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09-04 投稿



porthole 发音

英:[?p??rtho?l]  美:[?p??th??l]

英:  美:

porthole 中文意思翻译



porthole 短语词组

1、Porthole shovelnose catfish ─── 舷窗铲鼻鲶

2、Porthole Catfish ─── 舷窗鲶鱼

porthole 词性/词形变化,porthole变形


porthole 相似词语短语

1、cornhole ─── vt.与…...进行尾交

2、porthouse ─── 舷窗

3、borehole ─── n.钻孔,井眼;(为探测石油或水)地上凿洞

4、posthole ─── n.[建]柱坑;为插杆在地上所掘的洞

5、postholes ─── n.[建]柱坑;为插杆在地上所掘的洞

6、bolthole ─── n.避难处

7、portholes ─── n.[船]舷窗(porthole复数)

8、bothole ─── 坑洞

9、pothole ─── n.壶穴;vi.探索洞穴

porthole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、porthole extrusion die ─── 分流组合挤压模

2、Several Key Problems of Aluminum Profile Extrusion Porthole Die Design ─── 铝型材挤压分流模设计中的几个关键问题

3、And Bar Zilli, with its curved walls and porthole windows. ─── 而朱莉酒吧有着曲线的墙面和舷窗般的窗户。

4、porthole die ─── 多孔拉拔模异形孔挤压模孔道模

5、CC Oceanview Stateroom with Porthole ─── 舷窗海景客房

6、Porthole effect ─── 孔道效应

7、Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the boats bobbing up and down in the harbor ─── 史密斯用手抹去舷窗内的蒸气,看着港口内浮动的小船。

8、After airplane landing, saw from the porthole the first picture is, a combat transport stops in there, downward unloads a bunch of bunch of tent and the military stretcher. ─── 飞机降落以后,从舷窗看到的第一个景象就是,一架军用运输机停在那里,往下卸一捆一捆的账篷和军用担架。

9、Finally, a mathematical model of the characteristic heat transfer process of the porthole is provided as the spacecraft operates in orbit, and its simplified analytical solution is presente... ─── 最后,对航天器舷窗区域在轨飞行的典型传热变化过程建立数学模型,并给出其简化的理论解。

10、A violent equinoctial gale had come up, which had first staved in a grating and a porthole on the larboard side, and damaged the foretop-gallant-shrouds; ─── 一阵暴风吹来,使船头的左侧和一扇舷窗破裂,并且损坏了前桅绳索的栓柱。

11、He put his head against the porthole window, wedging a pillow into the crack between the window and the seat. ─── 他把头靠在舷窗上,在窗子和座位之间垫上一个枕头。

12、porthole taper slide guide ─── 观察口斜滑板导轨

13、I then made slight adjustments to the horizon, which does not have much effect on the global look but I experimented with what we could see through the porthole and the window. ─── 接下来我稍微调整一下水平线,这样对整体的效果影响不大但是经过我的尝试发现这样的话我们的视线透过舷窗和窗户。

14、jamed herself through the porthole ─── 她强从舱口挤了过去

15、Keywords lacunaris panel;porthole die;numerical simulation;FEM; ─── 多腔壁板;分流组合模;数值模拟;有限元;

16、What is worth mentioning, the astronaut may through the porthole onlooking heavenly body change, look out the blue color the Earth. ─── 值得一提的是,航天员可以通过舷窗观看天体变化,遥望蓝色的地球。

17、Itturns your desktop into a porthole for viewing charming underwater scenes. ─── 该软件把你的桌面变成了用于浏览迷人的海底场景的窗口。

18、The structure and configuration of the porous minerals were discussed, and the porthole effect and surface charge effect were mainly illuminated. ─── 对多孔矿物材料的孔道结构和形态进行了分析,然后对多孔矿物材料的孔道效应和表面荷电效应进行了重点介绍。

19、Porthole Catfish ─── n. 炮眼鲶(美鲶科)

20、His whisper was getting fainter and fainter, and all the time he stared straight out through the porthole, in which there was not even a star to be seen. ─── 他的耳语越来越轻,两只眼睛一直盯着舷窗向外看,可那连一颗星星都没有。

21、porthole swivel plate ─── 观察口转板

22、For Earle, Google Earth's high-tech porthole to the oceans has an urgent import: The seas' health is declining, and less than one percent of the world's marine waters are protected. ─── 厄尔认为,谷歌地球对海洋的高科技探索有着极大的必要性:因为海洋的”健康“状况正在逐步下降,而世界上仅有不到1%的海洋正受到保护。

