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09-04 投稿



intentness 发音

英:[?n?tentn?s]  美:[?n?tentn?s]

英:  美:

intentness 中文意思翻译



intentness 词性/词形变化,intentness变形

副词: intentionally |名词: intentionality |

intentness 反义词


intentness 同义词

purposefully | deliberately | by choice | designedly | on purpose | advisedly | by design |purposely

intentness 相似词语短语

1、intendedness ─── 意向性

2、ancientness ─── 古老

3、internalness ─── 内在性

4、intenseness ─── n.剧烈;紧张;热情

5、impotentness ─── 无能

6、distantness ─── 遥远

7、potentness ─── 力量;权势

8、instantness ─── 瞬时性

9、intactness ─── n.未受损伤;完整无缺

intentness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was their intent to micromanage the issues, to become part of the process. ─── 他们的目的是为了微观处理这个问题,使之成为整个过程中的一部分。

2、He is so intent on starting up his own business. ─── 一心想着自己开店做买卖的事儿。

3、The aspirant must channel the fire, an unwavering commitment of intent. ─── 修习者需导引内力,亦即对决心毫不动摇的承诺。

4、He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies. ─── 他一心想出国深造。

5、He was intent on getting to the office in time. ─── 他一心想及时赶到办公室。

6、Full consciousness or conscious dreaming and intent are synonymous. ─── “全意识”、有意识地梦想”和“意想”是同义的。

7、The luminary was a golden-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like creature, gazing down in the vigour and intentness of youth upon an earth that was brimming with interest for him. ─── 这个发光的物体就是一个生灵,长着金色的头发,目光柔和,神采飞扬,好像上帝一样,身上充满了青春的活力,正目不转睛地注视着大地,仿佛大地上满是他感到有趣的事物。

8、Examines officially with intent to verify. ─── 以查证核实为目的的检查。

9、He was too intent, while too uncertain. ─── 他太热切了,反倒变得手足无措了。

10、He was wandering on top of the tall building with intent to commit sucide. ─── 他在大楼顶上徘徊,打算自杀。

11、Their intent was to steal an ATM. ─── 他们想偷走一台提款机。

12、The other is Ultimo, intent on trying to stop Vice from wreaking more havoc. ─── 另一个叫做上月,正试图阻止邪恶发泄自己的愤怒的破坏行为。

13、But everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them. ─── 可是大家都在谈话,一心关注的是眼前的这个惨状。

14、His intent gaze unnerves her. ─── "他那专注的目光让她胆怯了。

15、He was intent on the job he was doing. ─── 他专心致志于正在做的工作。

16、He gazed at their intent faces. ─── 他注视着大伙儿全神贯注的表情。

17、Issue Letter of Intent for applicant to accept. ─── 发出意向书给申请人签署接受。

18、For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. ─── 上帝乃一伟大意志,以其专一之特性遍泽万物。

19、Her intent look showed how much she had missed her sister. ─── 她的专心的目光说明她是多么想念她的姐姐。

20、He made a small fortune, intent on marriage and settling down. ─── 他发了小财,一心想结婚成家过安定的日子。

21、It is the intent herein to indicate the accumulation of empirical data. ─── 在这里试图指出与累积试验数据有关的问题。

22、They are intent on Buying into this Business. ─── 他们热中于买进这个事业。

23、Prince Andrey watched every word and gesture of Speransky's with peculiar intentness . ─── 安德烈公爵特别仔细地观察斯佩兰斯基的每句话和每个动作。

24、He' s intent on going to Australia. ─── 他热切希望到澳大利亚去。

25、His intent was to provide a new translation. ─── 他说那些话的用意是展现一个新的解释。

26、Not an agreement, but a letter of intent. ─── 不是签订协议,是意向书。

27、Was intent on leaving within the hour; are intent upon being recognized. ─── 他一心想要在一个小时内离开; 他一心想为人所认可

28、"Loitering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,"he said. ─── "到处游荡,企图作案。"他说。

29、A merchant is intent on making money. ─── 商人热衷于赚钱。

30、He's intent on getting promotion, and no one's going to stop him! ─── 他一心一意想得到晋升,谁也劝阻不了他。

31、The trees stood in an attitude of intentness, as if they waited longingly for a wind to come and rock them. ─── 树木纹丝不动,仿佛热切地期望着有一阵风来摇动它们。

32、The power of human intent can move mountains. ─── 人类意想的力量能移山。

33、M: Do you spend More time that you intent to on line? ─── 在线上的时间是否超过原先所预期?

34、They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. ─── 因为他们说恶言顶撞你;你的仇敌也妄称你的名。

35、Are you intent upon destroying my reputation? ─── 你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?

