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08-18 投稿


algorism 发音


英:  美:

algorism 中文意思翻译



algorism 短语词组

1、algorism algorithm ─── 算法

2、a cipher in algorism ─── 算法中的密码

3、cipher in algorism n. ─── 零,傀儡

algorism 相似词语短语

1、allegorise ─── 寓言

2、algorismic ─── 算法论

3、algorithms ─── n.[计][数]算法;算法式(algorithm的复数)

4、amorism ─── n.谈情说爱

5、aphorism ─── n.格言;警句

6、allegorist ─── n.讽喻家,寓言作家

7、rigorism ─── n.严格主义;严格

8、algorithm ─── n.算法,运算法则

9、algorisms ─── n.[数]阿拉伯数字系统;十进位计数法

algorism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the plant specifics and control algorism are effectively discussed. ─── 同时对控制对象特性及控制算法进行了有益的探讨。

2、The proper leakage localization domain was derived by using the inequality.The numerical algorism for leakage point localization was improved. ─── 由不等式推导出准确的泄漏点搜索区间,改进了泄漏点定位的数值计算方法。

3、Several methods for oversampling of current measurement signal are introduced, for example, algorism filter, etc. ─── 介绍电流测定信号的过采样的几种方法,例如十进制滤波器等。

4、The model introduced genetic algorism into SVM, so it can adaptively adjust kernel parameters of SVM and obtain exact image information. ─── 该算法将遗传算法引入支持向量机中,在自学习的过程中,能够自动调整SVM的核参数,获取准确的图像信息。

5、Application of ALGOR in Structural Calculation of High-Pile Wharf ─── ALGOR软件在高桩码头结构计算中的应用

6、It is a difficult task to parallelize the existing sequential algor ithm. ─── 对已有的串行算法进行并行化,是一项很困难的工作。

7、Initial thermo-deformation has been calculated by using finite element software 'ALGOR'. ─── 初始热变形曲线是应用有限元软件ALGOR计算获得的。

8、Thirdly, the text bring out the construction of DSS for THPP, and presents the implementation of the main algorism and the chief part of the system. ─── 然后本文提出了THPP决策支持系统的总体结构,并介绍了系统中主要算法以及关键模块的实现。

9、It means that the feasibility of this numerical coupling algorism to the indentation problem is verified in this study. ─── 且具相符之裂缝生、衍趋势,将此耦合机制运用于贯切试验,并与理论解进行比对后亦得良好之对应,证实耦合机制之可行性。

10、In the part of character recognition, the author proposes recognition algorism which based on BP neural network, and it achieved successful. ─── 在字符识别部分,提出了基于BP神经网络的识别算法用于车牌字符识别,并得以实现。

11、Implementation of algorism of complex control is one of the hot research for technique of motion controller implementation. ─── 复杂控制算法实现,是目前运动控制器实现技术研究的一个热点。

12、The above equation and Archie equation can be solved together with DFPBFS,an optimization algor... ─── 经处理大庆油田三口密闭取心井测井资料表明该方法效果良好。

13、Searching Optimized Disassembly Sequences by Ant Algorism ─── 基于蚂蚁算法的拆卸序列优化

14、The algorithm RSA based on the numberic theory is one of the best encryption algor ithm p ublic - key cryptosystems. ─── RSA算法是基于数论的公开密钥密码体制,是公开密钥体制中较优秀的加密算法。

15、This article has set forth the method to simplify the amount of calculation in combining the interval algor... ─── 本文讨论了在一般算法的前提下,提出了利用区间算法结合力学知识可以简化计算量的方法,并通过实例证明该方法是可行的。

16、Numerical algorism ─── 数值解

17、Playfair algorism ─── Playfair算法

18、storing algorism ─── 排序算法

19、A multiple images superposition algorism is introduced based on the properties of the pictures imaged by the designed optical system. ─── 针对无衍射光成像系统的成像特性,提出了多幅图像叠加法。

20、A topological algorism of tearing technology for large scale network analysis is provided,by use of adjoining matrix method,the optimized results,which the tearing branchs are minimum,may guaranteed. ─── 对大规模网络分析的撕裂技术提出了一种拓扑算法,该法借助图论中邻接矩阵,理论较简单,但效果简捷有效,保证获得撕裂支路数最少的最优结

