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08-21 投稿


inosculation 发音

英:[[?n??skj?'le???n]]  美:[[?n??skj?'le???n]]

英:  美:

inosculation 中文意思翻译



inosculation 短语词组

1、inosculation planting ─── 嵌合体种植

2、inosculation trees ─── 融合树

3、inosculation leaf ─── 嵌合叶

4、inosculation wikipedia ─── 融合维基百科

5、inosculation beer ─── 融合啤酒

6、inosculation meaning ─── 融合意义

inosculation 词性/词形变化,inosculation变形

动词第三人称单数: inosculates |动词现在分词: inosculating |动词过去式: inosculated |名词: inosculation |动词过去分词: inosculated |

inosculation 相似词语短语

1、inoculations ─── n.[医]接种;接木;接插芽

2、inosculating ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

3、reinoculation ─── n.[微]再接种

4、interosculation ─── n.互相结合

5、osculation ─── n.密切;接吻;接触

6、anovulation ─── n.停止排卵

7、inoculation ─── n.[医]接种;接木;接插芽

8、insulation ─── n.绝缘;隔离,孤立

9、inoccupation ─── n.无职业

inosculation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The inosculation of "virtual" and "realism" will constitute a new pattern of people's living and development. ─── 虚实交融将构成未来人类生存和发展的新方式。

2、the inosculation of regular higher education and higher vocational education ─── “两教”融通

3、The Compact Inosculation Modes of Technology Capital of Science Research Institution and Industry Capital ─── 科研机构技术资本与产业资本的深层融合模式研究

4、The Inosculation between the Value Choice of the Government's Performance Evaluation and the Harmonious Society ─── 政府绩效评估价值与和谐社会的契合

5、Methods 6 cases (6 eyes) with Marcus Gunn jaw-winking syndrome caused by congenital disposition were received surgical treatment of high position levator palpebrae muscle severance and combined frontal muscle valve inosculation. ─── 方法 marcus-Gunn综合症6例全部采用上睑提肌高位断离联合额肌瓣吻合手术。

6、Results The new LIS realized the total inosculation of LIS and HIS and the connect ion method of different communication modes on many serial communication devices. ─── 结果:新型LIS系统的网络建设方案能够实现LIS与HIS数据库的完全融合和多台串口检验仪器不同通讯模式的连接方式。

7、A scheme of inosculation between master of ceremony or player and virtual scene in virtual studio ─── 虚拟演播室中节目主持人或演员与虚拟场景融合的一种技术方案

8、This paper analyzes the newest CT and MR products and compares their new technology and clinical application.The development of image inosculation technology is also briefly discussed. ─── 通过分析各主要生产厂家最新型号的CT和MR产品,并对其新技术及临床应用进行研究比较,并简要说明图像融合技术的发展。

9、operation of inosculation under the aorta of left chest notches is also simple and safe with the fewest complications. ─── 左胸切口主动脉弓下吻合,手术简便安全并发症最少。

10、Love is the flame of the life, the sublimation of friendship and the inosculation of hearts.If the feeling of humankind can be classified into several levels, love must belong to the highest one. ─── "爱情是生命的火花, 友谊的升华, 心灵的吻合. 如果说人类的感情能区分等级, 那么爱情该是属于最高的一级。"

11、8.The perfect inosculation and streamline design agglomerate the smart mind and show the exalted tang. ─── 拥有有完美的吻合度及流线型的外观设计,凝聚了智慧心思,尽显尊贵气息。

12、The third part of the paper analyzes the transformation of form of the novels briefly in two ways: the inosculation of realism and modernism, the use for reference to the folk narration. ─── 第三部分简单分析了新世纪小说形式方面的两种变化:现实主义与现代叙事精神的融合、叙事的民间化。

13、With the inosculation and development of modern communication, multimedia and high speed connected network techniques, brings the broad-band revolution. ─── 随着现代通信、多媒体和高速网络互联技术的融合与发展,引发了宽带革命的到来。

14、Keywords casting;waveform key;waveform groove;riveting and inosculation; ─── 铸件;波形键;波形槽;铆击;嵌合;

15、Effect of Target Inosculation Condition on the Anti-Penetration Property of Ceramic Composite Armour ─── 连结状况对陶瓷复合装甲抗弹性能的影响

16、The inosculation of education among peoples and the communication among nations also began then.All these had exerted great influences on the education of the Dynasties of Sui and Tang. ─── 以及昌盛发达的私学教育和自由博涉的学风、民族教育的融合与国际文化教育的交流等,对后世都产生了深远的影响。

