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09-04 投稿



enshroud 发音

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enshroud 中文意思翻译



enshroud 网络释义

vt. (用寿衣)掩盖;遮蔽;笼罩

enshroud 词性/词形变化,enshroud变形

动词第三人称单数: enshrouds |动词过去式: enshrouded |动词现在分词: enshrouding |动词过去分词: enshrouded |

enshroud 相似词语短语

1、unshroud ─── vt.暴露,展示;从…移去遮蔽物;除去…的面纱

2、to enshroud ─── 掩蔽

3、beshroud ─── 划痕

4、shroud ─── n.寿衣;覆盖物;船的横桅索;[电]护罩;vt.覆盖;包以尸衣

5、disenshroud ─── 卸下

6、unshrouds ─── vt.暴露,展示;从…移去遮蔽物;除去…的面纱

7、enshrouded ─── vt.(用寿衣)掩盖;遮蔽;笼罩

8、enshrouding ─── vt.(用寿衣)掩盖;遮蔽;笼罩

9、enshrouds ─── vt.(用寿衣)掩盖;遮蔽;笼罩

enshroud 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A mysterious cloud seemed to enshroud the Son of God. ─── 这时似乎有一层神秘的浓云笼罩著上帝的儿子。

2、Other space observatories can use transits to discover details about any atmosphere that might enshroud an exoplanet. ─── 有其他的太空观测器,可以利用掩星来发现可能覆盖在系外行星外的大气细节。

3、Let Fragranle of Tea Enshroud the House--On the Application of Local Culture to Tea House Design ─── 茶香氤氲绕室来--浅谈茶楼空间设计中地域文化的运用

4、The oxygen atoms produce the blue-green hue that seems to enshroud the detailed folds and filaments. ─── 氧原子产生蓝绿辉光,似乎体现了星云细致褶皱和灯丝状物质。

5、A mysterious cloud seemed to enshroud the Son of God. ─── 似乎有一层神秘的浓云笼罩著上帝的儿子。

6、The lifeless color and shadow that enshroud Leon underscores his desolate environment, and helps us understand his desperation and need for love and human contact. ─── 阴暗冷峻的色彩和总是遮蔽着雷昂的阴影,荒凉的环境,使得我们理解他的绝望,为什么如此渴望爱和与他人的接触。

7、conceal curtain cover away veil hide enshroud camouflage mask cloak disguise up shroud screen hide ─── 遮掩,隐藏,伪装,覆盖

8、Slowly insidiously the fog of the everyday has returned to enshroud me. ─── 慢慢地,不知不觉地,日常的迷雾又回来笼罩了我。

9、Fog enshroud the hills. ─── 雾笼罩着山峦。

10、These feelings are highlighted by the craggy mountains and thick fog which enshroud her and her bleakly decorated new home. ─── 在她和有点阴森的新家的周围,陡峭的山峦环绕,雾气氤氲,好像在暗示这种情绪。

11、Trees surround the museum; as they grow they will enshroud it with leaves in full summer and expose it in winter. ─── 树木环绕着博物馆,随着树木的生长,整个夏天它们会用树叶遮蔽住博物馆,而在冬季则露出博物馆。

12、It is these kinds of issues that enshroud Qiu Xiaofei, a young contemporary artist from a remote city in Northern China. ─── 同样的问题也笼罩著仇晓飞,这个上个世纪出生在中国北方边远城市的艺术家。

13、The oxygen atoms produce the blue-green hue that seems to enshroud the detailed folds and filaments. ─── 氧原子产生蓝绿辉光,似乎体现了星云细致褶皱和灯丝状物质。

14、Other space observatories can use transits to discover details about any atmosphere that might enshroud an exoplanet. ─── 有其他的太空观测器,可以利用掩星来发现可能覆盖在系外行星外的大气细节。

15、And enshroud me in its skin of smoke. ─── 我和覆盖在其皮肤的烟雾。

16、Keywords western sag;Eocene;high distinguish sequence stratigraphy store;layer synthesis reverse;sand body space-time distributing;enshroud lithology oil-gas store; ─── 西部凹陷;下第三系;高分辨率层序地层;储层综合反演;砂体时空展布;岩性油气藏;

17、You can bring into the delighted it as an additional deduction in the cigarette.You can to enshroud a arrive your own assignment with a upstanding amount of cocaine.This devise get you on a high. ─── 患了鼻炎的孩子会出现比较明显的全身症状,如鼻塞、脓涕多、可能发热、精神萎靡或烦躁不安,呼吸急促、常同时伴有咽痛、咳嗽、耳痛(急性中耳炎)等。

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