23、Keywords porthole die;automatic modeling;parameterize; ─── 分流模;自动建模;参数化;

24、Keywords extrusion;FEM simulation;porthole die;die design; ─── 挤压;有限元模拟;分流组合模;模具设计;

25、Sitting up, clutching over her sweater in which she slept, she looked through the open porthole ─── 她坐起来,攥住她睡觉时穿的羊毛衫,通过开着的舷窗向外看。

26、" It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine , " said Schnitzer . ─── “这有点像通过潜水艇的舷窗往里看,”施尼策尔说。

27、porthole; borehole ─── 炮眼

28、The porthole cover forming technology has been analysed and theoretical calculation and simulation verification have been done hence scheme of forming technology and die design done. ─── 分析了装货口盖成形工艺性,并进行了理论计算和模拟验证,由此制定了该工件的成形工艺、模具设计方案。

29、CAD for porthole extrusion die ─── 挤压模CAD

30、B: Opening porthole, lad. Go to sleep. ─── 我在打开舷窗,小妮子。去睡觉吧。

31、Keywords large size aluminum section;porthole die;finite volume method;finite element method;numerical simulation; ─── 大型铝型材;平面分流模;有限体积法;有限元法;数值模拟;

32、The [plain establishes the lower aircraft porthole Aussie continent desert. ─── 首页>>风景名胜>>[原创飞机舷窗下的澳大利亚洲沙漠.

33、Probing into Times of Coal Cutting Revealing when Sampling in Porthole to Determine Methane Contents ─── 对于采用孔口取样方式进行瓦斯含量测定时煤钻屑暴露时间的探讨

34、Through the porthole I looked the length of the ship. ─── 通过舷窗,我把仓船从头至尾扫了一遍。

35、A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. ─── 舷窗内盖一种坚固的百叶窗或厚金属板,系在船的舷窗上或船窗玻璃上,用在暴风雨的天气中

36、I look from porthole, cuba resembles horizontal stroke of one leaf bateau be in the sea of dark blue. ─── 我从舷窗看下去,古巴像一叶小舟横在碧蓝的大海中。

37、porthole glass ─── 观察口玻璃

38、The Application and Simplified Thermal Analysis of the Porthole Thermal Cover Technique for Earth Observation Spacecraft ─── 对地探测航天器舷窗热门技术的应用与传热简析

39、I peeped out the porthole and saw a sea of clouds. ─── 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。

40、This paper presents a new solution and key questions to make a three-dimension model of aluminum extrusion porthole die which can overcome limitation of traditional way. ─── 分析了铝型材挤压分流模传统三维建模方法的局限性和关键问题的解决思路,提出由部分到整体的建模方法,实现了铝型材挤压分流模具三维参数化设计和计算机辅助自动建模。

41、the bolts on governing porthole ─── 调速汽门螺栓

42、porthole compound die ─── 平面分流组合模

43、Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong from the porthole, has turned the head, a face said tranquilly: “Looked! ─── 黄区长官黄金龙从舷窗边,转过头来,一脸平静地说道:“看!

44、The methods of designing and repairing porthole die on large thinckness profile are introduced. ─── 试述大壁厚铝型材分流模的设计和修复方法。

45、Sitting up, clutching over her sweater in which she slept, she looked through the open porthole. ─── 她坐起来,攥住她睡觉时穿的羊毛衫,通过开着的舷窗向外看。

46、A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. ─── 舷窗内盖一种坚固的百叶窗或厚金属板,系在船的舷窗上或船窗玻璃上,用在暴风雨的天气中。

47、a strong shutter over a ship's porthole that is closed in stormy weather ─── 遇到暴风雨天气就关上的、船的舷窗上的一种很坚固的窗盖

48、Keywords numerical simulation,orthogonal experiment,aluminum alloy,porthole die; ─── 数值模拟;正交试验;铝合金;平面分流组合模;

49、Keywords porthole die;Lacunaris panel;numerical simulation;material flow;FEM; ─── 平面分流组合模;多腔壁板;数值模拟;金属流动;有限元;

50、Addtionally, on the basis of the two techniques, the equivalent heat conductance coefficient of the porthole flange in different heat transfer direction is analyzed. ─── 其中,重点对通过热管技术和高导热材料技术来实现等温化进行了说明,并分析了舷窗法兰框在不同传热方向上的等效导热系数。

51、Research on the CAD Key Technology of Extrusion Porthole Die for Aluminium Profiles ─── 挤压分流模CAD关键技术的研究

