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08-19 投稿


cornstalk 发音

英:[?k??rn?st??k]  美:[?k??n?st??k]

英:  美:

cornstalk 中文意思翻译



cornstalk 网络释义

n. 玉米秆;谷类的秆

cornstalk 短语词组

1、cornstalk restaurant shelby ia ─── 谢尔比西娅玉米秸秆餐厅

2、cornstalk peel ─── 玉米秸秆皮

3、cornstalk fence hotel ─── 玉米杆酒店

4、cornstalk disease ─── [医] 玉米杆病(马)

5、cornstalk plant ─── 玉米秆植物

6、cornstalk bed and breakfast ─── 玉米秸秆床和早餐

7、cornstalk trail of terror ─── 恐怖的玉米秆痕迹

cornstalk 词性/词形变化,cornstalk变形


cornstalk 相似词语短语

1、beanstalk ─── n.豆茎

2、corneal ─── adj.角膜的;n.(Corneal)(美)科尼尔(人名)

3、cornball ─── n.(非正式)观念陈腐的人,多愁善感的人;乡巴佬;adj.(非正式)陈腐的,过时的;愚蠢的,似乡巴佬的

4、cornstarch ─── n.玉米淀粉;玉蜀黍淀粉

5、corn stacks ─── 玉米堆

6、cornstick ─── 玉米棒

7、corn stack ─── 玉米堆

8、cornstalks ─── n.玉米秆;谷类的秆

9、corn silk ─── (玉米的)穗丝

cornstalk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The invention relates to the glass fiber/cornstalk fiber spraying product which is constituted by glass fiber crude yarn without twist, cornstalk fiber and resin; ─── 玻璃纤维/麦秸纤维喷射制品,由玻璃纤维无捻粗纱与麦秸纤维以及树脂构成;

2、Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf. ─── 人与兽的骨头,谷杆和树叶。

3、A study on cornstalk fibrous pulp wastewater treatment with anaerobic baffled reactor ─── 厌氧折流板反应器处理玉米秆纤维浆粕废水的研究

4、Keywords cornstalk;hydrolysis technique;oxalic acid;botanical fibre; ─── 玉米杆;水解;草酸;植物纤维素;

5、different capability of degradation cornstalk among microorganisms. ─── 微生物对玉米秸秆的降解性能差异较大。

6、The H content in steam-exploded cornstalk and enzymatic hydrolyzed corn stalks residue respectively rised by 8. 1% and 6. 0%. ─── 且对-羟基苯丙烷结构随着汽爆处理和酶解的进行,相对含量依次增加8.1%和6.

7、The cornstalk with the brotherly strange place of she and husband, must remember the under one's name in late husband. ─── 她与丈夫的兄弟所生的长子,必须记在已故丈夫的名下。

8、The operation conditions of corrugated paper production from cornstalk by the hot press method were experimentally studied. ─── 以玉米秸秆为对象,研究了热压制作瓦楞芯纸的工艺条件。

9、Study on the conversion laws from cornstalk and straw to energy ─── 玉米秆和稻草的能源利用研究

10、Design and study of cornstalk briquette boiler ─── 玉米秸秆成型燃料锅炉的设计与试验研究

11、Keywords Cornstalk,Properties of mechanics,Separation of stalk and leaves; ─── 玉米秸秆;力学特性;茎叶分离;

12、Incoming letter of Comrade Wei Jianhua asks reader of Shanxi cornstalk county: Hear the country has new regulation to consolidating mining industry order, what does specific content have excuse me? ─── 山西长子县读者魏建华同志来信问:听说国家对整顿矿业秩序有新规定,请问具体内容有哪些?

13、lesser cornstalk borer ─── 小玉米茎蛀虫

14、Feeding trials of beef bulls fed rumex, cornstalk silage and Soy straws different roughage source in the saline soil area ─── 盐渍土地区杂交酸模、豆秸与青贮玉米秸饲喂肉牛对比试验

15、Raw peat,cornstalk,sawdust and modified peat whose properties had been changed were respectively tested to develop a sort of perfect oil cleanup sorbent. ─── 为了研制一种理想的吸油剂,对泥炭、秸秆、锯末和改性泥炭用作吸油材料进行了对比试验。

16、In this paper, we researched on the treatment of human feces, which employed the S-15 bio-toilet presented by Japan Science and Technology Agency, and the cornstalk as matrix. ─── 利用日本科学技术振兴机构赠送的S-15型生态厕所,分别用两种粒径的玉米秸秆作为反应基质来处理人粪便,旨在研究玉米秸秆能否代替木屑作为生态厕所的反应基质。

17、Studies on the Technology of Mix- Material Flakeboard with Cornstalk and Beanstalk ─── 玉米秸、豆秸混合原料秸秆板工艺研究

