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08-18 投稿


centenarian 发音

英:[,sent?'ne?r??n]  美:[,s?nt?'n?r??n]

英:  美:

centenarian 中文意思翻译



centenarian 网络释义

adj. 百岁或逾百岁以上的n. 百岁或逾百岁以上的人

centenarian 词性/词形变化,centenarian变形

名词复数: centavos |

centenarian 短语词组

1、centenarian men ─── 百岁老人

2、centenarian day ─── 百岁纪念日

3、centenarian age ─── 百岁老人

4、centenarian def ─── 百岁老人

5、centenarian bmi ─── 百岁老人bmi

6、centenarian data ─── 百岁老人资料

centenarian 相似词语短语

1、centenary ─── n.(某重要事件的)一百周年;一百周年纪念(或庆典);adj.一百周年的

2、centenaries ─── n.(某重要事件的)一百周年;一百周年纪念(或庆典);adj.一百周年的

3、centenarians ─── 百岁老人(centenarian的复数)

4、centaurian ─── 半人马座

5、catenarians ─── adj.链状的(等于catenary);n.悬链线;吊线(等于catenary)

6、centenarianism ─── 百岁论

7、bicentenaries ─── n.二百周年(纪念日);adj.二百周年纪念的

8、catenarian ─── adj.链状的(等于catenary);n.悬链线;吊线(等于catenary)

9、centennial ─── adj.一百年的;n.一百周年;一百周年纪念

centenarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man."Sir," said he, "you are the doctor. ─── 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。

2、Is there any secrects for a centenarian to longevity? ─── 百岁老人长寿有没有秘决?

3、Sun burn its own light and heat, the heavy half of the face or in the Western Hills, it is like a centenarian, although it is still kind of Enron, after all, on the verge of death. ─── 夕阳燃尽了自己的光热,一半脸沉重的跌于西山下,很象一个百岁老人,虽然还是那么慈祥安然,毕竟奄奄一息。

4、Afghan President Hamid Karzai honoured three women with the title Mother of the Year, including a posthumous recognition for a centenarian with some 500 descendants. ─── 阿富汗总统哈米德.卡尔札伊表彰3名女性为年度母亲,其中包括一名死后追认的百岁人瑞,她约有500名子孙。

5、The bones of another would-be centenarian, it turned out, were being stored in her son's backpack. ─── 而另一具在其儿子的背包里发现的尸骨也可能是一位百岁老人的。

6、Although still we can hardly see a centenarian,the average life of human have kept on increasing during the past several decades. ─── 在上个世纪中期,生物学家把青蛙的体细胞核放入青蛙的去核卵细胞里,结果制造出了克隆蝌蚪。

7、His record throw of 12.75 metres, at the Japan Masters Athletics championship in June, shattered the world centenarian javelin record formerly held by an American. ─── 他在六月份的日本田径大师赛中,掷出12.75米的成绩,打破了之前由美国人创造的标枪百岁组世界纪录。

8、This request was granted,where upon the spry centenarian challenged the general manager to a game of tennis-and got that,too ( The results of the game, however , were not disclosed ! ─── 这一个请求被允许, 哪里在精神好的百岁或逾百岁以上的人之上挑战了总经理到一场网球的游戏- 而且也得到了那 (游戏的结果,然而,不被揭露 !

9、They also predicted using genetics alone many of those among study participants would be a centenarian. ─── 仅从遗传学上分析,他们推测研究中的被试者们有很多会成为百岁人。

10、Our most recently deceased centenarian in Okinawa caught a cold and died in her sleep. ─── 在冲绳我们最近过世的百岁老人得了感冒后在睡眠中去世了。

11、What could that treasure of the centenarian be, which was so precious and so secret? ─── 那百岁老人那样珍借、那样隐藏的东西究竟是什么宝贝呢?

12、It's not the first time, however, that we've written about a centenarian getting tattooed. ─── 无论如何这也不是第一次我们写百岁老人纹身的故事了。

13、Elliott Carter, an American centenarian, will also be a prominent presence, with two days of concerts centred on the premiere of “On Conversing with Paradise”, a setting of poems by Ezra Pound. ─── 新节目中包括哈里森.伯特威斯尔的两出演奏,另加美国期颐老人艾略特.卡特的闪耀登场。

14、Thomas Perls, director of the New England Centenarian Study at the Boston University School of Medicine. ─── 然后的三天就是泡图书馆,在网上搜素相关资料,迅速了解了这一领域的知识,并把这些知识按某种思路选择搭建起来。

15、In the Little Convent there was a centenarian who came from the Abbey of Fontevrault. ─── 在那小院里有个从封特弗罗修院来的百岁老人。

16、Around one in five of those studied had the required pair of ' centenarian' genes. ─── 在上述研究中,大约每五个人中就有一人拥有成对的这类“百岁基因”。

