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09-12 投稿


fennel 发音

英:['fen(?)l]  美:['f?nl]

英:  美:

fennel 中文意思翻译



fennel 短语词组

1、fennel oil ─── [化] 小茴香油

2、fennel herbs ─── 茴香

3、fennel flower n. ─── 黑种草

4、fennel substitute ─── 茴香替代品

5、coring fennel ─── 茴香取心

6、fennel seeds cumin seed ─── 茴香籽孜然籽

7、oil of fennel ─── [化] 小茴香油

8、fennel tea ─── 茴香茶

9、braised fennel in tomato and aprico ─── 在番茄和阿普里科炖茴香

10、Florence fennel ─── 茴香;甘 ─── 茴香

11、common fennel ─── 小茴香

12、fennel seed ─── [医] 茴香, 小茴香

13、dog fennel ─── 毛叶泽兰

14、water fennel ─── 水芹

15、fennel bulbs ─── 茴香球茎

16、fennel water ─── [化] 小茴香水

17、fennel soup ─── 茴香汤

18、fennel(-seed) oil ─── [化] 小茴香油

19、braised fennel in tomato and apricot sauce ─── 用番茄和杏酱炖茴香

fennel 相似词语短语

1、flannel ─── n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服;法兰绒巾;vt.给…穿上法兰绒衣服;用法兰绒包;adj.法兰绒的

2、kennel ─── n.狗屋;养狗场;[建]阴沟;一群狗;vt.把…关进狗舍;宿于狗舍;vi.待在狗舍里;n.(Kennel)人名;(德)肯内尔

3、Pennell ─── n.(Pennell)人名;(英)彭内尔

4、fannel ─── 灯

5、vennel ─── n.城市的狭通道,狭路

6、fennecs ─── n.(北非的)大耳小狐

7、funnel ─── n.漏斗;漏斗状物;烟囱;v.(使)流经狭窄空间;通过漏斗将……导入;(使)通过漏斗般输送;形成漏斗状;(使)汇集,传送

8、fannels ─── 旗帜

9、fennec ─── n.(北非的)大耳小狐

fennel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fennel risotto ─── 意大利茴香炖饭

2、The essential oil of fennel was obtained by the hydrodistillation, and the volatile flavor components were separated from fennel oil by HSCCC. ─── 以小茴香为原料,采用水中直接蒸馏的方法提取小茴香精油。

3、Analysis of Fatty Acids in Fennel Fruit Fat ─── 小茴香脂肪油中的脂肪酸分析

4、fennel water ─── 小茴香水

5、Floral very special, not ordinary flowers have fragrance, it is very thick incense, the taste like fennel and butter, the flavor of traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 枇杷树的花香很特别,不是一般花儿所拥有的清香,它香得很浓重,好似茴香的味儿,又像中药的味道。

6、A good breakfast should include 3 such things: Cereal (if did not go,dish of biscuit of the whole meal biscuit of wheat, eight treasures congee, black rice, steamed bread of corn, fennel is wrapped etc) fruit and milk products. ─── 一顿好早餐应包括这样三件东西:谷类食品(如未去麦的粗面粉面包、八宝粥、黑米面包、窝窝头、茴香菜包等)水果和奶制品。

7、Rich mutton: mutton 500 grams, Fennel, cinnamon, TGP, Angelica, Guizhi, of the 10 grams of tablets, 150 grams of fresh yam, dressings appropriate. ─── 富贵羊肉:羊肉500克,小茴、肉桂、白芍、当归、桂枝、制附片各10克,鲜山药150克,调料适量。

8、The Content of Essential Oil and Components of Fennel Seed in Different Development Stages ─── 不同发育阶段茴香种子精油含量及其成分组成比例变化

9、Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. ─── 杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。

10、Waiter: This course is the duck breast roasted in cinnamon and vanilla with fennel mash, leg confit and spiced fig sauce. It gives you a clear and sweat mouthfeel! ─── 服务生:这份菜是将鸭胸用肉桂、香草等香料调味,再搭配茴香泥,佐以无花果酱汁,吃起来非常清甜。

