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09-04 投稿



dislocate 发音

英:[?d?slo?ke?t]  美:[?d?sl?ke?t]

英:  美:

dislocate 中文意思翻译



dislocate 网络释义

vt. 使脱臼;使混乱

dislocate 词性/词形变化,dislocate变形


dislocate 相似词语短语

1、mislocated ─── 位置错误

2、dislocatedly ─── 错乱地

3、mislocates ─── 错误定位

4、dislocating ─── v.使脱臼;扰乱,使混乱;(dislocate的现在分词)

5、dislocates ─── vt.使脱臼;使混乱

6、to dislocate ─── 使脱臼

7、dislocated ─── v.脱臼;弄乱,扰乱(dislocate的过去分词);adj.(器官或部分)脱位的,移位的,离位的

8、mislocate ─── 建立

9、dislocation ─── n.转位;混乱;[医]脱臼

dislocate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life. ─── 它该会有助于消除文盲和疾病,但也会打乱一种传统的生活方式。

2、To put out of joint; dislocate. ─── 使关节脱位;使脱臼

3、Why can fierce dehisce drop tooth dislocate? ─── 猛张口为什么会掉牙脱臼呢?

4、Conclusion When the lens dislocate the anterior chamber,len extraction united anterior vitrectomy should be performed as ... ─── 结论在晶状体脱入前房的情况下,采用晶状体圈套娩出联合前部玻璃体切割效果可靠。

5、Keywords Fracture disloc ation Tuberculosis Tumor Cervical verteb ra Bone grafting; ─── 骨折脱位;结核;肿瘤;颈椎;植骨;

6、My AM Take: Could a dislocated pinkie temporarily dislocate the Lakers? After all, this isn't any pinkie-it is attached to the shooting hand of Kobe Bryant. ─── 科比脱臼的小指可能会暂时影响整个湖人队吗?毕竟,这可不是其他人的小指,这可是属于科比投篮的手。

7、Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway service. ─── 只有罕见的暴雪才会暂时打乱铁路的运行。

8、These protagonists change their confined spaces into infinite ones while they dislocate both their physical spaces and identities. ─── 两位主角来来回回,身分角色不断转移,进而把两个封闭的空间扩展至无限。

9、Carry out to hand over a tax procedure.Result:Hear and hand over 1,000,000, of 1, the chin dislocate. ─── 办理交税手续。结果:听说要交100万,啊的一声,下巴脱臼。

10、dislocate a disk ─── (使)椎间盘突出

11、Can hand dislocate affect the following life? ─── 手脱臼会影响以后的生活嘛?

12、Someone inquire whether would like to donate.Result:Hurry up to shut up the mouth, the chin dislocate incurable but more. ─── 有人询问是否愿意捐赠。结果:赶快闭上嘴,下巴脱臼不治而愈。

13、dislocate v. ─── 使脱臼;

14、My hand the dislocate 4 years ago, did not go to a hospital looking all the time, inactive joint is OK still, but always be no-go, return excuse me can cure? ─── 我的手4年前脱臼了,一直没去医院看,不活动关节还可以,但总是不方便,请问还能医好吗?

15、After we had been shopping, she showed me that she could also dislocate her joints which I found a bit unnerving. ─── 之后,我们一直购物,她给我看,她也可以扰乱她的关节,我发现有点不安。

16、dislocate [disturb] the existing arrangements ─── 打乱了现在的格局

17、Does chronic dislocate have remedial shoulder joint what is advanced method? ─── 治疗肩关节习惯性脱臼有什么先进办法?

18、If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality ─── 你要统治,而且要继续统治,你就必须要能够打乱现实的意识。

19、Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services. ─── 只有非同寻常的大雪才可能暂时打乱铁路运行。

20、The incidents of the plot, declared Aristotle, must be so closely connected that to remove or change the order of any one of them will dislocate the whole. ─── 亚里士多德宣称,情节中的所有事件都必须紧密关联,以至于只要其中一个事件的位置或顺序稍作变动便会扰乱整个剧情。

21、To be sure, I wanted to present the mirror of consumption to consumers without any moral overlay or overview, and by that to dislocate their sense of priorities in art. ─── 当然,我想为消费者提供能真实反映消费的镜子,不带任何道德色彩或观点,通过这么做,打乱他们对艺术主次轻重问题的判断。

22、The shoulder joint can dislocate forward, backward, or downward. ─── 肩关节可以向前脱位、向后脱位或向下脱位。

23、People's work:All right, the absolute protect a joke, the first 2 day, because saw our jokes, there is effervescent nasal discharge, have bowel son twitch of, return have chin dislocate! ─── 民工:没问题,绝对个保个爆笑,前两天,就因为看了我们的笑话,有鼻涕冒泡的,有肠子抽筋的,还有下巴脱臼的!