18、Keywords bio-hydrogen production;anaerobic fermentation;cornstalk;enrichment; ─── 生物制氢;厌氧发酵;玉米秸秆;富集;

19、Residence time determination for cornstalk particles in flash pyrolysis devolatilization ─── 闪速热解挥发实验中玉米秸颗粒滞留时间的确定

20、Experimental Study on Corrugated Paper Production from Cornstalk by Hot Press Process ─── 玉米秸秆髓芯热压瓦楞芯纸的试验

21、The Study on the Experiment of Planting Cole with the Remains of Bio-toilet with Cornstalk as Matrix ─── 以秸秆为基质的生态厕所残余物与油菜栽培的实验研究

22、Keywords Cornstalk particle;Molding process;Creep behavior; ─── 玉米秸碎料;模压成型;蠕变特性;

23、Simulation compress is used to study rheological behavior and major affecting factors of low-density cornstalk fragment convex molding. ─── 采用模拟压缩的方法,研究了低密度秸秆碎料凸向模压成型的流变特性及主要影响因素。

24、The experimental results showed that Shaving shape of cornstalk particle had Influnce on the physical and mechanical properties of cornstalk particleboard. ─── 结果表明,刨花形态对板材内结合强度和吸水厚度膨胀率的影响最大。

25、cornstalk biomass ─── 玉米秆

26、Cornstalk is good memories of my childhood. ─── 玉米杆是我小时候的美好记忆。

27、A Preliminary Study of Creep Behavior of Cornstalk Particles in a Molding Process ─── 玉米秸碎料无胶模压成型蠕变特性初探

28、In case of mixedly burning Shenhua coal with cornstalk or bark, the optimal proportioning ratio is 50%. ─── 神华煤与玉米杆和树皮混燃时,混燃比最佳值为50%;

29、Keywords furfural;cornstalk;ultraviolet spectrophotometer; ─── 糠醛;玉米秆;紫外分光光度法;

30、Keywords cornstalk board;skin stalk splitter;Shaving Shape of Cornstalk Particle;Physical and Mechanical Properties; ─── 秸秆板;皮穰分离;刨花形态;物理性能;

31、Biochemical Changes Induced by Natural Fermentation of Dry Cornstalk, Wheat Straw, and Rice Straw ─── 玉米、小麦、水稻秸秆自然发酵的生化变化

32、Keywords cornstalk;microbiological feed;liquid-solid united fermentation; ─── 玉米秸杆;微生物蛋白饲料;固液结合发酵;

33、Keywords biological hydrogen production, beer lees, cornstalk, pretreatment, hydrogen production potential, forcing aeration; ─── 生物制氢;啤酒糟;玉米秸秆;预处理;产氢潜势;曝气;

34、Shaving Shape of Cornstalk Particle ─── 刨花形态

35、Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was used to treat cornstalk fibrous pulp wastewater, and to study the technologic parameters and characteristics. ─── 采用厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理玉米秆纤维浆粕废水,研究了工艺条件和工艺特征。

36、The Effect of a New Type of Bedding Made from Cornstalk on the Reproduce and Growth of Rats ─── 玉米秸作为大鼠垫料对其生长发育及繁殖性能的影响

37、Forestry does not promote Liaoning inquietude Liaoning to serve as republican cornstalk, it is to taking glory and earnest wish, prep against difficulty and challenge stride of 21 centuries. ─── 林业不兴辽宁不宁辽宁作为共和国的长子,是带着光荣与梦想,迎着困难和挑战迈进21世纪的。

38、In order to effectively use agricultural wastes,the pyrolysis characteristics of cornstalk and straw is studied based on research on thermal decomposition reaction of substances. ─── 对玉米秆和稻草进行了热解特性研究。

39、Keywords fluorogypsum cornstalk fi ber compound excitated agent thistle board; ─── 氟石膏;玉米秸秆纤维;复合激发剂;纸面石膏板;


41、Cornstalk says: "Father king is driven went out. ─── 长子说:“父王驾出了。”

42、But there were significant statistical differences (p

43、Biodegradation of Cornstalk by Two - Phase Biotransformation and Its Optimized Conditions ─── 玉米秸秆的二相生物转化法降解及其优化条件的研究

44、GAO Meng-xiang, GUO Kang-quan.Study on mechanical properties of cornstalk[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agriculture Machinery, 2003,23 (4) :48-52. ─── [3]高梦祥,郭康权.玉米秸秆的力学特性测试研究[J].农业机械学报,2003,23(4):48-52.