11、;the main cash crops are sesame, sunflower, beet, fennel, and various vegetables. ─── 主要经济作物有胡麻、葵花、甜菜、小茴香和各种蔬菜。

12、Research on GC fingerprint of volatile oil from common fennel ─── 小茴香挥发油GC指纹图谱研究

13、Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint, chamomile, rose hips, verbena, and fennel . ─── 一些用来煎药的普通草药有薄荷,甘菊,野玫瑰果,柠檬,茴香。

14、Function: Used this oil to bath,can take care of breast and enlarge breast. Component: Perfume tree,fennel,lavender,salvia, grapekernel oil, sweet almond oil ─── [相关分类:植物和动物油,保健产品,中草药,沐浴疗法,皮肤护理

15、Some hotels, first fried, together with ginger, add fennel, soy sauce plus fried, then sugar, starch and then a greasy, green onion sprinkled even better. ─── 有的饭店,先用油炸,再加姜、加茴香、加酱油炒,然后加糖,再用淀粉著腻,撒上葱花就算好了。

16、It is smooth, rich and crisp on the palate, with flavors of apples and pineapples and a touch of fennel on the finish. ─── 口感柔滑饱满爽脆,有苹果、菠萝的味道,余味中有些许茴香的清香。

17、Inclusion: The crystal bars shall be inspected one by one with naked eyes under strong light after they are immersed in fennel oil. ─── 将水晶棒经过茴香油后,在强光下用肉眼逐根检查。

18、fennel(-seed) oil ─── [化] 小茴香油

19、Limoncello, liqueur cream of lemon, mandarin, fennel, wild strawberries, liquorice liqueur, wines... ─── 分类标题:甜烧酒|烧酒和烈酒...

20、Influences of Sowing Data on Content and Component of German Fennel Oil ─── 播期对德国茴香精油含量及组成比例的影响

21、Keywords fennel;anethole;anisaldehyde;acetophenone;high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC); ─── 小茴香;茴香脑;茴香醛;茴香酮;高速逆流色谱;

22、Contain the drug such as small fennel, dry ginger among them. ─── 其中含有小茴香、干姜等药。

23、Determination of Trans-anethole in Fennel by Capillary GC ─── 毛细管气相色谱法测定小茴香中反式茴香脑的含量

24、For a more exotic solution, pick up some anise, cardamom, coriander, and fennel seeds, available in the spice aisle of most grocery stores. ─── 拿起一些茴香,豆蔻,香菜,和茴香种子,(在大多数杂货店这些香料都可以买到)。

25、Thick spears of asparagus and fennel were draped with thinly sliced ham. ─── 厚厚的芦笋和茴香夹在切的薄薄的火腿片里。

26、There are several varieties of Fennel fruit known in commerce- sweet or Roman Fennel, German or Saxon Fennel, wild or bitter Fennel, Galician Russian and Roumanian Fennel, Indian, Persian and Japanese. ─── 商务上已知的不同茴香果子的品种-甜茴香(罗马茴香)德国茴香(萨克逊茴香)野生茴香(苦茴香)加利西亚俄国茴香和罗马尼亚茴香、地安、斯和日本等茴香品种。

27、Dysmenorrhoea of sex of cold wet move sluggishly can feed appliance to lukewarm classics comes loose cold food, wait like flesh of ginger, fennel, cinnamonic, flocks and herds, walnut; ─── 寒湿凝滞性痛经可食用具有温经散寒的食物,如生姜、茴香、肉桂、牛羊肉、核桃等;

28、Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Fennel ─── 猪肉茴香水饺

29、On some days, as many as a third of her customers order the burger, which is offered alongside Mediterranean-inspired dishes like sea bass with fennel confit and pistachios. ─── 有时,她的顾客中有多达三分之一的人预定这种汉堡,它们被盛在一个形似黑鲈的具有地中海风格的餐盘中。

30、Breastmilk There are historical anecdotes that fennel is a galactogogue,improving the milk supply of a breastfeeding mother. ─── 唐代本草纲目已有记载它的用途。

