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08-21 投稿


clacking 发音

英:[?kl?k??]  美:[?kl?k??]

英:  美:

clacking 中文意思翻译




clacking 短语词组

1、clacking teeth ─── 咬牙切齿

2、clacking definition ─── 咔嗒声定义

3、clacking beads ─── 嘎 ─── 嘎作响的珠子

4、clacking noise ─── 咔嗒声

5、clacking fan ─── 嘎 ─── 嘎作响的风扇

6、clacking shoes ─── 嘎 ─── 嘎作响的鞋子

clacking 词性/词形变化,clacking变形

动词过去式: clacked |动词过去分词: clacked |动词现在分词: clacking |名词: clacker |动词第三人称单数: clacks |

clacking 相似词语短语

1、clicking ─── n.微小静电干扰声;v.点击(click的ing形式);发出滴答声

2、blacking ─── n.黑色涂料(尤指鞋油);炭粉;v.使变黑,弄脏;把黑油彩抹在……上;黑屏;(旧)抵制(black的现在分词)

3、claching ─── 抓

4、clucking ─── v.(母鸡)咯咯叫;(表示遗憾或不赞成)发咯咯声;用舌头发出咯咯声的噪音;大惊小怪;n.(母鸡的)咯咯叫声;(人表示烦恼的)咕哝声;(非正式)笨蛋;n.(Cluck)(美)克拉克(人名)

5、clocking ─── v.为……计时(clock的现在分词)

6、clanking ─── v.(大型金属撞击时)发出叮当声(clank的现在分词)

7、cacking ─── 咯咯叫

8、chacking ─── 查克

9、clecking ─── 咯咯声

clacking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、batterfly clack ─── 蝶形瓣

2、All I could hear was the steady clacking of a solitary typewriter. ─── 我所能听到的一切是一部孤零零的打字机不断发出的噼啪声。

3、pressure clack ─── 压力瓣

4、air inlet clack valve ─── 进气瓣阀进气活门

5、"Doubt I'll feel nothin." But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw. ─── "没事。"他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。

6、suction clack ─── 吸瓣

7、Keywords Proportional solidification technology;Valve clack steel casting;Shrinkage;Investment casting; ─── 均衡凝固;阀瓣铸钢件;缩松;精密铸造;

8、inlet clack ─── 吸入瓣

9、All I could hear was the steady clacking of a solitary typewriter. ─── 我所能听到的一切是一部孤零零的打字机不断发出的噼啪声。

10、clack box ─── n. 瓣阀箱

11、You want me to clack that jaw, make you go nigh-nigh? ─── |你想叫我,把你的嘴闭上是吗?

12、A New Valve Clack Structure ─── 一种新型阀瓣结构

13、Keywords laser cladding;nuclear valve clack;plasma cladding;high temperature wear; ─── 激光熔覆;核阀阀瓣;等离子熔涂;高温磨损;

14、The spirit of the place impressed itself on her in a rough way. She did not venture to look around, But above the clack of the machine she could hear an occasional remark. She could also note a thing or two out of the side of her eye. ─── 这地方的环境给她粗鲁的感觉。她并不敢朝四周东张西望,但在机器的咔嚓声中,她偶尔听到了一些人们的谈话声,从眼角梢她也注意到一两件小事。

15、Application of Proportional Solidification Technology in Investment Cast Valve Clack Castings ─── 均衡凝固技术在精密铸造阀瓣类铸件上的应用

16、The clack of knitting needles,a typewriter ─── 织针、打字机的啪嗒声.

17、The cold-press manufacture for the clack of orbicular tank ─── 球罐瓣片冷压成型

18、45.He seemed rather annoyed at having to bother with such help, but put down her name and then led her across to where a line of girls occupied stools in front of clacking machines. ─── 他似乎因为得跟这种帮工打交道很不高兴,但还是记下了她的名字,然后带她来到一排咔嚓咔嚓响着的机器前,那里一长排女工正坐在机器前的凳子上干活。

19、H. L. Clack Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

20、You should always avoid your driver “bottoming”, resulting in a loud “clack”! ─── 你应该避免你的驱动到顶,导致刺耳的咔哒声!

21、Is clacking away on a laptop while sprawling on bed sheets more comfortable and productive than hunching over a desk? ─── 在床上敲笔记本电脑比伏在书桌前工作更舒适、效率更高吗?