21、The article explains the principle and algorism of the forecast model of public transport demand based on the maximum entropy principle. ─── 探讨了基于最大熵原理的公共交通需求预测模型的原理与算法。

22、A Study on Common Rate of Oil Tank Feeding Algorism in Reservoir Blocks ─── 油藏区块通用进罐率算法研究

23、Abstract: The network traffic data is chaotic, and in traditional chaotic forecasting algorism, the Euclid distance is used to measure correlation between phase points in phase space. ─── 摘 要: 网络流量数据表现出一定的混沌特性,而在传统的混沌预测算法中,使用欧氏距离衡量相空间中相点间的相关性。

24、A new tracking algorism for single detector compound axis was presented and realized based on realtime trajectory correcting. ─── 提出并实现了基于实时预测轨迹修正的单检测型复合轴控制方法。

25、The so-called aloof cabinet was a cipher in algorism . ─── 第一届责任内阁失败后,在继任内阁问题上出现了超然内阁。

26、Ms.Gordon,I'm pleased to present Algor Tang from London.Mr.Tang is one of our foremost clients and will be visiting our factory this afternoon. ─── “戈登小姐,我很高兴向你介绍伦敦来的阿葛尔.唐先生。唐先生是我们最重要的客户之一,今天下午要去我们工厂参观。

27、Keywords mumerical control system;micro interpolator;miniature interpolating algorism; ─── 数控系统;微型内插器;微小插值算法;

28、By quasi-static test and finite element ALGOR program, the experimental research under low-cycle repeating horizontal load and finite element analysis were made. ─── 摘要通过拟静力试验以及有限元ALGOR程序,对顶底角钢连接节点进行了低周反复荷载作用下试验研究和有限元分析,研究了顶底角钢连接节点的破坏形式、受力性能。

29、The studies include development of generating system of 12-lead synchronous abnormal ECG waveform database,wavelet based QRS complex detection algorism and waveform analysis. ─── 建立了 12导联同步心电异常波形数据库生成系统 ,并在此基础上研究了 12导联心电图实时分析与基于小波变换的QRS波自动识别算法。

30、ALGOR software ─── ALGOR软件

31、algorism instruction ─── 算法教学

32、The Study of Resonant Soft Switch Control Based on the Algor ithm of Novel Neural Network ─── 基于改进型神经元算法的谐振软切换控制的应用研究

33、The main causes of algor covered surgery,analgesia,blood loss and environmental factors. ─── 发生主要原因为手术、麻醉、失血和环境因素等。

34、tour construction algorism ─── 环路构造算法

35、Self-adjusting crossover and mutation rate are used and the initial population and population size are determined based on space division in this algorism. ─── 为此,本文提出一种基于空间分割的遗传算法及初始种群产生和种群数量确定方法,并根据有关文献,提出一种自适应交叉、变异率方法。

36、The gradient algorism is developed to extract the defect signal.The variation of signal amplitude and gradient is used as the standards of the defect assessment. ─── 提出了提取缺陷信号特征的梯度算法,用信号幅度和梯度值的变化作为缺陷估计标准。

37、4. This paper presents a method of automatically retagging morpheme words using CLAWS (constituent-likelihood automatic word-tagging system) algorism with a semantic vector model. ─── 就语素字的再分类做了深入的研究,借鉴CLAWS算法,并在它的基础上引入了语义向量来辅助词性的自动标注。

38、The experimental results show that the algorism proposed has good performance, and it is simple and effective. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法简单有效,对视频渐变镜头具有良好的识别性能。

39、Based on Algor Program to Rubber Belt Model Imitate Analysis ─── 基于Algor软件对带式输送机输送带模型的模拟分析

40、Experience in using one of the following programs would be advantage: PLS-TOWER, PLS-CAD, StaadPro, Sap2000, Midas, Midas, and Algor. ─── 申请者需拥有工程方面的第一学位,譬如结构工程,土建,机械或者电力工程;拥有硕士学历者优先。具有中国设计院相关工作经验者更佳。

