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crustaceous 发音

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crustaceous 中文意思翻译



crustaceous 短语词组

1、crustaceous Juice ─── 硬壳汁

crustaceous 相似词语短语

1、cetaceous ─── adj.鲸类的;鲸鱼的

2、cistaceous ─── adj.半日花科的

3、rutaceous ─── adj.芸香科的

4、alutaceous ─── 牛皮色的

5、crustacea ─── n.甲壳纲动物;adj.甲壳纲的

6、chartaceous ─── adj.纸制的;如纸的

7、crustaceans ─── n.甲壳类;甲壳纲动物(crustacean的复数)

8、cretaceous ─── adj.白垩纪的;似白垩的;n.白垩纪;白垩系

9、cactaceous ─── adj.仙人掌科的

crustaceous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、testa thin, crustaceous, smooth to reticulate or verruculose, sometimes adaxially invaginated at hilum; ─── 种皮薄,壳质,平滑到网状或者小瘤状,有时正面在种脐凹入;

2、endocarp thinly crustaceous, with concave reticulate wrinkles and some longitudinal grooves, inside smooth; ─── 薄壳质的内果皮,有凹的网状的皱纹和某种的纵向槽,内部平滑;

3、capsules oblate-spherical, ca. 2 cm in diam. , exocarp brown, glabrous, crustaceous, endocarp yellow-white. ─── 蒴果扁球状球形,直径约2厘米,外果皮褐色,无毛,壳质,内果皮黄白色。

4、endocarp thin, fragile crustaceous, outside wrinkled, inside with warty or spinose protuberances penetrating endosperm. ─── 内果皮薄,脆壳质,在外面起皱,里面具瘤状的或具刺突起刺入胚乳。

5、Meeting crustaceous way is " bate " skin. ─── 对付硬皮的办法就是“软化"皮肤。

6、After bubble is sufficient even crustaceous raze, if discover,cut should wrap up with dressing. ─── 泡足后还要把硬皮刮去,如发现伤口要用敷料包扎。

7、episperm crustaceous; ─── 种皮壳质;

8、testa black-brown, crustaceous, distinctly foveolate pitted; ─── 种皮黑棕色,壳质,清楚蜂窝状具洼点;

9、testa crustaceous. ─── 种皮壳质。

10、endocarp thin, fragile crustaceous, outside wrinkled, inside with warty or spinose protuberances penetrating endosperm. ─── 内果皮薄,脆壳质,在外面起皱,里面具瘤状的或具刺突起刺入胚乳。

11、pericarp crustaceous and lustrous. ─── 果皮壳质和有光泽。

12、Meeting crustaceous way is "bate" skin. ─── 对付硬皮的办法就是“软化”皮肤。

13、exocarp crustaceous. ─── 外果皮壳质。

14、Seeds ellipsoid;testa crustaceous; ─── 种子椭圆形种皮壳质;

15、Sepals 5, semiorbicular, 1.5-2 mm, crustaceous, outside apically puberulent, margin membranous and ciliolate. ─── 萼片5,半圆形,1.5-2毫米,壳质,顶部在外面被微柔毛,边缘膜质和具短缘毛。

16、exocarp thinly crustaceous; ─── 外果皮薄壳质;

17、abaxial surfaces convex, crustaceous, narrowly ribbed around margin, sessile. ─── 背面凸,壳质,在边缘,无梗周围的狭窄棱。

18、It is necessary to find other materials to replace copper as crustaceous material of water-lubricated bearing. ─── 迫切需要找出替代铜做水润滑轴承外壳的材料。


20、endocarp crustaceous, with prominent veins forming a reticulate pattern (with faveolate cavities). ─── 内果皮壳质,带有突出脉形成网状(具蜂窝状的洞)。

21、Fruit a septicidal capsule, membranous, leathery, or crustaceous. ─── 果为室间开裂蒴果,膜质,革质,或者壳质。

22、endocarp crustaceous. ─── 内果皮壳质。

23、testa crustaceous, smooth, with spot-stripes. ─── 种皮壳质,光滑,带有点条纹。

24、Seeds many;testa somewhat hard or crustaceous; ─── 种子多数种皮稍坚硬或脆骨质;

25、Pericarp thinly crustaceous. ─── 果皮薄壳质。

26、upper lemma crustaceous, strongly plano-convex, 1/2 length of lower floret, densely pubescent. ─── 壳质,强烈平凸的上面外稃,1/2段更低的小花,密被短柔毛。

27、testa crustaceous, cotyledons succulent. ─── 壳质的种皮,多汁的子叶。

28、Seeds globose;testa crustaceous, with a fleshy coat. ─── 种子球状壳质的种皮,有的一肉质种衣。

29、stigma capitate.Fruit globose or obovoid, coriaceous, crustaceous, or chartaceous, ribbed or tuberculate, without sticky glands. ─── 柱头头状果球状或倒卵球形,革质,壳质,或纸质的,棱或具瘤,没有发粘的腺体。

30、testa thinly crustaceous; ─── 种皮薄壳质;

31、exocarp fragile, crustaceous. ─── 外果皮脆,壳质。

32、crustaceous lichen ─── 壳状地衣

33、styles 2.Androgynophore short.Capsule cylindric or ovoid, crustaceous, dehiscing with 4 teeth. ─── 花柱2雌雄蕊短蒴果圆筒状或卵球形,壳质,开裂具4齿。

34、capsules oblate-spherical, ca. 2 cm in diam., exocarp brown, glabrous, crustaceous, endocarp yellow-white. ─── 蒴果扁球状球形,直径约2厘米,外果皮褐色,无毛,壳质,内果皮黄白色。

35、exocarp dry, crustaceous, dehiscing by a longitudinal fissure or separating into 2 fragments along back and front; ─── 外果皮干燥,壳质,通过一条长度裂缝或者沿着背面和正面分成2个碎片开裂;

36、Seed vertical;testa crustaceous, puncticulate; ─── 种子垂直种皮壳质,具小点;

37、On finger needle after the injury that be plunged into by the small Cha in glass, why good later does that one skin become crustaceous? ─── 手指尖上被玻璃杯里的小碴扎伤后,为何好了之后那一片皮肤变成硬皮了?

38、Achene ovoid, slightly compressed, with lustrous and crustaceous pericarp, enclosed by dry persistent perianth. ─── 卵圆形的瘦果,稍压扁,有有光泽和壳质的果皮,藏于干燥的宿存花被。

39、epicarp crustaceous; ─── 外果皮壳质;

40、Seeds ovoid;testa crustaceous, with thin fleshy coat. ─── 种子卵球形壳质的种皮,有薄的肉质种皮。

41、outer layer black, shiny, crustaceous; ─── 外部层黑色,发亮,壳质;

42、Fruit a septicidal capsule, membranous, leathery, or crustaceous. ─── 果为室间开裂蒴果,膜质,革质,或者壳质。

43、crustaceous thallus ─── 壳状地衣体

44、Cupules grouped together in cymes on rachis but often many aborted, corky, horny, woody, or crustaceous, completely or partly enclosing nut; ─── 壳斗在轴上聚伞状,但是通常很多中止发育,木栓质、角质、木质,或者壳质,完全或者部分包围坚果;

45、The hard-skinned or crustaceous animals, like the crawfish, swim by the instrumentality of their tail-parts; ─── 硬皮动物,像是小龙虾,通过它们的尾部进行游动;

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