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09-16 投稿


averred 发音

英:[??v??d]  美:[??v??rd]

英:  美:

averred 中文意思翻译



averred 反义词


averred 同义词

declare | affirm | say | claim | propose | allege | profess | plead | swear | maintain | swan | state | avow |assert | vouch | verify

averred 短语词组

1、averred definition ─── 维护定义

2、averred means ─── 平均值

3、averred defined ─── 断言定义

4、averred facts ─── 确凿的事实

5、averred meaning ─── 明确的意思

averred 词性/词形变化,averred变形

形容词: averrable |动词第三人称单数: avers |动词过去分词: averred |名词: averment |动词过去式: averred |动词现在分词: averring |

averred 相似词语短语

1、-terred ─── 恐怖

2、arred ─── 阿雷德

3、averaged ─── v.平均(average的过去式);adj.平均的

4、-ferred ─── 费雷德

5、laserred ─── 激光

6、overread ─── vt.从头读完;通读;vi.读书过度而弄坏身体

7、averted ─── adj.转移的;移开的;v.避免(avert的过去分词);转开

8、overred ─── 高估

9、overreds ─── 覆盖

averred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、e non avendo trovato il corpo di lui, son venute dicendo d’aver avuto anche una visione d’angeli, i quali dicono ch’egli vive. ─── 却找不到他的身体。她们回来说看见天使显现,天使说他活了。

2、Liparis sparsiflora Aver. ─── 疏花羊耳蒜

3、He averred that I had spoken the truth. ─── 他证明我说的是实话。

4、Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work. ─── 科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。

5、Lea, vedendo che avea cessato d’aver figliuoli, prese la sua serva Zilpa e la diede a Giacobbe per moglie. ─── 于是,拉结把自己的婢女辟拉给了雅各为妾,雅各就与她亲近。

6、She averred that she had never seen the man before. ─── 她斩钉截铁地说以前从未见过这个男人。

7、Branstorm the selfhood,Aver of selves. ─── (译文:个性灵动,自我主张。)

8、As he already knew French, he gained an advantage aver the rest of the class. ─── 因为他已经接法语,所以他比班上其他人占优势。

9、Lui ha sacrificato la vita per il popolo oltre ad aver donato tutta la ricchezza della famiglia alle persone bisognose. ─── 他不仅他家庭的全部财产分给了有需要的人,而且奉献了他的生命。

10、The lawyer averred that this defendant was innocent. ─── 这名律师证明这名被告。

11、To aver is to allege in a pleading ─── 立证是在辩护中引例证明。

12、The aver age survival time was 6 months. ─── 平均生存时间为6个月。

13、In spite of all you say,I still aver that his report is true. ─── 不管你怎么说,我还是断言他的报告是真实的。

14、Right, now the other thing is this: I want you to take a room in a nice quiet hotel so that we'll have somewhere to meet and talk things aver. ─── 那么,我再说第三桩:你去找个清静的旅馆包定一间房,我们有话就到那边碰头。

15、Objective: To observe the influence of cell aver on red cell deformability during orthopedic operation. ─── 摘要目的:观察骨科手术中自体血液回收对红细胞流变性的影响。

16、Nevertheless, all the contestants dutifully averred that such an opportunity would be the highlight of their existence. ─── 然而,所有的参赛者们都认为这样的机会将是他们一生中最为灿烂的经历。

17、He averred, that as he stood upon his watch on the hill, he looked towards Birnan, and to his thinking the wood began to move. ─── 他一口咬定说,正当他站在山上放哨的时候,朝勃南一看,他觉得那里的树林子挪动起来了。

18、I aver that I have spoken the truth. ─── 我断言,我说了真话。

19、Exotic but unverifiable claims in various media aver that Israel's Mossad intelligence service got a tip that the arms were going to be smuggled into the Gaza Strip via Sudan and Egypt; ─── 多家媒体来自国外并且无法证实的消息宣称:以色列摩萨德情报部门得到了此批军火即将经由苏丹和埃及被偷运进加沙地带的线报;

