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09-15 投稿


distributive 发音

英:[d?'str?bj?t?v]  美:[d?'str?bj?t?v]

英:  美:

distributive 中文意思翻译



distributive 网络释义

adj. 分配的;分布的;分发的n. [语] 分配词

distributive 词性/词形变化,distributive变形

名词: distributiveness |副词: distributively |

distributive 同义词

distributive 短语词组

1、distributive agreement ─── [法] 分配协定

2、distributive share ─── [经] 应分配份额

3、distributive cost ─── 发行成本,销售成本

4、distributive costs ─── [经] 物资分配费用

5、distributive function ─── 分配职能

6、distributive profit ─── 经销利润

7、distributive law ─── [计] 分配律

8、distributive justice ─── 分配的公正

9、distributive algebra ─── 分配代数

10、distributive trade survey ─── 销售业调整

11、distributive clause ─── 分配条款

12、distributive medium ─── 分布媒体

13、distributive trade ─── [经] 销售网贸易

14、distributive element ─── 分配元

15、distributive shock ─── 分布性休克

16、distributive lattice ─── [计] 分配格

17、Distributive property ─── 分配属性

18、distributive profits ─── [经] 可分配的利润

19、distributive analysis ─── [医] 分配性分析(精神生物学怕疗法)

distributive 反义词


distributive 相似词语短语

1、distributivity ─── n.[数]分配性;分布性;分配律

2、distributee ─── n.分配遗产受益之人

3、distribute ─── vt.分配;散布;分开;把…分类

4、distributively ─── adv.分配地;分发地

5、distributives ─── adj.分配的;分布的;分发的;n.[语]分配词

6、redistributive ─── 再分配的

7、distributing ─── v.分配;散布(distribute的ing形式);adj.分配的

8、nondistributive ─── 非分布的

9、distribution ─── n.分布;分配;供应

distributive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meanwhile, according to the analyses of security and distribution of COM+ technique, the system structure has been proposed that adopting COM+ technique realizes distributive PDM integrated frame. ─── 同时依据对COM+组件技术的安全性和分布性的分析,提出在冶金企业采用COM+技术来实现分布式PDM集成框架的体系结构。

2、Hearing we will distribut candies, the children suddenly gathered around us. ─── 一听要发糖果,孩子们哗啦一下都围了上来。

3、Belongings distributive is not equably between Chinese town dweller is the result that economy commercializes a process completely. ─── 中国城镇居民之间财产分配的不均等并非全是经济市场化过程的结果。

4、Any, each and both are distributive pronouns. ─── Any,each,both均为个别代名词。

5、A Short History of Distributive Justice ─── 分配正义简史

6、For the inquisitive reader the entire topic of Dynamic e-business is nothing more than another form of distributive computing. ─── 对于好奇的读者来说,动态电子商务的整个课题只是分布式计算的另一种形式。

7、distributive sequential effect algebra ─── 分配序列效应代数

8、In his theory, he identified three methods of constructing theory of distributive justice.They are contractualism, reflective equilibrium, and constructivism. ─── 在罗尔斯的理论中,他指认了三种基本的思考方法:契约论、反思平衡、政治建构主义。

9、An Equivalence Relation Characterization of Distributive Lattices ─── 分配格的等价关系刻画

10、Completing the reclamation of tideland and the construction of roads for collective and distributive transport and auxiliary facilities and providing the right to land and coast utilization. ─── 十一、项目方可提供的合作条件: 完成海涂围垦形成港区陆域,完成港外集疏运通道和配套设施建设,提供海域和土地使用权。

11、Thirdly, return to the real nature of outer party dissidence system, and synchronously build up the debtor dissidence law and distributive dissidence participation law. ─── 再次,回归案外人异议制度的本来面貌,同时构建债务人异议之诉和参与分配异议之诉。

12、a strong distributive lattice of semirings ─── 半环的强分配格

13、It is full of good advice about how to conduct both distributive and integrative bargaining minuets so that all parties come out ahead. ─── 关于如何引导分配交易以及综合交易顺利进行从而使得各方提前迈出困境,它给出了很多很好的提议。

14、This article also discusses facts of litigation proceeding after analyzing the condition of facts of litigation proceeding and the distributive principle of the onus of proof by the plaintiff. ─── 在分析诉讼程序事实适用举证责任的条件和举证责任分配的原理后,对原告承担举证责任的诉讼程序事实进行了探讨。

15、A new kind of distributive CNC system ─── 一种分布式CNC数控系统

16、On the base of specified total quantity of heat, the effect of the change of heat flux and the distributive region of heat flux on the temperature distributions are discussed. ─── 在总热量一定的基础上,通过变化局部热流强度及作用区域,讨论了各向异性材料对热流分布响应的热敏感性。

17、The Rough Approximation of Distributive BZ Lattice ─── 分配BZ格的粗糙近似

18、The hydrocarbon reservoirs in the transgressive systems tract consist mainly of braided channel sandstone bodies in the alluvial fan facies,distribut... ─── 但由于它们形成的古环境及物理化学条件的不同,其砂砾岩中所含粘土矿物类型及数量亦有显著差异,对其储集性能将产生不同程度的影响。

19、representation of distributive lattice ─── 分配格的表示

20、Which one below can use the distributive property? ─── 下面那道题能用乘法分配律计算?

