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08-21 投稿


cartel 发音

英:[kɑ?r?tel]  美:[kɑ??tel]

英:  美:

cartel 中文意思翻译




cartel 常用词组

drug cartel ─── 贩毒集团

cartel 短语词组

1、productive cartel ─── [经] 生产性垄断, 生产能力卡达尔

2、drug cartel ─── 贩毒集团

3、production cartel ─── [经] 生产联合企业, 生产联合

4、international cartel ─── [经] 国际卡特尔

5、cartel ship ─── [法] 战时交换战俘的运送船

6、Medellin cartel ─── [网络] 南美毒枭;哥伦比亚麦德林集团

7、aggregated rebate cartel ─── [法] 全体联合之卡特尔

8、price stabilization cartel ─── [经] 稳定价格卡特尔

9、cartel price ─── [经] 卡特尔价格

10、price cartel ─── [经] 价格协定

11、regional cartel ─── [经] 地区卡达尔, 地区垄断

12、Cali cartel ─── [网络] 卡利集团;卡利贩毒集团

13、trade cartel ─── [经] 贸易卡特尔

14、conditions cartel ─── [经] 企业联合条件, 卡特尔条件

15、import cartel ─── [经] 进口卡特尔

16、export cartel ─── [经] 出口卡特尔

17、oil cartel ─── [网络] 石油联盟

18、profit sharing cartel ─── [经] 利润分享卡达尔

19、income sharing cartel ─── [经] 利润分享卡达尔

cartel 词性/词形变化,cartel变形


cartel 相似词语短语

1、cartels ─── n.卡特尔;联合企业(cartel的复数)

2、carter ─── n.马车夫;n.(Carter)(美)卡特(人名)

3、artel ─── n.(俄)合作社;n.(Artel)人名;(西)阿特尔

4、carrel ─── n.研习间,小阅读室;小书房,小室

5、carpel ─── n.心皮

6、carted ─── n.二轮运货马车;vt.用车装载;vi.驾运货马车;用运货车运送;n.(Cart)人名;(法)卡尔;(英、芬)卡特

7、carcel ─── 卡索(旧时法国的光度单位);n.(Carcel)人名;(法、西)卡塞尔

8、Martel ─── n.战槌;n.(Martel)人名;(德、英、法、西、葡)马特尔

9、carte ─── n.(法)菜单;地图;(苏)纸牌;n.(Carte)人名;(法、英)卡特

cartel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cartel officials have said they would likely wait to make a decision until they meet again next month. ─── 卡塔尔官员曾称他们愿意等下决定直到下个月他们再次见面。

2、Some Gurista and Angel Cartel NPCs had incorrect stats, such as damage, resistance and speeds. These have been adjusted to be in line with other NPC groups. ─── 一些古斯塔斯和天使联合企业NPC的属性数值有错误,例如:伤害、抗性、速度等。这些错误数值已经修正。

3、enterpriser's cartel ─── 企业家的联合

4、Khelil said OPEC may meet again before the cartel's planned gathering in Algeria in December and it may cut prices yet again before the year is out. ─── 克利勒表示,欧佩克成员国12月份按计划在阿尔及利亚集会,但之前可能还会再次会面,而且在今年年底前可能还会减少石油产量。

5、Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy. ─── 专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。

6、A plane crashed in Mexico kills the country's second most powerful man after the president, a heavy blow to the country's battle against drug cartel s. ─── 墨西哥一飞机失事,仅次于总统的第二实权人物死亡,对该国的反对药物联合企业的战斗造成重重一击。

7、Cartel uses Allport and the Austria baud described that the vocabulary takes his research beginning, the wish promulgates some quantity being suitable, the basic special characteristic dimension. ─── 卡特尔使用奥尔波特和奥波特的形容词表作为他的研究起点,想要揭示出一些数量适宜的、基本的特质维度。

8、To the extent that dollar-holders act like an informal cartel, then the biggest dollar-holders will set an example. ─── 在某种程度上,美元的持有者,特别是那些持有最多美元的人,的行为像是一个非正式的卡特尔。