22、The relationship between the thermal physical and mechanics properties with the silver impregnated carbon graphite clack seat and bushing materials and thermal shock divisor was discussed. ─── 讨论分析了浸银碳石墨阀座和衬套材料的热物理及力学性能同热震因子的关系。

23、Treatment for Valve Clack of Valve Pulled out and Valve Non-switched ─── 主蒸汽系统阀门阀瓣脱落及开关不动的治理

24、" But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw. ─── 他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。

25、With clack of firecrackers, we realized that Zengrui was gone for ever. 19 persons attended the funeral comprising much more regardful voices, while the poet would never say a word. ─── 辟噼啪啪的竹节暴响声,提醒我们曾睿永远地走了。十九个送葬的人们,代表着很多关心的声音。而诗人已经无语。

26、The treatment of Children comminuted fracture by craniotomy with bone clack pedicle skin flap ─── 带蒂骨瓣开颅治疗儿童颅骨凹陷粉碎性骨折

27、Take notes, but try to do it on paper, not with the clacking of the laptop keys resounding in the speakerphone.If you must use your laptop, mute6 the microphone until you need to be heard. ─── 及时做好会议记录,最好记在本子上,但是如果想将会议内容敲在电脑上,一定要切记一点,在没有轮到自己发言的时候请将麦克关闭,否则你敲键盘的噼啪声会被别人听到;

28、exhaust clack ─── 排气瓣排气活门

29、butterfly clack ─── 蝶形瓣蝶形活门

30、A fellow of the Linnean Society, Clack's outside interests include choral singing (particularly of early sacred music) and gardening. ─── 克拉克是林奈学会的成员,她的兴趣还包括合唱(尤其是早期圣歌)与园艺。

31、S. legal system /edited by george clack. ─── 书名/作者 Outline of the U.

32、ball clack ─── 球瓣

33、delivery clack ─── 增压活门

34、3. I turn to see Davis walking down the hall, his self-made peg leg clacking, steel on tile. ─── 我转过身,看见戴维斯从走道上迎面而来,他自制的义肢踩在地面上,发出金属敲击瓷砖的声响。收藏指正

35、I discovered my floormates click-clacking away at mah-jongg. ─── 我发现那层的楼友霹雳啪啦地打麻将。

36、An exact shell clack sheet's geometric size calculation is the most important link n he design of manufacturing a spherical vessel. ─── 精确的球壳瓣片的下料尺寸计算,是设计制造球罐的重要一环。

37、Practitioners often claim to hear the clacking of her bone adornments as the dakinis indulge in their vigorous movement. ─── 修炼者经常声称当空行母沉湎于强而有力的时刻的时候,就会听到它们的骨头装饰品在噼啪地响。

38、it's no use clacking,” said one of them, a thin man, with a stern face; ─── 还瞎扯哩,”其中一个瘦个子板着脸说。

39、bottom clack ─── 进水活瓣进油活瓣

40、There was a large , low-ceiling room, with clacking, rattling machines. ─── 有一大间天花板很低的屋子,里面的机器响成一片。

41、You have Samantha Bee, smart satire, sick beats ( "fingers clacking on a keyboard" ) and subjects who are willing to go along with it all. ─── 我们的SamanthaBee,聪明的旁敲侧击,做恶的打着节奏(“敲击在键盘上的手指”)和那些愿意上套的对象们。

42、She heard his footsteps clacking along the concrete pavement ─── 她听到他的脚步声啪嗒啪嗒地沿水泥人行道走去。

43、I turn to see Davis walking down the hall, his self-made peg leg clacking, steel on tile. ─── 我转过身,看见戴维斯从走道上迎面而来,他自制的义肢踩在地面上,发出金属敲击瓷砖的声响。

44、wing clack check valve ─── 翼瓣止回阀

45、Practitioners often claim to hear the clacking of her bone adornments as the dakinis indulge in their vigorous movement. ─── 修炼者经常声称当空行母沉湎于强而有力的时刻的时候,就会听到它们的骨头装饰品在噼啪地响。

46、ball clack valve ─── 球瓣单向阀

47、Stop clacking your pencils! ─── 别弄得铅笔噼啪乱响!

48、City fire chief Jim Clack said that emergency work was no longer a rescue operation and had become a recovery operation. ─── 市消防队长吉姆说急救工作已经不再是营救运转了而变成了恢复操作。

49、Clack soybeans of noduleted and non-noduleted isolines were used for the study of acetylene reduction method in vivo to measure symbiotic N fixation in pots. ─── 本文选用克拉克结瘤与不结瘤等位基因系大豆为实验材料,对乙炔还原活体测定盆栽大豆共生固氮方法进行研究。

50、With more here's Owen Clack. ─── 下面由欧文带来详细的报道。

51、What's that furious clacking sound I hear? ─── 我听到的愤怒噼啪声是什么?