21、A strong distributive lattice of quotient semirings ─── 商半环的强分配格

22、In Jiamusi massif,both of concentrated area of gold deposit and organic matler rich khondalite series have a common distributive regularity. ─── 佳木斯地块金矿集中区与富含有机质的孔达岩系具有同分布的规律,它是金矿集中区有利的矿源层和赋矿围岩。

23、The problem of distributive justice is a very important problem of theory and reality in economic ethics. ─── 分配正义问题是经济伦理学中一个十分重大的理论和现实问题。

24、A distributive word or term. ─── 分配词,分配项

25、Title: Analysis of potential distributive areas for Aleurodicus dispersus in China. ─── 关键词:螺旋粉虱;生物学特征;适生区;中国

26、HES130/0.4 is the newest HES with middle molecule used in clinic,his moleculat weight distribut is the narrowest of all HES producte. ─── 6%羟已基淀粉130/0.4(6%HES130/0.4)是目前应用于临床的新型中分子羟已基淀粉,因相对分子质量范围窄,取代级低(0.4),具有代谢率高,扩容效果好,在组织中蓄积量小的特点。

27、The lowest cell density was found in duodenum.The origin of distributive mode of argyrophil cells in the digestive tract of Takydromus wolteri might be related to its habitat and feeding habit. ─── 且嗜银细胞形态多样,主要有锥体形、椭圆形等广泛分布于上皮细胞基部、上皮细胞之间、腺泡上皮及腺泡之间,且多数嗜银细胞有明显的突起。

28、Shantou Dahe Light Industry Machinery Co.,Ltd.specializing in the research, production and distribut... ─── 发布者:所在地:行业:职位:工作年限:

29、question of distributive justice. ─── 分配正义的问题。

30、We should see an user more assignable on the thing to his be fond of, can be willing how many does distributive value have after all. ─── 制作完了以后还可以分享,之后将开通,用户通过互联网或者是手机终端都可以快速地将手机里面的东西进行分享,这块也是免费服务。

31、The widest range of adjustment is achieved when the observation surface corresponds to a light-intensity distribut... ─── 与原来的透镜效应法相比,此法对轴更简单,而且具有更高的测量精度,更适合于自动对轴系统。

32、Distributive justice is based on allocation result. And procedural justice is based on determine process. ─── 分配公正是以分配结果作依据;程序公正是以决策过程作依据。

33、The distributive characteristics of the secondary halo of ores are comprehensively evaluated in large scope for a further guiding for geological prospecting. ─── 从而使更大范围内综合评价岩石次生晕的分布特征,使其更好地指导地质找矿工作成为可能。

34、Responsibility:(1)Manage national distribution system (2)Develop transportation system(3)Maintain the regional distribut...... ... ─── 公司名称:大连瑞思管理咨询有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-8-3

35、FTX element,TME or NI-MPE had significant effect on distributive mixing ability.They were located at melt conveying section of co-rotating twin screw extruder would obtain homogenization products. ─── 六棱柱元件、齿形盘元件、非啮合多过程元件具有较强的分布混合能力,置于熔体输送段将有利于得到分布均匀的制品。

36、international distributive justice ─── 国际分配正义

37、The distributive characteristics of PAHs in different districts and different seasons were mainly studied. ─── 主要研究了多环芳烃的地区和季节分布特征。

38、The model can simulate the random distributive initial stress field.Combined with FEM, the im proved accelerated genetic algorithm is used to get the multinomial coefficients of boundary loads. ─── 与有限元相结合,采用改进的能全局优化和智能搜索的加速遗传算法反演出边界荷载多项式系数。

39、A nonlinear parameter,Distributive Entropy of Euclidian Distance(DEED),is introduced and based on which,the ratio of between-class DEED to within-class DEED(JRd) is defined as a criterion for the feature selection. ─── 在此基础上定义了欧氏距离分布熵(Distribution Entropy of Euclidian Distance DEED)这一空间分布信息度量参数,同时给出了它的计算方法.

