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09-16 投稿



intelligential 发音

英:[?n?tel??d?en??l]  美:[?ntel??d?en??l]

英:  美:

intelligential 中文意思翻译



intelligential 短语词组

1、intelligential skill ─── 智能技能

intelligential 相似词语短语

1、intelligent life ─── 智能生命

2、intelligentzia ─── 知识分子

3、intelligent ─── adj.智能的;聪明的;理解力强的

4、intelligence ─── n.智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力;才智,智慧;天分

5、intelligent card ─── 智能卡

6、intelligently ─── adv.聪明地,明智地

7、intellectual ─── adj.智力的;聪明的;理智的;n.知识分子;凭理智做事者

8、intelligentsias ─── n.知识分子;知识界

9、intelligentsia ─── n.知识分子;知识界

intelligential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、established as intelligential design system of automobile flanging die on base of 2d environmental. ─── 建立了基于二维环境的汽车翻边模智能化设计系统。

2、The desig n and realiz-ing process for the hard circuit and software of intellig ent node of DCS based on CAN BUS are discussed in detail. ─── 并较详细的介绍了基于CAN总线分布式控制系统智能节点硬件和软件的设计以及实现过程。

3、intelligential measuring and controlling node ─── 智能测控节点

4、My question is: Is there difference of intelligential ability among the spirits in spiritual world? ─── 我有一个问题:在灵界不同的灵也有灵性的不同吗?

5、Analysis on the Occurrence Characteristics of Forest Fire and Its Intelligential Fire Alarm Method ─── 森林火灾发生的特点及智能预测方法

6、Intelligential Control System Design of Wastewater Discharge Pumping Station ─── 排污泵站变频智能监控系统的设计

7、Discussion on Intelligential Systems in Inhabitant Architecture ─── 住宅小区智能化系统浅议

8、The purpose of this study is to observe the changes of intelligential efficiency of the subjects during the stresses and the effects of Hangbao Yingyangye on psychological fatigue. ─── 目的 观察飞行训练员被试者在缺氧与高温负荷下智能功效的改变及航宝营养液的抗心理疲劳作用。

9、The authors consider that the essential of modern bibliographic information activity is knowledge organization, and intelligential knowledge organization is the basic character of modern bibliography. ─── 在此基础上,分析知识组织智能化与现代目录学的关系,认为现代书目情报活动的实质是知识组织,知识组织智能化是现代目录学的基本特征。

10、Dogs are intelligential, but they don't see the complicated relative relationship of mankind. ─── 狗虽然多有灵性,但它弄不懂人类的那种复杂的亲戚关系。

11、intelligential computer-aided engineering ─── 智能计算机辅助工程

12、intelligential interfacing ─── 智能接口

13、intelligential video monitoring ─── 智能视频监控

14、intelligential channels ─── 情报的渠道

15、So we had to admit Lucerne was exactly the most lovely and intelligential city in Switzerland. ─── 因此,我们不得不承认,琉森的确是瑞士最可爱最有灵气的一个城市。

16、The system uses intelligential design principle on the base of the modern typical flanging die production and parameter technique in order to realize original model of automobile flanging hardware. ─── 基于现代典型翻边模产品智能化设计的理念,系统采用参数化技术,实现汽车翻边件初始模型特征的提取。

17、Ha-ha turtle also intelligential. ─── 呵呵龟也挺有灵性。

18、The Application of Remote Intellig ent I/O in Computer Supervising and Control System of Power Plant ─── 远程智能I/O在火电厂计算机监控系统中的应用

19、Design and application of digital electronic yarn clearer with intelligential interface ─── 带智能接口的数字清纱器的设计应用

20、Development of Sing le-chip Microcomputer Based and Intellig ent Control Device of Telephone ─── 单片机在电话智能控制器中的应用

21、Keywords Automobile flanging die;Intelligential design;Structure redesign; ─── 汽车翻边模;智能化设计;结构再设计;

22、This paper proposals the research of intelligential measure & control node based fieldbus in bottom network of industrial control architecture. ─── 本论文研究的是基于现场总线技术的工业控制体系结构中现场级网络的智能测控节点。

23、It is adopted to process and classify vibration signal of a turbogenerator and the results indicate that it is a useful and effective intelligential classification. ─── 最后举例说明,该网络在汽机诊断中是一种有效的智能分类器。

24、It is established as intelligential design system of automobile flanging die on base of 2D environmental. ─── 建立了基于二维环境的汽车翻边模智能化设计系统。

25、intelligential control system ─── 智能控制系统

26、About the intelligential measuring and controlling node, the composing of its function modules, the work principle, the hardware frame, software design and the method of realization of each module are recommended in details. ─── 对智能测控节点的功能模块组成,各模块的工作原理、硬件设计、软件设计及它们的实现方法进行了较深入的探讨和详细的论述。

27、intelligential office automation system ─── 智能办公室自动化系统

28、My question is: Is there difference of intelligential ability among the spirits in spiritual world? ─── 我有一个问题:在灵界不同的灵也有灵性的不同吗?

