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08-18 投稿


epidemically 发音


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epidemically 中文意思翻译



epidemically 反义词

ecdemic | endemic

epidemically 词性/词形变化,epidemically变形

副词: epidemically |异体字: epidemical |

epidemically 短语词组

1、epidemically meaning ─── 流行病学意义

2、epidemically correlated ─── 流行相关

epidemically 同义词

contagion | pestilence | prevalent | rife | wide-ranging | catching | sweeping | rash | spate |widespread | rampant | infectious | wave | scourge | endemic | outbreak | craze | contagious | plague

epidemically 相似词语短语

1、eidetically ─── adv.特别逼真地

2、academically ─── adv.学术上;学业上

3、epistemically ─── adv.认识地;与认识有关地

4、endemically ─── adv.地方性地;风土性地

5、epidemicity ─── 流行性

6、epidemical ─── adj.传染病的;流行性的

7、episodically ─── 插曲式地;偶然发生地

8、epileptically ─── 癫痫

9、endermically ─── 特有的

epidemically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords cerebrovascular disorders;epidem iologic factors;cross-sectional studies; ─── 脑血管意外;流行病学因素;横断面研究;

2、The main contents of hygiene education have been related to the dissemination of hygiene information, the research and prevention of epidem... ─── 其主要内容涉及普及卫生知识、研究和预防传染病、倡导民族健康运动等方面。

3、Methods: Information of 895 in-hospital patients were epidemically investigated. ─── 方法:对895例住院患者的病例资料进行流行病学调查。

4、Methods: Information of 895 in-hospital patients were epidemically investigated. ─── 方法:对895例住院患者的病例资料进行流行病学调查。

5、The galaxy's most lucrative Eon Crystals are epidemically being smuggled. ─── 银河系里最有利的“永世水晶”被盗走了。

6、The galaxy’s most lucrative Eon Crystals are epidemically being smuggled. ─── 银河系里最有利的“永世水晶”被盗走了。

7、Keywords Cervix neoplasms;HLA-A2 antigen;Alleles;Epidem iology;molecular;Case-control studies; ─── 宫颈肿瘤;HLA-A2抗原;等位基因;流行病学;分子;病例对照研究;

8、Objective To evaluate the mental health status in SARS wards during epidemically period of SARS. ─── 目的了解SARS发病高峰期SARS病房护士心理卫生状况。

9、Keywords severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS);epidem iology;clinical features;serum antibody; ─── 严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS);流行病学;临床特点;血清抗体;

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