40、The types of zeolites are mainly controlled by the varieties of source material and the properties of water medi-um, and the distributive type often shows perpendicularly zonal features. ─── 其种类主要受原始母质类型及水介质性质控制,在分布上常有垂向分带现象。在盐碱湖现代况积中也有横向分带现象。

41、CDN is an integral system deployed by policy, which can help users resolve the issues of distributive storage, load balance, re-direction of network request and content management. ─── CDN是一个经策略性部署的整体系统,能够帮助用户解决分布式存储、负载均衡、网络请求的重定向和内容管理等问题。

42、Ring Congruences on A Strong Distributive Lattice of Semirings ─── 半环的强分配格上的环同余

43、distributive adverb movement transformation ─── 分布副词移动转换

44、Shock may be due to low circulating volume (hypovolemic shock), vasodilation (distributive shock), primary decrease in cardiac output (both cardiogenic and obstructive shock), or a combination. ─── 休克可能是由于低循环量(低血容量性休克)、血管舒张(分布性休克)、心排量基本下降(心源性休克和阻塞性休克),或多种因素结合。

45、J2EE technology caters for the current of Brower/Server structure and makes use of the multi-access,distributive application and excellent database access mechanism of Web server and application server. ─── J2EE迎合Browser/Server架构的潮流,利用Web服务器和应用服务器提供了多客户访问、分布式应用及优秀的数据库访问机制。

46、Distributive injustice and employee deviant behavior (interpersonal deviance) was negatively related. ─── 2.探讨个人道德标准对员工偏差行为之影响;

47、Distributive Rules of Concentration of Acetaldehyde Discharged from Terylene Plants of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Ltd., Co. ─── 仪化涤纶厂乙醛废气质量浓度的分布规律。

48、To say the truth, I had conceived a few scruples with relation to the distributive justice of princes upon these occasions. ─── 说老实话,对君主们在这种情况下分得领地的正义性我颇有怀疑。

49、Distributive shock: Distributive shock results from a relative inadequacy of intravascular volume caused by arterial or venous vasodilation;circulating blood volume is normal. ─── 分布性休克:分布性休克源于因动脉或静脉扩张引起的血管内容量的相对不足,其循环血量正常。

50、Not just a distributive question. ─── 不仅仅是一个分配问题。

51、A relatively objective illustration was given to the distributive characters of zymogen granule in three bands of acinar cell. ─── 参考 Barta 技术方法,提出腺泡细胞分带方法,比较客观地阐述酶原颗粒在细胞三带分布特点.

52、In the distribut e intelligence network security active defense system,data fusion is composed of multi-level processes. ─── 在分布式网络安全积极防御系统中,需要进行多层次的信息融合。

53、Based on the reasonable simplified model of the pin barrel extruder, numerical and experimental analyses were carried out to investigate the flow field and distributive mixing effect on the unfolded surface of the screw. ─── 在一定简化条件下 ,对销钉机筒挤出机螺杆圆周展开面内的流场及分布混合效果以及销钉个数对流场和分布混合效果的影响进行了数值与实验研究 .

54、This paper concludes four distributive modes of sandstone reservoirs which are controlled under different hydrodynamic intensity conditions. ─── 为此,总结了四种不同的水动力强度控制条件下砂岩储层分布模式。

55、This paper concludes four distributive nodes of sandstone reservoirs which are controlled under different hydrodynamic intensity conditions. ─── 为此,总结了四种不同的水动力强度控制条件下砂岩储层分布模式。

56、None of these answers can claim to be the ultimate one but, summed, they may contribute to our understanding of the forces inhibiting or facilitating distributive social justice. ─── 但是这些答案中没有一个可以断言是完全正确的,不过总结一下,他们可能有助于我们对势力抑制的理解或者促进社会福利的公平分配.

57、The plastics engineers were in a constant effort to improve the distributive and dispersive mixing performance of the single screw extruder for many years. ─── 为改善单螺杆挤出机的分散和分布混合能力,国内外塑料工程师们多年来进行了不断的努力。

58、The effects of ind ustrial policies on economic growth involve distributive effects and effects of structure optimization. ─── 产业政策对经济增长的影响可以区分为两个分影响,即由分配效应导致的影响和由优化结构效应导致的影响。

59、The competition between all Internet company, its are pair of user task allocation and time constitutionally piece distributive competes. ─── 所有互联网公司之间的竞争,其本质都是对用户任务分配和时间片分配的竞争。

60、The distributive areas of each grasshopper group were taken as their distribution pattern. ─── 各组蝗虫在宁夏的自然分布作为其分布格局。

61、Structure of a kind of distributive lattice Hasse Graph ─── 一种分配格哈斯图的结构

62、shared distributive asymmetrical dynamic feature ─── 共享分布式动态非对称性

63、Their technical advantages can not exert sufficiently because many of their design resource distribut different designers different zone. ─── 企业各自的技术优势因其设计资源分布在不同的人员上、地域上而不能充分发挥。