20、The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois. ─── 检察官称被拘犯杀害洛伊丝属实。

21、He averred that he was innocent. ─── 他坚称自己是无辜的。

22、The match business, it averred, by and large had “not suffered from the general business depression”. ─── 它充满信心的表示,火柴业,总的来说“没有受到大萧条的任何影响”。

23、She clasped hands about knees, rocking back and forth broken-heartedly. She averred she would not go an inch, not for a dozen Charleses. ─── 她双手抱着膝盖,伤心地前后摇晃着,她坚称即使为了一打查尔斯她也决不让步。

24、C.Sampdoria S.p.a. comunica di aver sottoscritto un contratto economico, della durata annuale, con il calciatore Christian Vieri. ─── 维埃里正式加盟桑普多利亚.(官方) 转帖:totoL’U.

25、Tracy Gill averred, with a squeal, that she'd just read "The Bell Jar. " ─── 特莱西-吉尔发出一声尖叫证明她刚刚读过《钟形玻璃罐》。

26、E dopo aver loro date molte battiture, li cacciarono in prigione, comandando al carceriere di custodirli sicuramente. ─── 打了很多棍,就把他们放在监牢里,吩咐狱吏严密看守。

27、The results showed that the PVDF ultrafiltration membrane can be used to decrease the turbidity of juice with aver... ─── 其对果汁的色度影响较小,平均去除率为20%,其对电导率和糖度基本没有影响。

28、aver's web ─── 织轴轻纱

29、In this conflict of emotions all I dare aver is that it has been my faithful study to collect my duty from a just appreciation of every circumstance by which it might be affected. ─── 在这种矛盾的心绪中,我唯一能够大胆断定的是,我一直在进行仔细思量,对各种可能影响我的职责的情势做出妥当理解,从而确定我的职责。

30、I aver that his project is feasible. ─── 我断言他的计画是可行的。

31、As the development of diagnostic technique and treatment level, more and more brain metastasis have been diagnosed.How aver, there was still no effectively single method to cure the disease. ─── 摘要近年来,随着影像诊断学技术的发展,脑转移瘤的确诊病例数日益增多,但迄今为止仍无十分有效的单一治疗手段。

32、The Chinese navy has averred its growth does not pose any threat to others and is only meant to fulfil the rising need to maintain national security. ─── 中国海军称其发展并不对其它国家构成威胁,发展海军是为了满足日益增长的维护国家安全的需要。

33、A kindly aver will never make a good horse. ─── 天生负重之马成不了良骑。

34、Nevertheless, all the contestants dutifully averred that such an opportunity would be the highlight of their existence. ─── 然而,所有的参赛者们都认为这样的机会将是他们一生中最为灿烂的经历。

35、He averred, that as he stood upon his watch on the hill, he looked towards Birnan, and to his thinking the wood began to move. ─── 他一口咬定说,正当他站在山上放哨的时候,朝勃南一看,他觉得那里的树林子挪动起来了。

36、could not repeat to hint the pages aver which they pored from dawn until sunset. ─── 要加小组准备这一环节。但是,活动要求10分钟,所以要提示不止一个情景。

37、"Me Muslim, you Christian", he averred, before outlining an argument, the general gist of which was that Islam was correct because it was a newer religion than either Christianity or Judaism. ─── “我,穆斯林,你,基督徒,”他在开始辩论前这么宣称。他说教的主要意思是伊斯兰教是正确的,因为它是一种比基督教和犹太教更新的宗教。

38、Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shiva's linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. ─── 佛教、印度教、耆那教和苯教四大教派均将冈仁波齐尊为神山,世界中心。

39、She averred that she had never seen the man before. ─── 她斩钉截铁地说以前从未见过这个男人。

40、Dopo aver finito di costruire la casa, Salomone la coperse di travi e di assi di legno di cedro. ─── 所罗门建殿,建造完成以后,就用香柏木的栋梁和香柏木的木板做殿的天花板。

