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08-18 投稿


calcaneum 发音

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calcaneum 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 跟骨


calcaneum 短语词组

1、calcaneum plural ─── 跟骨复数

2、calcaneum is the medical term for the ─── 跟骨是医学术语

3、calcaneum parts ─── 跟骨部

4、calcaneum plural form ─── 跟骨复数形式

5、calcaneum ppt ─── 跟骨ppt

6、rete calcaneum ─── [医] 跟网

7、calcaneum definition ─── 跟骨定义

calcaneum 词性/词形变化,calcaneum变形


calcaneum 相似词语短语

1、calcined ─── 焙烧

2、calcanean ─── 跟骨

3、calcareous ─── adj.钙质的,石灰质的;n.钙化软骨

4、calcine ─── v.锻烧,焙烧;(使)氧化;n.煅烧产物

5、calcanea ─── n.跟骨(calcaneum的变形)

6、calceamentum ─── 钙

7、calcaneal ─── adj.脚后跟的;跟骨的

8、calcaneus ─── n.(人的)[解剖]跟骨;哺乳动物的空凹足

9、calcanei ─── 跟骨(calcaneum的复数);(动物的)空凹足(calcaneum的复数)

calcaneum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Malunion after fracture of calcaneum ─── 跟骨骨折畸形愈合

2、Calcaneum bone fracture ─── 跟骨骨折

3、Objective To determine the calcaneum bone density of pregnant women s in meta late-phase with ultrasonic bone density apparatus. ─── 目的超声骨密度仪测定妊娠中晚期孕妇跟骨骨密度。

4、Keywords calcaneum fracture;anatomic plate;surgery; ─── 跟骨骨折;解剖钢板;外科手术;

5、Analysis on quality and quantity of calcaneum bone by quantitative ultrasound in the elderly in Chongqing ─── 重庆市区中老年人跟骨定量超声测定分析

6、Methods:Broadband ultrasound attenuation(BUA),speed of ultrasound(SOS),bone quality index(BQI) and T-score of right calcaneum bone were measured by SONOST 2000 QUS ultrasound in 214 middle-aged people. ─── 方法:采用韩国Osteosys公司生产的SONOST2000型定量超声仪对214名中年男性右跟骨宽波段超声衰减(BUA)和T-值(T-Score)进行检测。

7、epiphysitis ot calcaneum ─── 跟骨骨骺炎

8、Observation on the Curative Effect of Acupuncture and Washing of TCM Combined on the Pain of Calcaneum ─── 针灸合中药熏洗治疗跟痛症疗效观察

9、Method: And so on carries on the analysis using the CUBA dry type supersonic calcaneum bone density analyzer to the bone density and the proliferation situation. ─── 方法:利用CUBA干式超声跟骨骨密度分析仪等对骨密度及增生情况进行分析。

10、Treatment of displaced intra-articular fracture of calcaneum bone with manipulative reduction ─── 手法复位治疗移位的跟骨关节内骨折

11、Analysis on quality and quantity of calcaneum bone by quantitative ultrasound in the elderly in Chongqing ─── 重庆市区中老年人跟骨定量超声测定分析

12、Objective: Discussion calcaneum bone fracture multi-layered screw CT performance and clinical value. ─── 摘要目的:探讨跟骨骨折的多层螺旋CT表现及其临床价值。

13、Clinical Observation on Combination of Calcaneum Bone Traction and Limited Internal Fixation for the Treatment of 48 Cases of Pilon Fracture with Displacement ─── 跟骨牵引加有限内固定治疗移位型Pilon骨折48例临床观察

14、Method: Analyzing 30 example calcaneum bone fracture screw CT three dimensional reconstruction performance, the CT type, according to type instruction clinical choice suitable treatment plan. ─── 方法:分析30例跟骨骨折的螺旋CT三维重建的表现、CT分型,根据分型指导临床选择适合的治疗方案。

15、Calcaneum bone framework holds calcaneum bone fracture ─── 跟骨架固定跟骨骨折

16、The observation of ultrasonic calcaneum bone density in meta-late phase pregnancy ─── 妊娠中晚期跟骨骨密度的超声测定与钙剂补充

17、Calcaneum bone framework holds calcaneum bone fracture ─── 跟骨架固定跟骨骨折

18、Keywords calcaneum fractures;fracture fixation;internal;incision; ─── 关键词跟骨骨折;骨折固定术;内;手术入路;

19、Observation on the Curative Effect of Acupuncture and Washing of TCM Combined on the Pain of Calcaneum ─── 针灸合中药熏洗治疗跟痛症疗效观察

20、Objective: Discussion calcaneum bone fracture multi-layered screw CT performance and clinical value. ─── 目的:探讨跟骨骨折的多层螺旋CT表现及其临床价值。

21、Treatment of displaced intra-articular fracture of calcaneum bone with manipulative reduction ─── 手法复位治疗移位的跟骨关节内骨折

22、Finite Element Model calculation and Mechanical Analysis for Calcaneum ─── 跟骨有限元计算和分析

23、The Effect of Persistent Taiqiquan Exercise on the Quantitative Ultrasound Parameter of Calcaneum and Male Hormone for Aged Males ─── 长期坚持太极拳锻练对老年男性跟骨超声参数及雄性激素的影响

24、Juvenile osteochondrosis of calcaneum ─── 幼年型跟骨骨软骨病

25、rete calcaneum ─── 跟网

26、calcaneum bone ─── 跟骨(动)

27、Subjects in the lowest 10% of calcaneum broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) distribution had four times the risk of fracture as those in the upper 30% of the distribution (relative risk [RR], 4.44; ─── 超音波BUA 分布在最低10%的跟骨骨折危险是最高30%的四倍(相对危险[RR], 4.44;

28、Treatment of intra-articular fracture of calcaneum bone with extemal fixation apparatus of calcaneum bone combined with reduction using steel pin: A report of 48 cases ─── 钢针撬拨复位跟骨外固定器固定治疗跟骨关节内骨折48例

29、Keywords calcaneum fractures;open reduction;fracture fixation;internal; ─── 跟骨骨折;切开复位;骨折固定术;内;

30、Keywords middle-aged male;osteoporosis;calcaneum quantitative ultrasound;cuases; ─── 中年男性;骨质疏松;跟骨定量超声;成因;

31、Objective To determine the calcaneum bone density of pregnant women's in meta late-phase with ultrasonic bone density apparatus. ─── 目的超声骨密度仪测定妊娠中晚期孕妇跟骨骨密度。

32、Combined TCM Wet Compress and Blocking for Treating 38 Cases of Hyperostosis Symptoms of Calcaneum Bone ─── 中药熏洗湿敷加封闭治疗跟骨骨质增生症38例

33、Combined TCM Wet Compress and Blocking for Treating 38 Cases of Hyperostosis Symptoms of Calcaneum Bone ─── 中药熏洗湿敷加封闭治疗跟骨骨质增生症38例

34、calcaneum quantitative ultrasound ─── 跟骨定量超声

35、Treatment of displaced intra-articular fractures of calcaneum ─── 手术治疗跟骨关节内移位骨折

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