9、Cartel members may defect by behaving competitively ─── 卡特尔的成员国由于进行竞争而会出现背叛。

10、Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid. ─── 在搜捕中,警察捕获了五名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒。

11、international oil cartel ─── 国际石油卡特尔

12、On one hand they are asked to produce more, on the other one, Washington and Brussels are telling the cartel 'we are betting on biofuels and we don't want to rely on you '. ─── 一方面,人们要求它们增产,另一方面,美国和欧盟又在告诉欧佩克:'我们把赌注押在了生物能源上,我们不想依赖于你们。'"

13、Cartel is producing goods of similar companies in order to monopolize the market and high profit margins in commodity prices, production and marketing agreements and the formation of the alliance. ─── 卡特尔是生产同类商品的公司为了垄断市场和获取高额利润,通过在商品价格、产量和销售等方面订立协定而形成的同盟。

14、Chinese cartel meets standing vice-president Comrade Chen Chong to led delegacy of couplet of Chinese look forward to attend this meeting, it is this print compose this article. ─── 中国企业联合会常务副理事长陈重同志率中国企联代表团出席了这次会议,并为本刊撰写此文。

15、Russia upped the ante in its faceoff with the West by proposing 'extensive cooperation' with the OPEC oil cartel, an idea that would stir concerns among big oil-consuming countries like the U.S. ─── 俄罗斯提议同石油输出国组织(OPEC, 简称:欧佩克)开展广泛协作,这将在与西方对峙时增加砝码,同时也会引发美国等石油消费大国的担忧。

16、How long you worked for the Barranquilla cartel? ─── |你为巴伦奎拉组织工作多久了?

17、conditions cartel ─── [经] 企业联合条件, 卡特尔条件

18、Not quite two years ago, oil was $10 a barrel and the cartel was on the brink of collapse. Now the oil price is well above $30 a barrel, and it shows little sign of coming down. But history warns against such hubris. ─── 不到两年前,石油价格为10美元一桶,欧佩克还面临崩溃的边缘。现在油价已达30美元一桶,并且没有丝毫下降的迹象。但是历史告诉他们不能盲目乐观。

19、cartel price-fixing arrangement ─── 卡特尔定价协定

20、But signs are everywhere in Tamaulipas that cartel leaders are ready to return to business as usual as soon as the soldiers leave. ─── 但在塔毛利帕斯,随处可见毒品组织头目准备一旦士兵们离开就重操旧业的迹象。

21、If the price of a basket of seven OPEC crudes stays below $22 for 20 trading days, the cartel is supposed to cut production by 500.000 barrels a day. ─── 如果七个成员国的原油价格在20个交易日一直低于22美元,敬佩克将把每日的产量消减50万桶。

22、They include the usual suspects, namely government, big telecommunications companies, and what I call the copyright cartel of entertainment companies. ─── 其中包括我们通常嫌疑的政府,大型电信公司,还有被我称为版权企业联盟的娱乐公司。

23、As the cartel's oil ministers gather in Vienna on September 10th to hammer out new production quotas, they are once again under intense pressure to release more oil, and fast. ─── 九月十日敬佩克各成员国的石油部长们将在维也纳召开会议制定新的生产配额计划,他们将会再次面临尽快增加石油产量的巨大压力。

24、State prosecutors blamed the murders on rival drug factions, including members of the Arellano Felix drug cartel. ─── 国家检查官将谋杀归咎于贩毒集团间的火拼,其中包括阿雷利亚诺费利克斯贩毒集团的成员们。

25、allocation cartel ─── 分配卡特尔

26、Traditionally, in order to keep prices high, OPEC has reined in its own production, allowing competitors outside the cartel to expand their output at its expense. ─── 传统上,欧佩克为了保持油价坚挺,会采取限制各成员国产量的做法。然而这种做法却为欧佩克外的竞争者提供了扩大石油产量的机会。

27、Thoughts on the Cartel Power Plant Price ─── 发电商价格卡特尔之思考

28、On Bush's watch the country was flooded with cocaine form the Medellin cartel. ─── 在布什任内,美国充斥来自麦德林犯罪组织的可卡因。

