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09-07 投稿


filar 发音

英:[?fa?l?r]  美:[?fa?l?(r)]

英:  美:

filar 中文意思翻译




filar 短语词组

1、filar micrometer ─── [医] 螺旋测微计

2、filar defined ─── 定义的文件

3、filar scale ─── 丝状鳞

4、filar def def ─── 文件

5、filar cyst ─── 锉状囊肿

6、filar lipoma ─── 丝状脂肪瘤

7、filar florist ─── 花店档案

8、filar wire ─── 金属丝

filar 相似词语短语

1、filaree ─── n.芹叶太阳花

2、hilar ─── adj.门的;n.(Hilar)人名;(捷)希拉尔

3、fiar ─── 故障隔离分析例程

4、bifilar ─── adj.双线的;双股的

5、pilar ─── adj.毛发的,与毛发相关的;覆盖着毛发的;n.(Pilar)(美、西)皮拉尔(人名)

6、filacer ─── 使成丝

7、filaria ─── n.丝虫属;丝状虫

8、filer ─── n.锉磨工人;文件编档员;文件装钉员;n.(Filer)人名;(罗、法)菲莱尔;(英)法勒

9、fila ─── n.丝状部份(filum的复数);n.(Fila)人名;(意、匈、塞、捷)菲拉

filar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After 3 youths enter store, demur does not say, grab " rub filar " is wiped toward the head. ─── 三青年进店后,二话不说,抓起"摩丝"往头上抹。"

2、Filar towel, cravat, chatelaine, sock, underwear, cap, glasses, portfolio, these petty things have the drawer that belongs to his, leave out a lot of inconvenience that arrange and seek a thing. ─── 丝巾、领带、腰带、袜子、内衣、帽子、眼镜、皮包等,这些细小的东西都有属于自己的抽屉,省去了很多整理和找东西的不便。

3、Corollaceous funnel shape, the canal is long, outside by filar wool, lobation 5, short needle, indrawn tweezers adds up to shape to arrange; ─── 花冠漏斗状,管长,外面被丝毛,裂片5,短尖,内向镊合状排列;

4、Guide language: The flower that blossoms early gives small cold early spring brought filar silk happiness. ─── 导语:早早绽放的鲜花给微寒的早春带来了丝丝甜蜜。

5、When choosing wall cloth, notice the surface does not have reel off raw silk from cocoons even, jump filar phenomenon. ─── 在选择墙布时,还要注重表面不要有抽丝、跳丝的现象。

6、The year before last year, he is confused got on the name is " filar road is fabulous " network game. ─── 这样一来,卖方可逃避4件商品的服务费和税收,而买家也可获得较便宜的价格。

7、The 2 filar towel that go up to clothes tree and amice add a dustproof bag, can prevent dirt effectively. ─── 2给衣架上的丝巾和披肩加个防尘袋,可以有效防止灰尘。

8、filar evolute ─── 线渐屈线

9、Hair hold tight did not comb into posse wash directly hair, send qualitative meeting damage, and this movement can let send filar bilge surplus at the surface, benefit is washed at Qing Dynasty. ─── 头发揪成一团没梳开就直接洗发,发质会受损,且这个动作能让发丝污垢浮于表面,利于清洗。

10、Also rise with respect to thenceforth, shoe culture of filar silk continuously in revealing the life at people. ─── 也就从那时起,鞋文化便丝丝缕缕的流露于人们的生活中。

11、Place between clincher and filar towel with pasteboard, clothes-pin won't leave a mark on filar towel. ─── 用厚纸夹在夹子与丝巾之间,衣夹就不会在丝巾上留下痕迹。

12、Burning hot summer, a bite of filar silk cool ice cream, through the heart. ─── 炎热的夏日,咬一口丝丝透心凉的冰淇淋。

13、General purpose specification of filar suspension magnetometer ─── 悬丝磁力仪通用技术条件

14、The filar towel of case of tie-in begin plot or Boximiya of the style deserve to act the role of the metropolis is very sapid oh. ─── 搭配上手绘图案的丝巾或波西米亚风格的配饰都会很有味道哦。

15、The flower with gorgeous color implement and cloth art goods is settle on only the filar silk heating power that can feel it is brought. ─── 颜色艳丽的花器和布艺制品只是看上一眼都可以感觉到它带来的丝丝热力。

16、Clear water full should be used after washing clean, cannot twist wring in case filar detailed displacement, silken face is corrugate. ─── 洗后要用清水漂洗干净,不可拧绞以防丝缕位移、绸面起皱。

