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09-04 投稿


subdivided 发音

英:[?s?bd?va?d?d]  美:[?s?bd?va?d?d]

英:  美:

subdivided 中文意思翻译



subdivided 词性/词形变化,subdivided变形

动词现在分词: subdividing |动词过去分词: subdivided |动词第三人称单数: subdivides |动词过去式: subdivided |名词: subdivider |

subdivided 短语词组

1、subdivided house ─── 分房

2、subdivided share ─── [经] 分股

3、subdivided gap ─── [电] 分段隙

4、subdivided transformer ─── 带分接头的变压器

5、subdivided lands law ─── 土地法

6、subdivided lands ─── 细分土地

7、subdivided capacitor ─── [电] 细分电容器

8、subdivided housing ─── 分间住房群租房

9、subdivided cube ─── 细分立方体

10、subdivided def ─── 细分定义

subdivided 相似词语短语

1、undivided ─── adj.专心的;专一的;未分开的;完整的

2、misdivided ─── 误会

3、redivided ─── vt.再划分;vi.再分割

4、subdivide ─── vi.细分,再分;vt.把……再分,把……细分

5、subdivider ─── 地块划分商;分路器

6、sub-divide ─── vi.细分,再分;vt.把……再分,把……细分

7、subdivides ─── vi.细分,再分;vt.把……再分,把……细分

8、subdividing ─── vt.细分(subdivide的现在分词);分小块;分割

9、divided ─── adj.分裂的;分开的;有分歧的;v.分开(divide的过去分词);分离

subdivided 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It covers the subjects of contracts, torts and property, each of which can be subdivided into several bodies of law. ─── 它包括合同、侵权和财产,每门法律又可细分为几个分支。

2、These are in turn subdivided into branches according to the ethnic group which sings them and the musical style. ─── 同时,又依民族、音调风格分成若干支脉。

3、The EQM can be subdivided into the northern and southern parts, which are separated by the Shangnan-Zhenping suture. ─── 东秦岭以商南-镇平缝合带分为东秦岭北部和东秦岭南部。

4、The content area itself is a two-column grid, with each of those columns further subdivided into a two-column grid. ─── 内容区本身是一个含两列的网格,每个列又划分为一个两列网格。

5、The Ting in hinterland can be subdivided into rural and urban Tings. ─── 亭有多种职能,但其基本职能是治安。

6、One of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems,includes genera Blechnum,Doodia,Sadleria,Stenochlaena,Woodwardia. ─── 在某些分类系统中细分的水龙骨科成员的一个科,乌毛蕨属,水龙骨属,狗脊属。

7、Engineering may be further subdivided into functional organizations that support the business of the larger organization,such as mechanical and electrical. ─── 在工程部门又进一步细分为支持组织经营的职能单位(如机械和电气)。

8、A whole note or semibreve is the equivalent in duration of two half notes or minims, and these may be subdivided to give four quarter notes or crotchets. ─── 一个全音的时值等于两个半音,可以进一步分为四个四分音符,八个八分音符,以此类推。

9、For the sand i used a subdivided plane, with a high density of poligons mainly where the rocks and the seastar were supposed to be, to make that zone more detailed than others. ─── 对于沙地,我用了一个细分过的具有高密度多边形的平面,放些小石头和海星之类丰富一些细节。

10、The metallogenic series of sedimentaty deposist subdivided into the marine sedimentary deposit and continental sedimentary depossit. ─── 划分了沉积矿床成矿系列;建立了海相沉积矿床和陆相沉积矿床两种成矿模式;

11、Fatah in turn is subdivided into various groups.One of the most recent to emerge is the semi-autonomous Tanzim movement of young street fighters. ─── 其下属的法塔赫是巴解组织最大的军事组织,而法塔赫旗下又有多个不同的小组。

12、The BST methodology can be subdivided into three basic groups: molecular biological, biochemical and chemical ones. ─── BST技术测定有多种方法,可归纳为三大类:分子生物学方法,生物化学方法和化学方法。

13、They were intervened for 6,8,and 12 weeks,respectively,and subdivided into C1,C2,C3 and D1,D2,D3 groups(n=6 in each group). ─── 1d-1阿托伐他汀干预组(C组、D组),分别干预6、8、12周,为C1、C2、C3组及D1、D2、D3组,每组6只大鼠。

