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09-04 投稿


pout 发音

英:[pa?t]  美:[pa?t]

英:  美:

pout 中文意思翻译



pout 网络释义

n. 撅嘴;生气vt. 撅嘴vi. 撅嘴

pout 词性/词形变化,pout变形

形容词: pouty |动词过去式: pouted |动词第三人称单数: pouts |名词复数: pout |动词现在分词: pouting |动词过去分词: pouted |

pout 短语词组

1、eel-pout n. ─── 粘鱼类;绵科鱼

2、pout emoji ─── 撅嘴表情

3、Norway pout ─── 挪威鳕

4、pout define ─── 撅嘴定义

5、bull pout fish ─── 牛嘴鱼

6、horned pout ─── 棕鲍

7、poutpout fish book ─── 撅嘴鱼书

8、pout columbia sc ─── 哥伦比亚理工学院

9、ever present pout ─── 经常撅嘴

10、better not pout ─── 最好不要撅嘴

11、ocean pout ─── [鱼类]美洲大绵鳚 (Macrozoarces americanus)

pout 相似词语短语

1、lout ─── n.笨拙的人;vt.愚弄;vi.鞠躬;屈服

2、gout ─── n.[遗][外科]痛风;一滴;一团;n.(Gout)人名;(法)古

3、bout ─── n.回合;较量;发作;一阵;n.(Bout)人名;(法)布特

4、spout ─── n.(容器的)嘴;出水管;(由高向低的)运货斜槽;(喷出的)水柱,液体柱;升降车;(鲸鱼从呼吸孔中喷出的)水柱;v.喷出,喷射;喷水;(鲸鱼,海豚)从呼吸孔中喷出水柱;滔滔不绝地说;把……典当掉

5、pouty ─── adj.容易生气的;撅嘴的

6、poult ─── n.幼禽

7、pouts ─── v.撅嘴;n.撅嘴;生气;闷闷不乐

8、dout ─── abbr.串行数据输出

9、out ─── adv.出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局;prep.从……里面出去,离开;adj.熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的;v.击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除;n.出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党

pout 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Well, you've never talked to me. I've worked for three weeks, and you have not taught me anything," I said with a pout. ─── “你从不和我说话,我给你干了三个星期,而你什么也没教给我。” 我撅着嘴说。

2、Branch Pout With True Union Type ─── 有支管撅嘴的精确接头型

3、” asked Jennie, who, coming in after having stopped at the grocer's for her mother, saw George with a solemn pout on his face. ─── 刚替母亲到杂货店去了回来的珍妮看见乔其撅嘴,就这么问。

4、Tip me up and pout me out. ─── “把我拿起来,然后把我里面的茶倒出来”。

5、For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month. ─── 她作责备状地冲我噘了个嘴。

6、" The little girl would pout and say, "I\'m not a little girl anymore. ─── 这时小女孩总会撅起嘴说:“我已经不再是小丫头了。”

7、The polyester techniques of Zimtrier.Inventa,Kanebo and Du Pout companies regarding to Scheme,technology,equipment and technical economic indexs. are discribed. ─── 从工艺流程、工艺、设备及技术经济指标等方面论述吉玛、伊文达、钟纺与杜邦公司的聚酯技术。

8、She was wearing a tight-fitting police uniform, armed with a pair of handcuffs, sexy pout. ─── 她身着一套紧身警服,手持一副手铐,性感地撅着嘴。

9、pout one's lips provocatively ─── 挑衅地撅着嘴.

10、It offers a mosaic of 6 soft lovely shades of eye-shadows and a mascara for irresistible eyes, a Gloss Appeal for a luscious pout, a compact powder and a blush for a radiant complexion. ─── 它包含了种色调柔和的眼影拼盘、一支让您双眼神采奕奕的睫毛液、一支画出甜美香唇的唇彩,当然,也少不了蜜粉和胭脂使您的肌肤更加容光焕发。

11、He should win MVP, sure, but didn't he rip you last summer, then pout during training camp when you talked about possibly trading him? ─── 他应该得到MVP,但是他去年夏天不是顶撞过你,当你说到可能会交易他时甚至离开训练营?

12、I climbed into the hayloft to pout. ─── 我爬进草房,噘起嘴来生我的闷气。

13、to pout ─── 噘嘴唇

14、"The little girl would pout and say:"I'm not a little girl anymore. ─── "小女孩会把嘴一撅说到:"我已经不是小丫头了.

