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08-19 投稿


Arian 发音


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Arian 中文意思翻译




Arian 网络释义

adj. 信奉阿里乌斯教的;阿里乌斯派的n. 阿里乌斯派信徒

Arian 词性/词形变化,Arian变形


Arian 短语词组

1、arian foster n. ─── 阿里安·福斯特

2、-arian suf. ─── [构成形容词或名词]表示:...岁的(人):octogenarian, centenarian; ...派的(人);...主义的(人):Unitarian,utilitarian; 从事...工作(或职业)的(人):argarian,antiquarian; 制定(或做出)...的(人):disciplinarian

3、arian nationalism ─── 阿里安民族主义

4、arian grande ─── 阿里安格兰德

5、arian gap ─── 阿里安缺口

6、arian christianity ─── 基督教

7、arian layla ─── 爱尔兰土地

8、arian game ─── 阿里安博弈

9、arian vs aryan ─── 阿里安人vs雅利安人

Arian 相似词语短语

1、Arian ─── adj.(与)阿里乌斯派(有关)的;(与)出生于白羊宫时段的人(有关)的(同Arien);n.阿里乌斯派信徒;出生于白羊宫时段的人(同Arien);n.(Arian)(美、英、伊朗)阿里安(人名)

2、-arian ─── adj.信奉阿里乌斯教的;阿里乌斯派的;n.阿里乌斯派信徒

3、Irian ─── 伊里安岛(地名)

4、Brian ─── n.布莱恩(男子名)

5、Marian ─── adj.圣母玛丽亚的;英国玛丽一世的;n.圣母玛丽亚的信徒,圣母玛利亚崇拜者

6、Carian ─── n.(Carian)人名;(法)卡里安

7、argan ─── n.摩洛哥坚果树;地中海合金欢;n.(Argan)(美)阿尔甘(人名)

8、apian ─── adj.蜜蜂的

9、Parian ─── adj.(与)帕罗斯岛(有关)的;(与)帕罗斯岛产白色大理石(有关)的;(似帕罗斯岛白大理石的)伯利安瓷的;n.帕罗斯人;伯利安瓷

Arian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Constantius, who inherited the East, was an arian and banished the bishops of the Athanasian party ─── 继承东帝国的君士坦提乌斯是一个阿里乌主义者,他流放了亚大纳西派的大主教。

2、The order of height was Picea sitchensis, Picea abies, Picea glauca, Picea arian, Picea crassifolia, Picea balfouriana. ─── 6个种的 1年生云杉以苗高进行排序 :西加云杉 >欧洲云杉 >白云杉 >黑云杉 >青海云杉 >川西云杉。 欧洲云杉、白云杉、黑云杉各个种的不同种源间有很大的变异及选择潜力。

3、This was the thought that occurred ten years ago to Arian de Bondt, an engineer who works for Ooms, a Dutch building company. ─── 早在十年前一家荷兰建筑公司Ooms的工程师AriandeBondt就萌生了这个念头。

4、Background &Objective:The drug-resistance and metastasis in early stages of human malignant ov arian neoplasm have significant effect on chemotherapy of human ovarian carcinoma. ─── 背景与目的:卵巢恶性肿瘤细胞对顺铂的耐药性及早期发生转移严重影响着卵巢恶性肿瘤患者的化疗效果。

5、As for the most impious Arian fanatics, let them not think that the Word is a creature because his body is created. ─── 对那些最不敬虔的亚流派幻想者,让他们别因为道德身体是被造的就认为道也是被造的。

6、Ernest and Arian, they were able to show you they were rare? Like, every day? ─── 厄尼斯特和亚里安,他们能每天都让你看到他们罕有的特质吗?

7、As for the most impious Arian fanatics, let them not think that the Word is a creature because his body is created. ─── 对那些最不敬虔的亚流派幻想者,让他们别因为道德身体是被造的就认为道也是被造的。

8、We are not alone anymore.Telescopic studies of the planet Arian have confirmed alien life form at 4 locations on the planet. ─── 我们不再孤独,研究表明在阿莲星球的4个不同地点存在外星生命。

9、Methods :we carried out 35abdominocentesis b y ARROW centeral venous catheterization set in 15cases of ov arian cancer. ─── 方法采用美国AR-ROW公司生产的一次性单腔中心静脉导管穿刺腹腔,对15例卵巢癌患者行35次腹腔化疗。

10、Arian's doing a lot of talking for both of you. - You think he did the math all by himself? ─── 一直都是亚里安在替你说话-你以为这都是他一个人的主意吗?

