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09-15 投稿



Hellenize 发音

英:[[?hel?na?z]]  美:[[?h?l??na?z]]

英:  美:

Hellenize 中文意思翻译



Hellenize 词性/词形变化,Hellenize变形

过去式:hellenized 现在分词:hellenizing

Hellenize 相似词语短语

1、Hellenised ─── 希腊化

2、Hellenizes ─── 希腊化。

3、Hellenise ─── 希腊语

4、Helleniser ─── 希腊化者

5、Hellenizer ─── 希腊化者

6、Hellenises ─── 希腊的

7、Hellenize ─── vt.使成希腊格调;使用希腊语法;vi.希腊化(过去式Hellenized,过去分词Hellenized,现在分词Hellenizing,第三人称单数Hellenizes,名词Hellenization)

8、Hellenized ─── v.(使)希腊化;(使)成希腊格调(hellenize的过去式及过去分词)

9、Hellenizers ─── 希腊化者

Hellenize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Diadegma semiclausum Hellen ─── 半闭弯尾姬蜂

2、Hellen We also won the men's high jump and the women's 1500m. ─── 男子跳高和女子一千五百米。

3、Hellen want Mary to date Tom to have dinner. ─── 海伦想让玛丽约汤姆吃晚餐。

4、Hellen:What's your favorite movie? ─── 你最喜欢的电影是什么?

5、Hellen It's been a great competition. We got gold medals in three events. ─── 这次比赛收获不错,我们一共取得了三个项目的金牌。

6、I got a phone call from Hellen last night. ─── 那那个拿走。

7、Hellen charged up her mistake to experience. ─── 海伦把错误视为经验教训。

8、21.Please tell Hellen to call me back as soon as possible. ─── 21.请你叫海伦尽快给我回电。

9、This would help to Hellenize the world and force these mixed ethnic groups to communicate in the Greek language. ─── 这有助于世界的希腊化,并强迫不同的种族群以希腊语来沟通。

10、Hellen sang the song over and over (again). ─── 海伦一再的唱那首歌。

11、Hellen Tomorrow's forecast predicts some rainfall. ─── 天气预报说明天有雨。

12、Introduction of a larval parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum Hellen and evaluation of its potency of controlling Plutella xylostella L. ─── 小菜蛾弯尾姬蜂引进及其控害潜能评价。

13、Hellen He's interested in learning about Chinese culture and likes collecting antiques. ─── 他对中国文化很有兴趣,喜欢收藏文物。

14、Hellen Zhao Liang, Where is my purse? ─── 赵亮,我的手提包在哪儿?

15、"Farmer Jack," Said Hellen, "Why do nettles? ─── “农夫杰克,” 海伦说, “为什么荨麻要刺人呢?

16、Hellen What an ingenious layout! It completely incorporates its natural surroundings. ─── 设计太巧妙了,充分利用了周围的自然条件。

17、He is very well too, Hellen. ─── 他也很好。

18、Paris dead, before meet Hellen again.Again is only body for seeing.Helen crying,and crying. ─── 帕里斯还没能再见到海伦就咽了气。再见面已是尸体。海伦不住地哭。

19、Jack Bauer got Hellen Keller to talk. ─── 让海伦。凯勒开口说话了。

20、Hellen Excuse me, I'd like to send this package to Nanjing. ─── 你好,我想把这个包裹寄到南京。

21、although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. (Hellen Keller, american writer) ─── 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的(美国作家海伦·凯勒)

22、Hellen is sleeping now.please wait a moment.I will awake her. ─── 1、海伦在睡觉,请稍等一会儿,我去喊她。

23、"Hellen can not ski , can she ? " ─── 海伦不能滑雪,对吗?

24、Her coffee was too strong, so Hellen diluted it with milk. ─── 咖啡太浓,艾伦用牛奶将其冲淡。

25、In order to steal it out, Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise , known to none but Hellen. ─── 为了将神像偷出城, 一天夜里奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯乔装改扮潜入首都, 这一切只有海伦知道。

26、This wicked man with his evil doings foreshadowes the wickedness of the coming Antichrist.Epiphanes tried to Hellenize the Jews (make them like Greeks), and to some degree he succeeded. ─── 这个恶人遮藏了他那敌基督者的恶行,将犹太人希腊化,并获致成功。

27、Hellen can not ski, can she ─── 海伦不能滑雪,对吗?

28、Hellen buried her face in the crook of her arm. ─── 海伦将她的脸埋在她手臂的弯处。

29、Hellen Keller was born on June,1880,unfortunately,she became blind and deaf when she was 19 months old. ─── 海伦.凯勒出生于1880年6月,19个月时因发烧导致失明和耳聋.

30、Hi, Mr liu , I am Hellen. ─── 你好,刘先生,我是海伦。

31、Hellen:By the way,Smoking affects one's health. ─── 顺便说一句,吸烟影响健康。

32、yeah, after all name is just a symbol . though i will not chose names like JENNIFER or hellen. ─── 其实,只要爱的人在身边,这就是天堂,幸福就在我的身边...........

33、Hellen Yeah. It's really convenient to shop from home. It also saves time. ─── 喜欢。真的很方便,不用出门就能买到东西,还节省时间。

34、Hellen Give me a few ideas, what should I send to my friend for his birthday? ─── 你帮我出出主意,朋友过生日,送什么礼物好?

35、Hellen Keller and Anne Sullivan ─── 海伦·凯勒和安妮·沙利文

36、Hellen is the most beatuiful girl I have ever seen. ─── 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

37、Hello, I’d like to speak to Hellen. ─── 喂,我想找海伦接电话。

38、In order to steal it out,Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in? disguise ,known to none but Hellen. ─── 为了将神像偷出城,一天夜里奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯乔装改扮潜入首都,这一切只有海伦知道。

39、Hellen's ability to speak several foreign languages is her selling point. ─── 能讲多国外语的能力是她的优势。

40、Hellen can not ski, can she? ─── 海伦不能滑雪,对吗?

41、3.Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. (Hellen Keller, American writer) ─── 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的(美国作家海伦。凯勒)

42、Hellen Very close. And he works for a trading company in New York. ─── 是非常要好的朋友,他在纽约一家贸易公司工作。

43、Paris dead, before meet Hellen again. ─── 帕里斯还没能再见到海伦就咽了气。

44、to hellenize the professional phraseology of biology ─── 使生物学专业用语希腊化

45、Dear hellen, God grants you the language talent, your English power of expression displays incisively。.You are woman who strives constantly for self-improvement。God can bless you happily! ─── 亲爱的hellen,上帝赐与你语言天赋,你英语表达能力发挥得淋漓尽致.你是个自强不息的女士.上帝会保佑你地幸福!

46、Low grades are getting Hellen down. ─── 低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。

47、I have a date with Hellen. ─── Date 是男女朋友间的约会。

49、Hellen It's a surprise that the Summer Palace is so well-preserved. ─── 颐和园能保存得这么完好,完全出乎我的意料。

50、Hellen:What's you favorite sport? ─── 你喜欢哪项运动。

51、Why couldn't Hellen Keller drive? ─── 海伦凯勒(残疾)为什么不能驾车?

52、Aus hellen blauen Augen sehn; ─── 眨著明亮湛蓝的眼;

53、On her birthday Hellen wants up early to see her gifts. ─── 生日那天海伦想早起床看看礼物。

54、 双语使用场景

55、In order to steal it out, Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise, known to none but Hellen. ─── 为了将神像偷出城,一天夜里奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯乔装改扮潜入首都,这一切只有海伦知道。

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