31、The Study of Duration of Distillation Effecting on Content and Composition of Essential Oil of Fennel ─── 不同蒸馏时段对茴香精油含量和成分的影响

32、Effects on the Growth of Spherical Fennel of Different Substrate Culture ─── 不同基质栽培对球茎茴香生长的影响

33、Slice chicken breasts, and serve on top of vegetable mixture; garnish with reserved fennel fronds. ─── 将鸡肉切片,盛放在蔬菜上,可用留下的茴香叶作装饰。

34、Add in fennel, yellow zucchini and chestnuts, saute for 3 to 5 minutes. ─── 加入茴香、意大利黄青瓜及栗子再炒3至5分钟。

35、If flowers do not appeal, the company also offers fennel, pepper and Darjeeling tea ─── 如果你对花朵系列不感兴趣,他们还准备了茴香系列、辣椒系列和印度大吉岭茶系列。

36、Definition: Sweet fennel consists of the dry, cremocarps and mericarps of Foeniculum vulgare Miller sp. vulgare var. dulce (Miller) Thellung. ─── 本品为伞形科植物佛罗伦萨茴香Foeniculum vulgare Miller sp. vulgare var. dulce (Miller) Thellung.的干燥双悬果。

37、Ginger,clove,pepper,cinnamon and fennel showed antioxidant activity in lard from high to low in turn,and ginger,cinnamon,clove,peper,fennel in peanut oil in turn. ─── 对于猪油,其抗氧化能力大小依次为:生姜、丁香、胡椒、桂皮、茴香、辣椒;而对于花生油,则依次为:生姜、桂皮、丁香、胡椒、茴香、辣椒。

38、Some problems were summarized on fennel industry in china, and raised some countermeasures correspondingly. ─── 对我国茴香产业中存在的问题进行了概述,同时提出相应的对策。

39、Definition: Bitter fennel consists of the dry, cremocarps and mericarps of Foeniculum vulgare Miller sp. vulgare var. vulgare. ─── 本品为伞形科植物茴香Foeniculum vulgare Miller sp. vulgare var. vulgare.的干燥双悬果。

40、Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence. ─── 活化眼部肌肤,消除毒素,减轻眼部肌肤负担。

41、6.Chinese seasoning made by grinding star anise and fennel and pepper and cloves and cinnamon. ─── 中国调味品,由磨碎的星形大茴香、茴香、胡椒粉、丁香和桂皮制成。

42、fennel fruit ─── 小茴香(中药)

43、Mom has bought some fennel beans for Dad to go with the wine. ─── 妈妈买了茴香豆给爸爸做下酒菜。

44、Other specialist ingredients: dried Chinese mushrooms; dried baby shrimps; dried tangerine peel; dried Sichuan chillies; cinnamon stick/bark; fennel; cloves; star anise; jasmine rice ─── 其它的作料成份:中国干香菇;小虾米;干桔皮;干川椒;桂枝/桂皮;茴香;丁香;八角茴香;茉莉米。

45、And pork meatballs with fennel seeds. ─── 还有茴香猪肉丸。

46、Seared seabass filet on a potato and onions boulangere, braised fennel, ─── 烧熟的黑鲈鱼背肉加土豆洋葱和茴香文火焖炖。

47、While individual reactions to garlic vary, eating fennel seeds like those served at Indian restaurants helps to neutralize the smell. ─── 尽管各人对大蒜的反应有所不同,但是食用大蒜后嚼一些茴香子可以有效地去除口气中的蒜味。

48、The plants have a characteristic odor and some species, such as parsley, fennel, and dill, are used as herbs;the seeds of many others are popular spices, e.g. aniseed, caraway, coriander, cumin. ─── 例如欧芹,茴香,莳萝等通常用作草药,此外还有许多香料例如八角,芫荽,孜然等。

49、Combine the fruit, fennel, walnuts, olives and salad vegetables in a shallow serving bowl. Drizzle with the dressing. ─── 将水果、茴香、菜蔬、核桃及橄榄一起放进碗中,加入已预备好之沙律汁即成。