41、Murat averred that negotiations for peace were now proceeding, and that he proposed a truce therefore to avoid useless bloodshed. ─── 缪拉要人人相信,和谈正在进行中,为避免无益的流血,所以提议停战。

42、"But it’s nothing to do with Israel's efforts to open diplomatic ties with Indonesia," he averred. ─── “但以色列并没有就改善印以关系做出任何努力。”

43、eppure non volete venire a me per aver la vita! ─── 然而你们却不肯到我这里来得生命。

44、I had to aver myself in the meeting in order to ensure acquisition of the new book. ─── 我在会上不得不坚持自己观点以保证得到那本新书。

45、She clasped hands about knees, rocking back and forth broken-heartedly.She averred she would not go an inch, not for a dozen Charleses. ─── 她双手抱着膝盖,伤心地前后摇晃着,她坚称即使为了一打查尔斯她也决不让步。

46、E dopo aver traversato quelle parti, e averli con molte parole esortati, venne in Grecia. ─── 他走遍那一带地方,用许多话劝勉众人,然后来到希腊。

47、Results:The aver ages of the plasma TC and TG are the differences are significantly(P

48、Far from it.He then averred darkly that he did "not know how we would face the next generation if we left this injustice unrepaired. ─── 不光是这样,他更进一步阴森森的警告说,如果我们不好好解决此一不公,他不晓得我们将如何面对下一代。

49、Quiero q me apapaches!!Aver q pasa. ─── *Voy a mi* 心情: con frio 昨天。

50、E fatti eleggere per ciascuna chiesa degli anziani, dopo aver pregato e digiunato, raccomandarono i fratelli al Signore, nel quale aveano creduto. ─── 禁食祈祷之后,就把他们交托给所信的主。

51、" He averred that the whippings had made him "one of the best artists in the world". ─── 他坚称是鞭子成就了“世界上最伟大的一名艺术家”。

52、Beside his other shoul der, Palpatine coughed harshly into the sleeve of his robe, held aver his face for protection from caustic combustion products of the overloading circuitry. ─── 在安纳金另一个肩膀旁边,帕尔帕廷正在用长袍的袖子捂住嘴巴猛烈咳嗽,努力避开过载电路的燃烧物所产生的浓烈气味。

53、aver a fact [the contrary] ─── 断言某一事 [其正相反] 之真实性

54、Murat averred that negotiations for peace were now proceeding, and that he proposed a truce therefore to avoid useless bloodshed. ─── 缪拉要人人相信,和谈正在进行中,为避免无益的流血,所以提议停战。

55、E gli disse: Amico, come sei entrato qua senza aver un abito da nozze? ─── 就对他说:‘朋友,你没有婚筵的礼服,怎能进到这里来呢?’

56、AWA: AA: 39.The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum.“On aver. ─── 废话少说,先送上热腾腾的机经,一会再发表一下感想和感谢致词,呵呵。

57、Io mi rallegro che in ogni cosa posso aver fiducia in voi. ─── 现在我很欢喜,因为在一切事上我对你们都有信心。

58、Ed avvenne, quand’e’ fu tornato, dopo aver ricevuto l’investitura del regno, ch’egli fece venire quei servitori ai quali avea dato il danaro, per sapere quanto ognuno avesse guadagnato, trafficando. ─── 他得了王位回来,就吩咐把那些领了钱的仆人召来,要知道他们作生意赚了多少。

59、Entertaining is something that everyone in the country can enjoy," she averred. ─── 娱乐是每个国民都能享受的事,”她肯定地说。

60、In fede moriron tutti costoro, senz’aver ricevuto le cose promesse, ma avendole vedute e salutate da lontano, e avendo confessato che erano forestieri e pellegrini sulla terra. ─── 这些人都是存着信心死了的,还没有得着所应许的,只不过是从远处看见,就表示欢迎,又承认他们在世上是异乡人,是客旅。

