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minim 发音

英:['m?n?m]  美:['m?n?m]

英:  美:

minim 中文意思翻译



minim 网络释义

n. 量滴(液量最小单位);极小的东西;二分音符adj. 最小的;微小的

minim 词性/词形变化,minim变形


minim 短语词组

1、minim 2 ─── 最小2

2、minim pipette ─── [医] 滴液 ─── [量]管

3、minim app ─── 最小应用程序

4、minim tiny ─── 极小 ─── 极小

5、dotted minim ─── 附点二分音符

6、minim time ─── 最小

7、minim ant ─── 最小

8、minim nh ─── 最小

minim 相似词语短语

1、mini ─── n.迷你型;微型汽车;超短裙(同miniskirt);adj.微型的;袖珍的;abbr.微型汽车(minicar);微型计算机(minicomputer);n.(Mini)(印、美、巴)米尼(人名)

2、minicom ─── n.[计]小型计算机

3、minima ─── n.极小值(minimum的复数);最小数

4、minicam ─── n.小型摄像机,迷你摄像机

5、minimal ─── adj.最低的;最小限度的

6、mini- ─── n.迷你型;微型汽车;超短裙(同miniskirt);adj.微型的;袖珍的;abbr.微型汽车(minicar);微型计算机(minicomputer);n.(Mini)(印、美、巴)米尼(人名)

7、minium ─── n.[矿物][中医]铅丹,红铅;朱砂色

8、minis ─── n.迷你裙(mini的复数);微型计算机

9、minims ─── n.量滴(液量最小单位);极小的东西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

minim 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、amplification function to minim ─── 微小放大

2、1.A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver. ─── 半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。

3、minim pipette ─── [医] 滴液[量]管

4、Degree holder in Computer Science or equivalent ? At least 5 years working experience in ERP system ? Minim...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市瑞川人力资源有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-2

5、but for the subsidized product imported from a developing country (region), minim subsidy refers to one whose amount is below 2% of the value of the product. ─── 但是,来自发展中国家(地区)的补贴进口产品的微量补贴,是指补贴金额不足产品价值2%的补贴。

6、Componential Analysis of Minim Contents in the Balance Health Salt ─── 平衡保健盐中微量成分的分析

7、a-Terthienyl exists widely in composite plants, but its content is too minim to be detected usually. ─── 三联噻吩是广泛存在于菊科植物中的一种光活化物质,但含量较低,一般很难检测。

8、Some minim elements of plant oils could influence theferment, e. g. sesame of sesame oil. ─── 另外,植物油中含有的某些微量组分对赤霉素发酵有较大影响,例如芝麻油中的芝麻酚。

9、The paper deals with the method of using the minim um matrix polynomial to compute negative power matrix polynomial. ─── 本文介绍了利用矩阵最小多项式计算负指数矩阵多项式的具体方法。

10、Determination of Minim Methanol in the Industrial Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid ─── 工业浓盐酸中微量甲醇的测定

11、The Application of Minim ally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting through Anterior Thoracotom y in High Risk Patients ─── 左胸微创径路冠状动脉搭桥术在高危患者中的应用

12、Thus the whole note or semibreve has no stem, but the relative duration of the half note or minim, half the length of the whole note is indicated by the addition of a stem. ─── 因此全音符没有符干,二分音符(全音符长度的一半)的时值,用在全音符上加一条符干来表示。

13、This paper describes a new minim Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter (minim ESWLter)using a B-ultrasonic location system. ─── 本文介绍了一种新型的使用B型超声波检测仪定位的小型化体外冲击波碎石机。

14、Determination of Minim Mercury Ion in Industrial Sewage via Alternating Oscillopolarography ─── 用交流示波极谱法测定工业废水中的微量汞

15、LI Zaitian.Make use of the gas chromatography method to measurate the minim atrazine in the soil[J].Environmental Monitoring in China,2005,21(2):20-21. ─── [1]李在田.气相色谱测定土壤中微量阿特拉津[J].中国环境监测,2005,21(2):20-21.