50、Berry aromas of cherries and raspberries, coupled with nuances of dried herbs and very subtle oak.Also a touch of fennel apparent. ─── 如樱桃般的香气,搭配着微微的甘草香,些许橡木桶香,与一丝陪衬的茴香。

51、Ylang-Ylang, Fennel seed, Cinnamon, ginger, Evening Primrose oil and so on. ─── 依兰、茴香、肉桂、姜、月见草油等。

52、Ningxia Hai Xian County is a large rural small fennel plant, with nearly 10 years of cultivation history. ─── 宁夏海原县绵阳乡是一个大型的小茴香种植地,以有近10年的种植历史。

53、Trim fennel bulbs. Quarter, core, and thinly slice the bulbs crosswise. ─── 将茴香球清理干净,切成四大块,去芯,再将茴香球斜着切成薄片。

54、water fennel ─── 水芹

55、High Yield Cultivation Techniques of Corm Fennel in Green House ─── 日光温室球茎茴香高产栽培技术

56、Add the tomatoes and fennel seeds and cook for a minute. ─── 添加准备好的番茄和茴香籽再煮一分钟。

57、A spice blend that usually contains ground fennel seeds, Szechuan peppercorns, cinnamon, star anise, and cloves; available in the spice section of most supermarkets and online at penzeys.com. ─── 混合香料包括磨碎的茴香、胡椒、肉桂、大料及蒜,在超市的香料专柜有售或者在网上可购。

58、Eucalyptus leaves Zhiduoweixiang contains eucalyptus and water fennel terpene brain therefore koala who always exudes a kind of Fu Yu Hsiang smell of eucalyptus leaves. ─── 桉叶汁多味香,含有桉树脑和水茴香萜,因此,树袋熊的身上总是散发着一种馥郁清香的桉叶香味。

59、CAMBRAI of mints, FLAVIGNY the fennel and sugar NACY of Hong lemon sugar, which have characteristics of the region are well-known, well packaged. ─── CAMBRAI的薄荷糖、FLAVIGNY的茴香糖以及NACY的香柠檬糖,它们具有地区特色,都很有名,包装也不错。

60、sterilized fennel ─── 消毒漏斗

61、water fennel oil ─── 水芹油

62、I Want To Buy Coriander Seeds, Fennel Seeds ─── 巴基斯坦求购种子

63、For toothpaste I usedwashed-up cuttlefish bone with wild fennel seeds, an oddity for a vegan. ─── 我使用洗过的墨鱼骨头做牙刷,野生茴香籽做牙膏(素食主义者的古怪用品)。

64、Effects of Different Cultivated Seasons and Seeding Dates on Yields and Quality of Spherical Fennel ─── 不同栽培季节与播种期对球茎茴香产量和品质的影响

65、Fillet of Halibut with fennel and shallot butter sauce ─── 奶香比目鱼大烤

66、Promote healthy lactation. Herb teas for women. Caffeine free. 90% organic ingredients. Made with organic fennel. ─── 有机妈妈奶茶是传统欧洲妇女哺乳专用的天然草本茶,哺乳期间饮用,可促进制造母乳;亦有助消化。

67、Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood , Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. ─── 杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。

68、Quarter fennel bulb lengthwise, then thinly slice using slicer.Slice radicchio in same manner. ─── 将香醋,红糖及1/4茶匙的盐和胡椒在碗里搅拌均匀,然后加油搅拌均匀。

69、This champagne is best enjoyed with the best of West Australian seafood such as crayfish with fennel and cream, barramundi or a simple pasta dish. ─── 最好在吃西餐海鲜时享用,如茴香乳酪小龙虾,芒螬或意大利面条。

70、It cries again " rest fennel " , originate in country of Gu An breath formerly, namely present Iran is taken. ─── 它又叫“安息茴香”,原产于古安息国,即现在的伊朗一带。