29、Ha-ha turtle also intelligential. ─── 呵呵龟也挺有灵性。


31、Intelligential Safety Inspection System of Flammable Gas at Pump Station in Oil Storage ─── 油库泵站可燃气体智能型安全检测系统

32、intelligential computer-aided design ─── 智能计算机辅助设计

33、As a intelligential activity, science embodies the lofty Olympic ideal and spirit going forward forever toward the aim of “ quicker, higher and stronger” on intelligence; ─── 在当代西方以逻辑实证主义为代表的科学哲学、以默顿为代表的科学社会学和以萨顿为代表的科学历史学对科学的文化价值的理解,基本上代表着一种较为传统的观点。

34、intelligential information retrieval system ─── 智能信息提取系统

35、As the case stands, this system runs steadily, controls smartly, achieves the entire function request, and incarnates the characteristic and advantage of the intelligential measure & control node. ─── 现场使用结果表明该系统运行稳定、控制精确,达到了应有的功能要求,较好地体现了智能测控节点的特色和优越性。

36、The material elements analysis, a new theory and intelligential method, may be used to solve an incomptible problem. ─── 物元分析是人们处理不相容问题的新理论和智能方法,应用范围广泛。

37、intelligential skill ─── 智能,智力技能

38、Based on the analysis of functional requirements of this yarn winder, a practical way and settlement to design digital electronic yarn clearer with intelligential interface are given in the article. ─── 文章在分析了新型半自动络筒机的功能需求之后,给出了带智能接口的数字电子清纱器的实现思路和解决方案。

39、intelligential computer assisted instruction ─── 智能计算机辅助教学

40、intelligential computer-aided manufacturing ─── 智能计算机辅助制造

41、Application of Face Recognition Technology in Intelligential Video Monitoring System ─── 人脸识别技术在智能视频监控系统中的应用

42、Application of Face Recognition Technology in Intelligential Video Monitoring System ─── 人脸识别技术在智能视频监控系统中的应用

43、May say before Team Shandong changes, takes him not to have any means radically, this is the extremely intelligential attack player. ─── 曹阳在上半时比赛中防守做得有缺陷,但是瑕不掩瑜的是,他在最后关头改变了比赛,这简直就是比赛中的压哨球。

44、Is very fond of music I, believed that I am one in the music aspect intelligential female student. ─── 酷爱音乐的我,相信我是一个在音乐方面有灵性的女生。

45、Intelligential measuring and controlling node based on CAN bus is introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了基于CAN总线技术的智能测控节点。

46、Keywords Glass mixture material Measurment of Na_2CO_3 content Intelligential instrument; ─── 玻璃配合料;含碱量测定;智能仪器;

47、Keywords yarn eveness tester;intelligential expert analysis software;quality control;test; ─── 条干均匀度测试仪;智能专家分析软件;质量控制;检验;

48、Analysis on the Occurrence Characteristics of Forest Fire and Its Intelligential Fire Alarm Method ─── 森林火灾发生的特点及智能预测方法

49、Artificial- intellig ence brokers will translate your expertise into software. ─── 人工智能经纪人将把你的专门知识变为软件。

50、Effect of Basic Motor Ability Training on Intelligential Development of Children with Intellectual Obstacle ─── 基本运动能力训练对智障儿童智力发展的影响

51、Dogs are intelligential, but they don't see the complicated relative relationship of mankind. ─── 狗虽然多有灵性,但它弄不懂人类的那种复杂的亲戚关系。

52、On the Model Technique and Research Trends of Intellig ent Decision Support System ─── 智能决策支持系统的模型技术及研究趋势

53、Realization and Research of CAN Bus on the Intelligential Measuring and Controlling Node ─── 智能测控节点的CAN总线实现及研究

54、intelligential ventilator ─── 智能化呼吸机

55、Keywords chemical teaching experiment;students in normal university;the new curriculum;manipulative skill;intelligential skill;training strategy; ─── 化学教学论实验;高师学生;新课程;操作技能;智力技能;训练策略;

56、Problems on water system design of intelligential building including the design pattern, information transfer to related specialized subjects and signal analysis are discussed. ─── 探讨了智能建筑给排水设计程式以及向相关专业提供条件的问题,介绍了各种信号的作用及设置场所。

57、Intelligential design ─── 智能化设计

58、Or the intelligential difference only exibits among human? ─── 或灵性的不同只体现人身上呢?

59、Objective Analyze the obstacles in the intelligential ventilator,causes of alarms and countermeasures for old patients in order to reduce the rate of complication by mechanic ventilator. ─── 目的分析老年患者机械通气时智能化呼吸机的故障,报警原因及对策,减少机械通气并发症的发生率。

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