29、Willingness to conserve oil reserves is a force upholding cartel discipline, even without a formal output-cutting agreement ─── 保存石油储量的意愿即使在没有削减产量的正式协议下也是一种能维护卡特尔纪律的力量。

30、Product Differentiation and Cartel Stability ─── 产品差异与卡特尔维持

31、Cartel pricing is compatible with market economy, and is also prohibited by law. ─── 卡特尔"联合定价是与市场经济不相符的,更何况为制度、法律所不允许。

32、“The declaration will be a statement on oil relations as seen by Opec,” said one cartel source, referring to a draft of the statement. ─── 一位欧佩克方面的消息来源在谈及声明草案时表示:“此项宣言旨在从欧佩克立场出发,阐明石油关系。”

33、A Study on Cartel Exemption System in Anti-Monopoly Law ─── 反垄断法中卡特尔豁免制度研究

34、Two decades ago, in the year of the cartel's 20th birthday celeb rations, ministers gathered in Indonesia to hammer out details of a clever new scheme: ─── 二十年前欧佩克20周岁的时候,部长们在印度尼西亚召开会议,制定了一项聪明的价格计划。

35、The news agency Yonhap reported that a player found dead in his hotel roomhad left a note in which he referred to a match-fixing cartel. ─── 据韩联社报道,死在酒店房间里的球员留下一份遗书,提到了假球联盟。

36、collusive oligopoly Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── 勾结性垄断参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

37、When the same effect is produced by an agreement among several firms, the group of firms is called a cartel. ─── 由多个公司组成的协议联盟,被称之为“卡特尔”的组织也会带来同样的效应。

38、specialization cartel ─── 专业化卡特尔

39、16.A cartel is a group of companies that produce similar products and act collectively to restrain competition in manufacturing and marketing. ─── 卡特尔是指生产相近产品的厂商共同采取行动限制制造和销售中的竞争的厂商集合。

40、conditions of cartel ─── 卡特尔条件

41、Since the European Cup brought in clubs other than the champions in 1992, only Everton, in 1995, have disturbed the Cup-winning cartel of Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. ─── 1992年欧洲杯改革以来只有1995年的埃弗顿击败了切尔西、阿森纳、曼联和利物浦获得杯赛冠军。

42、Marketing Channel Distributor Alliance Contract Mechanism Design Based on Cartel Model ─── 基于卡特尔模型的营销渠道分销商联盟机制设计

43、History may now be repeating itself. When the current price-stabilization scheme was first unveiled, punters with short memories placed big bets that the cartel would adhere to it. ─── 历史现在或许将重演。新版的固定价格计划一经披露,健忘的人们就相信欧佩克会遵循这一计划。

44、Not quite two years ago, oil was $10 a barrel and the cartel was on the brink of collapse ─── 不到两年前,石油价格为10美元一桶,敬佩克还面临崩溃的边缘。

45、income-sharing cartel ─── 利润分享卡特尔

46、An armed gang has broken into a jail in northern Mexico and freed more than 50 prisoners, thought to be members of the powerful drug cartel. ─── 一群武装分子闯入墨西哥北部监狱,释放了50多名犯人。相关部门认为这些歹徒是势力强大的毒品卡特尔成员。

47、The biggest question is what price the cartel is prepared to defend. ─── 卡特尔准备应对的最大的问题还是价格问题。

48、It follows calls by several Opec members for the cartel to comply with existing quotas by trimming output. ─── 在此之前,一些欧佩克成员国呼吁该组织通过削减产量,来遵守现有配额。

49、price cartel ─── 价格协定价格卡特尔

50、He acted as a frontman for a drugs cartel. ─── 他给一个毒品集团当掩护。

51、But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive, since it can give the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel. ─── 但帕里什说,通过行业协会发布一致看法有可能适得其反,因为这容易使人们将烟草业看成垄断企业联合体。

52、The higher the price set by Cartel, the greater will be the incentives for Cartel members to cheat and raise their own output. ─── 卡特尔定的价格越高,就会越发强烈地刺激卡特尔成员国作弊和增加产出。

