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hydrargyrum 发音

英:[ha??drɑ?rd??r?m]  美:[ha??drɑ?d??r?m]

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hydrargyrum 中文意思翻译



hydrargyrum 网络释义

n. 汞;[化学] 水银

hydrargyrum 短语词组

1、pulvis hydrargyrum cum creta ─── [医] 白垩汞粉

2、hydrargyrum praecipitatum album ─── [医] 白降汞

3、hydrargyrum depuratum ─── [医] 精制汞

4、hydrargyrum oleatum ─── [医] 油酸汞

5、hydrargyrum aceticum ─── [医] 醋酸汞, 乙酸汞

6、hydrargyrum ammoniatum ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞, 白降汞

hydrargyrum 相似词语短语

1、hydragog ─── 水泻剂

2、hydragogs ─── 吸湿剂

3、hydrargyria ─── n.汞中毒

4、hydragogue ─── n.[药]水泻剂;利尿剂;adj.利尿的;驱水的

5、hydragogues ─── n.[药]水泻剂;利尿剂;adj.利尿的;驱水的

6、hydrargyral ─── 汞

7、hydrargyric ─── adj.水银的;汞的

8、hydrargyriasis ─── 汞中毒

9、hydrargyrism ─── n.[内科]汞中毒

hydrargyrum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analyzed experiment data, the best one is ultrasonic in the light of convenience, quick, especially avoid sample color disturbing and hydrargyrum pollution. ─── 通过实验得出数据,进行分析,确定了超声法为最适宜样品前处理方法。

2、Keywords determine COD inhibitor avoid hydrargyrum pollution; ─── 测定COD掩蔽剂;避免汞污染;

3、Chang,Y. ,Li ,T. , 1987. Application of the geochemical exploration hydrargyrum measurement in archeology. Chinese Geology, 7:21- 22 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── 陕西省考古研究所,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆,2000.秦始皇帝陵园考古报告(1999).北京:科学出版社.

4、Keywords remove hydrargyrum;metamorphic;fly ash charcoal;active carbon; ─── 脱汞;改性;飞灰炭;活性炭;

5、Sink into the hydrargyrum... Breathe without live... ─── 浸陷入水银,吸食这死亡之液体...

6、Keywords uncertainty;fungus;hydrargyrum;atomic fluorescence spectrometry; ─── 不确定度;银耳;汞;原子荧光法;

7、Keywords 5-(3-methy1-2-pyridyl) methylenerhodanine hydrargyrum;Photometry; ─── 甲基-2-吡啶)亚甲基若丹宁;汞;光度法;

8、Measurement of distribution and leaching of hydrargyrum in waste battery ─── 双硫腙法研究废电池中汞的分布及浸出

9、Survey on occupational hazards of hydrargyrum in a thermometer factory ─── 某体温计厂汞职业危害调查

10、The product could be mixed with multi disinfectant, insects killer, except for with alkali, and copper and hydrargyrum product. ─── 1 、本品可与多种杀菌剂、杀虫剂、叶面肥混用,但请勿与强碱、铜汞制剂混用。

11、Keywords Solid heat releasing method;cold atom;soil;hydrargyrum; ─── 固态热释法;冷原子吸收;土壤;汞;

12、On Studies of Free Hydrargyrum in Cinnabar Preparations ─── 关于含朱砂制剂中游离汞的研究

13、hydrargyrum ammoniatum ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞, 白降汞

14、Determination of Plumbum, Chromium, Hydrargyrum and Arsenic and Safety Evaluation on Artemisia seleirgensis Turoz ─── 芦蒿中铅、铬、汞、砷的含量分析与安全评价

15、Methods The data of the casting film, electron microscope scanning, hydrargyrum driving text and X-diffraction were analyzed. ─── 方法分析大量铸体薄片以及扫描电镜、压汞、和X-洐射资料。

16、Suitable place:emporium、street、hotel plant、and other outdoor areas,It is the perfect replacer of hydrargyrum lamp sodium lamp. ─── 适用场所:商场、道路、酒店、厂房、户外泛光照明,是汞灯、钠灯、金卤灯理想的替代光源。

17、hydrargyrum praecipitatum flavum ─── 黄降汞

18、hydrargyrum aceticum ─── [医] 醋酸汞, 乙酸汞

19、It can be concluded from the evaluation numbers that the safety of Ming river is difference,iron and hydrargyrum are the main pollutants;the safety of Tuo river and Fu river are better. ─── 结果显示,岷江流域的水质安全性较差,主要的污染物为重金属汞和铁,沱江和涪江流域的水质安全性较好。

20、hydrargyrum oxidatum flavum ─── 黄氧化汞, 黄降汞

21、Research on Cymene Hydrargyrum in Fish Bodies in Harbin part of Songhua River and its Analyzed Method ─── 松花江哈尔滨段鱼体甲基汞及分析方法的研究

22、Keywords High position u-shaped anus fistula;Therapy of integrated traditional and western medicine;hydrargyrum oxydatum crudum medicinal twist filling-extubation; ─── 高位马蹄形肛瘘;中西医结合疗法;中药红升丹药条脱管法;

