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09-04 投稿


transacting 发音

英:[tr?n?z?kt??]  美:[tr?n?z?kt??]

英:  美:

transacting 中文意思翻译




transacting 词性/词形变化,transacting变形

动词过去分词: transacted |动词过去式: transacted |动词第三人称单数: transacts |名词: transactor |动词现在分词: transacting |

transacting 短语词组

1、transacting party ─── 交易方

2、transacting factor ─── 反式作用因子

3、accounting transacting ─── 会计事务处理

4、transacting meaning ─── 交易意义

5、transacting identities ─── 交易身份

6、transacting insurance ─── 办理保险

7、transacting letter ─── 交易信函

8、transacting means ─── 交易方式

9、transacting business ─── 经营业务

transacting 相似词语短语

1、transecting ─── v.横断,横切;n.横断面,样带

2、transaction ─── n.交易;事务;办理;会报,学报

3、transmuting ─── v.易质;内化作用(transmute的ing形式)

4、transfecting ─── vt.使转染;使细胞感染病毒核酸

5、transiting ─── n.运输;经过;[天文]凌日;[天文]中天;[占星]凌;公共交通客运;vt.运送;vi.经过;[天文](行星等天体)经过(另一天体、子午线);[占星](天体)经过(黄道十二宫之一、住宅或星图区域)

6、transactinide ─── adj.超锕系元素的,锕系后元素的;n.超锕系元素

7、transactinic ─── 事务性

8、translating ─── n.翻译;[计]转换;v.翻译;转化;解释(translate的现在分词)

9、transactions ─── n.处理,[图情]会报;汇报(transaction复数)

transacting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The PC is mainly useds for transacting an automation, amusement, on-line surfing, is our living service. ─── PC主要用于办公自动化、娱乐、网上冲浪,为我们的生活服务。

2、B: Great. Will you transact one for our corporation as soon as possible? ─── 太好了。尽快给我们公司开办这项业务好吗?

3、By testing, the algorithm has high security and solidity, and can robust to several signal transact attack and compress attack. ─── 实验证明,算法具有很高的安全性和稳健性,可以有效地抵抗多种信号处理攻击、压缩攻击。

4、Transact the account, payment, transfer of social insurance, analyzing and report in time. ─── 办理员工社会保险的结算、缴纳、接纳、转移,并做适时分析和汇报。

5、Building virtual community can help a web site to increase its traffic flow, make visitor stayed longer, improve customer loyalty and transact motive. ─── 中文摘要虚拟社群的建立可有效帮助网站提升流量、网友停留时间和网友忠诚度以及交易意愿。

6、According to the request of town planning, we help the investors to transact the concerned enrollment, register, inviting public bidding and bidding. ─── 对符合条件的客商,按照城建规划的要求,优先办理有关的企业注册登记、投标等手续。

7、As we on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands. ─── 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某项重要交易,所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。

8、As we are on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands. ─── 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易,所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。

9、Students can transact the Card on the left hand of the canteen for your convenience. ─── 为了你的方便,可以到餐厅左侧办理饭卡。

10、Vacationers should avoid transacting their online business on computers that are not their own. ─── 德国联邦资讯安全局(BSI)警告,度假的人应避免在非自有电脑上进行线上交易。

11、To us, this creates a win-win where each participant can realize the benefits of transacting with one another. ─── 对我们而言,当交易双方意识到与对方合作都是有利可图时是一场双赢。

12、Time of Transacting: (in a general way to say)20 minute per one, the time according as the Transacting number. ─── 办理时间:一般情况下(20分钟左右),具体视办理人数而定.

13、So the online transacting part of our model has not been a problem. ─── 因此这一模式中的在线交易并不是个问题。

14、Make salary and promotion policies; organize salary increase assessment and promotion assessment; make corporate welfare policies; transact social security welfare. ─── 制定薪酬政策和晋升政策,组织提薪评审和晋升评审,制定公司福利政策,办理社会保障福利;

15、On Saturday and Sunday, The window of the transact papers to often go to work, and at any time receive the crowd to handle affairs. ─── 五、办证窗口星期六、日照常上班,随时接待群众来办事。