64、Upon complete latices, this paper introduced a concept"ultramolecular"and discussed its related aspects.Furthermore based upon it, ntuitionistic representation of completely distributive lattices were also given out. ─── 在完备格上引入了"超分子"概念,讨论了它的有关性质,并在些基础上利用它刻划完全分配格,给出了分配格的一个比较直观的表达形式。

65、Each and "either" are distributive words. ─── “each”和“either”是个体词。

66、The "publisher" means any person or entity that distribut Dating s copies of the Document to public. ─── 出版者指的是把那些文本副本发布给观众的任何人或实体。

67、Distributive mixing is empolyed to homogenize the polymer melt.Distributive mixing relis on high polymer strain rates. ─── 事实上,从老外的定义可以非常清楚的看到两者的区别。

68、But the impact of distributive justice on customer satisfaction and behavior intentions will increase as the enhancement of the severity of flights delay. ─── 但随着延误严重程度的提高,分配公平对顾客满意度和行为意向的影响会增大。

69、Such a substitution simply reflects the idea of distributive justice, whose extreme form will lead to the idea of an omnipotent state. ─── 这种取代反映的是分配正义的观念,其极端化将导向全权国家的思想。

70、At the same time,eight ball valves control respectively the vitas of eight turntables and convenience to accommodate the distributive value. ─── 另有八个球阀分别控制八个转盘的油管供油,方便调节喷油量。

71、In its monthly distributive trades survey, 32% of retailers reported that sales were higher than a year ago, while 47% said they were lower. ─── 在英国工业联合会的月度分销业调查中,32%的零售商报告称,销量比一年前更高,而47%的零售商说他们的销售额比一年前更低。

72、The effect of eccentricity and ovality within allowable error on maximum value of distributive force is not too severe. ─── 在允许的制造偏差范围内,壁厚不均度和椭圆度对套管最大分布力值的影响不太严重。

73、distributive intrusion-detection ─── 分布式入侵捡潮

74、Larger load distribut ion of anaerobic techniques led to lower operating cost and investment and high er economic profits. ─── 厌氧负荷越大,运行费用越低,经济效益会越高,投资相对减少。

75、XML Web Service, by means of adding a Web Service server between the operation object and data layer, can substantially realize the logical multiplayer in software system and physical distributive processing. ─── 利用XML WebService技术,通过在业务对象层和数据层之间增加Web Service服务器,能够真正实现软件系统逻辑上的多层和物理上的分布式处理。

76、Today, we turn to the question of distributive justice. ─── 今天,我们将探讨分配的公正性。

77、The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere. ─── 亚里士多德对分配正义与平均正义的著名区分拟另作讨论。

78、Trade in this in the center, the interest of every related side is result of the distributive after negotiating through be locked in a seesaw struggle. ─── 在这笔交易当中,每个相关方的利益都是经过拉锯谈判后分配的结果。”

79、This distributive judgement is a value judgement-a matter of ethics, not facts. ─── 分配评价是一种价值判断--一种涉及伦理道德的问题而不是涉及是否符合事实的问题。

80、Distributive Integrated Model of Virtual Reality. ─── 分布式虚拟现实系统集成模型研究。

81、The distributive rules of chlorine ion in concrete column were also discussed. ─── 同时还探讨了混凝土柱中氯离子分布的规律。

82、distributive pattern for enterprise expenses ─── 企业缴费分配模式

83、Distributive justice: porceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals. ─── 分配公正:察觉到在个体中对数量和分配奖励报酬的不公平性。

84、Regarding a high building an an example,the method of numerical simulation is adopted to discuss and analyze the different distribut... ─── 以一高层建筑为例,采用数值模拟的方法,探讨和分析污染源在空气动力阴影区内外几个不同相对位置时,建筑物周围污染物分布的不同。

85、Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry. ─── 此行业的产品分配环节必需重组。

86、Beside, the deceased would distribut it by himself while he was alive, or otherwise, we suppose that the inrestacy is also a kind of his will. ─── 再说了,死者如果有意愿他就会在生前将其财产划分清楚,如果没有的话,那么也可以算作是一种意愿的表达。

87、Therefore,it is necessary to calculate coupling of digged foundation and soil around it to analyze stress mechanism of undisturbed soil foundation and distribut. ─── 因此,需要通过对掏挖基础与周围土体的耦合数值计算,探讨原状土基础的受力机理及土体抗力分布,从而更直观地反映掏挖基础与土体的相互作用。

88、Before is national bag distributive, enrol cent because of enlarge now not know clearly, the fault that who is do you say? ─── 以前都是国家包分配的,现在因为扩招分不了了,你说是谁的错?

89、distributive artificial intelligence ─── 分布式人工智能

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