17、Centenarian to donate body and organs ─── 百岁老人欲捐遗体和器官

18、I have never met a healthy person or centenarian that lived a physically inactive life. ─── 我从没遇到过一个不积极锻炼的健康人或者百岁老人。

19、Governor Visits Home of a Soon-to-be Centenarian - Tokyo Metropolitan Government ─── 知事上门慰问将满百岁的老人-东京都

20、Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man. ─── 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。

21、Do some family research to find out if you have a shot at becoming a centenarian. ─── 您能做些家族研究来看看您是否有机会成为百岁人瑞。

22、Thomas Perls, director of a recent centenarian study. ─── 他是最近一项百岁老人研究的负责人。

23、spring silkworm to dead silk side. human to centenarian also continuous.Has one remaining breath must diligently. remains makes the youth good category. ─── 春蚕到死丝方尽.人至期颐亦不休.一息尚存须努力.留作青年好范畴.

24、This centenarian was a model of Chinese traditional medicine on fitness and health, and his experimentation no doubt reflected the merits and demerits engendered by Taoist practice. ─── 本文对孙氏生平有所考证,孙氏的成就是多方面的,而这个知行合一的百龄老道是养生学的典范,无疑也影现了道教修练的功过得失。

25、Over the years many a centenarian has delivered their secret for a long life. ─── 过去这些年,许多百岁人瑞都发表过长寿的秘诀。

26、Today China Girl, as she has been affectionately named, is in a specially adapted enclosure 600 miles away at Suzhou Zoo, where she is becoming acquainted with her centenarian suitor. ─── “今日中国女孩”,她被人们这样亲昵地叫着,现在她生活在一片特意为它圈出来的场地里,距离苏州动物园600公里。在那,她与她的百岁追求者慢慢热络起来。

27、Among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study. ─── 根据新英格兰百岁老人的一个研究,在世界人口中超过100岁的人,有85%是女人。

28、Does a centenarian get any secret to be long-lived? Surveys demonstrated that the majority of them lead a very quite regular life,only the minority subsist naturally. ─── 百岁老人长寿有没有秘决?调查表明:多数百岁老人的生活非常有规律,只有少数老人的日常生活是顺其自然的。

29、Centenarian s celebrate another year in Cuba, marking the anniversary of the 120 Years Club, an organization of more than 5,000 seniors, many a hundred and older. ─── 在古巴,百岁老人们庆祝“一百二十岁俱乐部”的纪念日,该组织(既然前面是俱乐部,后面沿用可能更好)拥有超过5000位的年老者,许多都是一百岁或更老的。

30、The centenarian genome is a key resource in identifying longevity genes ─── 百岁老人基因组是辨识寿命基因的关键来源

31、She has a better chance than most of becoming a centenarian because Okinawa is one of the world's hotspots for longevity. ─── 她比大多数人都更有机会成为百岁老人,因为冲绳岛是全球关注的长寿热点之一。

32、The centenarian sisters both enjoy watching sumo and are fond of eating sweets like bean buns and chocolates. ─── 两名百岁人瑞姊妹都爱看相扑,也喜欢吃甜豆沙包和巧克力等甜食。

33、According to investigation,all but a few of centenarian have a very regular life. ─── 调查表明:多数百岁老人的生活非常有规律,只有少数老人的日常生活是顺其自然的。

34、The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy. ─── 百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。

35、On another occasion, the centenarian was telling stories. ─── 她谈话,富有庇卡底人的风度,使寄读生们听了特别高兴。

36、Gurong roots, such as Beaulieu, skin cracking if it rocks, like a centenarian, the long-whiskered. ─── 古榕树根如蟠龙,皮若裂岩,像个百岁老人,捋着长须。

37、Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of the centenarian population at 24,245, nearly six times more than the number of men, the ministry said in a report. ─── 据厚生劳动省的一份报告显示,百岁老人中的女性老人占大多数,为85%,其总人数达到24245人,是百岁男性老人的近6倍之多。

38、The country's centenarian ranks are dominated by women, who make up 86 percent of the total. ─── 该国的百岁老人队伍以妇女为主,占总数的86%。

39、The free test will be available through a public website maintained by the New England Centenarian Study. ─── 新英格兰百岁老人研究中心(NewEnglandCentenarianStudy)负责维护的一个公共网站将提供上述免费基因检测。

40、It acts like a centenarian who bears silent witness to the city's ups and downs. ─── 它像是一位百岁老人,亲历了整个城市的兴衰变化。

41、He is whining about this and that, what does he want ? he wants CCP to promise him a centenarian inmate ? ─── 赖昌星回国后不会死的,最多死缓。这是胡要用的棋子,镇住上海帮。

42、The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy. ─── 百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。

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