14、verbs were subdivided into transitive and intransitive categories. ─── 动词被细分为及物和不及物两类。

15、Try to use frizz and kizz parameters, watch how they influence the anemones. If the base mesh isn't subdivided enough you'll see sharp and unrealistic corners. ─── 使用弯曲等参数,看会产生怎样的效果。如果基础海葵细分不够,你会看到一些尖锐的角。

16、The study of heat transfer is often subdivided into Conduction, Convection and Radiation. ─── 传热学的学习通常分为导热,对流和辐射三个环节。

17、The perambulation and inspection message of dams is thought about, which also is subdivided and expressed in symbol. ─── 同时考虑大坝的各种巡视检查信息,将其细分及符号化。

18、Even a single hippocampal area can actually be subdivided into at least nine discrete regions, each with its own genetic makeup. ─── 即使是单一的海马区,其实至少可分为9个独立的区域,各区又有自己独特的基因构成。

19、The Daqiao magnetite-sulfide type Ph-Zn deposit, which is a new Ph-Zn type, can be subdivided two series:magnetite-sulfide and banded skarn. ─── 大桥磁铁硫化物型铅锌矿床是一新的矿化类型,可细分为磁铁硫化物和层状矽卡岩两种亚型。

20、He lives on one level of a bunk bed sectioned off by metal mesh, occupying a so-called “cage home” in a small, shabby flat subdivided between 10 men. ─── 唐万伟住在一个破旧小公寓的所谓“笼屋”(cagehome)里,睡的是用铁丝网围成的上下铺的下铺,公寓里住着10个人。

21、The arranges of lamina are various and can be subdivided into 4 types in terms of the different contents of composition in situ and allogene composition. ─── 互层出现的形式是多种多样的,依据其岩石中原地组分和异地组分的含量不同,可进一步划分为4种类型。

22、Ethics may be subdivided into normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics. ─── 伦理学可以分为规范伦理学、元伦理学、应用伦理学。

23、TheSH , ICH and TR group were subdivided into 1h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h and 72hgroup. ─── 其中脑出血、治疗组、假手术组又分成1h,6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h组,模型制作同第一部分。 治疗组予果糖二磷酸钠注射液(4.4ml/kg)治疗。

24、Genera may be subdivided into subgenera, and also, especially in plant taxonomy, into sections, subsection, series, and subseries. ─── 在植物分类学中,属一般可再分为亚属。同样可进一步分为组、亚组,系、亚系等。

25、Aeroliths are further subdivided into two classes: chondrites and achondrites. ─── 陨石进一步细分为两类:球粒状陨石和无球粒陨石。

26、The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to tacilitate its study. ─── 丝分裂的过程实际上是机能上连续不断的,为了便于研究,通常把它分为几期。

27、They were divided into control group and treated group in random. Treated group was subdivided into 4 groups according to the different charge: 3C, 5C, IOC, 20C(C: coulomb), 3 wells per group. ─── 将等量细胞接种于24孔细胞培养板,按随机原则分为对照组和治疗组,治疗组按电量不同又分为四组:3C、5C、10C、20C(C为电量库仑),每组3孔。

28、EMEA is very important to AMD and they get a lot of its revenue out of this subdivided and territorially challenging place called Europe and middle east and Africa tend to earn a buck or two. ─── EMEA地区是非常重要的AMD和他们得到了很多的收入出于这一细分和领土具有挑战性的地方,所谓的欧洲和中东和非洲的倾向赚取推卸责任或2 。

29、The DM group were subdivided into a group without diabetic complications(NDC, 39 cases,17 men and 22 women)and a group with DR (16 cases,8 men and 8 women ). ─── DM组分为两个亚组 :无微血管并发症 (NDC)组 39例 (男 17例 ,女 2 2例 ) ,糖尿病视网膜病变 (DR)组16例 (男 8例 ,女 8例 )。

30、Giza can be subdivided into two groupings of monuments, clearly defined and separated by a wadi. ─── Giza可细分为两组纪念碑,清楚地说明和被一个河道分开。

31、In some situations, categories are subdivided into instances, which track data about multiple occurrences of the object that a category relates to. ─── 在某些情况下,类别被再分为实例,这些实例跟踪一组数据,这些数据记录了与类别相关的对象的多次出现。