23、Research Actuality of Removing Gaseous Hydrargyrum From Flue Gas With Coal-Sorbent ─── 煤基吸附剂脱除烟气中气态汞的研究现状

24、hydrargyrum oleatum ─── [医] 油酸汞

25、hydrargyrum oxydatum crudum ─── 升丹, 红升丹, 黄升丹, 升药

26、hydrargyrum praecipitatum album ─── [医] 白降汞

27、Objective:To prepare compound hydrargyrum aminochloride cream and carry out its quality control standard. ─── 目的:研制复方氨化氨基汞霜并进行质量控制。

28、remove hydrargyrum ─── 脱汞

29、The effect of FS content on membranes porosity has been discussed through measuring the porosity by hydrargyrum pression method. ─── 通过汞压法测试薄膜的孔隙率,讨论了FS含量对薄膜孔隙率的影响。

30、Synchronous mensuration os soil arsenic and hydrargyrum by using hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry digested with microwave ─── 微波消解氢化物-原子荧光法同时测定土壤中的砷和汞

31、hydrargyrum depuratum ─── [医] 精制汞

32、Disposal Technology of Hydrargyrum on Recycling Waste Dry Batteries ─── 废干电池回收利用中汞的治理技术

33、hydrargyrum chloratum compositum ─── 白降丹

34、Objective: To investigate the understanding of hydrargyrum knowledge in clinical nurses in order to enhance occupational prevention. ─── 目的:了解护理人员对汞知识的掌握情况,以利做好职业防护。

35、Exceed anticyclone Xenon Hydrargyrum Lamp ─── 超高压汞氙灯

36、Keywords Glede tea;Lead;Cadmium;Hydrargyrum;Security; ─── 老鹰茶;铅;镉;汞;饮用安全性;

37、hydrargyrum oxycyanatum ─── 氧氰化汞

38、Keywords Dithizone Waste battery Hydrargyrum Distribution Leach; ─── 双硫腙;废电池;汞;浸出;

39、Determination of trace arsenic and hydrargyrum in the vegetables by double atomic fluorescence spectrometry ─── 双道原子荧光光谱法同时测定蔬菜中的砷和汞

40、b. hydrargyrum; ─── 2、汞;

41、Methods:The concentration of hydrargyrum aminochloride was measured by surplus titration. ─── 方法:采用剩余滴定法测定氯化氨基汞的含量。

42、Results: The nurses lack hydrargyrum knowledge. ─── 结果:护理人员缺乏汞相关知识。

43、The analytical technique,hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry(HG-AFS),is used to determine hydrargyrum and arsenic in water sample simultaneously. ─── 利用氢化物发生-原子荧光分析技术(HG-AFS)同时测定水样中汞、砷。

44、Methods The data of the casting film,electron microscope scanning,hydrargyrum driving text and X-diffraction were analyzed. ─── 方法分析大量铸体薄片以及扫描电镜、压汞、和X-洐射资料。

45、Objective:To prepare compound hydrargyrum aminochloride cream and carry out its quality control standard. ─── 目的:研制复方氨化氨基汞霜并进行质量控制。

46、pulvis hydrargyrum cum creta ─── [医] 白垩汞粉

47、1 Case report of hydrargyrum suction from stomach by endoscope ─── 内镜下吸出胃内水银1例报告

48、Method of mensurating soil Arsenic and Hydrargyrum simultaneously using microwave digestion hydride-atomic fluorescence spectrometry was setup. ─── 摘要建立了氢化物-原子荧光法同时测定土壤中砷和汞的方法。

49、Research on Cymene Hydrargyrum in Fish Bodies in Harbin part of Songhua River and its Analyzed Method ─── 松花江哈尔滨段鱼体甲基汞及分析方法的研究

50、hydrargyrum chloridum mite ─── 氯化亚汞, 甘汞

51、Hydrargyrum pollution ─── 汞污染

52、Methods:The concentration of hydrargyrum aminochloride was measured by surplus titration. ─── 方法:采用剩余滴定法测定氯化氨基汞的含量。

53、The results indicated that the method developed was effective and reliable for the determination of hydrargyrum that was mostly located in zinco, zinc and carbon complexity. ─── 结果表明,双硫腙测定废电池中汞的方法是可靠的;汞在废电池中主要分布在锌皮(锌粉)和碳包部分;

54、Synchronous mensuration os soil arsenic and hydrargyrum by using hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry digested with microwave ─── 微波消解氢化物-原子荧光法同时测定土壤中的砷和汞

55、Keywords Artemisia seleirgensis Turoz;plumbum;chromium;hydrargyrum;arsenic;safety evaluation; ─── 芦蒿;铅;汞;砷;铬;安全评价;

56、Conclusions It was concluded that the method is suitable for Hydrargyrum determination in salt. ─── 结论本方法适合于食盐中汞的测定。

57、stress of hydrargyrum ─── 汞胁迫

58、Keywords waste dry batteries;hydrargyrum;disposal technology; ─── 废干电池;汞;治理;

59、Hydrargyrum Amidatochloratum ─── 氯化氨基汞[外用抑菌药]

60、Keywords atomic fluorescence spectrometry;hydrargyrum;arsenic; ─── 原子荧光光谱;汞;砷;

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