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08-18 投稿


codeine 发音

英:[?ko?di?n]  美:[?k??di?n]

英:  美:

codeine 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 可待因


codeine 网络释义

n. [毒物][药] 可待因(用鸦片制成的止痛镇咳药)

codeine 短语词组

1、codeine hydrochloride ─── 盐酸可待因

2、codeine got me trippin ─── 可待因给我弄到了trippin

3、codeine pills ─── 可待因丸

4、codeine sulfate ─── [医] 硫酸可待因

5、codeine phosphate ─── [化] 磷酸可待因 ─── [医] 磷酸可待因

6、codeine cough syrup ─── 可待因止咳糖浆

7、codeine #3 n. ─── [毒物] ─── [药]可待因(用鸦片制成的止痛镇咳药)n.可待因(自鸦片中提取的碱质); 用以镇痛; 镇咳; 催眠等

8、codeine poisoning ─── 可待因中毒

9、codeine hydrobromide ─── [医] 氢溴酸可待因

codeine 词性/词形变化,codeine变形


codeine 相似词语短语

1、coderive ─── 共驱动

2、coding ─── n.译码;v.把…编码(code的ing形式)

3、codding ─── n.(Codding)人名;(英)科丁

4、codline ─── n.船上捕鱼或作其他用途之棉或麻绳

5、coden ─── n.代码数字系统

6、codein ─── n.可待因(自鸦片中提取的碱质,用以镇痛,镇咳,催眠等)

7、codens ─── 代码

8、codeina ─── 可待因

9、codeia ─── 法典

codeine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、codeine moth ─── 苹果蠹蛾

2、Hard to annunciate fioricet codeine.Codeine.Extracting codeine from promethazine. ─── 明道普霖斯顿部落格: Is codeine legal.

3、, codeine), St John's wort.Tell your doctor if you have taken MAO inhibitors (e.g., furazolidone, linezolid, phenelzine, selegiline, tranylcypromine) within the last two weeks. ─── 在过去两周内,如果您已经服用MAO(单胺氧化酶)抑制药(如呋喃唑酮、利奈唑烷、苯乙肼、司来吉兰、反苯环丙胺),请告诉医生。

4、Diclofenac sodium codeine phosphate tablets ─── 氯芬待因片

5、Ouaiacol - pseudoephedrine - codeine phosphate solution ─── 愈酚伪麻待因口服溶液

6、Large doses produce a euphoric high and youths abuse cough medicine for this purpose. Abuse of Codeine can lead to addiction. ─── 含高剂量可待因的咳药水,却可令用者产生极强而欣快的感觉,因而为年青人所滥用。

7、Optimized Formulation of Paracetamol and Codeine Phosphate Tablets ─── 氨酚待因片处方工艺的优化

8、It is often administered with aspirin, codeine, or phenacetin as an analgesic preparation. ─── 常与阿司匹林、可待因或非那西汀作为止痛剂合并使用。

9、This paper, basing on some professional standards related with G code and Cartesian coordinatesrule, expatiatesonthe definition and proper use of G02 (G03) instruction codein CNC lathe. ─── 本文基于G代码有关标准及迪卡尔坐标原则,并以数控车床为例,阐述了G02(G03)代码的严格定义及正确应用。

10、One of us got the bright idea of giving him some codeine, which soothed the cough at once. ─── 我们中的一个人想出一条妙计―让他服点可待因药,于是立即减轻了他的咳嗉。

11、Arbutin is a kind of nature products,and the compound is introduced exhibiting some functions, such as antibiosis, codeine and diuresis. ─── 熊果苷是一种天然存在的物质,具有抗菌、镇咳和利尿等功能,近年来作为美白添加剂广泛应用于化妆品中。

12、Aspirin and ibuprofen can cause fatal bleeding and codeine can cause severe constipation. ─── 阿司匹林和布洛芬会导致致命的出血,可待因会引起严重的便秘。

13、Commercially produced cough medicines contain varying amounts of the powerful narcotic cough suppressant Codeine . ─── 各类由合法药商制造的咳药水,含有不同成分的强力止咳药可待因。

14、Promethazine with codeine.Codeine extraction.Codeine.Codeine phosphate.Cocaine interactions with codeine. ─── 明道普霖斯顿部落格: How long does codeine stay in your system.

15、MEADWAY C.GEORGE S.BRAITHWAITE R A rapid GC-MS method for the determination of dihydrocodeine,codeine,norcodeine,morphine,normorphine and 6-MAM in urine 2002(1-2 ─── 汪丽萍.李翔.孙英.赵海香.邱月明.仲维科.唐英章.王大宁.周志强气相色谱/质谱法测定猪肉中4种苯二氮(艹卓)类镇静剂残留[期刊论文]-分析测试学报2005(7

16、Codeine.Pseudoephedrine with codeine cough syrup. ─── 明道普霖斯顿部落格: Apap codeine.

17、Codeine Phosphas ─── Codeine

18、Keywords paracetamol and codeine phosphate tablets;orthogonal design;formulation;technical parameters;optimization; ─── 氨酚待因片;正交设计;处方;工艺参数;优化;

19、Some studies suggest it is better at suppressing coughs than codeine. ─── 一些研究表明它比可待因更能抑制咳嗽。

20、the uniform commercial codein the united states ─── [经] 美国统一商法法典

21、They tried everything to help, including arsenic, hydrotherapy, aloes, strychnine and codeine - some of which worked temporarily. ─── 他们尝试了所有治疗手段,包括砒霜、水疗、马钱子碱和可待因——其中一些短暂有效。

22、The antitussive activity of the extract was comparable to that of codeine phosphate, a prototype antitussive agent. ─── 该镇咳活性的提取物进行比较,与磷酸可待因,原型镇咳剂。

23、Tylenol codeine side effects.What is apap codeine.Codeine. ─── 摘要: How long does codeine stay in your system.

24、parotid pain, aspirin or codeine is quite effective. ─── 阿司匹林或可待因治腮腺疼痛非常有效。

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26、Determination of Diclofenac Sodium and Codeine Phosphate in Shuerfen Tablets by CPA Matrix Method ─── CPA-矩阵法测定舒尔芬片剂中两组分的含量

27、Their study found that theobromine,found in cocoa,was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine,which was considered the best cough medicine at present. ─── 如果考生面对这些长难句,在短时间内能对它们进行结构解析,确切地理解它们的汉语意思,考生在阅读过程中的问题就会迎刃而解。

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29、paracetamol and codeine tablets ─── 氨酚待因片

30、ABSTRACT Objective : To survey and assess the drug dependence of diclofenac sodium and codeine phosphate tablet (DSC). ─── 摘要 目的 :调查评价复方氯芬待因片的药物依赖性。

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32、Naproxen codeine ─── 萘普待因

33、Arbutin is a kind of nature products, and the compound is introduced exhibiting some functions, such as antibiosis, codeine and diuresis.Lately, it is widely used in cosmetic as whiten agent. ─── 摘要熊果苷是一种天然存在的物质,具有抗菌、镇咳和利尿等功能,近年来作为美白添加剂广泛应用于化妆品中。

34、Keywords orthogonal experiment;paracetamol and codeine tablets;friability; ─── 正交试验;氨酚待因片;脆碎度;

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