32、It is sometimes subdivided into more narrowly defined species or infraspecific taxa based on variations in leaf indumentum and spikelet size. ─── 基生叶1/2段秆;叶鞘短于节间,青春期或下半部分;丝状,旋卷的叶片,外表面无毛到密被柔毛;

33、The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to facilitate its study. ─── 丝分裂的过程实际上是机能上连续不断的,为了便于研究,通常把它分为几期。

34、He subdivided the farm into building lots. ─── 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。

35、The Hercynian geochemical domain is subdivided into the Dachang geoche-mical stage and the Heshan geochemical stage, four geochemical cycles and12 geochemical facies. ─── 对海西地球化学域划分为大厂和合山两个地球化学阶、进而划分了罗富、大厂、石炭、合山四个地球化学旋回,12个地球化学相。

36、It can be subdivided into four kinds of methods while adopting the method of alignment. ─── 大坝水平位移观测方法有多种,当采用视准线法观测时,还可以细分为四种不同方法。

37、Further more, 17 minerogenic series are subdivided. ─── 在此基础上进一步划分出了17个成矿系列。

38、According to the origin of tertiary dentin matrix, it may be subdivided into reactive dentin and reparative dentin. ─── 依据第三期牙本质基质的来源可进一步将其分为反应性牙本质和修复性牙本质。

39、The surface is closed if it has no boundary and can be subdivided into finite polygons. ─── 没有边缘而且可以剖分成有限个多边形的曲面称为闭曲面。

40、It permits compilation of a nationwide inventory subdivided into states and countries. ─── 可编译按各州和各县细分的全国范围的编目单。

41、Because the VG cannot be subdivided into useful and equally-sized PVGs, they will not be useful. ─── 因为不能将 VG 再细分为有用的并且同等大小的 PVG,它们不能使用。

42、The LDB was divided into regions of PNP and MOSFET, then region MOSFET was subdivided further. ─── 先将LDB分为PNP和MOSFET两个区域,再将MOSFET区细分为两个区。

43、Divided into pinnae that are subdivided into smaller, further subdivided leaflets or lobes, as in many ferns. ─── 三回羽状的二回羽状的又分割成更小的一回羽状的,进一步分割成小叶或裂片,如各种蕨类的叶片

44、There was always a huge surplus of subdivided, but vacant, land around Chicago and other cities. ─── 在芝加哥和其它城市总有大量不断细分的空余,空白土地。

45、A piece of music is divided in bars of equal length, which are subdivided into “counts” or beats. ─── 乐谱分为一个个小节,每个小节长度相等,小节再细分为节拍。

46、The symplast is subdivided into several domains with varying molecular size exclusion limits (ranging from 10 kD). ─── 共质体可以细分为数个区块,它们各自允许不同大小的分子(从低于1000到高于10000道尔顿)通过。

47、For the purpose of record keeping costs are subdivided into fixed, variable, and semivariable categories. ─── 为了记帐,这种成本费再可分成固定可变性的和半可变性的三类入帐。

48、Actually, it would seem that the waqf of Gethsemane ended by becoming a private estate which, thanks to a series of wills, was subdivided into several plots. ─── 实际上,它似乎是格责玛尼末端变成私有地,幸亏是由于坚持,被细分成几块。

49、You cannot emit particles from implicit objects or from subdivided surfaces (particles are emitted from the hull). ─── 不能从未声明物体或者细分表面发射粒子。(粒子是从一个壳结构发射出来的。)

50、Rehmannia can be subdivided into three groups:uncooked rehmannia,fresh rehmannia and cooked rehmannia. ─── 地黄分生地黄、鲜地黄、熟地黄。

51、Clothing was subdivided with strip and block to be braced and packaged,so as to serve the purposes of protection, exhibition, and transportation. ─── 将服装进行条块分割处理,对每一条块进行支承和包装,以达到服装保护、展示和运输的目的。

52、The latter two groups were subdivided into two time points groups: 4 and 8 weeks after modeling groups with 6 rats in each group. ─── 取雄性SD大鼠30只,单纯随机分为3组,正常组6只,假手术组和模型组各12只,后2组又分为造模后4,8周2个时间点,每个时间点6只。

53、The skull can be subdivided into two parts: the cranium and the mandible . ─── 8块骨头组成 脑颅 ,容纳并保护大脑和延髓;