16、Nov. 2003 Mayila back to Canada for transacting devoice procedure.She promised marrying LEO as soon as over the relationship with her husband. ─── 2003年11月玛依拉回多伦多办理离婚手续,说办好就马上回来和Leo结婚。

17、How to identify transacting intent effectively in energy management contracting is challenging both to business activities and academic research. ─── 如何有效识别合同能源管理的交易意图是产生于实践中的问题,但也对理论研究提出了挑战。

18、Without reference to when envisage anything,Can be go to transacting calmly. ─── 不论面对什么事情的时候,能够冷静地去处理。会少犯很多错误,少吃很多苦。

19、He thought it would be better to transact business with his old acquaintance, so he sent for Peppino. ─── 他觉得还是与他的相识做交易比较好一些,便要他去叫庇皮诺。

20、Presently, quite a few policemen ignore the procedure in the process of transacting security cases. ─── 目前,相当一部分警察在办理治安案件过程中,对办案程序重视不够,导致程序违法问题不断出现。

21、The paper describes the structure and working principle of the mine hoist brake system,and analyzes the faults in the system and the method to transact the faults. ─── 介绍了矿井提升机制动装置的组成及工作原理,并对制动系统的常见故障及处理措施进行了分析。

22、To timely transact and fulfil customer orders, work with sales/logistic/warehouse to solve disputes. ─── 处理和完成客户订单,与销售/物流/仓库一起解决其间争议。

23、Infirmary should transact it as following items if employees must go out to cure. ─── 员工患病如需外出就诊的,医疗室依据下列条款办理

24、For credit unions, handling phone calls is a vital part of member service - so much so that many have created whole departments that do nothing but transact business by telephone. ─── 对信用合作社来说,处理电话是一个成员服务的至关重要的部分-以致于很多已经建立除了用电话办理生意什么都没做的整个部门。

25、To transact(official business) dishonestly for private profit. ─── 假公济私以舞弊手段假公济私地处置(官方事务)

26、Many international transactions are in dollars even when the transacting parties have no American connection. ─── 国际上的很多交易时以美元计价的,尽管交易双方都没有与美国有直接关系。

27、They'll transact with the enemy for truce. ─── 他们将与敌方谈判停火事宜。

28、At the time of constructing AWS in our country and regional areas, we should think much of data collecting, synthesizing transacting, promulgating, and AWS condition surveillance. ─── 在国家和地方分别加强自动气象站网建设的同时,应着重加强资料收集、数据综合处理、数据发布、自动站状态监控等功能。

29、The following persons have been authorized to transact on this account. ─── 下列人员有权在此帐户进行交易。

30、Then use ERDAS'S model-maker program these models and transact the examination data. ─── 利用ERDAS的建模工具将三种方法以模型的方式表达出来。

31、To transact with the clients in sincere and harmonious atmosphere is the managing strategy of our general manager Cui Shouren. Welcome you to be one of our numerous friends. ─── 在真挚和融洽的气氛中与客户朋友接触,是崔首仁老总的经营方针,欢迎您成为我们众多朋友的一员。

32、The costs of transacting arise because information is costly and asymmetrically held by the parties to exchange. ─── 交易费用的出现是由于信息是昂贵的,而且交易双方所拥有的信息是不对称的。

33、"China Ping An Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. is authorised by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong to transact general insurance in or from Hong Kong. ─── 中国平安保险(香港)有限公司是经香港保险业监理处批准注册的一般保险业务的保险公司。

34、If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present any ten Members present shall be a quorum, and may transact the business for which the meeting was convened. ─── 如出席该延期举行之会议的本会会员人数又未达会议之法定人数时,法定人数可改为十人,并可办理该会议之一切事务。

35、More than 160,000 enabled suppliers in 120 countries and hundreds of global buying organizations make the Ariba Supplier Network the world's largest business transacting network. ─── 120个国家的160,000多家合格供应商以及数百家全球采购商已将Ariba Supplier Network看作世界最大的交易网络门户。

36、Inland member and accompanier, please transact passport in local government. ─── 内地会员、家属、随行人员可自行乘飞机直接赴港自行到酒店入住。

37、Do I have to transact some procedures before opening it? ─── 开通前我需要办一些手续吗?