11、Thus we acknowledge his divinity, which is that of the Father, and we worship his incarnated presence, even if the Arian fanatics burst. ─── 故此,我们确认他的神性就是父的神性,我们敬拜他成为肉身的显现,即使亚流派幻想者反对。

12、1 case was misdiagnosed intussusception, 2 cases were misdiagnosed ov arian tumor and 1 case was misdiagnosed pelvic tumor preoperatively. ─── 误诊为肠套叠1例,卵巢肿瘤2例,盆腔肿瘤1例;

13、the Arian heresy. ─── 阿里乌斯异端邪说

14、What's suggested here is the combination of authority with the Arian tendency to forge ahead individualistically, courageously, with aggression, a thrust of spirit, usually without caution. ─── 而由另一方面,也有人指白羊座的符号是象征新生的绿芽,表现出大地新生和欣欣向荣的景象。

15、Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow; Drink wine to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow. -----------Li Bai ─── 抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁. ------李白

16、inherited the East, was an Arian and banished the bishops of the Athanasian party. ─── 继承东帝国的君士坦提乌斯是一个阿里乌主义者,他流放了亚大纳西派的大主教。

17、Sixty Arian broiler chicks were used to study the effect of Yam(Dioscorea spp) powder on dietary nutrient metabolism. ─── 选用商品代艾维茵白羽肉鸡60只,随机分成5组,于28~35日龄用全收粪法进行消化代谢试验,并通过测定其血液生化指标,研究山药对肉仔鸡营养物质利用的影响。

18、But only those hear and follow these Arian's song would discovery it.You must find these sirens, Kratos. ─── 但只有能听见并找到阿里乌斯派信徒的人才能发现(这条通道)。

19、Deposed by Arian opposition in 376, he was restored to office in 378 after the death of the Arian emperor, Valens. ─── 378年阿里乌派的皇帝瓦林斯死,他恢复了主教职务。与纳西昂的格列高利为友人。

20、Thus we acknowledge his divinity, which is that of the Father, and we worship his incarnated presence, even if the Arian fanatics burst. ─── 故此,我们确认他的神性就是父的神性,我们敬拜他成为肉身的显现,即使亚流派幻想者反对。

21、Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow; Drink wine to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow. -----------Li Bai "Farewell To Uncle Yun, The Imperial Libr arian, At The Xie Tiao Pavilion In Xuanzhou" ─── 抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁.------李白 《宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云》

22、The purpose was dear, to deny Arian ism and to assert that, in spite of the intellectual difficulties involved, Jesus was not a creature or a demigod but God. ─── 目的很清楚,尽管有理智上的问题,但否认的是阿里乌主义,主张的是耶稣不是创造物或半神,而是神。


24、Though an Arian, Theodoric was on good terms with the Church until his last years. ─── 他虽是个阿利乌斯教派却与教会保持友好直到晚年。

25、The effect of lactobacillus and Chinese herbs biostime additive to the growth performance of Arian broiler ─── 乳酸杆菌和中草药合生元添加剂对艾维因肉鸡生长性能影响的研究

26、Hong Kong is recognized as one of the most vigorous area in Arian and even in the world. ─── 香港被公认为亚州乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一.

27、This was to create a “perfect” Arian civilization. ─── 这是为了创造一种“完美”的亚特兰蒂斯文明。

28、Objective:To study radioimmunoguided surgery (RIGS) s ystem with99mTc labeling monoclonal antibody (McAb) for detection of o v arian carcinoma in nude mice bearing human ovarian carcinoma. ─── 目的:进行99mTc标记卵巢癌单抗放射免疫导向手术研究,为临床应用提供基础。

29、Arian Stolwijk, member of the MooTools team, and I have recently rewritten the MooTools Spec Engine which is our unit testing library. ─── ArianStolwijk,MooTools团队的成员之一,和我最近重写了MooToolsSpec引擎,它是我们的单元测试库。

30、Arian influenza ─── 禽流感

31、This explains why some Arians do not appear Arian. And, of course. ─── 这也就可以解释为什么有些白羊看起来不像白羊。

32、Methods The expression of PTEN and Ki-67 protein in 64 cases of epithelial ov arian cancer,30 cases of benign ovarian cystoadenoma and 20 cases of normal ovar ian tissue were detected by S-P immunohistochemical method. ─── 方法 采用免疫组织化学S-P法检测了64例上皮性卵巢癌, 30例卵巢良性肿瘤和20例正常卵巢组织中PTEN和Ki-67的表达。

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