16、Qing Dynasty purifies makeup water to contain the papaya zephyr pear that abstracts from nature two kinds of ferment, the alcohol of minim can achieve better clean result. ─── 清净化妆水含从大自然提炼的木瓜和风梨两种酵素,微量的酒精能达到更好的清洁效果。

17、000 blog comments, PR minim 2, you must make quality comments not spammy comments, most of worker for last project did spammy comments. ─── 000博客评论,公关微量2,必须使质量的意见没有垃圾评论,大多数工人没有垃圾的最后一个项目的意见。

18、Thus a dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets. ─── 半音加符点,时值等于三个四分音符。

19、The examination of the minim epithelia of lip cell on cup brim ─── 杯口边缘附着微量口唇脱落细胞的检验

20、Gumprecht H,Ebel GK, Auer DP, et al.Neronavigation and function MRI for surgery in patients with lesion in eloquent brain areas. Minim Invasive Neurosurgery2002;45:151-53. ─── 江涛,陈新忠,谢坚,等.功能区胶质瘤的术中直接电刺激判断核心手术技术。中国微侵袭神经外科杂,2005;10:148-50.

21、Study on Macro Porous Nitro-Resin of the Removal of Minim Thiol in Light-Gasoline ─── 硝基型大孔树脂用于脱除轻质汽油中微量硫醇的研究--静态吸附

22、Compared with other sensors, this sensor has many advantages such as high sensitivity, small dimension and minim liquid sample, etc. ─── 与其他传感器相比,该传感器具有灵敏度高、结构尺寸小、所需液体量少等优点。

23、InchoateDiabeticNephrosis does not have clinical albuminuria, ability of method of only useful and radiative immunity detects a minim albuminuria. ─── 早期糖尿病肾病无临床蛋白尿,只有用放射免疫方法才能检测出微量蛋白尿。

24、Hydrogen-storage Characteristics of Microcrystalline Mg Containing Minim Co Element ─── 含有微量钴的微晶镁的储氢性能研究

25、The progress in the analysis and determination of minim germanium which including absorptiometric analysis, atomic spectrophotometry and polarographic method etc. was introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍了近几年微量锗分析测定方法的研究进展,叙述了用于微量锗分析测定的吸光光度法、原子光谱分析法、极谱法及其他等分析方法,并分别进行了评述;

26、Through quantitative and SEM analysis, the minim zinc was found remaining on the surface of weld and the zinc thickness on the heat-affected zones appeared gradient. ─── 定量及SEM分析表明,焊缝中表面只残留少量锌,在焊缝两侧的热影响区,锌层厚度呈梯度分布。

27、V paid for his late with painful expense, I estimated that he has never known he came to Minim's like this, haha! ─── 为他的迟到付出了惨痛的代价,估计他这辈子也无法忘记自己第一次是怎么去的马克西姆餐厅,哈哈!

28、Keywords turpentine;minim total sulfur content;microcoulometry; ─── 松节油;微量总硫含量;微库仑法;

29、Development of Filtrate Characteristics Experimental Device for Minim Suspended Impurity in Jet Fuel ─── 喷气燃料中微量悬浮物的过滤分离装置的研制

30、The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay instrument use a new oxidation and deoxidation system.The minim immunoassay becomes a new stage of automatization,speedy,stable and more larger linear range. ─── 电化学发光免疫分析仪器,采用一个新的电化学发光氧化还原反应系统,使微量免疫分析走向全自动化、快速、检测稳定、线性范围宽的新阶段。

31、rests me his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk button, a duellist, a duellist; ─── 他跟人打起架来,就像照着乐谱唱歌一样,一板一眼都不放松,一秒钟的停顿,然后一、二、三,刺进人家的胸膛;

32、Opinion on the function and meaning of minim material evidence to criminal spy ─── 微量物证及对刑事侦查工作的作用和意义之管见

33、1. Male; 25-45 years old, healthy; 3-4 years experience for NDT testing (minim 2 years). ─── 25岁到45岁;身体健康;三至四年,最低两年无损检测相关工作经验;

34、3) The minster is from the fishing sector and he is likely to adopt policy to support the price of Peruvian fishmneal. such as minim bans. ─── 3)这位部长来自于渔业部门,他会采用各种政策来支持秘鲁鱼粉的价格,例如小规模的禁捕等。

35、Keywords low-Cr white cast iron;modification;inoculation;minim alloyable technique; ─── 低铬白口铸铁;变质处理;孕育处理;微合金化;

36、Rapid Determination of Minim Copper in Newly Acidic Bright Tin- Copper Alloy Plating Bath ─── 新型酸性光亮镀锡铜合金液中微量铜的快速测定