38、The act of transacting or the fact of being transacted. ─── 业务做的行为或已被执行的事实。

39、I have been obliged to see him; there was business to transact . ─── 你请先回避一分钟左右,我与你兄弟有些私事要处理。

40、Rarely transacting "at the market" and preferring to put price limits on their buy and sell orders. ─── 很少按市价交易,而更喜欢为买卖委托单设置限价。

41、The destroyed or lose factory card should replace or transact again in the personnel Dept. ─── 厂证如有损坏或遗失,应立即到人事部按有关规定更换或补办。

42、Transact Shanghai Habitation Card and the procedure of introducing person with ability. ─── 办理上海市居住证和人才引进手续。

43、In fact, creating institutions that provide low cost transacting in economic markets is the key to creating productive economies, but it is the polity that defines and enforces the property rights. ─── 事实上,创造能在经济市场上提供低成本交易的制度是创造生产性经济的关键,但是那是由政体决定和实施产权。

44、If you have any doubts about transacting online, do your transactions over the phone. ─── 如果您有任何疑问在线交易,并在电话中您的交易。

45、Transact hiring process for new hires. ─── 办理新员工录用手续。

46、Buyer issue bank instrument and ready to transact. ─── 买方发出银行指令,准备交易.

47、You confuse me, and how can I transact business if I am confused? ─── 你把我的心弄乱了。 心弄乱了怎么能搞业务呢?

48、People who will transact yearly checking should keep secret and cannot bungle. ─── 办理考核人员应严守秘密,不得循私舞弊或贻误。

49、A method of transact handling in which a user interrogates the computer via a conversational type terminal keyboard and obtains a response almost immediately. ─── 一种交易[事务]处理方法,按这种方法,用户通过会话式终端键盘向计算机提问题,并几乎可以立即得到响应。

50、It's a new fashion to transact food more scientifically. I think it's positive because we can get nutritions through eating in a safer and more efficient way. ─── 将食物进行科学的处理是一种趋势。这对我们是有利的,因为它帮助我们安全并且有效地通过吃获取营养。

51、The yeomen, farmers, dairymen, and townsfolk, who came to transact business in these ancient streets, spoke in other ways than by articulation. ─── 乡民、农民、卖牛奶的和城里人,他们在这古老的街道里,不用谈话,而用另外的方式来做买卖。

52、RMB transaction, restricted transaction of virtual goods or money. Transact in honesty and be a sincere man. ─── 人民币交易,谢绝虚拟物品或者虚拟货币,诚信交易,厚道做人。

53、Attorney Frank Carbonetti said it is common for Native Americans to carry large amounts of cash and use it to transact business because often, they don't use banks. ─── 律师法兰克.卡波奈提说美洲原住民随身携带大量现金并用现金办事很稀松平常,因为他们通常不上银行。

54、Trading is the business of transacting financial instruments such as stocks. ─── 交易是商业往来的金融工具,如股票。

55、Some methods of call center system architecture and design such as TTS, transfer call to CSR and to transact in finance system are drawn from practice. ─── 并实践总结出在构建大型金融呼叫中心的过程中,对于TTS,转接CSR以及进行金融交易的最通用的体系架构和设计方法。

56、Penal trial court transact normal penal cases and private persecution penal cases; other relevant business. ─── 刑事审判庭依法审理第一审普通刑事案件及自诉刑事案件;办理其他有关事项。

57、If you are interested in Calculators, please weite us conditions upon which you are able to transact with us. ─── 如果您有意开展计算器业务,还请书面告知交易条件。

58、Fast pay,smooth transact,grt comm! Glad ur pleasd w/purfect cats puz! Mny thanx! ─── 信用指数经双方同意撤回:买卖双方皆同意撤回此次交易的信用评价。进一步了解。2007-09-02

59、Is entity currently transacting FX or futures business? ─── 公司现在是否有经营外汇或期货业务?

60、Transact a software operation masterly. ─── 办公软件操作熟练。

61、In transacting business fro O’Hare Brothers, he had visited Augusta, a hundred miles up the Savannah River, and he had traveled inland far enough to visit the old towns westward from that city. ─── 在为奥哈拉兄弟做生意过程中,他去过奥古斯塔,在萨凡纳河上游一百里的地方,而且他曾从这个城市往西一直到内陆去参观古镇。

62、Transact -SQL reserves both the uppercase and lowercase versions of reserved keywords. ─── SQL保留大写和小写的保留关键字。

63、How could domestic and foreign employees in foreign investment enterprise transact residence certificate or temporary residence certificate? ─── 外商投资企业内外籍员工如何办理居留证或暂住证?

