、concatenated file ─── 链接数据集

4、concatenated data set ─── [计] 链接数据集

5、concatenated codes ─── 级连码

6、concatenated circle ─── [医]多联环,连环体

7、concatenated segment ─── [计] 连接段

8、concatenated meaning dna ─── 串联意义dna

9、concatenated field ─── 序连栏;并置字段

10、fully-concatenated key ─── [计] 全联关键字

11、concatenated key ─── [计] 并置键

12、concatenated fec ─── 串联fec

13、concatenated sms ─── 连锁短信

14、concatenated primary key ─── 串联主键

15、concatenated code ─── 链接码

16、concatenated coding ─── 级联编码

17、concatenated focus ─── 串联焦点

18、concatenated means ─── 串联平均数

19、concatenated motor ─── 级联[串 ─── 级]电动机

concatenated 相似词语短语

1、concatenates ─── v.连接;连锁(concatenate的第三人称单数形式)

2、concatenating ─── v.把…连在一起;连接(concatenate的ing形式);adj.[植]连接的

3、catenated ─── vt.连接;把……连接成链状;adj.链状的

4、concatenator ─── 连结物

5、concatenation ─── n.一系列相互关联的事,连结

6、concatenate ─── v.连接,连结,使连锁;adj.连接的,连结的,连锁的

7、concreated ─── 合成的

8、incatenated ─── 锁链

9、consternated ─── v.使焦虑,使惊恐;使惊愕;使慌乱

concatenated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Attribute set, the string values of each valid entry are concatenated together, separated by commas. ─── 属性,则串联每个有效项的字符串值并将各值用逗号分开。

2、Gets a string that is concatenated with the Title property value to form a complete title for a WebPart control. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

3、The name and the phone number are concatenated into a single string and then split into an array of two strings. ─── 姓名和电话号码被连接为一个字符串,然后分割为含两个字符串的数组。

4、In our application, the date and time entered by the user are concatenated into a string, converted into bytes, and stored. ─── 在我们的应用程序中,用户输入的日期和时间被连接成一个字符串,转换成字节,然后被存储。

5、Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Encoder and Its Realization on CPLD ─── 卷积Turbo码编码器及CPLD实现

6、Designed with concatenated system,the plug-in unit ensures the security of facility operator. ─── 可靠连锁的插接箱单元,确保操作人员及设备的安全。

7、the back concatenated odd sequences ─── 反关联奇序列

8、Research on the Parallel Concatenated Space Time Trellis Code in Conjunction with Hybrid ARQ ─── 并行级联空时格码与Hybrid ARQ联合纠错研究

9、The stationary treatment of non-stationary parameters in concatenated governing system ─── 串级调速系统非定常参数的定常处理

10、When the stored strings are subsequently concatenated into a dynamic SQL command, the malicious code is executed. ─── 在存储的字符串随后串连到一个动态SQL命令中时,将执行该恶意代码。

11、serially concatenated ─── 串行级联

12、Study of the Design Method of the Design Method of Parallel Concatenated Code ─── 并行级连码设计方法的研究

13、PUBLIC and STACK segments get concatenated together at link time; ─── PUBLIC和STACK段都会在连接时连接到一块儿;

14、Random value concatenated with the password string before the password is hashed. ─── 对密码进行哈希运算前,密码字符串关联的随机值。

15、If it does, the associated expanded text for the acronym is retrieved and concatenated to the message string destined for the user. ─── 如果有,则检索到缩略词关联的扩展文本并连接到发给用户的消息字符串。

16、Calculations are concatenated into a single MDX script, and each script has a semi-colon appended to it to ensure that the MDX script compiles correctly. ─── 将计算串联为单个MDX脚本并且每个脚本后都追加一个分号,以确保MDX脚本可以正确编译。

17、Wide string literals are concatenated with wide string literals. ─── 宽字符串用宽字符串连接。

18、Turbo code is a new class of concatenated code with excellent performance, yet relatively simple decoding complexity. ─── Turbo码是一种性能非常优越、译码相对简单的新型级联码。

19、PCCC Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code ─── 并行级联卷积码

20、The code type of concatenated FEC in optical transmission systems ─── 光纤通信中级联码的码型

21、6.In PL/1, one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length. ─── 在程序设计语言PL/1中,并置在串右边以把串扩展到所需长度的一个或多个字符或者位。

22、Optimum Interleaver Design for serial Concatenated Convolutional Codes ─── 串行级连卷积码内交织器的优化设计

23、Research on Error-Correcting Performance of Concatenated Codes in Terrestrial Broadcast Channel ─── 地面广播信道中级联码的纠错性能研究