15、You'd) better be good, for goodness sake!) You better watch out, you better not cry. You better not pout, I'm telling you why. ─── (所以看在上帝份上,你最好表现好!)你最好注意,你最好别叫。你最好别噘嘴,我告诉你其中原委。

16、They mince and prim and pout. ─── 她们矫揉造作,一本正经还撅着嘴。

17、The town, the boy, the movies all grow up together, as the silent antics of Charlie Chaplin give way to the naked pout of Brigitte Bardot gives way to the VCR. ─── 小镇、男孩、电影一同成长,查理卓别林的默片消匿于碧姬芭杜的噘嘴,后者又消匿于录放机。

18、love, all women are beautiful in the eyes of men, "she's good, she's bad, she lost his temper when the pout of the mouth" in the eyes of men are so cute. ─── 谈恋爱时,女人的一切在男人眼里都是美丽的,“她的好,她的坏,她发脾气时噘起的嘴”在男人眼里都是那么可爱。

19、Her mouth held its usual pout. ─── 她像往常一样噘着嘴。

20、with a pout or in a pouting manner ─── 撅着嘴巴地;或以不高兴的方式

21、A glance at Aunt Pitty's plump guileless face, screwed up in a pout, told her that the old lady was as ignorant as she. ─── 看一看皮蒂姑妈那胖乎乎的善良的脸,皱着眉,撅着嘴,就知道她和自己一样莫名其妙。

22、- Pout, pout, pout.- What are you doing? ─── - 噘嘴 噘嘴 噘嘴 - 你要干吗?

23、and pout...run right back and make friends. ─── 不论被骂多少次,别内疚,别生气,回过头来继续做朋友.

24、From where I was I had glimpses of the soft curve of her breasts, and her underlip had the little pout that always fascinated me. ─── 从我坐的地方,我可以感觉到她轻盈的乳房,看得出她的下嘴唇总是有点儿发肿。

25、Even the notoriously stony-faced Victoria Beckham has perfected her “smout” (a cross between a smile and a pout). ─── 即使以面无表情著称的维多利亚.贝克汉姆也已经把她的“噘嘴笑”(这是一种介于微笑和噘嘴之间的表情,把握难度很大)历练得炉火纯青。

26、with a pout or in a pouting manner. ─── 撅着嘴巴地;或以不高兴的方式。

27、A small grimace; a pout. ─── 怪相;撅嘴

28、Do not mind a hot mouth a pout: I would like to. ─── 不要脑子一热,小嘴一噘:我愿意。

29、but I, just pout my little lips, remember my old sweet love story... ─── 自己,只能撅着小嘴,回忆着过往甜蜜的生活。

30、Go into a pout ─── 绷起脸,噘起嘴

31、The result?A smoother, fuller, sexier pout. ─── 其他的效果就不想说了,大家去看看图片。

32、"I really will not jump, he not letter, stubbornly I try, result pout pole."She is say and wipe perspiration. ─── “我真的不会跳,他不信,硬要我试试,结果别扭极了。”她一边说,一边擦汗。

33、do not bother a pout it. ─── 不要为撅嘴而担心/焦虑.

34、ocean pout ─── n. 美洲大绵鳚

35、pout one's lips ─── 鼓着嘴

36、"The little girl would pout and say, ""I'm not a little girl anymore."" " ─── "已长大的女孩常噘着嘴撒娇说:""我已不再是个小女孩,我已经长大了。"

37、8.You have the right to remain silent; you better not pout... -Why, you... -Hey! ─── 你有权保持沉默;你可别撅嘴.-嗨,你这个...-嘿!

38、silvery pout ─── 银鳕

39、adv with a pout; ─── sulkily 撅著嘴地;板著脸地;生气地.

40、horned pout ─── bullhead

41、To utter or express with a pout. ─── 撅嘴地说撅着嘴说或表达撅嘴

42、Best if you want to: Add some high shine and shimmer to your pout with subtly-colored gloss that features a fun injection of sparkle. ─── :色调纯美、自然的唇彩,蕴含来自纳米比亚社群贸易计划的漆树果仁油,给予双唇非一般的闪烁光泽。

43、And I would not get angry when a driver pulled quickly and rudely in front of me causing me to pout my drink onto the front car seat! ─── 由于司机开得很快,我把饮料洒在前面的座位上,我没有生气。

44、Size: LongWord;pOut: pChar): LongWord ;stdcall; ─── 整体描述:Plugin_Encode(pIn: pChar;

45、At length you slowly raise, pulling hand over hand, some horned pout squeaking and squirming to the upper air. ─── 到后来,你一手又一手,慢慢地拉起钓丝,而一些长角的鳘鱼一边发出咯吱咯吱的声音,一边扭动着身子,给拉到了空中。

46、So had his mouth been set, rather full and controlled, a soft, self-absorbed pout ─── 他的嘴就是这副样子,相当饱满且很有节制,一副温和的,只顾自己的撅嘴模样。

47、2.For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month.Now he comes back and wants to watch football. ─── 2、噘嘴,想象自己的男朋友已经出门一个月了,现在回来了却只想要看球赛。

48、" The little girl would pout and say, " I' m not a little girl anymore. ─── ”这时候小女孩就板着脸噘着嘴说:“我不再是小女孩了。

49、4. She looked at her lover with a pretentious pout . ─── 她看着恋人,故作不悦地撅着嘴。

50、Norway pout ─── 挪威鳕

51、silver pout ─── 银鳕鱼

52、They are like the ugly lady who tried to imitate the pout of a beautiful lady, and only ended up looking more ugly. ─── 甚至有被物欲所迷的,过份讲求衣著,花费往往超出家庭预算;且不论他个人的品味高低,这终究不是好现象。

53、Her sweet smile, her silence, her pout appearance and her cry.All of that make me keep on pressing the shutter, and seems can not stop. ─── 她甜甜的笑,她的安静,她撅起小嘴的样子,她的哭闹。都让我不断按下的快门,似乎停不下来。

54、- tender double lip: Contain special oil, but efficient permeate and the skin of bate lip surface, additional double lip is softer bouncy, pout expression is more lovely; ─── -柔嫩双唇:含特殊油脂,可高效渗透并软化嘴唇表面的肌肤,另双唇更柔软有弹性,噘嘴神情更可爱;

55、She falls into frame with a professional pout but the polaroids ignite on seeing their subject and the aperture[...... ─── 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...