53、As it has several times in the past, OPEC is now calling on other big exporters outside the cartel to help curtail supply to stem the crash in prices. ─── 如以前曾经发生的几次一样,欧佩克目前正呼吁非欧佩克石油出口大国帮助降低供应量,以便遏制油价的暴跌。

54、But in the long run,due to institutional defects of "New Bretton Woods System",the"Cartel" formed by Asian countries to finance US will be disintegrated. ─── 但从长期来看,新布雷顿森林体系由于自身存在的制度性缺陷,最终会导致亚洲国家组建的对美融资“卡特尔”走向分裂。

55、a drug cartel, some cockroaches and a happy ending complete with deus ex machina. ─── 几场刑求戏,一个贩毒集团,几只蟑螂以及圆满的大结局,连机器神都不缺。

56、The Price Cartel ─── 价格卡特尔

57、Figure 10. 2 portrays a monopoly or cartel that has managed to extract maximum profits from its buyers. ─── 图10-2展示了一个想方设法向其买主榨取了最大利润的垄断集团或卡特尔的情况。

58、Restrictive conditions for export cartel exemptions are set not to affect domestic market, nor to restrict international trade, and are of uncertainties to some extent. ─── 出口卡特尔豁免的限制性条件主要为不影响本国市场和不限制国际贸易,具有一定程度的不确定性。

59、regional cartel ─── [经] 地区卡达尔, 地区垄断

60、The daily average oil prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) set a new record of 105.73 U.S.dollars per barrel (dpb) on Tuesday, the Vienna-based cartel said Wednesday. ─── 基于维也纳的企业联合在星期三说,星期二石油输出国组织的每日平均油价创新记录达105.73美无每桶。

61、(Explicitly) collusive oligopoly An oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── (明显的)勾结性垄断由几家厂商串通一气并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

62、Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace. ─── 通过卡特尔进行的正式价格垄断,以及通过涵盖行业成员的协议进行的非正式价格垄断,都是司空见惯的。

63、Oil traders have been largely sceptical about the cartel carrying out the three output cuts totalling 4.2m barrels a day it announced since September. ─── 众多石油交易员一直怀疑,欧佩克是否会贯彻其自去年9月份宣布的3次减产累计达每日420万桶的决定。

64、Instead this cartel among women did not break down until women began to gain financial independence from men. ─── 反而是女人们的这一联盟,只要女人们得从男人那里获得经济独立它就不会被打破。

65、But members of the cartel signalled they might reduce output later this year to limit any further fall in world oil prices. ─── 但欧佩克成员国表示,它们可能在今年晚些时候削减产量,以抑制国际油价进一步下跌。

66、tariff cartel ─── 两国间税则条约

67、The IEA even warned of the possible formation of a cartel for natural gas. ─── 国际能源机构甚至警告称,可能会形成一个天然气垄断组织。

68、But, in reality a cartel is just a cooperative arrangement by which different producers make efforts to homogenize their products and to make them substitutable one for the other. ─── 但是在现实中一个卡特尔只是一个合作协议,不同的生产商协力使他们的产品同质化,相互可替代。

69、anti-depression cartel ─── 反萧条卡特尔

70、Thus a "moderate" price policy promotes stability of the cartel at the same time that it does not push consumers into alternative market channels. ─── 因此,一个“温和的”价格政策在促进卡特尔稳定的同时,又不致于驱使消费国家改换市场渠道。

71、If the price of a basket of seven OPEC crudes stays below $22 for 20 trading days, the cartel is supposed to cut prod uction by 500,000 barrels a day. ─── 如果七个成员国的原油价格在20个交易日一直低于22美元,欧佩克将把每日的产量削减50万桶。

72、On one hand they are asked to produce more, on the other one, WashingtonBrussels are telling the cartel 'we are betting on biofuelswe don't want to rely on you [Opec]'. ─── 一方面,人们增产,另一方面,美国和欧盟又在告诉欧佩克:'把赌注押在了生物能源上,不想依赖于你们。'"

