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09-15 投稿



obtruding 发音

英:[?b?tru?d??]  美:[?b?tru?d??]

英:  美:

obtruding 中文意思翻译




obtruding 词性/词形变化,obtruding变形

名词: obtruder |动词现在分词: obtruding |动词过去分词: obtruded |动词过去式: obtruded |动词第三人称单数: obtrudes |

obtruding 相似词语短语

1、extruding ─── v.挤压出,使……喷出;挤压成,压制(extrude的现在分词形式)

2、obtrusions ─── n.强迫接受;管闲事;莽撞;闯入

3、unobtruding ─── 不客气

4、subtruding ─── 潜规则。

5、obtending ─── 获取

6、-truding ─── 整形

7、intruding ─── vt.把…强加;把…硬挤;vi.闯入;侵入;侵扰

8、obtunding ─── vt.使缓和,使迟钝;减轻

9、detruding ─── vt.推出;扔掉;逐出

obtruding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At least, drop into one of those half-sleepy, half-wakeful reveries that keep other thoughts from obtruding upon your consciousness. ─── 好好睡一觉,至少你也要打个盹,禁止其他信息和消息来打扰你的意识。

2、The purpose of this second part is to give a structural framework to help assess the oil potential of these three basins without the stratigraphic data obtruding. ─── 第二部分的目的是要在没有地层数据参考的情况下给出一个结构框架帮助评估这三个盆地的石油潜在性。

3、A old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness . ─── 一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现。

4、It is still eventful now, and all kinds of ideas will go on obtruding themselves. I hope you comrades here will keep your eyes open. ─── 现在还是多事之秋,各种思想还要继续暴露出来,希望同志们注意。

5、Type and applications of obtruding structural vibrating reflecting line mark ─── 突出结构型振动反光标线的种类和应用

6、"The remembrance that our poor captain was lying dead in the cabin was constantly obtruding" (Frederick Marryat). ─── “我们可怜的船长死在房舱里的情形老是在我的脑海里出现” (弗雷德里克·马里亚特)

7、He persisted in obtruding himself despite our efforts to get rid of him. ─── 尽管我们设法避开他,他还是硬要插进来.

8、Type and applications of obtruding structural vibrating reflecting line mark ─── 突出结构型振动反光标线的种类和应用

9、With the development of society and economics, farmer social security has becoming an obtruding issue. ─── 这不仅严重地阻碍了我国的发展,也不利于“三农问题”的解决。

10、old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness. ─── 一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现。

11、2.The unwelcome question of cost is obtruding itself upon our plans. ─── 讨厌的费用问题干扰着我们的计划。

12、They are consistent with the way in which we can try to come to terms with the intention of a speaker but suppose we say that language must be obtruding itself in this utterance like any other. ─── 这种一致体现在,我们可以试着和说话者的意图达成妥协,但假设我们说,语言,必然会对说出的话语施加影响,像在其他情况下那样。

13、I wish she would stop obtruding herself and her opinions upon our peceful gathering. ─── 但愿她不再三道四,扰乱我们聚会的安宁。

14、The unwelcome question of cost is obtruding itself upon our plans. ─── 讨厌的费用问题干扰着我们的计划。

15、The remembrance that our poor captain was lying dead in the cabin was constantly obtruding (Frederick Marryat). ─── 我们可怜的船长死在房舱里的情形老是在我的脑海里出现(弗雷德里克 马里亚特)

16、It is still eventful now, and all kinds of ideas will go on obtruding themselves. I hope you comrades here will keep your eyes open. ─── 现在还是多事之秋,各种思想还要继续暴露出来,希望同志们注意。

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