24、in PL/1,one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length.For character strings,padding is with blanks; for bit strings,it is with zeros ─── 在程序设计语言PL/1中,并置在串右边以把串扩展到所需长度的一个或多个字符或者位。对于字符串,填充的是空格字符;对于位串,填充的是零

25、Marlowe s Edward II is a history play which is concatenated sexuality and politics to portray Edward II s tragedy. ─── 中文摘要马娄的爱德华二世是一部结合性与政治的历史剧。

26、The inherited value at the current location in the evaluation chain will not be concatenated to the macro value. ─── 之前,计算链中当前位置的继承值将不会连接到宏值。

27、As the user navigates through the folder structure, the name of the current folder is concatenated to the currentPath variable. ─── 当用户在文件夹结构中导航时,当前文件夹的名称将连接到currentPath变量。

28、concatenated segment ─── [计] 连接段

29、Property concatenated to it, with a space between them. ─── 属性,它们之间用一个空格分隔。

30、concatenated tuple ─── 串接元组

31、It then replaces them with the concatenated string. ─── 随后又使用连接后的字符串替换这些字符串。

32、Medical image transmission; Wavelet-based vector quantization coding; Concatenated coding; Narrowband interference; Frequency-domain adaptive filter. ─── 医学图像传输;小波矢量量化编码;级联码;窄带干扰;自适应滤波

33、Multimedia messaging: MMS 1.2 for creating, receiving, editing, and sending videos and pictures with AMR voice clips-Text messaging: Supports concatenated SMS; ─── 多媒体 通讯联系: 对(用 )于 的 MMS 1.2 表达夹子课文通讯联系: 支援与 SMS 连接了;图片通讯联系;

34、serially concatenated space-time code ─── 串行级连空时码

35、Keywords Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes;cycles;linear encoding complexity;concatenated codes;field-programmable gate array (FPGA); ─── 低密度奇偶校验码;环;线性编码复杂度;级联码;现场可编程门阵列;

36、Eigen-beamforming(EBF)technique and trellis coded modulation(TCM)concatenated with space time block code(STBC)are used to achieve code gain and diversity gain. ─── 应用空时分组码特征波束成型技术和格形编码调制(TCM)来获得分集增益和编码增益。

37、Research on serially concatenated space-time trellis codes with parallel transitions ─── 带有并行分支的级连网格空时码研究

38、Parallel concatenated block code ─── 并行级联分组码

39、concatenated probe ─── 多联探针, 串联探针

40、Research On Parallel Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation ─── 并行级连网格编码调制技术研究

41、Keywords Forward Error Correcting;Concatenated Code;Optic-Fiber Communication;Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit;Parallel Processing;Pipelining Technique; ─── 前向纠错;级联码;光纤通信;大规模集成电路;并行处理;流水线技术;

42、strings being repeatedly concatenated without string buffers? ─── 字符串被反复连接并没有使用字符串缓冲?

43、Elements are specified using Pascal case, which means that the first character is uppercase and the first letter of any subsequent concatenated word is uppercase. ─── 使用Pascal case来指定元素,即第一个字符大写,随后的所有串连单词的第一个字母都大写。

44、When a restart area is written, the data in the byte array segments are concatenated into a single byte array for appending as the record. ─── 写入重新开始区域时,字节数组段中的数据将连接成单个字节数组,以便以记录形式追加。

45、You no longer have to worry about the possibility that your text is being held by several adjacent Text nodes that need to be concatenated. ─── 不再需要担心文本包含在几个相邻的Text节点中,因而需要串接这些节点的情况。

46、Novel concatenated code type for optical communication systems ─── 光通信系统中一种新颖的级联码型

47、Serially Concatenated Code Design and Modified Decoding of Differential Frequency Hopping Systems ─── 差分跳频系统串行级联编码器的设计与改进译码

48、fully concatenated key ─── 全联关键字

49、the Smarandache back concatenated even sequences ─── Smarandache7问题中逆序排列的偶数数列

50、Keywords concatenated control;constant temperature autoregulation;double-circuit control;viscous oil processing station; ─── 串级调节;恒温自控;双回路控制;稠油处理站;

51、Study on the Encoding & Decoding of Turbo Codes and the Performance of RS-Turbo Concatenated Codes ─── Turbo码编译码方法及RS-Turbo级联码性能的研究

52、Strings may be concatenated using the '.' ─── 字符串可以用“。”

53、The Design of Serially Concatenated Space-Time Codes ─── 串行级联空时码的设计

54、The reports are concatenated for displaying current information. ─── 这些报告会合并在一起,显示当前信息。