24、She says the pain in her hip is constant, and "I live every day with the thought that my hip will dislocate again like the other one did. " ─── 她说,“髋关节还是经常会疼,并且每天我都担心髋关节会像上次那样再次脱臼。”

25、dislocate one's ankle, wrist, etc ─── 使脚踝、 手腕等脱臼

26、Many people has asked me if it hurts and especially since I dislocate joints. ─── 许多人问我这会不会很痛苦,特别是我看起来象是脱臼的样子。

27、Method: Made the single coxae dislocate model of twelve rabbits (4 months) via the operation, after 4, 6, 8 weeks, observed the coxae disloc ation and artificial acetabulum form. ─── 方法:将12只4个月龄兔通过外科手术造成单侧髋关节半脱位动物模型,手术后4、6、8周,观察兔髋关节脱位和继发性假臼形成的过程。

28、My son 31 months, by me after pulling dilocation, often how does dislocate of small elbow joint return a responsibility? ─── 我儿子31个月了,被我拉脱臼一次以后,经常小手肘关节脱臼怎么回事?

29、How did she dislocate her shoulder 4 times? ─── 她怎么使她的肩膀四次脱臼?

30、But, this advantage also makes the shoulder an easy joint to dislocate. ─── 但是,这个优势也使肩关节成为容易脱位的关节。

31、They make you lie in this space. The shackles dislocate your hip or your shoulder. You are in pain all the way around the world. ─── 他们让你躺在这里,枷锁会让你的臀部或肩膀脱臼,你正经历着整个世界的痛苦。

32、To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-sighted way of pursuing happiness. ─── 以无理的幻想混淆智力,弄乱正常的情感是一种短视的追求幸福的方法。

33、He decided that, in case of a refusal, he would tear off his bandages, dislocate his collar-bone, that he would lay bare all the wounds which he had left, and would reject all food. ─── 如果被拒绝,他就下定决心扯掉夹板,使锁骨脱臼,把剩下的伤口都敞开不包,拒绝一切饮食。

34、disjoint To put out of joint; dislocate. ─── 使…的关节分离;使脱臼。

35、dislocate one's jaw ─── 使下颔脱臼

36、annul; chance; dislocate; disorder; liquefy; retain; rise; ─── 保留;溶解;取消;使混乱;偶然发生;上升

37、These protagonists change their confined spaces into infinite ones while they dislocate both their physical spaces and identities. ─── 两位主角来来回回,身分角色不断转移,进而把两个封闭的空间扩展至无限。

38、Objective To analyze the causes of early disloc ation after total hip replacement (THR)and discuss its prevention and treat-ment. ─── 目的分析全髋关节置换术后早期髋关节脱位原因,探讨防治方法。

39、You are immune to all snake venoms. You can spend a drama die to dislocate joints and squeeze through an 8 inch square (10.5 inches if large,5 inches if small). ─── 你是免疫所有蛇毒。你能通过把关节错位来通过一个8英寸的空间。(最大10.5英寸,最小5英寸).

40、Dislocator : The wielder of this weapon can attempt to dislocate a designated foe up to three times per day. ─── 击离:该武器的持用者可以每日三次尝试“击离”指定敌人。

41、We know where they are and we know how to dislocate them," he said. ─── 我们知道他们在哪,我们也知道怎么分离他们,”他说。

42、Is this fracture or dislocate? ─── 这是骨折还是脱臼?

43、Humeral joint dislocate aed string of 1 45 days (fracture having a place is in) , why to all carry do not have arm. ─── 肩关节脱臼吊了45天(有点骨折处),为什么没尽抬不起胳膊。

44、Because I have the flexibility of a ceramic tile, I tear both hamstrings, dislocate my head, rupture my spleen (don't ask me why) and crawl home on my hands and knees. ─── 因为我有瓷砖一样的柔软性,我两腿腿筋断裂了,脖子脱臼了,我的坏脾气都出来了(别问我为什么),最后我四肢着地地爬回了家。

45、dislocate a joint ─── 使 (骨的) 关节脱位

46、dislocate, dislocation ─── 脱位

47、Ruling of Law of the Government and the Adjustment of "Dislocate","Offside" and "Defaulted" Phenomenon of The Government Function ─── 政府法治化与政府职能"错位"、"越位"、"缺位"现象的治理

48、dislocate one's shoulder ─── 使one's肩头关节脱臼

49、To make one dislocate his jaw Bones with laughter ─── 令人解颐

50、Only an exceptionally heavy snow fall might temporarily dislocate railway services. ─── 只有非同寻常的大雪才能临时打乱铁路业务。

51、Only an exceptionally heavy snow fall might temporarily dislocate railway services. ─── 只有非同寻常的大雪才能临时打乱铁路业务。

52、Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services. It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong. ─── 除非是特大暴雪才能短期的打乱火车的时刻表(运行)。当有事情出错了也很容易向当局者抱怨。(因此,铁路上真的出了什么事,人们也就不假思索的责备铁路当局。)

53、Just to give an example I can tell you how I feel to dislocate the shoulder in a proper way when you are used to it. ─── 你若照说明来练习,那么你做你所看到的任何姿势你都会感到再自然不过了,和平常并没有什么两样。

54、Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services. ─── 只有非同寻常的大雪才可能暂时打乱铁路运行。

55、Dislocator: The wielder of this weapon can attempt to dislocate a designated foe up to three times per day. ─── 击离:该武器的持用者可以每日三次尝试“击离”指定敌人。

56、The resulting surges in production in the Northwest7 did not immediately dislocate agriculture in the older states8. ─── 18世纪中叶,拓居者们开始越过阿巴拉契亚山脉向西行进。到了1790年,西进队伍己由涓涓细流变成了淙淙小溪。

57、If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality. ─── 你要统治,而且要继续统治,你就必须要能够打乱现实的意识。

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