41、Probability Algorism for Attributes Reduction in Incomplete Information System ─── 不完备信息系统下的一种概率属性约简算法

42、By debugging the software, the paper reaches correct conclusion, and proves the feasibility of the algorism. ─── 通过软件调试,得到了正确的波形,验证了该算法的可行性。

43、Through the interface between VC++ and MATLAB, wavelet de-noising function of MATLAB is called for the algorism for de-noising.The experiment for the virtual instrument has been performed. ─── 在信号消噪算法上,根据VC++与MATLAB之间的接口,通过MATLAB计算引擎调用MATLAB小波消噪函数,使应用程序整体性能更好,处理效率更高。

44、Holographic data storage system data page alignment using magnification compensation algorism ─── 体全息存储系统读出图像的放大率的补偿算法研究

45、According to the characteristics of load system, the PID algorism is proposed. ─── 根据加载系统的特点,引入了经典的PID控制算法。

46、Since the ID3 algorism has obvious advantage on attribute screening, the algorism so as to get a simplified financial index system was modified in this paper. ─── 利用决策树算法在筛选属性方面的优势,对传统ID3算法进行了改进,建立了一个精简的财务指标体系。

47、clone selection algorism ─── 克隆选择算法

48、Keywords ball mill charge;self-tuning;study on the algorism; ─── 磨机负荷;自适应;算法研究;

49、Abstract Since the ID3 algorism has obvious advantage on attribute screening, the algorism so as to get a simplified financial index system was modified in this paper. ─── 摘要利用决策树算法在筛选属性方面的优势,对传统ID3算法进行了改进,建立了一个精简的财务指标体系。

50、It designs an algorism of searching and matching among those diagnosis methods, shows an application. ─── 最后给出了具体的应用实例。

51、In the part of character recognition, the author proposes recognition algorism which based on BP neural network, and it achieved successful. ─── 在字符识别部分,提出了基于BP神经网络的识别算法用于车牌字符识别,并得以实现。

52、By the model, we may further conclude that the 0.618 method (optimum seeking method) is the most rapid convergence algorism for interval of search tending to zero. ─── 利用建立的对称截去模型,证明0.618法(优选法)是最快的算法。

53、By using neureal net technique B-P algorism,summing up various data of comprehensive logging can solve the problem of low accurate rate for identifying oil,gas,water zones. ─── 利用神经网络技术B-P算法,把综合录井的多种数据综合起来,来解决过去油、气、水层判别准确率不高的问题。

54、composite algorism ─── 复合算法

55、It makes the system run safe. This paper describes the algorism of CRC check and the algorism we adopted improves the veracity of data and the efficiency of system . ─── 本文阐述了CRC校验算法,所采用的算法提高了数据的准确性和系统效率。

56、Objective To explore the causes of post C-sect algor and the nursing countermeasures. ─── 目的探讨剖宫产产妇术后寒战的原因及护理对策。

57、Keywords gas pipe;intelligence control;conceptual design;BP algorism;Intersecting curve;plasma-arc cutting; ─── 燃气管道;智能控制;概念设计;BP算法;相贯线;等离子切割;

58、An example is also given to verify the algorism,and from the TCA result it is proved that the transformation based on the reference point is reliable. ─── 最后给出了计算实例以验证本文方法理论和算法的正确性,其TCA分析结果表明,这种以参考点为基础的转换方法是完全可靠的。

59、And more, a software package to implement the evaluating algorism is made. ─── 现场工程数据评估结果显示:该算法可对设备的潜伏性故障,作出准确预测。

60、Correlation factors of post Caesarean section algor and the nursing countermeasures ─── 剖宫产产妇术后发生寒战的相关因素及护理对策

61、The paper introduces a simulated test of the strut expansion and axle pressure of expansion concrete in steel pipe with common finite-element software ALGOR. ─── 利用通用有限元软件ALGOR,对钢管膨胀混凝土短柱膨胀和轴压实验进行模拟,并与结构试验结果比较分析,得出结论。

62、Improved Sifting Algorism of Eratosthenes ─── 改良的Eratosthenes筛法

63、In the chapter 3, Algor FEAS (also called Super SAP), a commercial FEM software is introduced; ─── 第三章简要介绍了大型有限元软件SAP91;

64、Application of Negative Selection Algorism in Network Intrusion Detection ─── 否定选择算法在网络入侵检测中的应用

65、Study on wavelengh allocation algor ithm and its optimization of WDM all optical networks [J].J Tsinghua Universi ty, 1998, 38(9): 4346. ─── WDMA光网优化及波长分配算法的研究 [J]. 清华大学学报, 1998, 38(9): 4346.