17、The oviduct inosculation operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation. ─── 输卵管吻合术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。

18、The Compact Inosculation Modes of Technology Capital of Science Research Institution and Industry Capital ─── 科研机构技术资本与产业资本的深层融合模式研究

19、The Dimension of Education on History of Science: Cultural Inosculation Between Science and Humanism ─── 科学史教育的向度:科学文化与人文文化的融合

20、During designs for rebuilding and continuation, there are succession and even more creation in inosculation of traditional and modern building. ─── 尤其在改扩建文化建筑的创作中,融合传统与现代的方法有继承,更有多种多样的创造;

21、The paper implemented the inosculation and applied these technologies to the development of the training system Successfully.This will benefit the other related research and system development. ─── 文中实现了这些技术的有机融合,并成功应用到潜水器教控系统的开发中,对相关系统的研究和开发具有实际参考价值。

22、Esophago -gastroanastomesis by delaminating inosculation with three leaf clamp ─── 三叶钳辅助食管胃分层吻合

23、The contact head comprises a first inosculation surface, and the lens bearing body comprises a second inosculation surface. ─── 该接触头具有一第一吻合面,该透镜承载体具有一第二吻合面。

24、Mechanical inosculation ─── 机械吻合

25、oviduct inosculation operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation. ─── 输卵管吻合术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。

26、Intensify Know-ledge Inosculation and Bring up Undergraduate's Innovation Ability ─── 加强学科融合培养大学生的创新能力


28、This paper analyzes the newest CT and MR products and compares their new technology and clinical application. The development of image inosculation technology is also briefly discussed. ─── 摘要通过分析各主要生产厂家最新型号的CT和MR产品,并对其新技术及临床应用进行研究比较,并简要说明图像融合技术的发展。

29、The oviduct inosculation operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation. ─── 输卵管吻合术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。

30、Inosculation of Industry and bipolar Application ─── 产业融合与双极应用

31、Equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have a tendency to information inosculation and preventive maintenance and fault prediction.And it is prospected in the paper. ─── 对现场数据进行各种数据分析和处理,进行故障预测,实现预知维修是设备状态监测和故障诊断的发展方向,本文对此作了展望。

32、similarity and inosculation ─── 相似与融合

33、The Hehuang culture has been developing within itself multiplicationand in the inosculation with other cultures of China. ─── 摘要河湟传统文化是在其自身繁衍和中华民族其他文化的融合下发展起来的。

34、Keywords Esophaged neoplasms;Digestive system;Mechanical inosculation;Peroperative complications; ─── 食管肿瘤;消化系统;器械吻合;手术后并发症;

35、Using the methods of literature, logic analysisetc., the author analyzes and researches on the inosculation of Wushu Culture and leisure life. ─── 摘要运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法武术文化与当代休闲生活的融合进行分析和研究。

36、And the calculation method has a good inosculation with the popular calculation method in practice. ─── 实例计算表明该方法与现在流行的计算方法有较好的吻合。

37、Talking about the Vocational Qualifications Standard and the Vocational Education Inosculation ─── 论职业资格标准与职业教育的融通

38、Inosculation and development--Reflection of contemporary museum design ─── 融合与发展--当代博物馆建筑设计的思考

39、The manufacture of waveform key and waveform groove and the method of inosculation have to comply strictly with production process. ─── 对于波形键与波形槽的加工制造及其嵌合都要严格的按一定生产程序进行。

40、inosculation of blood vessels ─── 血管的自然吻合

41、Discuss on the Inosculation Nationality Traditional Games with National Exercise and the Chance of Development ─── 论民族传统体育与全民健身活动的融合及发展契机

42、Secondly, grotto art is the reappearance of inosculation of real living scene in the religious area and different times of China. ─── 其次,石窟艺术又是佛教境地与中国不同时代真实生活情景融合的再现。

43、civil-military inosculation ─── 军民融合

44、Laugh show unique beauty of each tribe, strengthen world people's innermost friendships, push inosculation. ─── 笑可以展示各民族特有的美丽,增进世界人民的内心深处的友谊,促进世界人们的融合。

45、I tried all I could to seek the traits of past, in order to pursuit the inosculation, as miracles, even if we just used to meet in one point, enter into the same restaurant, sit by each other? ─── 我拼命寻求往事中的蛛丝马迹,以求奇迹般的吻合,哪怕我们只是曾经在某一点上相遇。在同一个餐馆出入,坐的是临桌?

46、strengthened layer and matrix is metallurgic combination. ─── 强化层与基体的结合为冶金结合。





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