54、As the interdisciplinary study , it can analysis the changes of needs and market meaning of design under the market economy and fully meet the design need of the subdivided market only by guiding the industry design with marketing. ─── 作为交叉学科,只有真正用市场营销学指导工业设计,才能正确理解市场经济下需求的变化和设计的市场意义, 充分满足细分市场的设计要求。

55、Of which the inner ramp may be subdivided into epilittoral zone, intertidal zone and subtidal zone. 3. ─── 3、布曲组碳酸盐岩的成岩作用主要有泥晶化作用、胶结作用、压实压溶作用、破裂作用、溶解作用等。

56、After four weeks exposed to hypoxia-hypercapnia,CHH was subdivided into two:hypoxia control group(HC,n=8) and swimming exercise group (HS,n=13). ─── 4周后 ,模型组又随机分为模型对照组 (HC ,8只 )与游泳锻炼组 (HS ,13只 )。

57、In addition, the front vowels may be subdivided into those that are high (or close), like /i:/ and /(/, mid, like /e/, and low (or open), like /(/. ─── 在元音发音的过程中起关键作用的是舌头,因此学习元音时就要重点学会正确调节舌位。

58、In total 6 volcanic regions and 30 volcanic belts are subdivided in Xinjiang. ─── 全区共划分出6个火山岩区和30个火山岩带。

59、With the third strategy, the work of a batch program is subdivided so that multiple independent program instances can each work on part of the job in parallel. ─── 对于第三种策略来说,批处理程序的工作经过划分,这样多个独立的程序实例可以并行处理作业的每一部分。

60、Above all, the former Xileng and Beijiangjun Formations are subdivided and the age of the formations and some problems concerned are also discussed. ─── 在此基础上对西冷组的层序进行了重新划分,厘定了与周岗组的接触界面性质,讨论了原北将军组的构造属性及可能的时代归属。

61、Based on the study of diagenetic facies,the heterogeneous reservoir of Donghe sandstone of the east slope of Lunnan in Tarim Basin is subdivided into six diagenetic facies. ─── 对塔里木盆地轮南东斜坡东河砂岩非均质性储集体进行成岩岩相分析,划分为6种成岩岩相。

62、B. Can not be logically subdivided further. ─── 不能再进一步进行逻辑细分了。

63、Civil procedure of complaint and answer can be subdivided the paradigm of right and the one of duty, the paradigm of notice and the one of facts, the paradigm of static state and the one of dynamic state by different standards. ─── 从类型上,按照不同的标准,民事诉讼诉答程序可以分为权利型诉答程序与义务型诉答程序、通知型诉答程序与事实型诉答程序、静态型诉答程序和动态型诉答程序。

64、As a component of long-term base-level decreasing cycle, Shanxi Formation constitutes a medium-term cycle, which can be subdivided into 5 short-term cycles in ascending order(SSC1,SSC2,SSC3,SSC4,SSC5). ─── 作为晚古生代长期基准面下降旋回的组成部分,山西组构成一个中期基准面旋回(MSC2),自下而上划分为五个短期旋回(SSC1、SSC2、SSC3、SSC4、SSC5);

65、In any specific project, for reasons of size, complexity, level of risk, and cash flow constraints, phases can be further subdivided into subphases. ─── 任何具体的项目,由于规模、复杂程度、风险水平和现金流制约等方面的原因,阶段可以进一步划分为子阶段。

66、Heterogeneous degrees of surface and within in reservoirs are high.There are 4 types (subdivided into 20 Kinds) models of rhythm. ─── 储层平面和层内非均质程度严重,具有4类20种物性韵律模式。

67、They enable complex computational tasks to be subdivided into pieces small enough to fit comfortably into a single human brain. ─── 它们能够将复杂的计算任务细分为足够小的部分,从而能够容易地被人类理解。

68、The main hydrocarbon source rocks in the Muglad basin are developed in the Lower Cretaceous lacustrine rocks of the Abu Gabra (AG) formation. The AG formation can be roughly subdivided into the lower, middle and upper parts. ─── 主要烃源岩发育在下白垩统 AG组 ,该组上部以砂岩为主 ,生烃潜力差 ,下部主要是干旱气候期的沉积 ,生烃潜力亦差 ;

69、Of, belonging to, or being the oldest and largest division of geologic time, preceding the Cambrian Period, often subdivided into the Archeozoic and Proterozoic eras, and characterized by the appearance of primitive forms of life. ─── 前寒武纪的地质年代中最古老和最大的阶段的、属于这一阶段的或处于这一阶段的,其前为寒武纪期,寒武纪期又可细分为始生代和原生代,特征为原始生命形式的出现