36、Intent more strongly implies deliberateness. ─── intent有更强的故意的含义。

37、His plan is incompatible with my intent. ─── 他的计划与我的意图不相符。

38、Rat, who was in the stern of the boat, while Mole sculled, sat up suddenly and listened with a passionate intentness. ─── 鼹鼠在划桨,河鼠倚在船尾。 他忽然坐直了身子,神情激动,聚精会神地侧耳倾听。

39、He is intent on his studies. ─── 他专心致志地学习。

40、If I remember correctly, you were intent on becoming a pilot. ─── 如果我没记错的话,你当时想当个飞行员。

41、To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive. ─── 假冒,冒充为了欺骗而假冒身份

42、A two-year term was consistent with the Basic Law's legislative intent. ─── 两年任期符合基本法的立法原意。

43、His intent is clearly not to placate his critics. ─── 他的目的显然不是要安抚批评他的人。

44、He was so intent on his work that he didn't notice the rain. ─── 他是如此专注于自己的工作以致于没注意已经下雨了。

45、He refuses to deceive or compromise and fails to spot subversive intent. ─── 他拒绝欺骗或妥协而且无法发现颠复分子意图。

46、If you show goodwill and serious intent, a settlement will come quickly. ─── 如果你们表现善意,态度认真,问题很快会解决。

47、The creditor came with evil intent. ─── 债主来者不善。

48、His intent blue eyes still stirred her. ─── 他热切的蓝眼睛仍然使她激动。

49、For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness . ─── 上帝乃一伟大意志,以其专一之特性遍泽万物。

50、Men's minds were then intent on other things. ─── 人们的思想当时正集中在其他的事情上。

51、Montgomery is always suspected of loitering with intent. ─── 人们总是怀疑蒙哥马利在徘徊观望,有作案企图。

52、Her intent sight made us moved. ─── 她热切的目光让我们感动。

53、Fill in letter of intent, make sure the target market. ─── 填写意向书,明确目标市场。

54、She was charged with intent to defraud. ─── 她被指控犯有蓄意诈骗钱财罪。

55、She behaved foolishly but with good intent. ─── 她的行为很蠢,但却是好意的。

56、He is intent on going to France. ─── 他热切希望到法国去。

57、The PMIC design intent is captured as analog schematics and digital HDL. ─── PMIC的设计目的是获取模拟图表和数字硬件描述语言。

58、His intent gaze unnerves her. "You never said anything. ─── 他那专注的目光让她胆怯了。“你什么也没说过。

59、Afterward, Pinkerton denied that the raid's intent was to burn the house down. ─── 事后,平客顿却矢口否认想烧毁房屋的意图。

60、Forget not yet the tried intent. ─── 可别忘记我所表示的。

61、They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. ─── 他们殷勤又热心,对她每一个移动都很小心看护。

62、It was his intent to build on direct observation and avoid speculative hypotheses. ─── 他的意图是以直接的观察为基础而避免推测性的假说。

63、He came with intent to defraud. ─── 他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。

64、Last Sunday my little son was intent on going to the zoo. ─── 上星期天我儿子坚决要到动物园去。

65、They were intent on my downfall. ─── 他们一心想要我垮台。

66、His intent is to organize a national movement. ─── 他的目的是要组织一次全国性的运动。

67、Though near nightfall, the rank-smelling weed-flowers glowed as if they would not close for intentness, and the waves of colour mixed with the waves of sound. ─── 虽然夜晚快要降临了,但是气味难闻的野草的花朵,却光彩夺目,仿佛听得入了迷面不能闭合了,颜色的波浪和琴音的波浪,相互融合在一起。

68、Are you always intent on upholding what is morally right? ─── 你总是试图维护按照道德准则正确的东西吗?

69、He is intent on going to France to continue his studies. ─── 他一心想去法国继续深造。

70、If I remember correctly, you were intent on going to California. ─── 如果我没记错的话,你当时是要去加利福尼亚。

71、It is one that infuses the intent to ascend into all that one does. ─── 你把提升意愿注入所有你所做的事。

72、To observe secretly with hostile intent. ─── 以敌意秘密监视。

73、Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. ─── 你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。

74、Buck did not comprehend that silent intentness , nor the eager way with which they were licking their chops. ─── 巴克对那种沉默的专注大为不解,也不明白他们为什么贪婪地舔嘴巴。

75、He entered the building with intent to steal. ─── 他进入大楼企图行窃。

76、He is intent on improving his manner. ─── 他决意要改进自己的举止。

77、She is intent on getting the job done quickly. ─── 她决心尽快把这件事情做好。

78、She behaved foolishly but with good intent . ─── 她表现得很愚蠢不过用心却是好的。

79、Ephraim is oppressed, trampled in judgment, intent on pursuing idols. ─── 11以法莲因乐从人的命令、就受欺压、被审判压碎。

80、All of them hunched over, intent. ─── 他们大家身体往前凑,全神贯注。

81、You shouldn't be so intent on making money. ─── 你不应当如此一心只想赚钱。

82、He is intent on moneymaking. ─── 他一心一意地赚钱。

83、Last year, IDG signed letters of intent with China Publishing Group and CCTV. ─── IDG去年5月和中国出版集团以及cctv签署了合作意向书,

84、His eyes were suddenly intent. ─── 他的目光突然专注起来。

85、Rat, who was in the stern of the boat, while Mole sculled, sat up suddenly and listened with a passionate intentness . ─── 在船艄的老鼠,突然坐起来,侧耳倾听什么,这时鼹鼠在划桨。

86、There was an intent look on her face as she watched the game. ─── 她看比赛时脸上显出急切的样子。

87、He is intent on pleasing people. ─── 他只想讨好别人。

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