73、Analysts say the cartel's resolve may be fraying in part because of its success in boosting oil prices back to about $60 a barrel today, up from the $32-low they hit in February. ─── 分析师表示,欧佩克减产决心之所以可能正在瓦解,部分原因是因为它已成功将油价从2月份的每桶32美元低点,重新提升至当今的每桶大约60美元。

74、The trading of LNG is fast maturing as well, providing a possible opening for a cartel. ─── 同时,LNG贸易也迅速成熟起来,这也为天然气联合体的成立提供了一个机会。

75、On one hand they are asked to produce more, on the other one, Washington and Brussels are telling the cartel we are betting on biofuels and we don t want to rely on you [Opec] . ─── 一方面,人们要求它们增产,另一方面,美国和欧盟又在告诉欧佩克:我们把赌注押在了生物能源上,我们不想依赖于你们。"

76、There is no liberal justification for licensing doctors; it results in inferior care and a medical cartel. ─── 医生执照是不能随意认证的,否则会导致糟糕的医疗和医疗机构卡特尔行为。

77、The Financial Times described it as a "Cross between a frustrated cartel and a pipe dream." ─── 《金融时报》把它描绘成一个“失败的卡特尔”和白日痴梦相结合的杂种。

78、“The declaration will be a statement on oil relations as seen by Opec,” said one cartel source, referring to a draft of the statement. ─── 一位欧佩克方面的消息在谈及声明草案时表示:“此项宣言旨在从欧佩克立场出发,阐明石油关系。”

79、Salpukas, A."An Oil Outsider Revives a Cartel. ─── "一个石油业外行人唤醒一个卡特尔.

80、16 kinds of personaltity factors of Cartel ─── 卡特尔十六种人格因素

81、international cartel ─── 国际卡特尔

82、Understanding of the data encryption methods used by the Angel Cartel and its allies. ─── 关于天使企业和他的盟友使用的数据密码技术方法的理解。

83、Drug cartel assassins cut off his head. ─── 贩毒组织割掉了她的头。

84、Cartel Electronics Co., Ltd. is engaged in telephone and multimedia professional audio manufacturers. ─── 卡特尔电子有限公司是从事电话机和多媒体音响的专业生产厂家。

85、Practice of export cartel exemptions needs international cooperation in competing policy.In WTO system, legitimacy of export cartel differs from country to country significantly. ─── 出口卡特尔豁免需要各国在竞争政策方面进行国际合作,在WTO体制内,各国对出口卡特尔的合法性问题存在着重大分歧。

86、But the cartel has a mixed record in trying to stop sliding prices by cutting supply, especially in the face of a strong recession. ─── 但欧佩克以减产手段阻止油价下滑并非屡屡奏效,尤其是在经济出现严重衰退时。

87、Cartel: A group of firms that has entered into a collusive agreement to restrict output and increase prices and profits is called a cartel. ─── 卡特尔:达成限制产量并提高价格与利润的勾结协议的企业集团称为卡特尔。

88、collusive oligopoly: Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── 勾结性垄断:参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

89、At the cartel's meeting in March, ministers quietly agreed to a grand new plan to keep oil within a target band of $22-28 a barrel ─── 在敬佩克三月的会议上,部长们通过了一个宏大的计划,试图把油价控制在每桶22-28美元之间。









温妮莎,隶属特务组织"凌机关"的特工,KOF2000奉组织命令和K'、马克西马组队参赛,并藉此机会调查N.E.S.T.S.,Zero Cannon开炮摧毁复制ZERO的基地后,和罗蒙两人逃出生天。和赛斯之间为同事关系,经常为罗蒙对自己的热情追求而烦恼,KOF2001接受监视八神庵的新任务,赛后被八神说破目的后,三人和八神动起手来。KOF11接受哈迪伦委托再次参赛,赛后前往佣兵组织的军舰向哈迪伦报告遥彼的调查结果。于2017年拳皇14的2.0版本更新中作为DLC人物再次登场,广大玩家对她还是比较熟悉的。




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