52、The insert porthole die is such a kind of die that the integral die is divided into a lot of packages,which are bulit up into one at last. ─── 镶片分流模就是把原本整体的分流模分成了多个组件,最后再组装起来的一种模具。

53、It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. ─── 这座洞穴有个像是舷窗般浑圆、漆成绿色的大门,在正中央有个黄色的闪亮门把。

54、Shut the stateroom door and the porthole, please. ─── 请把特别房舱门窗关好。

55、Keywords FEM;numerical simulation;7005 aluminum alloy;porthole die; ─── 有限单元法;数值模拟;7005铝合金;平面分流模;

56、Research in Forming Models of Aluminum Extrusion Porthole Die Automatically ─── 铝型材挤压分流模自动建模探讨

57、A porthole die for forming the aluminum alloy hollow section used in doors and windows was developed.Each structural element of the die and the design requirements was analyzed systematically. ─── 针对建筑门窗铝合金空心型材进行了平面分流模设计,分析了平面分流模的各结构要素及设计要求,并结合实际生产给出了空心挤压型材模具的详细设计方法、设计要点、设计流程。

58、Keywords Mineral materials;Surface effect;Porthole effect;Aquatic environment;Water pollution control; ─── 矿物材料;表面效应;孔道效应;水环境;水污染控制;

59、Keywords aluminum profile;extrusion porthole die;design;key problems; ─── 铝型材;挤压分流模;设计;重要问题;

60、Keywords aluminum alloy section;extrusion;porthole die;die design; ─── 铝合金型材;挤压;平面分流模;模具设计;

61、Development of User's Pictorial Database for Extrusion Porthole Die CAD ─── 挤压分流模CAD用户图库的开发

62、Three-dimensional modeling and finite element analysis to porthole compound dies ─── 平面分流组合模三维实体造型与有限元分析

63、Lacunaris panel extruding process simulation of the porthole die ─── 多腔壁板铝型材分流组合模具挤压过程模拟

64、I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds ─── 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海

65、porthole taper slide ─── 观察斜滑板

66、Russian astronauts have had a lot of automatic docking system is not working through the porthole manual docking success. ─── 俄罗斯航天员曾多次在自动对接系统失灵情况下,通过舷窗进行手动对接获得成功。

67、Development of CAD Object-oriented Database for Porthole Extrusion Die ─── 挤压模CAD系统面向对象数据库的开发

68、Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the boats bobbing up and down in the harbor. ─── 史密斯用手抹去舷窗内的蒸气,看着港口内浮动的小船。

69、Combined with the actual production,insert porthole die is designed. ─── 结合生产实际,研究设计出了镶片分流模。

70、Keywords Aluminum profile;Porthole die;Deformation;Finite element method; ─── 铝型材;分流模;变形;有限元方法;

71、a strong shutter over a ship's porthole that is closed in stormy weather. ─── 遇到暴风雨天气就关上的、船的舷窗上的一种很坚固的窗盖。

72、It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine," said Schnitzer. ─── 这有点像通过潜水艇的舷窗往里看,”施尼策尔说。

73、The main forming process of 7005 aluminum by porthole die is simulated with the FEM(finite element method). ─── 用有限单元法对7005铝合金通过平面分流模成型齿轮泵体型材的主要过程进行了模拟。

74、Porthole livebearer ─── 花鱂

75、FEM Simulation of Extrusion of the Porthole Die and Evaluation of the Die Design ─── 分流组合模挤压的有限元模拟与模具设计评价

76、Keywords aluminum profile;porthole extrusion die;CAD;object oriented;re-development; ─── 铝型材;分流组合挤压模;计算机辅助设计;面向对象;二次开发;

77、Numerical simulation on extrusion process of porthole die for large caliber aluminum tubes ─── 大口径铝管平面分流模挤压过程数值模拟

78、Then, he stuffs the whole bundle into a small metal porthole in the base of the silo wall. ─── 然后,他将这捆东西塞进竖井地底的一个小金属孔道中。

79、And Bar Zilli, with its curved walls and porthole Windows. ─── 而朱莉酒吧有着曲线的墙面和舷窗般的窗户。

80、I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds. ─── 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。

81、The windscreen and side windows are Plexiglas, as is the rear porthole, which provides a great view of the engine, and an okay view of the scenery behind the car through the louvers. ─── 前挡风玻璃及侧窗是树脂玻璃,是后方舷窗,其中一个伟大的引擎,以及一个好鉴于风景背后的汽车通过百叶窗。

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