37、United States minim ─── 美国量滴

38、(Special Exposure Hazards):Croat carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide cyanide steam and minim prussic acid. ─── 灭火时可能遭遇之特殊危害:一氧化碳、二氧化碳。

39、Reverse flow injection chemiluminescence for determination of minim formaldehyde ─── 反向流动注射化学发光测定微量甲醛

40、Keywords minim;gallium;analysis;progress.; ─── 微量;镓;分析;进展;

41、Al2O3 moisture sensor is a new type water sensor, which can measure minim water.There is very important application in the drying process of the materiel and in the monitor &measurement of the milieu. ─── 氧化铝湿度传感器是一种新型的测量微量水分的传感器,在物料干燥和环境湿度监测中都具有重要的应用。

42、The unloading process for long32 is simulated with numerical method by dividing wellbore into minim cell. ─── 通过将井筒分成微小单元体,对隆32井卸载过程进行了数值模拟。

43、RLOSM Reduced Longitudinal Separation Minim ─── 减小的最小纵向间隔

44、minim element Se ─── 微量元素硒

45、Keywords Infectious mononucleosis Minim albumen Renal damage; ─── 传染性单核细胞增多症;微量蛋白;肾功能损害;


47、minim contamination ─── 微污染

48、minim albumen measurement ─── 微量蛋白测定

49、Master minim equipment list. ─── 主最低设备清单;

50、Group B was made use of minim pump pumped Urapidil and increased the rate of Savoflurane as the primary step of the surgery in order to make the MAP reduce 30-40%. ─── 甲组术中未采取任何降压措施,乙组在手术主要操作时泵注压宁定、加大吸入七氟烷使患者平均动脉压(MAP)下降30-40%。

51、Keywords minim elemen;surface corrode;immersed; ─── 微量元素;瓷层表面腐蚀;浸析;

52、Job qualification: technical school, major automotive, minim 2 years automotive factory working experience, 2 years driving experience, Good knowledge of automotive, basic English ─── 技校或大专院校毕业,汽车专业,至少2年汽车制造企业工作经验,2年以上汽车驾驶经验,良好的汽车概念知识,基本英语技能

53、Using Iodide Kalium Ultraviolet Spectrophoto-metric to Measure Minim Nitrous Acid Silver ─── 碘化钾紫外分光光度法测定水中微量亚硝酸根

54、Keywords Hydro-metallurgy;Minim Ag and Pd;Agglomeration;Adsorption;Recovery; ─── 湿法冶金;微量钯银;凝聚;吸附;回收;

55、the minim total sulphur content ─── 微量总硫

56、The vitamin that exists with natural state is minim ground consist in only in natural food. ─── 以自然状态存在的维生素只是微量地存在于天然食物中。

57、minim elemen ─── 微量元素

58、Job qualification: technical school, major automotive, minim 2 years automotive factory working experience, 2 years driving experience, Good knowledge of automotive, basic English ─── 技校或大专院校毕业,汽车专业,至少2年汽车制造企业工作经验,2年以上汽车驾驶经验,良好的汽车概念知识,基本英语技能

59、urine minim protein ─── 尿微量蛋白

60、Keywords minim element Se;physiologic function;supply Se scientific; ─── 微量元素硒;生理作用;科学补硒;

61、Thus the duration of a half note or minim is half that of a whole note or semibreve. ─── 半音的时值是全音的一半。

62、The provision that contains minim tantalum has: Yeast of egg, sesame seed, liver, kidney, beer, malt, water chest nut, Yi benevolence, water chestnut, lily, yam, tea. ─── 含有微量金属元素之食品有:蛋、芝麻、肝、肾、啤酒酵母、麦芽、荸荠、薏仁、菱角、百合、山药、茶叶等。

63、This paper describes a new minim Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter (minim ESWLter)using a B-ultrasonic location system. ─── 本文介绍了一种新型的使用B型超声波检测仪定位的小型化体外冲击波碎石机。

64、The results show that (1) The silt of Sanxia of the Yangtze River in Chongqing is mainly composed of silicolites and quartz, containing Fe and Ti in small quantity and Yt, Yb and Sc in minim quantity. ─── 研究表明:长江三峡重庆段淤砂是以硅质岩屑及石英为主,含有少量铁和钛,微量的稀土钇、镱及钪等成分。