55、Serially Concatenated Space-Time Code (SCSTC) ─── 串行级联空时码

56、A New Concatenated Coding for DMB-T System Based on Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes ─── 一种应用于DMB-T的基于RS码软判决译码的级联码方案

57、Property concatenated to it, with a space between them. ─── 属性,它们之间用一个空格分隔。

58、Keywords concatenated columns;batch distillation;isopiestic pressure; ─── 串联塔;间歇精馏;等压过程;

59、Index BE_IX is a concatenated index on big_emp (empno, ename)SQL> explain plan for select empno, ename from big_emp order by empno,ename; ─── 在这种存取方法中,可以使用多块读功能,也可以使用并行读入,以便获得最大吞吐量与缩短执行时间。

60、Serial concatenated code ─── 串行级联编码

61、The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into user-input variables that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. ─── SQL注入的主要形式包括直接将代码插入到与SQL命令串联在一起并使其得以执行的用户输入变量。

62、Array, yielding a single concatenated string. ─── 从而产生单个串联的字符串。

63、The performance of partially system atic parallel concatenated(turbo)codes of rate 1/2are studied. ─── 对一种码率为1/2的部分系统turbo码性能进行了讨论。

64、Optimized Performance Criterion for STTC and the Serially Concatenated Convolutionally Coded STTC ─── 优化空时格码的性能准则及串联级联卷积编码空时格码

65、The convergence analysis of serially concatenated space-time codes ─── 串行级连空时编码系统的收敛性分析

66、In PL/1,one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length. ─── 在程序设计语言pl/1中,并置在串右边以把串扩展到所需长度的一个或多个字符或者位。

67、If the array elements are strings, they are concatenated virtually into a single logical string. ─── 如果数组中的元素是字符串,那么它们就被虚拟地连接成一个单独的逻辑字符串。

68、In PL/1, one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length.For character strings, padding is with blanks; for bit strings, it is with zeros. ─── 在程序设计语言pl/1中,并置在串右边以把串扩展到所需长度的一个或多个字符或者位。对于字符串,填充的是空格字符;对于位串,填充的是零。

69、concatenated circle ─── 多联环, 连环体

70、concatenated probes ─── 多联探针

71、A concatenated TCM wireless network connection model based on TDMA ─── 基于TDMA的级联TCM无线网络接入模型

72、The first letter in the identifier and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word are capitalized. ─── 将标识符的首字母和后面连接的每个单词的首字母都大写。

73、Choose Concatenated Disk Set from the RAID Type pop-up menu. ─── 从“RAID类型”弹出式菜单中选取“串联磁盘阵列”。

74、Q-ary parallel concatenated Gallager codes ─── 多进制PCGC码

75、SCCC Serial Concatenated Convolutional Code ─── 串行级联卷积码

76、Cause: At attempt was made to insert a record with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition. ─── 实际上有些数据也进去了.而且是跟出错那些记录的分区时间一致的.查了数据文件及相应的表空间都没问题,建表脚本也是没问题的.我找不出错误原因,谁能指点呀?

77、Improved Design and SOVA Algorithm for Serial Concatenated Convolutional Code ─── 串行级联码的改进译码设计和SOVA算法

78、An Inner Concatenated Codes Based on Space-Time Block Codes and Diagonally-layered Space-time Codes ─── 一种基于空时分组码和对角分层空时码的内接码

79、the resulting regular expression matches any string formed by concatenating two substrings that respectively match the concatenated subexpressions. ─── 2个正则表达式可以连接起来;结果正则表达式匹配任何字符串。

80、How to Label Concatenated Sequence Number of Articles for Reference ─── 小议参考文献在正文中标注连续序号用法

81、A Research on Concatenated Image Problems in the Presence of a Conductor and a Dielectric ─── 同时存在导体和电介质的边界时电像法问题研究

82、concatenated data sets ─── 并置数据集

83、RS-Turbo concatenated codes ─── RS-Turbo级联码

84、Design of a Concatenated Code System and Its FPGA Implementation ─── 一个低码率级连码系统的设计与FPGA实现

85、LT-RS concatenated code ─── RS-LT级联码

86、Parallel create index and concatenated indexes are also supported. ─── 也同样支持并行创建索引和连接索引。

87、Simulation Research of The Serial Concatenated TCM Coding Method Based on Underwater Communication Channel ─── 基于水声信道的级联TCM编码技术研究

88、Do not use composite strings that are built at run time from concatenated phrases. ─── 不要使用在运行时从串联词组生成的复合字符串。

89、Design and Realization of Error Control System Based on Concatenated Code ─── 基于级联码的差错控制系统的设计与实现

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