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08-18 投稿


bipartition 发音

英:[[ba?pɑ:'t??n]]  美:[[ba?pɑ:'t??n]]

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bipartition 中文意思翻译



bipartition 短语词组

1、bipartition graph theory ─── 二分图论

2、bipartition surgery ─── 二分手术

3、bipartition angle ─── [电] 对分角

4、bipartition mean ─── 二分平均值

5、bipartition phylogeny ─── 二分系统发育

6、bipartition definition ─── 二分定义

bipartition 相似词语短语

1、repartitions ─── n.分派,分配;v.再分割,重新分配

2、apparition ─── n.幽灵;幻影;鬼怪;离奇出现的东西

3、partition ─── n.划分,分开;[数]分割;隔墙;隔离物;vt.[数]分割;分隔;区分

4、tripartition ─── n.分成三部分

5、equipartition ─── n.[物][化学]均分

6、to partition ─── 分区对分区拷贝;分区操作

7、bipartisan ─── adj.两党连立的;代表两党的

8、repartition ─── n.分派,分配;v.再分割,重新分配

9、bipartite ─── adj.双边的;由两部分构成的;一式两份的;双方的

bipartition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Inner-shell ionization cross sections;Electron impact;Thin target with thick substrate;Bipartition model;Empirical formula;Corrected; ─── 内壳电离截面;电子轰击;薄靶厚衬底;双群模型;经验公式;修正;

2、bipartition angle ─── 对分角

3、Bipartition model of electron transport and its new applications in absorbed dose monitoring system of EB radiation processing for wires and cables ─── 电子输运两群理论及在电线电缆剂量监控系统中应用新进展

4、complete bipartite graph is a simple bipartite graph with bipartition. ─── 完全偶图是具有二分类的简单偶图。

5、We have formulated the bipartition problem and presented a probabilistic-driven algorithm to bipartition a circuit so as to minimize the power dissipation in pipelined circuits. ─── 近年来中央处理器的架构,首推管线电路,因此我们会以此架构为研究基础。

6、In the experiment, the influence of the electrons reflected from the thick substrate was corrected by means of a bipartition model of the electron transport. ─── 在实验中采用电子输运双群模型修正了由厚衬底产生的反射电子对计数的影响。

7、Straight forward approximation has been used for the transport calculations of forward particles in the bipartition model of charged particle transport. ─── 在粒子输运双群模型中,引入直向前近似,计算了双群模型中的直向前粒子输运。

8、also show that the bipartition theory of light ion transport is an effective theoretical method for investigation of ion reflection from surface of solids. ─── 同时也表明了双群模型有可能成为研究离子在固体表面反射的有效的理论方法。

9、A complete bipartite graph is a simple bipartite graph with bipartition ─── 完全偶图是具有二分类的简单偶图。

10、Such a partition is called a bipartition of the graph ─── 这样一种分类称为图的一个二分类。

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