17、filar micrometer ─── 动丝测微计游丝测微器

18、I, for your presence felt happy, just hope can do; Every time I think of you, in the heart is surging filar silk soft xi. ─── 我,对你的存在感到高兴,只希望能为你做点什么;每次想到你,心中就涌起丝丝柔柔的喜。

19、If tag at the back of 28 guests,be: "Foot 3 " , 300, small static, other place, child, like filar socks. ─── 如28号客人后面标注为:“脚三”,300次,小静,外地,小孩,喜欢丝袜。

20、Also can hang filar towel on clothes tree, secure with clothes-pin. ─── 也可将丝巾挂在衣架上,并用衣夹固定。

21、" somebody will become di zi, he cry out: " Canister of filar arrest fire, when silver a minute! ─── 有人来当笛子,他又吆喝:“丝缉火筒一根,当银一分!”

22、Look, hot pants, filar socks match on tight jacket, our sister head is being readied for in this summer, to set off again a boom! ─── 看,热裤、丝袜配上紧身的上衣,我们的大姐头正蓄势待发,要在这个初夏掀起又一阵热潮!

23、The proposal uses those who have burnish to glance the cloth of material art will decorate wall, for instance, cotton adds the curtain of filar fabrics. ─── 建议采用具有光泽的反光材料的布艺来装饰墙壁,比如,棉加丝面料的窗帘。

24、Bringing the good memory to Li Jiang, still the filar silk to Li Gu is yearned for, I answer Kunming. ─── 带着对丽江的美好回忆,还有对李谷的丝丝怀念,我回昆明了。

25、He knows, he is looking himself up and down to fall happily from filar where. ─── 他知道,他在端详自己从丝的何处快乐地摔下去呢。

26、My shopping fondness for is in 4 domains, reside things for the home, it is filar towel scarf, wait for small decorations for hand catenary dangler, it is a shoe. ─── 但凡女人或多或少都有购物癖好,但每个人的癖好又多少略有不同。我的购物癖好在四个领域,一为家居用品,一为丝巾围巾,一为手链耳环等小饰物,一为鞋。

27、filar cross ─── 十字丝

28、Chi, chi, she is dragging rope made of hemp, glance made of baked clay afternoon La Wa's blue sky, the sky is waving the Yun Xuxu of some of filar silk continuously. ─── 哧啦,哧啦,她拽着麻绳儿,看一眼午后瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空,天上飘着些丝丝缕缕的云絮絮儿。

29、Thee spring breeze with filar silk chill, came to our school. ─── 春风带着丝丝的寒意,来到了我们的校园。

30、filar green algae ─── 丝状绿藻

31、Stroll between the flower, your garment horn can be infected with filar silk Leng Xiang, this is the antecedents of lavender name. ─── 在花间漫步,你的衣角会沾染丝丝冷香,这就是薰衣草名字的来历。

32、Abstract: The Beijing of the last ten-day of a month already had filar silk cool idea in September. ─── 正文:9月月底的首都已经存丝丝凉意。

33、Shallow brown shirt is tie-in with sky-blue recreational business suit, the filar towel that flies upwards between collarband reveals romance attractive idiosyncratic. ─── 浅棕色衬衫搭配以天蓝色的休闲西装,领口间飞扬的丝巾彰显浪漫迷人的特质。

34、When a day of face is met, elder dean checks dress appearance personally, female to classmate says: "The filar socks facial expression that you wear today is too deep. ─── 一天朝会时,资深的院长亲自检查服装仪容,对一名女同学说:“你今天穿的丝袜颜色太深了。”

35、And the Haijibu that regards quartz as filar basketwork, its tenacity still can rise to prevent cracked of wall body occurrence crack, metope happening to protect action. ─── 而作为石英丝编织物的海吉布,其韧性还可以起到防止墙体出现裂痕、墙面发生破裂的保护作用。

36、Concern with interior decoration only, can differentiate to warm to press filar hardware, ambry hardware, water roughly bathroom hardware and door window hardware. ─── 单单与室内装饰有关的,就可以大致划分为钉丝五金、橱柜五金、水暖浴室五金和门窗五金等。

37、Amount to a person to criticize an aspect: This makes up filar ammonia acerbity part is contained in water, can stimulate fiber bud cell, promote transparent generate acerbitily character. ─── 达人评点:这款化妆水里含有丝氨酸成分,可以刺激纤维芽细胞,促进透明质酸的生成。

38、filar involute ─── 线渐伸线

39、Very few somebody can associate to silk to also can serve as the door plank of chest, the filar damask with much colorful appearance glows and dream, vogue is gotten conspicuous. ─── 很少有人会联想到丝也可以作为衣柜的门板,多姿多彩的丝缎色彩斑斓和梦幻,时尚得引人注目。