64、If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. ─── 如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。

65、Bring forward any dissidence(disagreement?) about the test report to the test station within a month.No transacting if the time limit is exceeded. ─── 对于检验报告若有异议,应于发出报告之日起一个月内向检验单位提出,过期不予受理。

66、It's a new fashion to transact food more scientifically. I think it's positive because we can get nutrition through eating in a safer and more efficient way. ─── 将食物进行科学的处理是一种趋势。这对我们是有利的,因为它帮助我们安全并且有效地通过吃获取营养。

67、He transact business with store all over the country. ─── 他和全国各商店交易。

68、"Burning" a Book Churning the accounts of customers without profit to the point that they will no longer allow a broker to transact trades for them. ─── “烧毁”记录簿多次炒单而没有利润,使得客户不再允许该经纪人为他们操作交易。

69、The method of correlation factor is an effective method to loads transacting of the fatigue test of airplane structure. ─── 相关系数法是一种有效的飞机疲劳试验载荷处理方法。

70、The report and register of the Exhibition business: to transact the operation of the online registration, audition and cancellation for the entering and exiting exhibit. ─── 展览会报备业务:办理进出境展览会网上备案、审核、核销业务。

71、You should take your Employment license and your Invitation letter and return to your home country or HK to transact your professional visa. ─── 当你再次回到中国,你可以继续你的居留许可办理的流程。

72、You can transact export factoring in the Communicate Bank of China. ─── 你可以在中国交通银行办理出口保理业务。

73、He made great efforts to construct better financial system by drawing economic policy in favor of money changer,banning corrupt rules,sparkpluging mercantile transacting with official help. ─── 他制订有利于当商、钱商的经济政策,取缔官方勒费的陋规,倡导官助商办,努力营造良好的金融秩序。

74、Allow flunking out school in one week, deducting correlative charge from fee .After one week, don, t transact withdraw procedure. ─── 开学后一周内允许退学,扣除已上课程相关费用,开学一周后,不再办理退学。


76、Among which, foreign invested enterprises shall transact related procedure according to laws and regulations on supervision of foreign investment. ─── 其中,外商投资企业须按国家关于外商投资管理的法律法规办理有关手续。

77、What should foreign investment enterprise do to transact equipment and raw materials import procedures? ─── 外商投资企业如何办理设备及原材料进口手续?

78、As soon as these and similar trials can instill public confidence in Internet-based transacting, electronic-commerce (e-commerce) can take off. ─── 当这些以及类似的试验能逐渐让公众对基于因特网的交易建立信息,电子商务就能起步了。

79、Free for board wages in the period of transacting the temporary leaving procedures. ─── 到人事部办理了暂时离厂手续的,可免扣请假期间的伙食费。

80、Please always leave your contact name, preferred contact style, and expected way of transacting. ─── 务请留下连络人大名,连络方式,交易方式.

81、As we on the point of transact some important business with them, we shall like to know exactly how their credit stand. ─── 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易,所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。

82、Go up to Melbourne from hongkong after transacting the procedure of leave country . ─── 按通知集中办理出境手续前往香港飞往墨尔本。

83、When I leave to transact building to take a car, discover my car being stolen, but the police say their aring incapable to this is a dint. ─── 当我离开办公楼去取车时,发现我的车被偷了,警察却说他们对此无能为力。

84、Transact new employees' register, staffs' demission and the procedure of employ and fire. ─── 办理新员工报到、员工离公司及录用退工手续。

85、Together with the technology employed they determine the costs of transacting (and producing). ─── 制度和所采用的技术决定了交易(和生产)费用。

86、As we on the point of transacting some important business with them we should like to know exactly how their credit stands. ─── 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易所以希望事先准确地了解该公司的信用状况。

87、Are you coming to pay the fees or transact other operation? ─── 如何问他是来缴纳话费还是办理其他业务?

88、To transact business with a bank or maintain a bank account. ─── 存款与银行做业务往来或保留银行存款

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