66、Keywords survivability;diversity;emergency response and disaster recovery;schedule algorism;TDM method;distributed dynamic backup; ─── 关键词生存能力;多样化;应急响应与灾难恢复;调度算法;TDM方法;分布式动态备份;

67、An Algorism of Miller Impedance and the Further Investigation on Miller Network Variability ─── 密勒阻抗的一种算法和密勒网络变异性的进一步探讨

68、An Optimum Algorism for Making Dot-matrix Hologram ─── 一种制做点阵全息图的优化算法

69、Dijkstra Algorism ─── Dijkstra算法

70、FE-Safe, MSC Fatigue, nCode,ADINA, HyperWork, Algor, COSMOS... ─── 学习经验技术资料交流园地.

71、One kind of theories of adaptive noise cancellation filter with referent channel based on Least Mean Square (LMS) algorism is discussed in this paper. ─── 本文讨论了一种带有参考通道的自适应环境噪声滤波器原理,该滤波器采用最小均方误差(LMS)算法。

72、Keywords pipeline;optimal running;PSO algorism;study; ─── 管道;优化运行;微粒群算法;研究;

73、algorism principle is introduced, and four different modes of the algorithm are given. ─── 介绍了算法原理,并给出了四种不同模式的算法公式。

74、Keywords Three Gorges reservoir;water quality model;finite cell algorism;MATLAB; ─── 三峡水库;水质模型;有限单元算法;MATLAB;

75、Application of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algor ithm in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design and Control ─── 多目标演化算法在混合电动车设计和控制中的应用

76、artificial immune algorism ─── 人工免疫算法

77、AGM algorism ─── AGM算法

78、Calculation of Coal Consumption of Boiler with Coal Dust-bin System-An Exploration of New Algorism of Boiler Positive Heat Balance Efficiency ─── 具有中间粉仓制锅炉的入炉煤量计算--锅炉正平衡效率新算法的探索

79、cipher in algorism ─── n. 零, 傀儡

80、Simulation results show that the algorism performs better than LEACH in economize on energy and load balance. ─── 实验结果显示,该算法本算法在节能、负载平衡方面比LEACH有一定程度的提高。

81、core point location algorism ─── 参考点定位算法

82、Transfer of Expression Evaluation Algorism in Data Construction ─── 数据结构中实现表达式求值算法的巧妙转换

83、Unsuitable crossover and mutation rate can cause the same problem.For these reasons,an improved genetic algorism is presented in this paper. ─── 初始种群或交叉、变异率选择不当,将增加迭代次数,甚至直接导致算法陷入局部最优解。

84、algor mortis ─── 尸冷

85、Using CORA-3 algorism of pattern recognition and Fesherls discriminant function, the 38 historical earthquake areas and 22 areas needed to be identified for earthquake risk are classified and predicted. ─── 利用图象识别的CORA-3算法与费歇尔判别函数,对华北历史上已发生的38次地震和22个待预测区进行了分类和预测。

86、A new tracking algorism for single detector compound axis was presented and realized based on realtime trajectory correcting. ─── 摘要提出并实现了基于实时预测轨迹修正的单检测型复合轴控制方法。

87、The analysis of static, dynamic and random vibration is carried out by using the ALGOR FEAS. ─── 利用有限元分析软件 AL GOR FEAS对其进行了静态、自由振动和随机振动分析 ;

88、negation selection algorism ─── 否定选择算法

89、Study on the Algorism of Orbit Determination and Optimization in the Doppler Measurement System ─── 多普勒跟踪测轨算法及测轨优化方法研究





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