40、Shining white, the yoghurt with burnt sticky drenchs go up in her shiny leather shoes, all but dot flows in her filar socks. ─── 白花花、黏糊糊的酸奶淋在她锃亮的皮鞋上,差一点点就流到她的丝袜里了。

41、Sorching summer, barefoot goes indoors on ceramic tile ground, filar silk cool air can point to down the foot deliver up, the hot and dry and complete disintegrate of a suit. ─── 炎炎夏日,赤足走在室内的瓷砖地面上,丝丝凉气就会顺着脚指向上传递,将一身的燥热彻底瓦解。

42、Work after exploding, brush the filar staff that urges magnetic head campaign with the silken cloth that has touched appearance oil, make its have lubricant effect. ─── 干爆后,用沾过仪表油的绸布擦推动磁头运动的丝杆,使其起润滑作用。

43、Be hanged in almirah in filar socks or installing is a room inside, be the most natural balmy agent. ─── 装在丝袜里挂在衣橱或是房间内,就是最天然的芳香剂了。

44、is blessed in succession, filar silk friendly feelings, string together string of longing, turn a gift, stay in your heart, wish Happy New Year, good luck! ─── 许一个美好的心愿祝你新年快乐连连,送一份美妙的感觉祝你来年万事圆圆,送一份漂亮的礼物祝你微笑甜甜!

45、Female classmate replies awkwardly: "Report dean, I did not wear filar socks today. ─── 女同学尴尬的回答:“报告院长,我今天没穿丝袜。”

46、not filar silk hair smell. ─── 不到丝丝发香。

47、The circle design that filar towel wears can avoid cut silk, strip form stickpin does not occupy a space, and convenient take take. ─── 丝巾架的圆圈设计可以避免剐丝,长条形领带夹不占空间,而且方便取拿。

48、The vest of filar qualitative T-shirt of gentleness of gauze dress liner; ─── 薄纱连衣裙内衬轻柔的丝质T恤背心;

49、3 fold filar towel former large 1/4 volume, put the folder that has many lining inside. ─── 3将丝巾折成原大的1/4大小,放入有多个内层的文件夹内。

50、But will also pull from the bottom of the filar silk CARES and warm your heart. ─── 但也会从心底扯出那丝丝的牵挂而温暖你的心。

51、Growing filar silk sweet, with a really taste it. ─── 成长中的丝丝甜蜜,用一颗真心品尝。

52、And opposite at large portfolio, careless basket, compare diminutive, hand to take form or the portfolio that late banquet uses is with filar socks lie low in chest drawer. ─── 而相对于大型皮包、草篮子,比较小型的、手拿式的或晚宴使用的皮包则与丝袜平躺在衣柜抽屉里。

53、Have double slender, strong, very good proportional beautiful leg puts on formfitting skirt, deserve to go up the filar socks of long canister, feel very inviting in the meeting in man eye. ─── 有双修长、坚固、有很好的比例的美腿穿上合身的裙子,配上长筒的丝袜,在男人眼里会觉得很诱人。

54、Slowly warm water efface of flow exhaustion of a day, stick be bored with and be agitated, the filar silk that stays only is cool and refreshing. ─── 缓缓流动的温水抹去一天的疲惫、粘腻和烦躁,只留下的丝丝清凉。

55、Should pack with advanced filar products, leather or other knitwear alone save. ─── 应单独用高级的丝制品、皮制品或其他针织品包装保存。

56、With makings: The filar qualitative material that uses warm ovine wollens and luster in great quantities. ─── 用料:大量使用温暖的羊毛料和有光泽的丝质布料。

57、There was filar spot stain on the electro-galvanized antifinger plate. ─── 本文介绍了电镀锌耐指纹板丝状斑迹缺陷产生的两个主要原因。

58、Vera "s husband is a filar socks salesman, often on a business trip, return to a home is just listen to music drink. " ─── 薇拉的丈夫是个丝袜推销员,经常出差在外,回到家里也只是喝酒听音乐。

59、1 use the clothes stand that hangs business suit pants, fold filar towel the position that can use immediately to be hanged, secure with clincher, take with very convenient. ─── 1利用挂西装裤的衣架,将丝巾折成可以马上使用的状态挂起,并用夹子固定,取用十分方便。

60、Inset ceramic piece in filar guide is used for yarn breaking. ─── 导丝器上嵌入陶瓷件,避免纱线刮断。

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