61、aver it will not rain tomorrow. ─── 我断言明天不会下雨。

62、They averred that the symbol was not mere scarlet cloth, tinged in an earthly dye-pot, but was red-hot with infernal fire, and could be seen glowing all alight whenever Hester Prynne walked abroad in the night-time. ─── 他们曾经断言,那个象征不仅是人间的染缸中染出来的红布,而且还由炼狱之火烧得通红,每逢海丝特 - 白兰夜间外出,那红字便闪闪发光。

63、aver cake ─── 燕麦饼

64、Aver Charetoriava is a representative of the United Nations Children’s Agency in the region. ─── 阿维乐.查勒多利阿瓦是联合国儿童署驻该地区的代表。

65、He averred, that as he stood upon his watch on the hill, he looked towards Birnan, and to his thinking the wood began to move ─── 他一口咬定说,正当他站在山上放哨的时候,朝勃南一看,他觉得那里的树林子挪动起来了。

66、The longest rope was 100 m long and go aver a 50 m deep gorge. ─── 最长的的绳子有100米长,可跨越50米深的山谷。

67、We also tend to aver age things, ignoring special cases. ─── 我们也倾向于归纳一般情况,忽略特例情况。

68、The restaurant was filled to overflowing, and they despaired of aver finding a seat. ─── 雅座都已客满。 张素素他们很觉得失望。

69、Senior members of his team merrily aver that theirs will be the most Eurosceptic administration since that term had any currency. ─── 党内一些资深人物高兴地断言,托利党一旦执政将会是有史以来对对欧洲的怀疑最为强烈的政府。

70、The match business, it averred , by and large had "not suffered from the general business depression" . ─── 它充满信心的表示,火柴业,总的来说“没有受到大萧条的任何影响”。

71、Two eyewitnesses averred they had seen the defendant at the scene. ─── 两个目击者断言他们在现场看到了那个被告。

72、Allora, dopo aver digiunato e pregato, imposero loro le mani, e li accomiatarono. ─── 于是他们禁食祷告,为两人按手,就派他们去了。

73、Allora i giusti gli risponderanno: Signore, quando mai t’abbiam veduto aver fame e t’abbiam dato da mangiare? o aver sete e t’abbiam dato da bere? ─── 义人就回答:‘主啊,我们什么时候见你饿了就给你吃,渴了就给你喝呢?

74、What the American preachers can think of us, I aver this day before my God, I have never been able to define. ─── 我在我的上帝面前声明,美国的布道者们怎么看我们的我无法确知。

75、He averred that Joan had stolen my bag. ─── 他证明琼偷了我的包。

76、As my bag is too heavy and the wall is a little high, I can't put it aver. ─── 我的包很重,墙又有点儿高,所以我难以把它弄过去。

77、The cloakroom is aver there. ─── 衣帽间就在那边。

78、Chi risponde prima d’aver ascoltato, mostra la sua follia, e rimane confuso. ─── 不先聆听就回答的,这就是他的愚妄和羞辱。

79、In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true. ─── 不管你怎么说,我还是断言他的报告是真实的。

80、A prominent commentator recently averred that Mr Netanyahu is not fit to hold his job “because of his domestic circumstances, and everybody knows and is silent. ─── 一位著名评论家最近断言,鉴于其家庭纠纷,内塔尼亚胡已不再适合继续当总统,“人尽皆知,只不过不好说出来罢了。”

81、" Africa, unfortunately, has the higher strage aver with highest rate of all these accidental injurieson intensive , unintentional injuriesin perticular . ─── 非洲,不幸的是,在所有的事故和意外中是伤害率最高的。

82、5.Though he averred, “I would write on the lintels of the door-post, Whim,” he was a scrupulous and patient reviser, who extensively reworked most of his lectures for their appearance in print. ─── 虽然他声称:“我只是一时兴起在门楣上写字,”但他是一个谨慎耐心的校订者,大面积地修改了爱默生的大多数付诸出版的演说的面貌。

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