71、This use, although not supported by direct evidence, is sometimes justified by the fact that fennel is a source of phytoestrogens, which promote growth of breast tissue. ─── 因果实与叶含有强烈的特殊香气,在园艺上称为香辛料作物,台湾各地均有零星栽培。

72、common fennel ─── 小茴香

73、small fennel oil ─── 小茴香油

74、They are Eucalytus, Fennel, Mint, Catechu, Cinnamon, Commiphora, Glycyrrhiza, Ratanhia, Myrrhis, Clove, Salvia, Anise , Chamomila , Echincea. ─── 对口腔问题和牙龈的溃烂均有绝佳的功效),甘草,秘鲁灌木,茴香属,丁香,鼠尾草,回芹,德国甘菊,紫锥花等。

75、Then add onions, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, fennel child to be spices, clean wok when you add garlic or garlic. ─── 然后加入葱,姜,酱油,糖,料酒,茴香的孩子是香料,干净的锅中当您添加大蒜或大蒜。

76、Plant some fennel alternating with celery and other types of lettuce in the next layer. ─── 在下一圈中更替种植一些茴香、芹菜和各种卷心菜。

77、Toss arugula with fennel, add grapefruit and avocado, and gently toss. ─── 茴香里放入芝麻,添加葡萄柚和鳄梨,轻轻地搅拌。

78、We'd enjoyed a dinner of curried shrimp served with spring greens and coconut rice , and a shaved fennel salad on the side. ─── 晚饭我们吃的是春黄咖哩虾和椰子米饭,小菜是一道茴香沙拉。

79、Effect of Sowing Dates and N, P, K Fertilizer on Growth, Yields and Quality of Spherical Fennel ─── 播种期和氮磷钾对球茎茴香生长、产量和品质的影响

80、We want to buy Pepper, Cumin, Cardamom, Ginger, Fennel, Ajowan, Bajra, Jowar, Spice Freshner, Spiced Tea ─── 我们要采购胡椒粉,时萝,小豆蔻,姜,茴香,药料清凉剂

81、fennel stalk ─── 小茴香秆

82、Their heads bent, their legs just touching, they stride like one eager person through the town, down the asphalt zigzag where the fennel grows wild, and on to the esplanade. ─── 他们俯着头,大踏步往前走,仿佛一个穿过小镇的人那般急切,沿着茴香丛生的之字形柏油路走下去,便到了海滨草场。

83、(1) Xin hot foods: a Antirheumatic Quhan the role of evil, such as pepper, green onions, Chinese prickly ash, the polygonum, fennel, garlic. ─── (1)辛热食品:具有抗风湿祛寒邪的作用,如辣椒、葱、花椒、大蓼、茴香、大蒜等。

84、Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet ─── 喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。

85、Add in cream, salt, pepper, Spanish paprika and fennel seeds, stir till cream comes to a boil then turn heat off. ─── 加入忌廉、海盐、胡椒、西班牙辣椒粉及茴香籽,把忌廉不断搅拌至煮滚。

86、Microwave Technique of Extracting Naphtha from Fennel Fruit ─── 微波法提取小茴香中挥发油的初步实验

87、Depending on local traditions-and the cook's personal touch-curry may also feature mace, aniseed, caraway, fennel, fenugreek, bay leaf, poppy seeds, saffron, cayenne pepper, or mustard seeds. ─── 根据地方传统-和厨师的个人风格-咖哩也许以豆蔻香料、洋茴香、葛缕子(香菜)、茴香、葫芦巴、月桂叶、罂粟种子、番红花、卡宴胡椒,或芥末种子为特色。

88、Add fennel, parsley, olives, and oil; season with salt and pepper. Gently toss, and serve. ─── 加入茴香、欧芹、橄榄以及橄榄油,再佐以盐和辣椒调味。轻轻搅拌几下就即可食用。

89、I spice products companies species include: chilli peppers, Ma pepper, star anise, cinnamon, Fasciolopsiasis, Fennel and Ziran tablets. ─── 我公司香辛料产品品种包括:辣椒、麻花椒、八角、桂皮、姜片、小茴香和孜然粒。

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