45、The operation conditions of corrugated paper production from cornstalk by the hot press method were experimentally studied. ─── 以玉米秸秆为对象,研究了热压制作瓦楞芯纸的工艺条件。

46、My ma would wear me out with a cornstalk if I was to go into Miss Watlin`s. ─── 如果我进了华丹宁夫人的房间的话,我妈妈会用玉米杆把我打昏的.

47、Cornstalk to Improve Alkali-saline Soil in Songnen Grassland. ─── 玉米秸秆改良松嫩盐碱地的初步研究。

48、Cornstalk breaking ─── 秸秆粉碎

49、Simultanously, true protein content of treatments was higher, also,average quantities of total amino acids were 2. 16 and 2. 21 times over cornstalk before and after ensilaged. ─── 同时,添加氮硫以后各处理真蛋白含量较高,氨基酸总量均值是原料中的2.16倍,是对照的2.21倍。

50、and the size of cornstalk marrow, as raw material, had not an obvious impact product quality. ─── 以玉米秸秆髓芯为热压成型的原料,制作的瓦楞芯纸具有一定的耐破强度和柔韧性。

51、The result shows that adding 1.5% treated cornstalk fi bers will enhance the bending and compressive strengt... ─── 结果表明,用先掺法加入1.5%处理后的玉米秸秆纤维,制品的抗折、抗压强度均有一定程度的提高。

52、Diagnosis and Treatment of Rumen Acidosis Coused by Eating Excessively Moldy Corn and Cornstalk in Bovine ─── 牛过食霉玉米及玉米秸致瘤胃酸中毒的诊治

53、conditions of corrugated paper production from cornstalk by the hot press method were experimentally studied. ─── 为对象,研究了热压制作瓦楞芯纸的工艺条件。

54、Cornstalk says, it is only 10 years ago, a lot of Japanese can inspect her act to be indulged for ego, but the case had gone now. ─── 长子说,仅在10年前,很多日本人都会视她的举动为自我放纵,但现在情况已经变了。

55、Keywords cornstalk;beanstalk;stalk-board;single factor experiment;the orthogonal experiment; ─── 玉米秸;豆秸;秸秆板;单因素试验;正交试验;

56、cornstalk macerator ─── 玉米茎秆切碎机

57、PRISSY:My ma would wear me out with a cornstalk if I was to go into Miss Watling's. ─── 碧西:如果我去华丹宁小姐那儿,我母亲会用绳子把我勒死!

58、When I was a young law professor, Hillary and I had a couple of great trips to New Orleans for conventions, staying at a quaint little hotel in the French Quarter, the Cornstalk. ─── 在成为一名年轻的法学教授后,我和希拉里曾几度来到新奥尔良参加会议,住在法国区一家叫做“玉米秆”的很特别的小旅馆内,旅途非常愉快。

59、cornstalk disease ─── [医] 玉米杆病(马)

60、Under the same test conditions, cornstalk gets the highest NOx reduction and wheat straw, peanut shell,wood ship follow in turn. ─── 相同的实验工况下,玉米秸再燃取得的脱硝效果最好,麦秸、花生壳次之,杨木屑较差。

61、The results show that the mechanical properties of cornstalk are its national properties following statistical laws. ─── 结果表明:这些力学特性是玉米秸秆的固有特性,具有统计规律性。

62、cornstalk shaver ─── 玉米秆收割机切玉米茎秆机

63、The most part of cornstalk is used as fuel, secondly as feedstuff, then as fertilizer. ─── 燃料是吉林省玉米秸秆消耗量最大的一部分,其次是饲料,再次是肥料。

64、cornstalk fiber ─── 玉米秸秆纤维

65、because of the fermentation of stalk, it is not suitable to calculate the nutrient value of the storage cornstalk, especially the digestive energy, as a constant. ─── 由于在保存期间自身发酵等原因,窖存玉米秸秆的营养价值特别是消化能值不宜用定值来计算。

66、Experimental study on conservative tillage technology of complete cornstalk cover by mechanization and furrow sowing beside film mulching ─── 机械化整秆覆盖膜侧沟播保护性耕作技术的试验研究

67、The result shows that adding 1. 5% treated cornstalk fi bers will enhance the bending and compressive strength. . . ─── 结果表明,用先掺法加入1.5%处理后的玉米秸秆纤维,制品的抗折、抗压强度均有一定程度的提高。

68、Experimental Investigation on Current Separator for Difform Cornstalk Separation ─── 气流式分离机分离不同形态秸秆碎料的试验研究

69、The pyrolytic bio-oil produced from cornstalk by flash pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor was analyzed.The composition of the bio-oil was determined by GC-MS and FTIR. ─── 摘要对以玉米秆为原料热解获得的生物油的组成和性质进行了分析,结合色质联用技术分析获得了生物油主要组分的分布。

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