65、The experimental wastes in half minim qualitative analysis methods are few, but its component is complex and toxicity large. ─── 摘要半微量定性分析法的实验废弃物数量少,但成分复杂、毒性大。

66、Discussion on Technical Solution for minim injection of Pilot Diesel in Dual Fuel Engine ─── 双燃料微喷技术及方案设计探讨

67、Modern medicine research indicates that honeysuckle contain chlorogenic acid, flavonoid substance, lonicerin, cyclohexanehexol, minim naphtha and so on. ─── 现代医学研究表明:金银花含绿原酸、黄酮类物质、忍冬甙、肌醇及微量挥发油等。

68、Separating minim oil and suspension whose specific gravity less than water out from the sewage through floatation, sedimentation velocity of the mud will be increased evidently. ─── 将污水中的微量油和部分悬浮物通过气浮使其浮出水面,提高污水中污泥沉淀速度,出水清澈;

69、minim pump ─── 微量泵

70、Minim 3-year quality experience in automotive field. ─── 至少3年汽车行业质量经验。

71、Keywords the minim total sulphur content;sorbent with low sulphur;microcoulometry; ─── 微量总硫;低硫吸附剂;微库仑仪;

72、minim pipett ─── 滴液量管

73、A Study of the Reflecting Spectrum Characteristic of a Minim Oral Mucosa ─── 口腔黏膜微区反射光谱特性的分析

74、A half rest or minim rest indicates absence of sound for the duration of a half note or minim. ─── 二分休止符表示半音时值的声音中断。

75、Even if the sexual excitement of minim, can allow the man immediately excited. ─── 即使是微量的性刺激,都能让男性立刻兴奋。

76、Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Minim o-Phenanthroline Hydrate by the System Methylene Green and Potassium Bromate ─── 次甲基绿-溴酸钾体系催化光度法测定微量邻菲罗啉

77、The core of the new technique of producing high quality low-Cr white cast iron is combining modification,inoculation and minim alloyable technique, which are affected each other. ─── 优质低铬白口铸铁生产新工艺其核心就是将变质处理、孕育处理、微合金化技术三位一体,互为作用。

78、The Application of Minim Input Pump in Convulsion Stage with Purulent Meningitis ─── 微量泵在小儿化脓性脑膜炎抽搐期的应用

79、6.With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump, the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines. ─── 开展了微量流速止痛泵临床观察血液中止痛药物浓度的研究。

80、Those minim nutritive elements' contents wane obviously ,such as quickly availablephosphor, Kalium Potass, Boron ,etc; ─── 土壤速效性磷、钾、硼等大量、微量营养元素含量明显亏缺;

81、Availability Assume on Takeing Minim Element from Ceramic Glaze ─── 摄取瓷釉中微量元素的有益设想

82、The alcohol of minim can achieve better clean result. ─── 微量的酒精能达到更好的清洁效果。

83、minim pipet ─── 滴液量管, 滴液吸管

84、minim moisture ─── 微水

85、crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in written music. ─── 八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。

86、607.ActiveX Control to Set Maximum and Minim - Add this control to your form and set the max and min properties. ─── 在你的窗体上增加这个控件,并设置它的最大和最小属性。

87、A Study on the Surface Color Characteristic and Reflecting Spectrum of a Minim Skin ─── 皮肤微区反射光谱及颜色特性的研究

88、The viscosity of HAP solution would decrease greatly with minim of cationic surfactants,non-ionic surfactants and complex surfactants respectively. ─── 微量阳离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂和复合型表面活性剂均能使HAP溶液粘度大幅度降低。

89、The cost controller should periodically review the maximum and minim inventory. ─── 成本经理应定期查看最多及最少存货量。


mini 英['m?n?] 美[?m?ni] n. 袖珍型的东西; 微型汽车; 微型电脑; 迷你短裙; adj. 袖珍的,微型的; (裙) 超短的; [例句]He had his first car at sixteen, a Mini, which he souped up and crashed.他16岁的时候有了第一部车,是一部迷你车,被他改装后撞坏了。[其他] 复数:minis


mini 英['m?n?] 美[?m?ni] n. 袖珍型的东西; 微型汽车; 微型电脑; 迷你短裙; adj. 袖珍的,微型的; (裙) 超短的; [例句]He had his first car at sixteen, a Mini, which he souped up and crashed.他16岁的时候有了第一部车,是一部迷你车,被他改装后撞坏了。[其他] 复数:minis

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