52、flexible valve clack ─── 柔性阀瓣

53、Dancers clacking bamboo props represented some of the oldest Chinese records, whose delicate brushstrokes are preserved on bamboo strips over 2,000 years old. ─── 舞者翻转拍打的竹简是中国最古老的记录,这些精美的文字被保留在竹子上长达2000多年。

54、Something that makes a clacking sound. ─── 发出噼啪响声的物件

55、Doubt I'll feel nothin." But he staggered under canvas , pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw. ─── 没事。”他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。

56、71.She did not venture to look around, but above the clack of the machine she could hear an occasional remark.She could also note a thing or two out of the side of her eye. ─── 她并不敢朝四周东张西望,但在机器的咔嚓声中,她偶尔听到了一些人们的谈话声,从眼角梢她也注意到一两件小事。

57、I heard the typewriter clacking in the next office. ─── 我听见隔壁办公室中打字机发出嗒嗒的声音。

58、the clack of a typewriter ─── (打字机发出的)啪嗒声

59、This paper presents a new valve clack structure of the solenoid valves, and shows its advantages. ─── 本文介绍一种不用过渡层硫化成型的阀瓣结构,并指出这种结构较目前流行的阀瓣结构所拥有的优越性。

60、(2) There was a large , low-ceiling room, with clacking, rattling machines. ─── 有一大间天花板很低的屋子,里面的机器响成一片.

61、Clack tip opening displacement ─── 裂纹尖端张开位移

62、the clack of an old-fashioned typewriter. ─── 一台老式打字机的噼啪响声.

63、He clack the nut open ─── 他把坚果敲开。

64、The old woman will clack for a long time when she meets her neighbours. ─── 这位老太婆遇到邻居时总要唠叨半天。

65、He laughed softly, and answered: "Miss Clack is in the library." ─── 他柔声地笑了笑,回答说:“克拉克小姐在书房里。”

66、I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk. ─── 我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。

67、Chemical industry.Give catch-ment and so on system center control bulb Lu carrier flow backwards,a kind of more for ideal empty of give away conserve energy clack. ─── 可用于石油、化工、给排水等系统中控制管路介质倒流,是一种较为理想的无泄漏节能止回阀。

68、Pay no attention to clacking tongues,ie to people gossiping. ─── 不理会叽叽喳喳的饶舌.

69、I hear the clacking of computer keyboards in the hours before dawn. ─── 拂晓之前我还听见计算机键盘的敲击声。

70、clack mill ─── 棘轮钻机手搬钻机

71、The actor Clack Gable is excellent too. ─── 男演员克拉克·盖布尔也很出色。

72、the clack of knitting needles, a typewriter ─── 织针、 打字机的啪嗒声.

73、She walked on the concrete pavement, her footsteps clacking on the ground. ─── 她走在水泥路上,脚步落在地面上发出噼啪声。

74、2:15 p.m., study hall: Programmers arrive and begin quietly clacking on their laptops. ─── 下午2点15分,自习时间:程序设计师到达并开始安静地敲打他们的笔记本电脑。

75、Men smoke and sip tea from short, slender glasses, with the clacking of nard, the local version of backgammon, as a soundtrack. ─── 男人们抽烟,用细小的玻璃杯喝茶,伴随着纳特棋——一种本地棋子的敲击声。

76、the air was still and warm, and there was no sound but now and then the whistle of a huntsman, the snort of a horse, the clack of a whip, or the whine of a dog who had dropped out of his place. ─── 天空中一片沉寂,而且和暖,无声无息。有时可以听见猎人的唿哨声,马的响鼻声,或者是离开原地乱走的猎犬刺耳的吠声。

77、`Pieces of eight!pieces of eight!pieces of eight!pieces of eight!pieces of eight!'and so forth, without pause or change like the clacking of a tiny mill. ─── 这声音一直持续下去,既不停,也不走调,像一架极小的风车转个没完。

78、pivot clack ─── [医] 桩冠法

79、clack valve ─── n. 瓣阀

80、But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw. ─── 他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。

81、Study on Microstructure and High Temperature Wear Resistance of Laser Cladded Nuclear Valve Clack ─── 核阀阀瓣激光熔覆层显微组织和耐高温磨损性能研究

82、Hold your clack! ─── 别作声!

83、Precision Casting of Bridge of Air Inlet Clack Valve ─── 进气门盖板的精铸

84、I wandered back to the specified building, and as I climbed the stairs, I could hear the telltale rhythmic clacking. ─── 于是我一路闲逛着回到了那座特别的建筑物,在我往楼上爬的时候,可以听见那种很能说明问题的有节奏的“啪啪”声。

85、I heard the typewriter clacking in the next office. ─── 我听见隔壁办公室中打字机发出嗒嗒的声音。

86、The cold-press manufacture and quality control for the clack of orbicular tank ─── 球罐瓣片的冷压成型及其质量控制

87、Clack : Shut up, Eva. ─── 克拉克:闭上嘴巴,伊娃。

88、damper clack spring ─── 节气瓣弹簧

89、Bits all khrrrrklak in place clack back. ─── 满墙碎片哔哔剥剥又嵌回原处。

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