56、Her lips were set in a pout of annoyance. ─── 她愠恼地撅起了双唇。

57、Crystallize your pout with this micro fine, shimmer-laden lipgloss, encased in a clear, faceted ball compact.Each shade can be worn alone or over your favorite lipstick to add dazzling shine. ─── 这款可爱的唇彩被装在一个如宝石般闪烁清澈的小球里,唇彩的漂亮色泽可以让你第一时间抓住所有人的眼光,让你的唇部闪烁迷人的光彩。

58、A pout, grimace, or similar expression. ─── 噘嘴,鬼脸扮出的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情

59、pout sulkily ─── 生气地嘟起了嘴

60、4. with a pout or in a pouting manner. ─── 那孩子坐在那儿,一副不高兴的样子。

61、Today, under the sky with intermittent rain, God seemed to pout, looked gloomy. ─── 今天,天上下着淅淅沥沥的雨,老天爷好像板着脸,显得阴沉沉的。

62、Add power to your pout with brilliant shine. ─── 添加亮粉使您的嘴唇异常闪亮。

63、to pout one's lips provocatively ─── 挑衅地撅着嘴

64、She jumped a short while with that person, seem to be to have a little pout, didn't etc. a song finish jump, return to oneself of seat, sit to drink water, that classmate disappointment of go away. ─── 她和那人跳了一会,似乎有点别扭,没等一曲跳完,就回到自己的座位,坐着喝水,那同学失望的走开了。

65、The recovery time after the procedure is approximately 1 day to 1 week so that the residual swelling evens out across the lips and fades down into your new pout. ─── 术后愈合时间从大约一天到一个星期,因此余下的肿胀部分平均分布在双唇,逐渐形成新的翘起的嘴唇。

66、For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month. ─── 对于噘嘴生气的人,想像一下你的男朋友已经离开你一个月了。

67、1.Tonight, you can watch the women figure skaters pout and preen their way to the medals. ─── 今晚,你们将看到女子花样滑冰选手把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,去争取金牌。

68、" The little girl would pout and say," I'm not a little girl anymore." ─── 这时候小女孩就板着脸噘着嘴说:“我不再是小女孩了。”

69、you better not pout and you better not cry. ─── “你最好别嘟嘴、最好别哭”。

70、Her former character also returned to her, somewhat even of her gayety, her pretty pout, her love for her goat, her love for singing, her modesty. ─── 她从前的性格也恢复了,甚至她的欢乐、她漂亮的撅嘴动作、她对于羊儿的爱、她唱歌的兴趣,和她的羞怯。

71、pout prettily in embarrassment ─── 含羞娇嗔

72、A glance at Aunt Pitty's plump guileless face, screwed up in a pout, told her that the old lady was as ignorant as she. ─── 看一看皮蒂姑妈那胖乎乎的善良的脸,皱着眉,撅着嘴,就知道她和自己一样莫名其妙。

73、The best kind of love is the kind you can pout in front of her, never feel embarrassed, and then turn back feeling like it was the strongest support you've ever had。 ─── 最好的爱就是那种在她面前噘嘴撒娇,而不感觉尴尬,在转身的时候却感觉到这是你有过的最强大的支持。

74、Do you pout and resent it when someone corrects you for the wrong you're doing? ─── 因为神是先造了各样的活物,再叫它们生养众多、各从其类啊!

75、Even with a few wrinkles or grey hairs, a plump pout can takes years off a woman, Unilever scientist David Gunn has found. ─── 联合利华的科学家冈恩发现,即使是有一些皱纹或灰发,丰厚的嘟唇可以让女性小好几岁。

76、asked Jennie, who, coming in after having stopped at the grocer's for her mother, saw George with a solemn pout on his face. ─── 刚替母亲到杂货店去了回来的珍妮看见乔其撅嘴,就这么问。

77、5 Before an instruction is executed, it is first retrieved from main memory and pout into a register. The function of the register is to temporarily store data and instructions. ─── 一个指令执行前,首先将其从主内存中取出并放如寄存器内。寄存器的功能就是暂时存储数据和指令。

78、pout (one's lips) ─── 撅嘴

79、Ladle the fried fish into a plate, pout the juice, then put the steamed prawns on the top of the fish then serve. ─── 将炸好的鱼、头、尾分别拼在盘中,浇上茄汁,再把蒸好的虾放上即成。

80、"Well,you've never talked to me. I've worked for three weeks,and you have not taught me anything," I said with a pout. ─── “你从不和我说话,我给你干了三个星期,而你什么也没教给我。”我撅着嘴说。

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