70、Each molecule of DNA can be subdivided into smaller segments consisting of a few thousand or a few tens of thousands of nucleotides. ─── 每一个DNA分子都可以再被细分为更小的部分,这些细分后的部分都含有上千或上万个核苷酸。

71、He also emphasized that the nominees would not be subdivided, as with the Golden Globes, which are awarded for best drama as well as best comedy or musical. ─── 他同样也强调,提名影片不会像金球奖那样再被细分归类,比如颁发最佳剧情影片,最佳喜剧影片或是最佳音乐剧影片。

72、Local Government: Each Province is headed by a provincial governor appointed by the President. The provinces are further subdivided into regions and districts. ─── 地方政府:省长由总统任命。省下设区和县。

73、Using embeded EAB in FPGA to compose LPM_ROM,PWM control waveform data were stored which stepping motor each phase subdivided driving current needed. ─── 利用FPGA中的嵌入式EAB构成LPM-ROM,存放步进电动机各相细分电流所需的PWM控制波形数据表。

74、While frequencies of simple synapse occurrence was increased in one subdivided group, complex synapse occurrence was decreased. ─── 各组单纯型突触增、减时其复杂型突触相应减、增。

75、Atoms can be subdivided into neutrons, protons and electrons. ─── 原子可以再分为中子、质子和电子。

76、On the interior it's subdivided into different sized showrooms, an office space and spaces designated to store art. ─── 它的内部的细分为不同大小的展厅,一个办公场地和指定的存储空间艺术。

77、A network can be subdivided into groups of routers. ─── 一网路可分割成群组的路由器。

78、He placed flowering plants into classes based on the number of stamens and subdivided the classes into orders based on the number of their pistils. ─── 他依据显花植物的雄蕊数目把植物分为不同的纲,按照雌蕊的数目将纲进一步分为不同的目。

79、They divided into two groups and subdivided into four groups. ─── 他们分成两组后又细分为四组。

80、composition can be subdivided Collateralized Bond Obligations, and Collateralized loan Obligations. ─── 组成可以细分为抵押债券义务和抵押贷款义务。

81、To efficiently manage a limited supply of IP addresses, all classes can be subdivided into smaller subnetworks. ─── 为了克服有限的IP地址,所有类别网络可以被划分为更小的子网。

82、Thirty-six rabbits were divided into normal control group(n=18)and experimental group(n=18,high lipid feeding plus carotid intimal injury). The experimental group were subdivided into 1,2,and 3-month groups(n=6 in each group). ─── 将36只兔分为正常对照组(18只)和实验组(高脂饲料加颈动脉内膜损伤,18只),实验组又分为术后1、2、3个月组(各6只)。

83、For the deep one. it refers to the pattern of advertising profit and the misplacement of subdivided specialized channel. ─── 也找到了音乐频道出现困境的深层原因即广告盈利模式与细分化专业频道错位。

84、Then, the rabbits were subdivided him three groups in which the compound Zi-Jin Cream, 5% sulfur comedo lotion and 0.9% normal saline were imbrued in the same ear for three weeks respectively. ─── 2周后将家兔分为3组、分别在兔左耳内侧外涂复方紫金霜、5%硫磺粉刺洗剂和生理盐水治疗3周。

85、The human heart is a four-chambered double pump with its right and left sides fully separated by a septum and subdivided on Both sides into an atrium above and a ventricle Below. ─── 人类的心脏是一个四室的双泵,左、右边由隔膜完全分离,两边再被分为上方的心房和下方的心室。

86、The Olympic Games is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. ─── 奥林匹克运动会是多运动的国际性比赛,可分为夏季赛事和冬季赛事。

87、An old house that has been subdivided and is in use by several families, known as a "solar, " in Old Havana, July 26, 2011. ─── 老房子已被细分,并在为已知的几户人家,“太阳能”,在哈瓦那老城,2011年7月26日,使用。

88、The Eocene is subdivided into 38 fourth-order sequences. ─── 东海陆架盆地下第三系进一步细划出38个四级层序。

89、Chinese cooking is subdivided into a great many schools notable for their local flavors. ─── 中国菜可细分为许多以地方风味而著名的菜系.

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